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Things That Seem To Be Hurting My Child


My 5 year old son has been experiencing things that are happening in our house on and off for the past 3 years. He has woken up screaming that there are things on the walls, ceilings, and for a long time that a man was coming in through the walls and doors and was over him while in bed. This has happened a lot to him and it seems that this man, as he said, was bad and hurting him. He described him as having a long coat on him and he was old. This has happened in friends and families houses also and not just ours. He used to wake up screaming, running away in fear, sweat dripping from him but he was so so cold to touch.

He has also been seen as a young child aged 2 -2 1/2 years old talking to and playing with a child whilst in my sisters home. He rolled the ball and the ball rolled back as if someone else was there. My sister has asked about this and he replied, giving her the name of the child he was with. My sister lost a baby years before and we have never even to this day mentioned his name to our son but he was able to tell her exactly the baby's name but also said he is not a baby no more. He is a boy like me. It stopped for awhile but has started up again. He is being thrown from his bed now, a new thing, and it sounds like somebody running in my house but when we go up, our son is fast asleep. He refuses to answer me when I ask if someone is here, instead he buries himself into me and is shivering but still hot.

Has anybody got any ideas to try and help our son? We're in Ireland and would love to try and stop this. My brother has had dealings also with this to the extent of him being raised up in the bed and really bad things happened whilst he was sleeping at work. Please help us.Thx

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, pointyfire, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Murraymints (2 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-04)
Worst thing is is when your own child is expeirencing things but I would disencourage him. I would reccomend a medium or physcic a proper one to send on the spirit.
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
I have night terrors frequently, they are more common in children than adults, I think you should look into Night terrors, go to a psychiatrist or some other doctor he can tell you what he thinks. My parents went through the same things you are going through.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Never underestimate the ability of Cold Iron to repel evil spirits.

Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
hey pointyfire, any update? I still wonder how your boy is doing these days, would love to hear from you.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-30)
Oopse excuse me ladies and gentlemen this is verry embarassing but I may have accidently mixed casses I appologise for my previous statement. However I am not convinced that night terrors accounts for his interaction with the the benevolent entitiy during the day. Again I truely appologize for my earlier mistake

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
ab42berry (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-28)
first of all if read psalms 91 and 71 three times out of the king james version of the bible out loud morning noon and night. Also put a bowl of white vinegar mixed with sea salt next to your sons bed while he sleeps. If it can be done safely sleep with a white candle in your room or your sons.

If you need more help than this contact me at supernatural.services [at] gmail.com
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
I've read through this again, and see no mention of marks on the boy's body. I see the author saying he was cold to the touch, but missed any reference to marks of any kind.
Shell1982 is right in that any possible medical causes must be ruled out. It may take some time to get a minister, investigation team, or whatever route pointyfire chooses to take scheduled. While waiting, the time would be well served to get the child to doctor for a full check-up. I still think a sleep study can't hurt either. There are many different types of sleep disorders. Ruling one out is a good analytical step.
Bottom line is that a very young child is scared and in need of help. All bases, medical or paranormal, should be covered in the attempt to help the little guy.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
hold it hold it now just a minute night terrors dosent explain the rather disturbing marks on the boys body
Shell1982 (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
No, the poster said it happened to her son only, but would happen at other people's houses as well as his own. That DOES sound like night terrors to me.
robertar (223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
i think the poster said it was happening to more than one person, so that doesn't sound like night terrors.

Your story reminds me of Bill Bean story... You can google it. Bad haunting that lasted for many years, violent entities manifesting and hurting people.

I hope you do get help for this.
Shell1982 (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
I agree with some of the other posters: this sounds like classic night terrors to me. Except the bit about your sister's baby - but I suspect that will prove to be a one-off. Very cool that the ball rolled back to him! Were there any witnesses to that, besides your sister?

Does your son remember the events of the night the following morning? Night terrors are typically not remembered in the morning, although there are some forms of epilepsy that produce similar experiences which may be remembered. I would suggest seeing a doctor to rule out these causes.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
Though I hessitate to but heads with this learned gentlemen. This case anything but cut and dry I am afraid. There are the younger entities to consider and not to offend but the catholic faith considers anything that goes bump in the night as a demon the salt is suffecient on its own withouth the blessing. I will not however protest his sugestion of the holy water as another line of defence. Naturaly ofcourse it being your child It is your choice but I don't want you to be to dissapointed if it fails no method is perfect I still urge you to contact me pointyfire and this gentlemen together we should be able to sugest something that works.

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)

My name is Jim and I'm a demonologist. This is another clear cut case of demonic oppression. This is no "ghost". I strongly urge you to get and to use Catholic Holy water, especially at night and on the beds. I would also use salt, after having it blessed by a Catholic priest. In Ireland, even today, there should be no shortage of priests! The salt is identical to the Holy water in its effects, except that it lasts longer. Also, the Holy Rosary helps a lot, as does using the names of "Jesus and Mary". If you need more, email me at Dukes2352atAOL.com.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-26)
If I may venture my own professional oppinion. I am an exorcist and spiritualist and have faced many cases of this type. As a start form a circle of salt around the bed were he is sleeping. Wild roses have also been known to ward off spirits. I will do what I can to help you and your child if you wish to consult me my email is on my profile. In the meentime the salt and roses should afford your little boy a few nights sleep I also sugest purifying your house with sage and incense. If this dose not work please inform me and we will seek alternitive solutions.

Your freind,
The Puppeteer
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-24)
pointyfire--As you can see by the many good comments, we're disturbed by the events in your story and we're here to give you support.
You might consider making a pact with yourself that in this situation, YOU are the boss. Huh-uh, no, not you, whatever you are, but I in the power of God am in charge of what happens. Messin' with a kid? Nope. Not allowed.
Move from being an outsider helplessly watching and wondering to The Mom who earns her son's undying love. YOU must rescue your benighted kid. Take him away to some other house, sleep in the room, let him sleep with you wherever you are, or do what you will, but the suggestion you buy or rent or borrow a videocamera is an excellent one. Documentation helps to put parameters around the thing. You mention your sister. I hope you don't find yourself too much on your own.
Blessings on you all. ~ James
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-24)
as already mentioned, try sleeping in his room for a few nights. While he is busy playing, try setting yourself up in the corner of the room quietly, and just hang out. Take yourself down to his level and view of the rooms... Maybe you can get a glimpse of what he is actually witnessing in these houses.
isabella8 (4 stories) (25 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-24)
its not something that could be quited by blessing the house... So I suggest you to make him pray all along...
While sleeping...
This might help... Well this helped me...
Take care of your child... And yourselves... ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-24)
It sounds like something has attached itself to your son. I think you know this already, so you must also know your going to need help. Your in Ireland, so the the first thing I'd do is talk with someone from your church that you feel comfortable with. If this isn't an option then try and find a paranormal group that has close ties to the church. That would at least cut down the time it would take searching on your own. Time is of the essence here, don't let this thing get any more comfortable than it already is. In the meantime get the sage, Holy Water and St. Michael's medal for protection. There's a saying that goes "Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned". Well, that's not quite right. It should be "Hell hath no fury than a mother protecting her young". Stand tall, chin up, don't give an inch. This is YOUR child and nothing can break that bond! You're in charge, don't let anything make you think differently. We're all behind you.
Ashmere (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-24)
Sounds like you got yourself a nasty ghost,
Well for a start burning sage is a good idea, BUT not the sage you buy from the supermarket, it HAS to be white sage, you may be able to find this in a incense shop or if your willing to wait you may be able to buy it from a garden shop and dry it out yourself...
Other than that try a line of salt around your child's bed, ordinary table salt will work but for best results get a priest to bless the salt or you can use charged salt, which you can do yourself.

But yes I agree with BadJuuJuu try ruling out night terrors and try a recorder of some sort, you might be surprised at what you find, weather it be paranormal or not.

Kalli_psy90 (1 stories) (55 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
I'm so sorry that this is happening to your son I know that if I had a son I would freak out to find that happening. I think that he may be a sensitve but then again from what I know kids tend to be. I have found that asking the spirit in the name of God to leave helps and also you can do a house cleaning with sage and a virin white candle (I googled it because I had a sprit in my house). I hope that this helps and if you need support I'm here.
grace098 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
I would consult a priest. Ask him to bless your house with holy water. Hang a crucifix over his bedroom door. If you ever encounter this thing command it to leave in the name of Jesus. If it's a demon then it won't be able to stand hearing the name of Jesus. I really hope some of this is helpful. I'll pray for your son. Best of luck.
Jadie (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
Oh Gosh. Well, if I were you, I would most definetely change your house. Or, if you see the "ghost", ask "it" who it is, or something 😕
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
Can you completely rule out night terrors? He could have such intense nightmares that he is jumping out of bed himself in an attempt to escape whatever is in his dream. Having a sleep study done at a hospital to rule out a medical cause isn't a bad idea. Just throwing out a non-paranormal possibility.
If he doesn't have a nightlight, get him one. Try sleeping in his room with him for a few nights, or set up a video recorder and record him sleeping. Or put a digital voice recorder in his room at night. The video would probably be better though.
You may try looking for a paranormal investigative group in your area. If something is there, they can help you figure out exactly what. Knowing what you are dealing with is very helpful in figuring out how to get rid of it.
ZiShu (281 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
Try praying and asking God to send ArchAngel St. Michael when these situations occur. I seem more to the reason why it is after your son. If you ever want to speak more just email me in my profile.
miche101 (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
hi there... It sounds like something with mal intent has attached itself to your child. I would strongly advise you to seek help from your church (regardless of your faith). Your home & family may need to be cleansed & blessed, telling this entitiy it must leave you, your family & your home. You may need to get help wtih the cleansing from someone familiar with cleansing. You must not show fear. This type of spirit feeds off of your fear. Be strong for your son's sake. Get holy water, your bible for prayers & get help from your church. There are people besides the church who do cleansing... Look them up.
Good luck & remember be strong for your son, don't give into it. 😁
pointyfire (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
will try that at the end of the day its worth that at least thx:)
pointyfire (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
thank you so much for your comment hopefully it might sort it out. Thx
Sarah-Sadist (3 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
That sounds like you have quite a bit on your hands. Well you can always try burning Sage, its a cleansing sort of thing. Or try talking (Calmly) to the spirits but I'm am no expert. Though I do wish you the best! I hope your little boy stays safe.
hearthorn (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-23)
its all messed up: (I would suggest that you guys should change the place you are staying. See if that works. Be strong and do not forget that if there is evil there is a god too! Have faith and support your child. If possible, do not leave him alone in his room at night. All I can do is pray that it all fixes soon.

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