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Possible Non Human Intelligence Contact In 1997-ghostly Hand Squeezes Mine As A Child Part 2


Forgive the long story as I am going to use it as a sort of "Catch All" for several experiences that tend to be related. As stated in my other stories published, I have had paranormal experiences for much of my life. I have especially been drawn to the UFO/ET phenomenon ever since I can remember. When other children my age were flipping through pages of Dr. Seuss, I was enthralled by page after page of black and white photos of UFOs. There was a strange passion I couldn't consciously quantify that would be a driving force throughout my adult life.

My first UFO sighting came in my teens in the 1980s. I live in the Pacific Northwest and have visual access to Mt. Rainier in most areas in my region. One bright sunny day I noticed a flash of light that caught my eye. I looked towards Mt. Rainier and there was this massive ball of what looked like flames. At first I thought I was witnessing a rare and powerful daylight meteor but this was too large and traveling too slowly to be a meteor. It just chugged along for what seemed like minutes. From that point on I have seen multiple UFO sightings ranging from intriguing balls of light in the sky to chrome-looking stationary balls hovering over the Boeing Aerospace facility in the valley.

In one frightening sighting I was traveling from New Jersey back to my home in Washington on a Continental flight. I spotted these lights in the far distance that seemed to be moving parallel with our plane. As we began our descent into SeaTac Airport, the lights began to fly towards us. Due to the cloudy/foggy conditions I couldn't make out anything but as it got (too) close the lights took on a V or delta configuration, and flew right behind us. I thought for sure it was going to hit us and my life would come to an end under mysterious circumstances.

My obsession with UFOs and ETs was at this point insatiable. I couldn't get enough. I would fantasize about being one of the "lucky ones" who would be brought aboard a space craft and interact with a Non-Human Intelligence. Not the negative, probing ones mind-you, but the ones who seemed technologically AND spiritually advanced. In 1997 I finally made conscious contact with what I believe was a Non-Human Intelligence.

I was living alone at the time in an apartment. I had just gotten up from bed to go to the bathroom. I came back and laid on my back and that was when I saw it.

Although it was dark out, there was soft moon light shining in from my blinds which made the room just light enough to discern shadows and shapes. For instance, I had a TV at the foot of my bed and I could clearly see its outline in this light. There, directly in front of the TV was what appeared to be a large bald head. My fight or flight instincts instantly kicked in and my heart began to race and panic was imminent. I quickly discerned I was unable to move. To this day I am unclear if it was due to such an adrenaline rush of fear in my system or if something external was causing this immobility.

Suddenly, this "Being" floated over to my side of the bed. It did not walk, it did not jaunt, it floated. I was completely and utterly besides myself. All these years of hoping to be contacted here I was, wide awake, with something clearly not human, inches from me and it was everything I could do to not scream. Be careful what you wish for they say.

Suddenly, this being took my hand and gently squeezed. The last thing I remember in that moment was the feel of its hand was neither warm nor cold to the touch, but felt like someone who was wearing surgical gloves. I'll never forget that. Suddenly I was transported to the moment when I was a small child in my bed, with my hand dangling over the side and something squeezed it which caused me scream out in sheer terror. (I wrote about that experience titled "Ghostly Hand Squeezes Mine As A Child"). From there, the next thing I literally recall is waking up in the morning, fully light outside.

Of course bravery comes in retrospect as I suddenly wished I had engaged the entity with conversation. I do not consciously recall if it spoke to me in any way. The only thing I recall after my hand was squeezed was that memory of being a child. It was also around this time that I woke in the morning with the word "AROS" in huge, red block letters in my mind's eye. I had never experienced anything so clearly like that in my life. I spent years trying to look up the meaning for it but never could to my satisfaction. I finally came to the conclusion it is my real name, as in my real spiritual name. I have been using it as my online handle ever since.

A year or so later I attended a psychic fair in Seattle. I had a reading done and this psychic accurately mentioned my contact experience to me without me saying anything. She said that it came from the "White Brotherhood" which I immediately took some offense to as it sounded like some racist organization, LOL! She insisted it was anything but. I later did some research and discovered there is allegedly such an advanced species with that title overlooking humanity. Is that who made contact with me in 1997? Was that the same being or entity that grasped my hand as a small child? Was it trying to tell me it was always with me?

I may never get the answers to these questions until my physical body dies and my Soul moves back Home where remembrance and knowledge is currency. However, I'll never stop trying to find these answers before my time ends in this lifetime. I hope that one day I will remember who AROS really is, and I hope that moment will be filled with joy.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Aros, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-18)
According to Michael Newtons work of whom put some 2000 subjects into hypnosis where under a deep trance they explained their life between lives. All of them pretty much explained the after life the same way in most details. If an individual committed evil acts here in the earth matrix they would be taken away and re energised and then probably volunteer themselves to come back for another life experience.

There is no punishment except your own soul filtering out the emotional processes of all the wrong doing and people we hurt along the ways of our travel.

We can look back at our lives in holographic blocks and actually relive the good and bad.
We may share this process with our spirit guides and often do.It's not punishment as I said,it's a part of spiritual growth and enlightenment. We do have a sense of humour over there and actually do all sorts of activities you wouldn't think possible. We also choose to live in small communities and Energy work is used in ways that make our feelings here seem very basic and low level...I've been blessed in a sense to experience the actual tapestry of some of these energy fields they are amazing.

P.S once you send through your email address I'll cc you in with Aros.

The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (253 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-18)
aussiedaz, I'll send over an email as soon as I get a little freed up. That is interesting about sleeping when we get back to the other side. My understanding is that we don't need to do many of the things there that we do here, sleep, eat, intimacy (to put it mildly) but we can do those things, we just don't need to. For purposes of 're-acclimating' as it were to being back 'home' it makes perfect sense we might continue to live life there as we did here. I do believe from an experience I had and from some independent research that people who have had a rather traumatic life or experiences go through a healing phase when they go back, and some of that may be about 'living' in a way congruent with the things they did in life, so it's not such a shock to the system. On your comment as to why some may still dream on the other side, it may be as you said, it may be a reason or catalyst to some hauntings, but it may be too that's how we have the visitations we have of our loved ones in dreams, they may dream too in order to connect with us in that way, if that makes sense. We know here on this plane of existence that many times, someone pops into our heads and a moment later they call, it turns out they were thinking of us, so it's not a far stretch to imagine that our passed loved ones may also be dreaming of us and show up in our dreams too. Many of these dreams have them in familiar surroundings, sometimes the past and they seem delighted to see us, but not always in a way where it seems they are purposely visiting us, more like, how nice to run into you here, like when we see someone we know at the store, but didn't plan on running into, Hopefully I've articulated that well without going too far off the beaten track. Also perhaps many of the 'hauntings' we see, especially the residual ones may actually be a glimpse of life in these other dimensions, like the vibration that holds them apart weakens, much like they say the veil between the physical and spiritual realms weakens at certain times of year? More to ponder, all good stuff!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-17)
TLV 11, If you can send me an email, I'll share it with you too mate, not a problem.

Interesting thoughts on the purpose of sleeping, apparently when we cross over in transitional phase (according to my own research)... We still continue to have sleeping spells, where we rest and have dreams.

We don't have to have dreams in the after life, my guess is it's might help us adjust to our new surroundings and it probably soothes our souls with nostalgic memories of our life just lived? Perhaps the catalyst to some hauntings occur through the dreams of those on the other side rehabilitating their lives once lived?

The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (253 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-17)
Hello again Aros, your story sure has sparked some interesting conversations! I agree with Macknorton's outlook on the functions that sleep serves, with one addition. I do believe our spirit/soul roams as it were while we sleep for various reasons, but I believe the primary one is that it's kind of like a reconnection, a recharging if you will. Much like we plug in our iPads or phones to recharge them, I believe our spirit/soul does the same, after all we are considered spirit having a human experience, to make sure we don't 'lose' ourselves too much in this 'adventure', our souls need to reconnect with its true nature. Without our constant 'presence' at night, it leaves our minds and brains free to download and process everything it's taken in during our waking hours much like you said Aros. As far as the astral journeys everyone's shared, especially traveling through solid matter and interacting with physical matter here on this plane, all fascinating stuff! It's got to be similar to what we've read in many ghost stories, they too seem to pass through solid walls, although in many cases we usually find out there was a doorway in the area we see them pass through at some point in the past. Makes one wonder what 'version' of the house on what plane of existence they are interacting with, but that would open up another discussion, best to stay on topic. They also maneuver objects all the time, making things like keys and jewelry disappear for any length of time to pictures floating in the air, and it goes on. I liken it to the fact that they are much closer to this plane of existence than their true essence, after all, they may have passed, but they remain behind for some reason or another attached to their former life, former home and former possessions. Their vibration as it were then is much more closely aligned to this physical plane. I think the same is true of some of these astral journeys/projections, we leave our bodies but are still connected to them and to this dimension, so we are able to interact more with those bodies and physical objects in the environment. We should also be able to shift our vibration as we're caught between two worlds making it so we can pass through solid matter but be aware of its existence/presence as it were, pick your term, we can feel it and sense it. It's a theory or mine, but seems to be solidly backed up by many of the stories, research and personal stories I've come across and a strong intuitive feeling. The interesting thing about ghosts appearing solid has made me wonder many times, how often when I see people on the street or in a store, how many I come across that may not even be of our world, especially when they seem to disappear a little too fast.
Aussiedaz, if you don't mind, I'd like to collect your email address as well, to interact more, I find your theories and the information you share thoroughly fascinating and thought provoking, much in line with the stuff I'm discovering, and would enjoy exchanging information if you're up for it. I like you would be glad to temporarily put up my email address for any who want to further discuss anything of this nature. I realize I may have drifted off topic, but everything we've all shared as related to Aros's experience has provided information to truly ponder as to the nature of our supernatural interactions and what they may mean, I believe the true nature of what this site and forum was intended for.
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-17)
aussiedaz I have your email and sent you a message. I added my email to my profile as well for now, and probably will take it down as well after some time.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-16)
Aros, If you go into view profile on my account page you should find my email address, i'll leave it up for a day or two before removing it... I may not respond straight away as I do have a few things on this weekend but mate, I"m happy to share it with you, because we both pretty much see all this stuff from the same angle.

Regards Daz
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-16)
Macknorton I completely agree that sleep has two primary functions: Rest and rejuvenation of our physical bodies and Soul travelling into the Astral. I don't think every dream is astral projection... Sometimes our subconscious simply needs to process the day-to-day activities of our conscious minds. But in many instances I do feel we are traveling to other dimensions, times, and even popping into our parallel lives that are all happening in the NOW moment.

The thought about how we ourselves may be appearing as ghosts to others depending on where we are is a thought I have pondered as well and it's highly likely the case. I suspect if we were to be given the key to all knowledge of Who We Are it would be nothing short of extraordinary and profound beyond anything our human brains can even begin to quantify.

Aussiedaz, I would love to hear your story sometime, offline perhaps, not sure how best to facilitate that. Are there PM's through these network of sites?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-16)
Hi Aros, what's probably important to clarify about this account of mine in the sense of claiming It may have had an OBE expereince and the difference from an actual OBE according to my own expereinces in the past comes down to this.

I have had several OBE's at my home over the last 30 years, where I have left my body and move around my home or travel out and above including cieling height looking back at my body with full visual and alertness of everything that's going on around me 100 percent.

The noteable difference on this account of which happened around 530 in the morning, as my son was moving around our kitchen getting ready for work with me basically being awake in my bed "thinking to myself", why are you so noisy son is this... As I was pulled from my body, I couldn't see anything at all? Nothing, the only thing I could hear was this distinct humming noise?...Even though I'm assuming I went through the cieling and roof (the part I need to clarify) I never had any feelings at all of going through something solid (period) or seeing the actual ceiling in tranistion? The only time my eyesight came back to me was when I'd descended into the craft. At that point, I was in pyhiscal form fully alert 100 percent totally detached from where I just was... (thinking out loud about how noisy my son was)

I'll leave it up to the mods if they think it's ok to go into the next 5 minutes or so? There are a couple of members here who have known me for a decent amount of years, who are probably reading this, even my wife follows my post here at YGS... So I really have nothing to gain by going into what happened except probably give them a laugh,lol...and... I do respect there are rules here. This topic is not the normal type of material shared at YGS...however, if it's ok I'll share it!

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-16)
Hi Aros

Yes it's very interesting. I'm convinced lucid dreams are us becoming "conscious" when we are outside of our physical body.

There's a theory that I lean towards, that you and others may have heard or believe, that sleep serves two purposes; one is to rest the physical body and the second is that during sleep, our spirits / souls gravitate towards the spirit realms that we will one day inhabit once "death" arrives, in order to be prepared for that eventual existence. Makes perfect sense really...

So I believe we could feasibly get up to all sorts of actual adventures in our sleep state, and occasionally we "wake up" during them.

The particular aspect of my experience that interests me is that I was able to fly through the wall, which suggests I was in spirit form, in a spiritual realm, yet I was "vibrating" at a higher/ finer rate than the building's form that I passed through.

So I probably appeared to be a "ghost" to my pursuers. It's bizarre to consider that we could appear to be ghosts too, depending on which plane we are manifesting on...🤔
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-15)
Hi Mack, I definitely believe our flying dreams are actual astral adventures and we are indeed flying out of body. It always feels so natural when it's happening like "Hey, I've done this before!" Unfortunately there's also low level entities in these realms and it sounds like you may have been experiencing some of them. I think the fascination for me when I "feel" the sensation of materials as I pass through them is being out of the physical I wouldn't expect to feel anything physical but that's not the case at all. I've gripped many objects in the OBE state that have felt every bit as solid and real as in my daily waking life. I even touched my own physical face once as I lay there in bed "asleep" while I was outside of myself. Talk about a trip!

Aussie, would love to hear about that 5 minutes of experience sometime!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-15)
What I will add to the mix without sharing my account in full... It started out being pulled from my bed and through the ceiling and then the roof, at the same time as hearing this strange humming noise, after that I had full on cognitive physical experience of which was quite insane of which probably lasted up to 5 minutes or more?... It was the part where I went through the ceiling, researching other accounts and a couple other small details that made me conclude if it wasn't type of hallucination, it was an astral abduction, had my wife awoken, I have no doubt she would have seen me next to her. I can understand how some folk can't put it together about being out of body. I may have said this before, the reason they do it this way is not to frighten the individual to death.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-13)
Hi Aros

Yours and Lost Voyage's comments on vibrations and the possibility of passing through matter etc, caught my eye, and reminded me of an experience I had along those lines which you may find interesting.

About 25 years ago, I had an extremely vivid "lucid dream" experience (which I can STILL see in my minds eye as if it happened yesterday.

In this experience I was flying around (no plane, just flying; Superman-styles) above a strange city of small-ish square shaped buildings and I remember that was suddenly being chased by these two malevolent figures wearing strange masks. They wanted to harm me. I was pretty scared and so I was doing all the loops, twists and turns that I could muster to get away from them.

The aspect of this experience (which I don't feel it was a dream - I believe it was more like an astral trip type of thing) was that in my haste to out fly these two beings, I ended up flying THROUGH a wall and I distinctly recall feeling the coldness and slight dampness of the wall material as I passed through it, which really surprised me for some reason.

Anyway, I woke up not long after I flew through this wall, and felt very unsettled and not myself for the remainder of the day.


Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-12)
Thank you The_Lost_Voyage_11 for your comments. I definitely agree about vibration/frequency being the key to the ability to shift through time and space and physical matter. One of my most favorite things to do when I am having a conscious OBE is to walk/float/fly through windows/walls/doors. There's an actual sensation to it. I can "feel" the slight resistance of the materials which always fascinates me. In one OBE I recall floating through my bedroom ceiling into the attic and out the roof. While doing this, I recall vividly passing through all the materials (dry wall, lumber, insulation, etc)...It was quite extraordinary.

What I would love is to be able to do it AT WILL. Imagine sitting somewhere, bored, and deciding, "I want to leave my body" and bam, out you go off to whatever adventure awaits.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (253 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-10)
Hi Aros, great story, and fascinating connection between this account and what you experienced as a child. Your last comment on being able to transition in astral form (spirit/soul) or the technology existing for us to move around through walls etc utilizing the physical form actually points to other existing accounts that relate to this phenomenon. Other stories have encounters of people encountering 'beings' not necessarily ghosts, being in a location further away and then suddenly being literally in their faces within mere seconds. The accounts also indicate that the being they see isn't 'clear'. Now this isn't the same as walking through walls, but to move that fast, and not clear, indicates they are operating at a different vibration frequency. Since we all are energy vibrating at frequencies that make us appear 'solid', then if our vibrational frequency were shifted (raised or lowered) out of phase with what we perceive as solid reality, then we could probably literally walk through solid objects such as walls without leaving our bodies. If this we're true then since time and space as we perceive it could similarly be transversed and that could explain the 'instant' connection between your memory of the hand that held yours as a child and the similar experience you had later in life. We could take it further down the rabbit hole as it were, but that may drift too far off topic and for this forum, so I'll leave it at that, another possible perspective on the relation between your two experiences. Fascinating stuff for sure, thanks for sharing!
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-07)
aussiedaz you could be correct...It's highly possible and perhaps probable I was taken out of my body and transported... I just don't have conscious recollection of that other than the experience itself of reliving the incident (not as a memory but as if I was in that moment/space/time again).

I most definitely agree that NHI (Non Human Intelligences) are using our astral bodies far more than physical bodies. While both do occur, I would think it's like 80/20% or even more favoring the astral body. Hints of this are when people claim they moved through their closed bedroom window/door/walls with no effort. Granted, I believe NHI have the technology to manipulate our physical form to do that too but I would venture to believe it's most likely our subtle energy bodies doing the travelling while a witness would still see the person in their bed asleep.

Good stuff!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-06)
Aros, many years ago, I do recall this account where someone held my hand, as I laid awake in my bed and pulled my light body out into the Astral plane, the experience lasted for about 50 seconds and I knew who this person was... (human)

This lawyer from Canada wrote a booked titled Dancing on a Stamp. In the book, I'm pretty sure from memory he too was held by his hand and pulled out into the Astral realm by his spirit guide where he went on to have some amazing experiences as presented in his book.

I have this theory of which has some minor support. I believe ET Abduct humans via their light bodies around 90 percent of the time,why?... To the abductee, they wouldn't know the difference and apparently, it less traumatic and easier to handle for the individual as unlike Travis Walton for example of whom claimed was taken lot, stock and barrel or the married couple from their car in England, Betty and Barney anyway, onto your account,

When this being held your hand, I'm pretty sure you too were taken out of your body into the field of consciousness via the light body and transported back to a time when you were a child?... The surgical glove part is interesting? It may mean a couple of things? I would believe your hunch about it being non human is pretty much correct.

I'm trying to dance around my own other account of which I won't share in detail without giving up too much. The only point i'll make is this... My account felt like it was physical contact however, after decades of OBE's, I was able to conclude it happened out of body? After all, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience the vessel is just that,...anyway, food for thought mate.

Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-05)
That's an interesting thought to be sure... Not that I am in any rush to shed my physical shell but when that time comes I am looking forward to jumping into the light and saying "AH YES I REMEMBER!"
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-04-05)
Eh, I'd like to think they'd be slightly amused, maybe a bit flattered - sortof like having a kid named after you. Let's push the envelope a bit farther - what if when those who typed your nic AROS, it was actually their guide acknowledging your guide? Of course that's assuming higher 'beings', for want of better terminology, recognize each other.
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-05)
valkricry now wouldn't that be a kicker? What if this whole time I adopted the name AROS meanwhile my spirit guide is rolling his or her eyes. LOL!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-04-05)
Aros, don't know if you know, or if this will actually fit, but concerning your handle here's a few tidbits:
"...the word "AROS" in huge, red block letters in my mind's eye..." It's said that often this is how we learn the name of our spirit guide, it will just appear to us.
Aros is also a Norse name meaning from the mouth of the river.
Like I said, not sure if these are 'pieces' you can use/have meaning for you - but it's what popped into my head while having coffee this AM - and you're the only Aros I know, so there ya go.
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-05)
Always good food for thought aussiedaz. The thing that is hard for some folks to understand is that our Souls don't have egos. Only we do as humans. Souls don't look at trouble and strife like we do. For instance, we as humans might look at a gorgeous human being who is a celebrity and appears to have it all. Perfect face, perfect body, perfect wealth and life.

The Soul, on the other hand, looks at the challenges that "perfect" life may present. How many times have we heard celebrities admit break downs, drug addiction, that in fact their "Fairy Tale" lives were anything but?

If you are a human being walking this earth, you have lessons to learn. You have trauma and hardship to endure no matter what it looks like to the outside looking in. Whether you have Down Syndrome or some incredibly debilitating illness or affliction or if you are the most wealthy and privileged person on the planet, you are here to learn lessons for your Soul's growth.


So when people say to me, "Man, I wish I were them." I am always saying "You have no idea what it is like to walk in their shoes."

And that goes for any living human being walking the planet no matter their life circumstances.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-04)
Aros, yes,...we would like to see ourselves as all love and light and someone important or a super hero as opposed to a villain however, the truth may be, we come back to experience the opposite for a reason.

If a soul did something bad like murder, it may choose to come back and experienced what it's like to be murdered?...it sounds insane to try and grasp why a soul would choose to do it. But as we both agree, there seems to be some greater enlightenment to be gained by having both perspectives.

Dr Brian Weiss,... He's most famous client was Catherine and I like what she said about her day out at the races where she basically knew the results to the program...

I think from memory she was with her father and they won a large sum of money... She insisted that it should be donated to charity because in a sense, her gift was not to be used for profit, I was only going over this with another member here recently.

Karma is not about revenge,it's about growth. If we do something bad in one life, chances are we'll come back in another and experience the opposite. If I wrote down a list of all the flaws I have, no matter how basic they are and then ask myself what have you learned from them and can you find the peace with in? Example...Anger,Jealousy,Envy,hate, etc etc.

My answer would be, I do acknowledge when my flaws are present and I do often reflect on them and own up to others if need be... But can I say, I'll never allow myself to be angry or jealous again? The answer is no... And this is what I think the whole deal is about us being here...it's about conquering all of your fears and then finding that inner peace where the soul finds itself in a place of fulfilment.
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-04)
aussiedaz I couldn't agree more on the reincarnation topic. The truth is, when we tap into our past lives, we were likely simple humans living simple lives. People want to think they might have been Cleopatra or some famous person but the truth is, we have mostly experienced lives as commoners living normal lives for the time period. Dr. Brian Weiss has some excellent case histories from patients who lived lives as both male and female, from murderers and rapists to decent people trying to live good lives. What I have derived from it all is that our Soul craves diversity in human experience. Nothing beats direct experience whether it is the good, the bad or the ugly.

I have limited experience with my past lives but I did take a past life course and my best friend and I walked into a class and the teacher (a highly attuned medium) and she instantly said "Oh! You two have had many lives together!" We didn't need to be told that as we knew it the moment we met (in this life). I had two dreams with him and I that I believe were past life memories. One, we were wearing German soldier uniforms trying to cross a river as stealthily as possible. Interesting aside, my best friend had a German soldier helmet in his bedroom growing up and we both have a strong connection to WWII.

Another "dream" we were walking down a dirt road... Dressed in what I would imagine to be late 1800's early 1900's attire. We had fishing poles as if we were headed to or coming from fishing. I remember he was my older brother who I looked up to very, very much. From the moment we met in this life we referred to each other as "Brother" and still do to this day. In face we always say "My Brother From Another Mother."

In another past life memory (this was from an exercise/meditation I did in that past life class) I saw myself as this Ghandi-looking old fellow, complete with walking stick and robe. Sitting on a hill somewhere meditating. Seemed like a nice enlightened life. I was content.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-04)
Aros, Yes, if you ever make your way down to Aus, who knows. Perhaps we could catch up in the outback and put another shrimp on the barbie and run over some of our deeper thoughts on the greater meaning to it all.

The council of light, the wise ones, in Michael Newtons two books, Journey of the Souls and Destiny of the Soul he talks about them to great depth... Apparently, our Souls are neither male or female according to his work and the wise ones pretty much appear in the spiritual realm as genderless... Such is the level of their enlightenment and spiritual development.

IMO< These are types of pondering questions (who are we) truth seekers dwell over when trying to formulate a conclusion that best makes sense based on all of the evidence and even ones own experiences, if you can validate them as authentic paranormal accounts, As why I'm tough on ruling in every visual, dream,UfO,ghostie etc, etc without the clincher. Off topic,

I have been meaning to have a past life regression and may do so at some further point however sometime ago, perhaps 6 or 7 years ago... I did attempt to imagine who I was in the previous life and what I came up with was a woman who died in the 1920's...I had nothing else to go on except my intuition of which once and a while turns out a heads up.

Recently this year, My brother had found pictures of our ancestors who lived around that time. One of the relations was a woman who looked a lot like myself, she actually died in the 1920's. My Wife, Brother and a couple of others who have seen her picture and all say she looks like me.

Obviously not conclusive evidence that's who I was however, there may be something more to it and I guess one day I'll know that for sure? B.t.w, I would have preferred it to be some macho male warrior, but isn't that part an ego wish and typical of a bloke?...anyway, If we are to buy into reincarnation as being a tool for growth and I do, then it makes perfect sense to me, we would mix up our gender to obtain more experience and enlightenment and greater wisdom. I was once told I have lived 55 lives, these wise ones have lived a thousand, so like yourself, I'm not the chosen one neither, I may be full of it,lmao...i like to think I have a good sense of humour.

Anyway, questions, lead too more questions, I can't remember the quote exactly however, it goes something like this... The more I learn the less I know. Lol
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-04)
[at] valkricry, completely understood, no worries there. ETs and ghosts are two very different topics for sure. The topic "Non Human Entities" made me feel comfortable enough sharing the story as it didn't seem to fit anywhere else on this or the other sites.

I love that term "Council of Light". I'm not so convinced I am one of the "chosen ones" for such contact from highly evolved spiritual beings but it's a nice thought! LOL! Then again, stranger things have happened I suppose and my spiritual awakening back in 1993 was quite extraordinary to be perfectly honest.

I struggle today to live up to the level of purity of thought and deed that derives from higher consciousness. My humanness gets in the way, but I do love a good challenge and constantly try to get there.

[at] aussiedaz we sound like kindred spirits pun intended, lol. I bet we could have some great convo sitting around the fire on a star-littered evening. I too have had many many dreams that I know were more than just "dreams". Being aboard craft and intelligence that was much advanced beyond my own. I often wonder how many of those dreams were tapping into simply a past or future memory on my Soul's time stream... After all, once our Souls travel at night, they are not bound by the illusions of time and space like we are during our conscious "waking hours".
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-04)
Aros, I can understand where valcricry is coming from as she stated, these types of discussion are ok once in a blue moon...it's just the flood gate of submissions of which when it becomes a nuisance to sort out for the mods, seeming it's primarily for ghost stories.

Mt Rainier rings a bell on my own road of researching?... I'm pretty sure it's one of those UFO hot spots?

Apparently, ET have mastered the science of consciousness of which a number of theoretical physicist proclaim is fundamental to our reality and within my own conclusions when drawing down on the nature of reality. It's well documented we do experience accounts such as precognition's and premonitions and when doing experiments such as the double slit experiment, where results demonstrate time can travel backwards, not to forget all that jazz with intangible particles... It doesn't surprise me at all for an advanced civilisation to transport you back to your childhood would by like water of a ducks back for the big boys.

We both have a similar belief system, of which I enjoy when having conversation of such nature and all round relating to spiritualism.

I somehow don't think aussiedaz is my spiritual name,lmao...however, I do fully agree we you, that we do have a some other name when we return home and Aros, is probably yours.

Anyway, I'll I share this with you here, as I said in my last post, I did have this insane account of which may have been an hallucination, I won't share that one.

On this other time and this one would probably fall under remote viewing and would be allowed at least on a YGS sister site, if not val, just delete my comment, I won't be hurt.lol

I do remember laying in bed in the middle of the day, where I closed my eyes and had a visual, let's call it a precognition of some type?... This visual may have been many years in the future or many years ago in the past and again, I won't rule it out as my own imagination, because that too is possible?

It lasted for about 30 seconds, I was inside something I can only refer to as a flying object, it may have been a plane? The only thing I could see, was the outside of what ever it was I were in.

Let me call it a plane? This plane tilted to the right and when it did, at the time I saw some structures of what seemed to be buildings of some sort?... At the base of these buildings were dense forest and mountains of land and hills all around.

It was the reason that led me to conclude it wasn't earth, because we don't have any structures of such nature growing directly out of dense forest that I'm aware of, it may have been planet green peace for all I know, lol...anyway, this account was probably a type of remote viewing/precognition that I'd stumbled into by fluke, using the tools of the mind and the platform within the field of consciousness. Or like yourself, it may have been something showed to me by some other being for what ever reason. It was one a several accounts that lead up to the most profound one, so yes.

If you put yourself out there seeking interaction they will sometimes entertain the request if they think you are spiritually advanced enough to handle them... As grounded as we all may think we are, knowing you're are in the presence of ET can freak you out as much as sleep paralysis can.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-04-04)
Oh, Aros, I fear you misunderstood my intent. Pursue away! At least on this thread - I personally find it fascinating. I'm just trying to deflect future hurt feelings when someone submits how they chased Bigfoot from their picnic with toothbrushes and we pass with a hard no.
My understanding is the White Brotherhood are said to be perfected beings of great power who spread spiritual teachings through selected humans. Karl von Eckartshausen (1752-1803) in his book The Cloud upon the Sanctuary called this body of mystics, who remained active after their physical deaths on earth, the Council of Light. Very interesting.
Aros (6 stories) (57 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-04)
Hi Aussiedaz,

Twain once penned truth is stranger than fiction. It most certainly is. Out of respect for valkricry's comments I will refrain indulging the topic much further (although I bet a website dedicated to ET/UFO/Bigfoot/cryptoids to this network of sites would do well), but AROS could very well be my name from another lifetime. I hope to find out one day!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
4 years ago (2021-04-03)
Before we start getting a flood of ET/UFO/Bigfoot/cryptoid type submissions, I just want to point out that as a rule we do not publish those, we're about GHOSTS, after all. This account was an exception due to the fact that it is in direct correlation with Aros' childhood experience.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-03)
Hi Aros, I have researched this topic for over a decade and have had my own experiences of which I have only shared with my family and a couple of friends. On this one particular account, I was either having the most unbelievable illusion that was created by my own mind, or I was actually aboard a craft? I'm still split in the middle trying to figure it out what it was exactly? Anyway,

The evidence that is available for research on this topic is unbelievably in huge volumes. A citizens hearing on disclosure in 2013 from memory is the most compelling in my view.

Under oath, in front of eight ex senators from the capitol, 500 witnesses most of them from the military over a week put forward evidence of which the eight senators all concurred in it's findings were damning in favour of the phenomenon being validated and a cover up of mass proportion. You'd think we were all in a science fiction movie?... If people only knew the truth about who we are, who they are and what's really going on. Full disclosure will happen one day however, I think most of the baby boomers will be long gone. Our young primitive civilisation is probably not ready for it.

As for Aros? Yes, that may be a name for you to remember? We don't only reincarnate in the earth realm, there are billions of different earth like planets and probably 100's of other civilisation that exist amongst the multi verse, it's probably too complex for our basic human minds to comprehend and most people here will dismiss what I'm saying as another tin foil hat nutter or what ever. Anyway,

Thank you for sharing, you may not have too many others joining in on the topic, I actually enjoy meeting others not afraid to put their account out there.

Kudos for that mate.

Regards Daz

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