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Real Ghost Stories

The Singing Child


I'm back again! With my second ghost story I experienced which just added more into me believing the paranormal.

This story happened in the same bedroom I am currently typing this up in, exactly in the spot I am in. One night before going to bed I was listening to music on my very old MP3 player with headphones, but I kept one ear bud out so I knew when my mother had come to bed so I'd know when to turn it off, and I was singing along to a song, I can never remember what song it was, but as I was singing it out loud I realized there was another voice, singing along with me.

At first, I thought rationally; I thought maybe it was the song itself or maybe I was hearing my own voice so I would turn the song off and stop singing but that same creepy and eerie child's voice would still be singing along. It took me to realize that it sounded like it was coming from across from me to jump out of my bed and once again run to my mum crying and screaming, I was shaking because this time it felt so much more personal because it happened in my bedroom, the place I was supposed to sleep and feel safe in.

I didn't sleep that night, because I was so terrified I would hear that voice again and there would be no logical explanation, but thankfully it never happened again.

When I found out the history behind my house I have come to the conclusion that if this was a spirit it was probably one of the two twin children whose mother died in the house, they died in hospital two days later.

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Babycakes10 (1 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-25)
Hi, hope you're doing well.
I know what you are dealing with. It's not a spirit or ghost because a dead person does not have the ability to do what you're mentioning, the dead rest in the grave and they are in another realm. What you are dealing with is called a Jinn. They are made from smokeless fire and they are another creation by God. They live among us except we cannot see them because there is a veil between us, they are in another realm but can appear and can cause trouble if you are not protected. They can appear to us in many forms but they tend to take on forms of the dead. They have free will just like us and there are good and bad. They live their lives similar to us, they have different beliefs, follow different religions, get married and have kids. The bad ones are what you would call Devil/Demon and I would advise you to not use the ouija board like I said before there are good ones but there are also bad ones and the bad ones are good at fooling people. If you do want to know more about Jinns, please do look it up. Now, I don't know if you or anyone will believe me but that is up to you. I just read your experience and wanted to help. Take care:)
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-13)
occulting - Thanks for your response.

If you are au fait with the ouija board and contacting spirits then far be it from me to dissuade you.

I do know that people do suffer very adverse effects when they dabble with the supernatural and don't know what they are doing and the resulting disaster is not always a demon.

Go well.

Regards, Melda
occulting_ (5 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-12)
Hi Melda, I appreciate your opinion and advice but I am very much so into witchcraft and the occult, so I've done a far bit of research into ouija boards and other ways to communicate with spirits and I have used one before in the house and on ghost hunts, so far nothing bad or menacing has happened, the most that has happened is the mother telling me she was really happy I decided to talk to her because no one alive had tried to for 104 years which I didn't know when she told me but its the exact amount of years she had been dead, I had to google it afterwards to make sure.

I don't believe you can talk to demons through ouija boards, it's usually a spirit messing around and to me why would a demon wait for you to use a piece of wood to start talking to you and messing with you? Demons are supposed to be powerful beings, surely they don't need a piece of wood to start things off.

But I get where the concern comes from, Hollywood is ruthless with the way they always associate ouija boards with demons and possession. I've never felt any bad vibes from the spirits, I usually just feel sadness and of course joy whenever they joke around, I have a spirit and deity that protects me and keeps me updated on if there's anything dangerous happening and all that so I know I am safe plus I have lots of protection in place to keep bad things out, I don't know how to help a spirit cross over but it's something I would love to learn, my house isn't the only place with trapped spirits, the next story I will probably upload will be about another spirit I've kind of become close to.
occulting_ (5 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-12)
Hi Jojorocks, I have before I think but I don't think they haunt or visit the house as often as they did back when I was a kid, they've told me before that my bedroom belonged to their mum's so its likely she died in my room and they would come into my room for comfort or just because to them it was their mothers room.
JoJorocks (4 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-07)
Hi occulting_
War spared no one even children. I feel sad that most of the victims of war were innocent civilians. Have you tried contacting whatever this ghost child is? You said that this entity is not menacing at all. Maybe you can try to communicate with it.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-05)
Hi occulting_

Thank you for your explaining the history, it is quite a tragic thing to happen to anyone, but I guess the ravages of the war spared nobody, I suppose that even as spirits kids will be kids, pranking people for a laugh.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-05)
occulting - I've just read both your submissions.

You say you feel no negativity whatsoever from these entities but I know how unnerving it can be to be confronted by something unknown and unseen. It is of course possible that the unfortunate woman and her twin daughters have long since crossed over and that you are experiencing somebody (or something) else entirely.

If you ever feel negativity from this spirit it would probably be a good thing to have your house cleansed. If you look at Rookdygin's page on this site you will find a very good cleansing method, otherwise google online.

On the other hand, perhaps the spirit would dearly love to cross over and doesn't know how to. If you have absolutely no idea how to help it cross over try to find someone who does. Not just anybody, but someone who knows what they're doing and has empathy for this spirit.

(Whatever you do, don't let anybody convince you to haul out a ouja board 😟)

Regards, Melda
occulting_ (5 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-04)
Hi Rajine, they didn't feel evil or menacing just like they were joking around or trying to scare me on purpose. I'm going to explain the history briefly because I don't want someone accidentally finding my address but basically it was during I think 1916's or around that time and a German bomb fell onto my house, the only people inside of it was a mother, her twin daughters and I think the mothers brother who helped the two twins escape out of the front window, he tried to save the mother but she was already dead from her burns, and the two children also had burns but it took them a few days or nights to end up dead from them. The husband was at work when it happened so he managed to survive it, the story is kind of well known in my town especially to my primary school because the two twins actually went to that school and they were around 10-14 when they died. I've never felt something evil in my house before just mischievous and "I'm bored so I'm going to scare you".
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-03)
Hi occulting_

Indeed that must have freaked you out of your mind, did you feel that maybe this spirit was menacing or malevolent in any way?

You mentioned that the history of the house included a mom dying in the house and twin children dying in the hospital. I'm a bit curious, If you don't mind could you share the history with us? (only if you want to)

It's sad when kids have to die, young lives ended even before it started.

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