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Ghost Girl Off Cherokee Street In Marietta Georgia


I used to drive to Kennesaw every afternoon using Cherokee St in Marietta. For those familiar with this road, which is close to Marietta's historic square, you'll know that it is on a historic neighborhood with big homes, some dating back to the middle and late 1800s.

On one occasion driving on Cherokee St I saw a young black girl, maybe just 8 years old, walking along the pavement. The stunning thing about her was her appearance and that she was alone at so young... She wore a gown or dress which looked very dirty and torn. It should have been white but it was very dirty. She wore no shoes, had short natural hair and looked extremely distressed. As I looked in the rear view mirror she was nowhere to be seen... I was so shocked that I almost went off the road... I had to keep driving and maintain composure.

The shock was she looked like she belonged to another time... I told my family about this and my older sister was amazed because she saw her too... Weeks earlier at the exact location and described every thing I saw. My guess is it was a residual haunting... Maybe a slave girl? Has anyone in the area ever seen her? I've never heard of this account anywhere else and I've searched the Internet for a long time with no results. I experienced this in 2007 off Cherokee Street just before getting to the Kennestone Hospital on the same road. I never saw her again... But it was a traumatic experience even if it only lasted a few seconds. My sister seeing her too at a separate time gave both of us chills. Did I see a spirit?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, loublaze, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Hello Passious,

Welcome to YGS. I just came by your comment and thought I'd reply.

Do you know the history of the house? Have you lived there long?

Obviously the police didn't find intruders when they arrived, which could only mean one thing. Possibly an entity?

Has it happened since?

Anyway, hope your okay.

😘 ❤ 😘
Passious (1 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
Wow, its amazing these comments are from 8 years ago. I live on Cherokee Street and was just looking into ghosts because of something that happened this morning at 3:30am.
I heard someone walk up our grand staircase (easy to hear, lots of creaking). I thought it was my husband, until I rolled over and saw him sound asleep next to me. That is when I got sooo scared I could barely talk. I called 911 and they came. There was no intruder. All the doors were locked.

But I heard someone walk up the staircase and walk around the hallway. When I woke up my husband he made a noise and the steps disappeared.

The pictures in the downstairs hallway (5 of them) were all askew.
writer1 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-20)
I think where you saw this girl is interesting. There is a two story grey block building on the corner of I believe cherry street and cherokee st. This building was actually the spot where a famous white supremist lived. The chances of an abused child wandering down that part of town would be extremely remote. I believe you saw something.
loublaze (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-08)
Thanks for the lovely responses. Yes, the area is rich in history. And many of the houses in the area belonged to prominent members of society... Politicians and business owners. The first mayor of Marietta had a house closeby and there's even a grand plantation house here with a historical marker.

I even found pics of the area from the late 1800s... Slaves and all. And slaves were kept in quarters behind these grand homes. I firmly believe I saw a residual haunting of a slave girl
loublaze (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-08)
Thanks for the lovely responses. Yes, the area is rich in history. And many of the houses in the area belonged to prominent members of society... Politicians and business owners. The first mayor of Marietta had a house closeby.

I even found pics of the ares from the late 1800s... Slaves and all. And slaves were kept in quarters behind these grand homes. I firmly believe I saw a residual haunting of a slave girl
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-29)
sillysarahlilly - they also said that she looked in the mirror after they passed the girl and that the girl had dissappeared. So other than saying a spirit I'm not sure how else someone would dissappear that fast

sillysarahlily (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-28)
I know you think you saw a ghost because she had ripped clothing on but I do kind of agree with moongrim because some children can be abused and bullies can do nasty things and maybe ripped her dress and taken her shoes also if I see somthing scary I run so fast I could proberly win a race and I'm not that fast at running.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-24)
May have been - like others were saying - the ghost of a slave girl. You said you were near a hospital right? Maybe check into the history of the hospital even. (If its new, remember its the land also, just because its new doesn't mean ghosts won't be tied to the land its built on) and even check into if there is a possibility that there are slave graves anywhere near where you were.

Now you said your older sister said that she saw her also. Is your older sister the only one you have spoken to that has seen this girl? I would think that searching into the history of the town, and possibly the hospital may help.

looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-22)
Wow great story!
I truly believe that you did see a spirit and you might be correct, she might of been a slave. I do agree that you should check on the history of the street or town for the matter. Good luck on your research and keep us posted!

Looney 😁
pinkroses (1 stories) (33 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-22)
About the comments of loublaze not checking up on the girl because of her appearance, he did mention that when he looked into the rearview mirror she was not in it. Typical of ghosts. 😊 ❤
AussieRedDog (29 stories) (88 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-21)
Mate, check the history of the street, find out if there were any slaves buried anywhere close to the street. This is what I would be doing, going to local historic society and going through old files dating back to the Civil war or find out if any young African-American girls died there in the past fifty/sixty years. Great story by the way
Lisa66 (1 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-21)
Applerose...exactly what I was going to say. Great minds think alike! 😊
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-20)
This is a response to Moongrim - I believe that she DID check on the child - think about it - when you are driving - and you pass someone on the road - the first thing you do is slow down and look in your rearview mirror - right? - they did that ---and to their AMAZMENT - the girl child was gone - I think they saw a spirit of a child from the past...
Loublaze---you said that the house are old - did they have slave quarters? - You need to find out the history of that street - good luck and thank you for sharing your story -:)
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
Thank you Moongrim for saying what I was thinking. These days it seems everybody goes straight to the paranormal for their answers. 😕
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
You saw an unattended child with no shoes, and a VERY dirty and torn dress, and it never once occurred to you to check up on her? Not to even see if she was all right? She may not have been a ghost, she could very well have been an abused child.
snowhite (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-16)
I think it is a spirit of a slave girl. She might be sold to someone and forced to be separated from her parents, since she was too little plus the hard word and less medical treatment when she was sick, she died of very young age.

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