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It Called Me Love


My name is Tara and this story is a little bit related to my other stories, "I Think There's A Demon Following Me". This happened just yesterday and I really would like some help with it.

I was talking to my fiancé when he said he was going to turn the heat up because it was very cold in the room. When he got up I felt like I was being watched after he left the room. I don't know how long he was gone but when he got back he was really pale and told me that he saw a tall black figure standing at the end of our hallway, facing him and just watching. I didn't hear him but he said he said to it "Get out of here, you're not welcome. Leave right NOW." And when he did he felt like a knife had stabbed him in the stomach for only a split second. He closed his eyes and when he opened them this figure was gone.

After that I was shaken so we went to bed. I remember waking up around two in the morning and going to the washroom. After that I started to dry heave and the lights in the bathroom flickered.

I remember looking up into the doorway and seeing a tall black figure watching me, it looked like steam was rising off of it, but then I heard a weird scream or moan noise and it seemed to vanish into the wall, just turning into mist and then disappearing in the direction of the wall. Then I waited a few seconds and I stopped dry heaving.

Just then I saw another faint figure, not black, not white but grey. I could barely see it; but it watched me. Then it made its face clear and I heard "Are you okay my love?" clear as day but it seemed to echo. Then I heard footsteps and it moaned and disappeared into mist and vanished. My fiancé came running in and said he heard me coughing and dry heaving.

He also said he saw a strange grey mist floating down the hall, form into the shape of a person and walk into the wall.

I don't think that black thing is gone. Maybe temporarily, but typing this I feel chills. Also, what was that grey thing? Thanks in advance and comments are appreciated.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DevilishSia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

haterboy (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-11)
I think I would be really uneasy at the sight of a black figure, but the greyish one sounds like a nice spirit who might be running from the black mist?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-08-17)
NightGhostL I believe the commentors were justified in their "obsession" with trying to fix her woos... What has raised some hackles is the fact that the O/P tried the ridiculous advice (paraphrasing: "just yell at it") and completely ignored the good, solid advice... And then came back here to say that not only was the problem continuing, it had worsened...

This leads me, and others, to believe that this is nothing more than a fabricated account for the sole purpose of getting comments and attention... And it worked...

We all have lives outside of YGS, and to abuse the good intentions of those who visit this site is appaulling and frustrating, to say the least... So pardon us, if you will, if we get upset and overly inquisitive about how our time has been wasted...
NightGhost (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-17)
I always read peoples comments and I gotta say this. Commentors you're obsessed with trying to fix this womans woos. Then you freak out on her when she doesn't follow your demands. Its her choice what she does with her story. Not yours. Move along if she's not kissing your theories. I've never seen so many comments on such a story. No offense here shia I'm just making a point. This story is not all that to get bent out of shape over. Geez. Anyway sorry about your mom shia. You'll get your answers through YOU. We are just kickers on the side with a line or two. Good luck.
YeeLengXiong (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)

Although my advice is going to be quite different from the others, I felt that I should say this. My religion is known as shamanism (Hmong). We have stories of this thing known as the Chao, or a black figured man/woman who would lay on top of their victims and eventually get them very sick. This story sounds quite similar to the stories that are told by the elders. What we usually do is take a knife and scape a line around every entrance of the bedroom, and the window and around the bed. This seems to keep them away for a while, but then again this is just my advice:)
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-20)
Very interesting story here,DevilishSia. It could've been your mother that told you that it would be okay. I do hope it was. And I do hope that this black figure disappears from your life altogether. I recommend getting your house cleansed according to your beliefs (e.g. A priest, Medium, etc). This entity must not be allowed to be in your home. The grey mist seems good to me, you don't need to be concerned. But, just to be sure, it might be an idea to consult a medium.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
WReck72 (1 stories) (116 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-19)
This is just one of my own theories but from stories I have read/heard pretending to be 2 entities is a common form of manipulation used by demons so I wouldn't suggest putting much trust in the gray figure. Other then that I don't have much to say you have to much conflict and craziness stored up inside you. If you want peace start with yourself. I would not be surprised at all if you currant problems were actually more of a symptom and not a cause.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-19)

No dreams of her sense she paseed? Humm... There are those, I happen to feel they may be correct, that believe that when a Loved One Passes if we dream about them then they have crossed over and a 'free' to return and watch over/protect us whenever they wish.

Conversely if no one has Dreamed of her sense her Passing then her spirit has not crossed over and remains here in the 'physical realm'. I'm not posting this to distress you, but perhaps your Mother feels that there is something she did not do... Or maybe she wishes to protect you.

Talk to her, do this out loud. Let her know you Love her, miss her and that if she will let herself go into the Light she will still be able to return and watch over you and yours.

Please keep us updated, take your time, Heal...


lexhia (2 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
Dear Sia: I'm terribly sorry for all that has been happening to you lately. My simpathies to you and your daughter that must be equally crushed by your mother's loss.

I trully believe that things have not gone "mellow" as you say., more likely you are feeling "numb" because of all the problems that are surrounding you right now.

As rook said, take your time and try to heal., it seems to me that you need to mature spiritually in order to see more clearly what is going on between you and this entity. I don't know why but I get the feeling that subconsciously you are inviting this entity to be with you, yet in a conscious level you are scared. Please correct me if I'm wrong., but having this problems makes you feel unique?, special?. I am not stating that you are not unique or special, I'm pretty sure that you are... My concern is that you might feel that you are not.

Find your center., try to be calm, and focused, for your daughter and for your fiance, but most of all for you.,

I am not trying to give you advice on a paranormal level, because I think that more than enough has been provided so far. You are a wonderful and very special woman., never forget that.

I wish nothing but the best for you!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
the1unknown: Why the heck would you suggest using an Ouija if you don't trust them yourself?...Why suggest it at all?...I'm sorry, but I don't think the "spirit of the Ouija" made your friend commit suicide...That's a personal choice, albeit a drastic and irreversable one, made from fear and desperation...

Sia: I don't think the Ouija is the way to go...

This comment from the1unknown214 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

DevilishSia (3 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)

I haven't had any dreams about her but like I said I'm pretty sure I saw her watching me in the kitchen.

Sia ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)

Take your time, it seems Life has thrown a curve ball at you and things must be a mess.

Take your time, gather your thoughts and keep your loved ones close.

When you have a moment could you answer my question concerning having a dream about your Mother sense she has 'passed'. It may help explain why you only 'see' her out of the corner of your eye and 'vanishes' when you look directly on her.


Shini (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-17)
Sia- I'm sorry, but I just can't believe you've used the full extent of the advice given, if you have reported (in your original stories) that either no change has occurred, or your situation has gotten worse.

It is possible that you're using the advice given incorrectly, so perhaps you could explain the exact measures you've taken...?

Also, I find it a bit odd how you state your situation is bad, but later state that the ominous presence has dispersed and things are 'mellow'... A contradiction within the same comment... And now you have another ghost/paranormal anomaly...

Well, I must say, you must be a lucky ducky to have so many paranormal events and other almost bizarrely timed situations come right after one another in such a short time frame. Perhaps this 'ghost' will lead up to another story submission...

BlackVamp76 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-17)
I don't know about the black figure but I think the grey one could have been your fianc
DevilishSia (3 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-17)
Okay, sorry about that.
I didn't mean to say things hadn't gotten better, I actually don't even know why I did. All I know is that I was and still am a bit confused. But things are more mellow, and I don't feel anything bad anymore.
I'm pretty sure I've seen my mother standing in the kitchen watching me. But when I look directly at her she vanishes.

Sia ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-16)

With everything going on in your life right now there is a chance that you have not been able to focus on things properly, the things I have suggested do not always 'take' on the very first attempt... Negative energies... Don't just vanish.

Now was there continuing activity? Or had things calmed down and then this experience happened? Having said that you have stated "After that, things seem more mellow, nothing horrible. Maybe a few gusts of wind and touches, but that's it. I think it's gone."

It seems you may have a benevolent 'spirit' now in your home...

Let me ask this, and I'm not trying cause you any more stress or pain... Have you had a dream about your mother visiting sense she has passed? I ask because either she visited you before crossing (no dreams of her) or she has chosen to return and watch over you (any dreams you had were an indication of her crossing over... My opinion). Just a few thoughts. Lets take a moment and let the O/P 'catch her breath'.

Please keep us updated in your own time, things right now must be really hectic for you. I'm sorry for your loss and wish you well.


PlagueRat (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-16)
Uhm...huh? I'll just leave these here: "I've tried what Rook and what everyone else said, and I'm sorry but it hasn't gotten any better." "After that, things seem more mellow, nothing horrible. Maybe a few gusts of wind and touches, but that's it. I think it's gone."
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-07-15)
Sia: Sorry about your Mom...

Sorry to hear that after trying the advice given things didn't get any better, but now it seems to be gone...Wait, that's better, right?

Anyway, sorry about your Mom...
DevilishSia (3 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-15)
People, stop! If all you're going to do is complain then stop reading my stories.
And don't make assumptions.
I've tried everything you guys have done and my mother just died, I'm mourning her. I really don't have the time to just come on here and update you people.
I'm sorry for the outburst, but I can't reply to everyone. I've tried what Rook and what everyone else said, and I'm sorry but it hasn't gotten any better. Oh, and because my name is "DevilishSia" doesn't mean anything, it was a nickname. So now that's a problem, isn't it?
And excuse me but I am not just looking for attention. Sorry if it seems like it, but I really can't answer everyone immedietly. Okay? I'm sorry.
And freddysgirl1984, it was a woman. I'm sorry I forgot to include that.
After that, things seem more mellow, nothing horrible. Maybe a few gusts of wind and touches, but that's it.
I think it's gone.
freddysgirl1984 (6 stories) (25 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-14)
I'm curious to know, was it the voice of a man or a woman who called you love? 😜
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-14)
Hi, I will not waste my time on anyone who is not willing to spend just a view minutes on the advice given already. Sorry I don't have time to read all the comments, but I see right through this person. You know why, because you are playing around now. Your name and your stories equal one. Failure establishes only this, that your determination to succeed was not strong enough if you even tried what was offered to you by decent people. Trix.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-14)
"The author, DevilishSia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced."

Not holding up to her own expectations so far...
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-14)
DragonStorm, you're nicer than I am lol.
Why yes, Granny, I do believe I will chuck that blankie.
DevilishShia, I truly hope you have enjoyed the attention you've gotten. All the concern, all the legitimate advice from people who believed you had a legitimate problem. If you had a true problem, you would be trying to resolve this. Instead, you just keep adding on to your tale of woe with no effort to fix the situation. If you have a real paranormal issue, be honest and upfront and for crying out loud, take the advice given. If you just want attention, then way to go, you got it. Satisfied?
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-14)
ZZsgranny~ I am SO tempted to hurl a wee little blankie at this point HOWEVER! The author has not replied to any comments yet, and I have a question or two for them.

DevilishSia ~ Have you in fact read anyone's suggestions and advice given to you on either one of your stories as of yet? And further on that, have you actually put any of this valuable advice into practice?

Because quite frankly I think if you have simply posted up a new story of later events and you haven't bothered to follow up on any of the suggestions and advice you have been given, then it is purely a waste of anyone's time to exert the energy to reply to this story or any more from you in the future.

Either take on and use the advice and suggestions given to you here and do something about your situation, or just stop wasting everybody's time by writing out more stories and complaining you have a problem when you clearly have done nothing to resolve the issue.

Simply my opinion, if you have taken advice and used it I will whole heartedly apologize, until then this comment still stands as it is.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-07-14)
All Aboard the Frustration Train!...But what's that floating up ahead?...Could it be?...Yes! It's the blankey waiting for someone to fling it and cover this mess up...

Red, Jave, BJJ, DragonStorm?...Any takers? 😆
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-13)

I was thinking the same thing. I was wondering if the OP was pregnant too. That would explaint he vomiting. Except I remember someone saying that sometimes people can get sick when they are around the paranormal. The energy shift makes them feel queasy
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-13)
Ok. Girl how are we supposed to help you? I've asked you many times. Have you done anything that anyone has told you yet? What were the results? I can't tell you what to do if I don't know what you've tried and realized didn't work.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-13)
You stated that the tall black creature in the doorway of your washroom had something like steam coming off of it and "then I heard a weird scream or moan noise".
My question is, which was it? A scream or a moan?
There is quite a difference between the two.
I'll await your reply.
Thank you,
hoop8 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-12)
i don't think its a demon... But that doesn't mean it's not dangerous.
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-12)
BadJuuJuu just said everything I was going to say with some more added wisdom of hers attached, I suggest re reading all of your previous comments to previous stories and trying out what people have advised you, especially rook's advice 😊

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