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Ghost In Love With Me? - I Need Help


I need help with something I am experiencing.

I've had experiences with ghosts and spirits for as long as I can remember. Receiving "messages", sensing them, hearing them, sometimes even seeing them. But this is something that has never happened to me before.

I was born pyrophobic, and I also have a phobia of severe burns, because I have associated them with pain and torture. Especially until my mid teen's I had frequent dreams of violence, fire, and me (sometimes also other people) being burnt alive. As a little kid I also had a few visions of a woman and one of a man, that were badly burnt all over.

And now the ghost of a man who is burnt all over, keeps trying to contact me through various means. From appearing in dreams to actually talking to me and even making physical contact, I always ķnow when he is around, on way or another.

At first he just appeared in dreams. Then I began seeing plenty of signs in the real world. He warns me about things, mostly through blocks of thought and a loud buzzing in my ears, but sometimes also by saying just one or two words out loud. He also tries very often to make physical contact.

Recently, after coming in contact with him I got irregular heartbeat. It wouldn't stop for 3 days. It was very intense and I was really scared that something would happen to me. Also, there was a time he told me he doesn't have a heart.

I want to know if a ghost can really cause physical harm, as well as how to tell what he may really want from me, or how can I help him.

I wanted to write a few more details about my experiences with him, but the administrators discarded my story because of it last time. Anyone interested may ask in the comments.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tambrius, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Jojo_1000 (1 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-07)
yeah I'm like so in the future right now lol. But Tambrius, anything else happen, did you kick him out of your life or what?
lilyrose775 (1 posts)
5 years ago (2019-07-31)
I wish to hear more from you, and probably even talk to you if you don't mind sharing your email. Thank you
UnNatural_Tamara (4 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
oh sorry you just had a different name so I got confused so will I do more research or do u really believe its just your imagionation?
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
No worries, Tambrius - glad I could help ❤ Here's wishing you all the very best and keep us posted.

Feel free to reach out you ever need to - my email is on my profile:-)
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
Unnatural Tamara, that post is mine. It's exactly the same story, but that one is my Psychic Experiences account.
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
AugustaM sorry for the late reply. Your comment really comforted me... Not only we seem to think alike, I also feel like you understand me... Thank you for all your advice! ❤
UnNatural_Tamara (4 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Hey Did Some Research There is a Similar Problem At The Story Is Called " Ghost Of Burnt Man, In Love With Me? Hope This Helps x ❤ 😁 😊
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
I have to disagree a bit on the characterization of the OP's use of the term 'coping' in her comment. As a fellow survivor of abuse, bullying and rape - I can say that 'learning to cope' is what we do and it doesn't mean suppressing or at least not necessarily in an unhealthy way. Coping means something a little different for everyone - but, for me, it meant shaking off the fear those experiences had taught me and not thinking about them every minute of every day - there is no forgetting, there is no going back to who you were before - but learning to cope is learning to stop wasting time wishing that you could and learning to love and respect the person you are now. And, yes, I tried the therapy route - again, everyone's experience is different - but it did little for me.

As for the OP's actual account - I can relate - I too am a very strong believer in past lives and both predilections and fears that one seems to be born with as they are carried over from our past incarnations. I believe that is because the core of who we are is what is transferred from one incarnation to the next. I too have had dreams and warnings from entities tied to a past life and have even met someone whom -though it sounds mad- I have known since the first moment I saw him has been with me in past lives, perhaps all of them.

In terms of the 'additional detail' of waking up to the feeling of being raped and the irregular heart beat - this used to happen to me a LOT after I was raped (and even now, seven years later, it still happens once a year or so) and its quite awful. I think it is a manifestation of post traumatic stress syndrome, however. Even if the assault you survived wasn't recent, current stressors in your life can agitate your body's responses and conjure up its memories of that moment of extreme distress. It could be that instead of causing these issues, your ghost was trying to wake you up so the nightmare could stop. PTSD is no fun - I would recommend -silly as it sounds- starting a class - something fun like a new dance (mambo, swing, salsa etc) or ceramics - something that gets you out, gets you a new positive mini stress (i.e. Learning something new and meeting new people) for your mind to refocus on, and opens you up to new positive things. I went for dancing when I was going through the worst of things- it was challenging and I came home exhausted, which made for endorphins and much needed sleep:)

And, for the record, I am not saying that speaking with a councillor or psychologist is a bad idea (I have a psych degree myself lol) but just that you shouldn't feel like 'its you' if you don't feel that its 'working' and that there are other options (like the classes I mentioned and even support groups). Also, a physical couldn't hurt just to make sure these sudden symptoms aren't linked to anything else. And as for these spirits that you carry with you - trust your gut and remember just how strong and brave you are!
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Tweed, luckilly I don't have a low self esteem and I don't accept abuse from anyone anymore... But I used to.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Tambrius, what I mean by that is often when people live in an abusive situation they take it on board as part of their identity, it influences their outlook and self esteem. For example some abuse victims later go on to become abusive themselves. Likewise some abuse victims go on to accept abuse from anyone as a normal emotional currency. In both examples both suffer from low self worth. Professionals can help people break the abusive cycle.
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Thank you very much for your advice, Tweed. And I will check out the cleansing technique later today. What exactly did you mean when you said that a part of me has reconciled some violent behaviour as "normal"?
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Oh crap, scrap what I said... Val said it better.

Curse my too slow to post habit! 😭
Tambrius, I think Val summed up much better what I was trying to get at. 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Tambrius, something you said to Dirt Creature has alarmed me. You said:

"I went through deep depression in my early teenage years due to intense bullying, an abusive relationship and a few rape attempts, but I learnt to cope with it over the years. "

Learning to cope with this over the years is oppressing it. This is why counselling is so important. You have nothing to fear from them, they're not there to cast judgement or label you as 'crazy'.You'd be surprised how open minded they can be. Also if you don't feel comfortable talking to one, you can always seek out another. This is also important.
I'm concerned that a part of you has reconciled some violent behaviour as 'normal'. Wanting to talk to someone who has potentially attempted to attack you isn't wise nor self respecting.
If you have an entity attacking you the same advice would apply, seek that help.

I'll link you to a cleansing method to try. However, given what you've been through, this cleansing will only be a band-aid. You will need to address the root of this, with professional help, to truly get rid of it. Cleansing/shielding will only take care of the paranormal, but if the psychological well-being is ignored, I think the paranormal problem (if there is one) will only return.
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
I can't disagree with you, valkricy... Maybe I'll think about it.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Seeing a therapist doesn't mean one has a mental problem, just that they are getting help sorting out something they are going through. They aren't there to judge you, but rather to help you work things through.
It's possible that you haven't fully coped with events in your past, and this burnt man is just a manifestation of those unsolved feelings. You won't really know if it's paranormal until you have this ruled out.
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Dirt creature, I appreciate the tine you too to write that reply!
At first I believed that entity is a mix of my phobias and oppressed thoughts/emotions, I thought perhaps it could be the stress and changes I had been going through for a while, but that didn't make it go away. I tried talking about it to just one person in real life and fortunately they didn't make fun of me. I didn't expect them to take it seriously, but at least they said it would be a good idea for a fiction. So here I am, asking advice anonymously on here. I'd go to a counselor but I'm afraid of what they would think of me. I'm not mentally unstable and I've never been. I went through deep depression in my early teenage years due to intense bullying, an abusive relationship and a few rape attempts, but I learnt to cope with it over the years.
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Unnatural Tamara, that is odd. That hasn't happened to me. When I'm around people the only signs of him that I get are a buzzing noise in my ears, blocks of thought that don't feel like they belong to me, and touches. No actual sightings.
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Thank you all for replying. Although there's always the possibility of that entity being a creation if my mind, and a counselor could actually help, I'd like to mention that I'm not mentally unstable and I haven't been delusional before (if what is happening to me right now is a delusion). I've thought about talking to a counselor but I'm afraid of what they might think of me if I tell them about this.
UnNatural_Tamara (4 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-05)
My Friend would tell me that she would have dreams of a man with what she thinks are burn marks all over him and he would mumble things that she could not translate she would see him standing like in a corner or something she has'nt told anyone about this because she taught this was just a frequent nightmare so she just ignored it and it got to frequent then she started seeing him in reality she told me this at school because she screamed during a lesson because she saw him I left the class and she told me all about him

She Has'nt Told me Anything after that But I am Willing to Ask her And Do Research For you. ❤

From UnNatural_Tamara
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-05)
You shouldn't have to "focus" super hard in a dreary state on what an entity wants to communicate in my personal opinion. Whenever I have heard an entity, it is clear as day and happens when I'm stirring a pot of vegetables or doing any other mundane activity that allows the house to be quiet enough to hear it. I am not feeling stressed out, I am just going around the house. I believe that if an entity wants to make contact, it will on its own when it believes the time is right. When people have intense phobias or trauma, they can end up having chronic dreams and nightmares even for years. I have arachnaphobia and sometimes have nightmares about spiders. 😭 One has to be careful because our minds are strong enough to make us think we're heard, felt, or seen something so you have to be critical and rule out anything that is a "natural" cause. Even those of us who are "sensitive" to things still have to be very critical because with how much noise pollution we live in at this era in time and how hectic our lives can be, we too can be subject to false images and sounds.

Even if you can't go to a therapist for whatever reason, if you are going through any anxiety, stress, or depression try to find ways to simplify your life and relax more. Writing is extremely therapeutic. It has helped people on here figure out why something paranormal might be happening to them, to ruling it out, or even lessening any emotional stress. You might even find the answers you're looking for via journaling. I recommend that even if you go to a therapist.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-05)
This story gave me a smile, but kind of feeling a bit sad for the OP.
You might need a doctor or someone close to talk to as Senhora Tweed suggested, yes.
Well, everyone have emotions as you know, sometimes our mind will be too emotional that we see things, or in a right way, we make up things that are not there.
Well it is hard to consider that this would be anything super natural or paranormal. You need a talk dear.

Love from São Paulo
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-05)
Tambrius, make an appointment with a doctor. Not everything is paranormal. It sounds like you have some unmet emotional needs which are manifesting as anxious reactions.
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-05)
UnNatural_Tamara, this is interesting... What did you friend tell you exactly?
I try to communicate with him sometimes, by laying down and focusing. When it happens I often hear a voice talking about things that I forget the momment I "wake up". Sometimes I remember just a few words, phrases, or the tone he spoke in but that's about it. After that I always feel like I'm drugged, and sometimes also exhausted, but without any bad emotions.
UnNatural_Tamara (4 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-05)
This is One Ghost Tat I Actually Remember I heard it From someone (My Friend) She only Told me about it, But All I Can Say to Try Help is to Try Interact With it Try Ask Questions and if you get anything back Reply to me And I'll Do some research To make sure It's Not A Bad Entity
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-04)
Tambrius: welcome to YGS.

It seems to me that you believe in reincarnation. Personally I find it to be a fascinating idea although I am not sure if it is real.

Independently of your beliefs, it would be a good idea to talk to a therapist, even if you have not a conscious memory of any traumatic experience that could explain your phobia for fire, there could be something that you have forgotten or suppressed over time.

Perhaps you could try to contact a therapist who can help you to go through a regression therapy.

Get a medical evaluation before considering your experience to be paranormal.

Thanks for sharing.
Tambrius (2 stories) (13 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-04)
It is possible and very common to be born with a phobia. It is a trait directed linked to past lives.
No I've never had a traumatic experience with fire as far as I've known.
The "additional detail" is that the irregular heartbeat began after I woke up to the feeling of being raped. It felt completely real and I also had a foul taste in my mouth that felt like it was coming from my insides.
hawkseye12002 (3 stories) (36 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-04)
Hi Tambrius...

I am no medical doctor (or doctor of any kind) but I don't think you can be *born* with a phobia. Phobias are learned behavior patterns... Did you have a traumatic experience with fire when you were very young? Maybe something you don't remember but possibly could have been a trigger for your phobia? Also I'm curious to know if you have sought treatment for your fear of fire/flame.

I am also curious about your additional details, if you don't mind sharing them.

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