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Did The Spirit Reincarnate To Say Goodbye?


My earliest childhood memory is me seeing spirits. I've always seen spirits everyday from as early as I can remember. However it was rare for me to see the same spirit again.

From the age of three I saw an old lady spirit everyday for 13 years, who is called Emilie. I saw Emilie as my best friend, someone I would speak to for hours on end.

I remember as I got older I started seeing less spirits due to the fact I was getting more scared and often asked them to leave me alone, which they did. Shortly after this I saw Emilie for the last time and after seeing her everyday for 13 years, she vanished, (I was 16 when she disappeared.)

The day after Emilie left reality hit me that she wasn't going to come back so I apologised for getting scared and begged for her to come back so I could say goodbye. The very next morning I woke up, drew the curtains and a black crow, the biggest one I've ever seen, was sitting on the window sill looking at me. I sat on the bed, eyes wide and stared at this crow, which would sit there looking at me for roughly 5 minutes before flying away. I saw this crow every morning without fail and this happened for just over 7 months. However if my mum or dad were to come anywhere near my room, when I was sitting there, the crow would fly off immediately.

Even more strange, if I was not in my bed in the morning (I often slept round my Nans house), my mum or dad would open the curtains, the crow would look at my empty bed and knock on the window consistently for about 10 minutes. The knocking on the window occurred about 3 times a month and freaked everyone out. (My brother even thought we were being burgled and went upstairs with a kitchen knife and as soon as he got to the top of the stairs the crow flew away).

As I became more comfortable with the crow sitting there every morning, one day I started talking to it. Suddenly Emilie's face had morphed into the crow and after not seeing her for nearly 8 months tears rolled down my face. Her face smiled at me and I heard a whisper in my ear saying 'goodbye,' as if she was right behind me.

After about 10 seconds, the crows face went back to 'normal' (if that's the right thing to say) and flew off for the last time and I have not seen it since.

Is there such thing as reincarnation? I can't honestly think of other explanations, I doubt I could imagine her face so clearly like that. Please let me know what you think, I need opinions from people who believe and have had similar experiences, thank you for reading!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, worlander_93, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

worlander_93 (1 stories) (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-27)
Thank you for the posts, they have really helped me realise a lot of things, I was so confused before I posted this story, so thanks again:) I'm going to research the family and house history and maybe try to communicate with Emilie again (although I think I should leave her wherever she has moved on to), I'll let you know if anything interesting happens!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-27)
I have heard others talk about seeing crows either before or after the death of a loved one. I think they are messengers of the dead in some way, and if so then the one knocking at your window and visiting you might have been bringing Emilie's message of comfort to you. Good story, thank you for sharing it.

Not sure why lynrinth's comment got voted down either, I thought it was rather kind.
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-26)
that is a pretty story!
She must have been a real sweet old lady. I would look into your family history for this one, or the house, but for a house ghost they would usually always stay, I don't know a lot about family ghost, but def-fin-nut-ly check it out, try maybe turn of the centry or 1800's, Emillie has not been a common name for a while:-). You might find more about her life that way.
Also the crow may have something to do with her in some way, like maybe she used to own one (idk lol) or lived on Crow Ave. When she was little, that what you can also try and find out. Or maybe the crow could have something to do with you in the futer. So I would take to seeing a crow sometimes a good thing.
Again a great story and write more about the other ghost you mention. 😉
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-24)
Wow, what a way to say goodbye. At least she knew how you felt and did say it. As sad as it was, she knew it was time to leave. It was her time to move on. I know she meant a lot to you, she must have known, even as you have to move on. Maybe she was there just as friendly spirit so you wouldn't be scared of every ghost. And she was a good listener, when you needed her. But, in a way, you don't anymore. Every spirit, sooner or later, needs to move to something that will give them peace. Good and bad spirits, they both need this. But not all do, or want to. She was there in a time in your life, maybe in a way, you needed her. But now, you don't. You are obviously, stronger, more secure in yourself, and she was there when seeing spirits were very stressful and frightening. But you made the decision not to see spirits anymore. Unforunately, that included her. Therefore, you didn't need her anymore. She knew this, and at least took the time to say goodbye. But I liked to think she will be with you in your heart, and you can know she in a much better place now.

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