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I Would See My Grandfather's Spirit


I lived in Kutztown, PA near an Native American Burial ground (Kutztown was once land that was habitated by an Native American tribe or multiple)

My TV would turn on by itself especially when no one was in the room. Also the house was always full of anger. (Maybe Native American spirits angered that we are treading on their sacred burial grounds).

Well we moved then from 7 years of living there. To a place in New Ringgold, PA. Really nothing there.

So after 3 years of living there, we moved again back to Kutztown but to a different area. I really think this place had some kind of activity. I remember being left in the house alone. Hearing footsteps slowly across the kitchen floor above me. And I heard a drawer open and close. I felt a faint but strange presence in the room. I tried ignoring it. Then I looked over my shoulder and saw a man, mutilated and just mangled looking hanging on a noose from the ceiling. To make sure it was no one in the house I went around looked everwhere even outside. No one was there or even home.

Then I moved into my dad's place, as I ran away from my mother's but that is another story for another day...

(Anyways about 8-10 months of living here, having some problems here as well. Really am trying not to list anything but it wasn't good.)

I went to the bathroom, and looked at the door which was white and saw a lime green aura go through the room heading straight for me. I got done with my business and headed out of the bathroom and saw the same aura again in front of my room. I go into my room and laid down and see vividly my father's girlfriend's Dad floating around having strong vibes of worry and concern. (Which a lime green aura means worry or concern). I wasn't too sure what he wanted maybe just worried about the situations about his daughter because she isn't right in her ways.

July 17, 2011 My grandfather died of esophageal cancer.

His funeral was about a week later. I remember during the whole ceremony I would see his spirit standing off to the far side watching everyone. I contacted Anubis to help my grandfather be guided to where he truly belongs, and I also saw Anubis appear next to the coffin where my embalmed grandfather laid.

I heard my grandpa whisper in my ear, "I love you", I thought it was so amazing to see him smile and be free from pain from this world.

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AshyVikernes (1 stories) (32 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-13)
I found a "picture" of the house I last lived in, the one with the mutilated man hanging from a noose.


Also the attire he wore was late 60's early/mid 70's styles.
AshyVikernes (1 stories) (32 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-13)
Also I have some other experiences with Gods and Goddesses if you want to hear about them.
AshyVikernes (1 stories) (32 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-12)
"About the hanged man - I am assuming that he instantly vanished when you turned to look at him. Because surely you would not just leave him hanging there while you made sure it was no one else in the house. Do you know anything about the previous owners of the house? Or what was on the land before it? Because I cannot imagine a mutilated man hung on top of a Native American burial ground unless something else was there between the two."

Yeah he was there for several seconds. The owners of the house were renting it to us and it was past down family generations wise. But that's all I know of them.

The Indian Burial ground area and this area are different. Sorry for the confusion.
AshyVikernes (1 stories) (32 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-12)
Hello everyone, I haven't been on the site for awhile. Excuse myself. ^^


Yes he has suffered. He had stage 4 cancer, a large tumor - Esophageal cancer.

Also I saw him hanging around us at the after ceremoney dinner. Just having last glances of his family before he left. But I guess it is different for elderly people.

I have contacted Anubis because I felt it was just right, the astral plane is a dangerous one and I want my grandfather to be safe.


Thing is the whole town of Kutztown is an old Native American settlement. The burial ground was very close, not sure if exactly on it. But energies are still connected I suppose. All what was weird about the first house in Kutztown was violence in the house... I do not want to get into it.

Moongrim, In a past life I was a Preistess of Anubis. I also practice Shamanism, so of course I can contact the Gods. I'm pretty sure anyone can if they have the will.:D


When I saw him hanging I was like a little weirded out but kept calm and contiuned to be glued to the computer screen.

Yes I do have a multiple background with the Gods. Norse and Egyptian cultures and deities and even the cultures of Mayan and Native American.

Anubis is also the protector of the deceased and a guide. So I thought it would be good to contact him, and I simply prayed to him.


Well there are two different houses I lived in Kutztown. The hanged man was in the most recent one. But it wasn't exactly a basement more so it was one of those ranch Like I forget the name at the moment. Sorry I didn't clear that up in the experience. But the footsteps were distinct. I could tell the difference between piping and footsteps. The house was silent at the time.

But the owner's of the Mobile home park that was near or on the Burial Ground were greedy people...

Thanks guys for getting back to me. I tried answering all questions. XD

😁 😁
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-12)
I do not think Moongrim is so much debating the history between Europeans and Native Americans as questioning how every haunted location seems to be built on top of Native American burial grounds. Unless it was so long ago that any markings have vanished, how would we know that we were building on top of them? How could we avoid desecrating these sacred places and disturbing the spirits of the dead without knowing where they are? That is my take, anyway...

Ashy, I am sorry for the loss of your grandfather, but I have some questions about your story. One thing you mentioned:

"...Hearing footsteps slowly across the kitchen floor above me."

Were you in the basement or did you have an upstairs kitchen? Because I have never heard of an upstairs kitchen before... That is totally bizarre. If you were in the basement, you might have been hearing the plumbing settling. The sound of a drawer opening and closing...frankly, if you did not see it happen it could have been almost anything. But if you were in the basement when all this happened, assuming you do not have an upstairs kitchen, how could you possibly hear a drawer open and close from through the floor? Unless you have plywood floors.

About the hanged man - I am assuming that he instantly vanished when you turned to look at him. Because surely you would not just leave him hanging there while you made sure it was no one else in the house. Do you know anything about the previous owners of the house? Or what was on the land before it? Because I cannot imagine a mutilated man hung on top of a Native American burial ground unless something else was there between the two.
Indigo (263 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-12)
I'm sorry, but after reading the comments I HAD to stop and giggle at moongrim!
I'm also curious as to how the site was known to be a native American burial ground. Can you explain in more detail?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-12)

I agree with Lilady4 on this one... Besides would you know how a ancient Native American Burial Ground was marked? The Europeans came over and just Begged. Borrowed or Stole their way across this country... They sure didn't take the time to 'ask' about Burial Grounds or Scared Places for that matter...

You may 'disbelieve' this experience, but there are better ways of expressing that disbelief.

And before you say it... Yes I see you received positive 'Karma points' for your comment but I'm not sure why...

Let's let the O/P return (or not) to answer the questions that have been asked... Maybe then it will be easier to determine 'fact from fiction' when it comes to their experience...


Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-12)
Interesting story here, AshyVikernes. I am interested in knowing how you contacted Anubis, and why Anubis? Do you come from a "multiple" Gods background? I do think that that is interesting.
Personally, I would've freaked and probably tried to ring the ambulance/police if I saw a dead man hanging.
Moongrim, please be respectful of the cultures of America. Afterall, Whites were the ones to take over and decimate the cultures of America.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-11)
It's amazing isn't it? How practically every square inch of land in North America is an 'Indian Burial Ground'?

If their sacred burial grounds are so darned sacred, why couldn't they mark them?

Then I looked over my shoulder and saw a man, mutilated and just mangled looking hanging on a noose from the ceiling. To make sure it was no one in the house I went around looked everwhere even outside. No one was there or even home.
I've got a problem with this- if I saw a man hanging in my house, no matter what his condition- I'd be freaking out!
You have nerves of steel A.V.

Not only can you perceive Auras, you get a personal visit from an Egyptian God?
O.K., pull the other one.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-11)

Interesting experiences... The 'man hanging from the ceiling' may have been a residual imprint of a violent death that happened on the property 'once upon a time'.

The 'lime green aura... And your 'father's girlfriend's Dad' and the feeling of worry and concern may have been a 'projection' of His feelings about his daughter.

So... You saw your grandfathers Spirit off to the side during the Ceremony... Did he... Heck no way to ask this where it doesn't sound 'harsh'...did he suffer before passing? It may explain why he was 'earthbound' for a while after his passing. May I ask why you 'contacted Anubis to be his guide? When did you 'contact Anubis'? Just curious... 🤔



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