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Real Ghost Stories

Shadow with Red Eyes


This happened in December of 1999. I have to start with a little background information first. I am Roman Catholic but I had never been much of a churchgoer, although I did celebrate festivals, especially the one for the Virgin Mary on December 8th. Mostly this is because of my culture since that particular celebration is a very huge deal where my family is from.

As I said before, this happened in December 1999, and specifically it was a Sunday either a week before the 8th or the week after, but definitely around that time. My family and I had been working all that day with the festivities and when we finally got home at 6pm I was beat. So I told my parents that I was going to sleep and I did.

The first thing that happened that day was that I had a nightmare and woke up. It was your normal nightmare... The one that you're being chased by something and right when it's about to catch you, you wake up. So I woke up with my heart pounding, but I auto soothed myself just like I always do when I have a nightmare until my heartbeat went down and I feel asleep again.

The next thing I know I'm looking into a totally white room, when suddenly a beautiful, female voice says to me, "You must go through three sorrows before you find love..." As soon as she finished saying these words, three flashes like strobe lights quickly happened. With each flash was a picture, the only one that I remember seeing clearly is the middle one, which was a knife being thrust into my heart, a classic betrayal image. Then I woke up, again, with my heartbeat racing. Again I auto-soothed myself and fell asleep again, or well... I don't know if I was dreaming or not to tell you the truth.

Next thing I know I'm looking towards my closet door and there was a shadow of a person there with red eyes that was staring at me (at this time my bed faced the attic opening and the closet door, also, I had a 3-foot statue of the Virgin Mary on my bureau next to the attic opening which my grandmother gave to me and had nowhere else to put it). I have three windows in my room, so there's always light and you can very clearly see at night because it never gets completely dark, and yet there was the shadow. This shadow thing walks towards me and thrusts his hand into my chest and slowly pulls out a silver-white cord from my body. I was horrified! I thought, "OMG! He's taking my soul!" So I took the cord and tried to wrest it from his hands but to no use. He kept pulling this cord from my body, and each time he pulled a bit more I actually felt myself floating out of my body! All of a sudden I remembered that the Hail Marys are supposed to guard you against all evil, so I started to pray like there was no tomorrow! After only a few Hail Marys, the thing stopped and he let go of my cord and it snapped it into me so fast that I jumped out of bed. It was like the snap of a rubber band that is being stretched and then let go, very hard and very fast. Well, I was still praying and that thing was still there looking down at me... But I heard its thoughts or I don't know, some type of communication happened because I remember him saying to me, "You won this time... But next time, you won't be so lucky!" Then I woke up.

Well let me tell you, my heart was racing as fast as it could possibly go... And I didn't really want to go back to sleep because I thought that something else would try and get me, when suddenly I saw movement! It was the statue! She was walking towards me! As she did, she kept growing bigger and bigger until she was human-sized. Well let me tell you folks, that was truly the last straw. I curled up into a fetal position and rocked back and forth while chanting, "Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me..." I probably peeked because I'm curious enough that I had to see what was happening and she was right beside my bed. Next thing I know I feel Her hand on my brow soothing me like a mother would when a child is frightened. As she did this, all my fears just went away and I fell asleep into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, I remember going to class but with that in my mind. I kept thinking... Was it real? Did it really happen? Or was it just a dream? I told my friends during my lunch break about the strange dreams, since that was what I figured they were, since the alternative was just too fantastic to contemplate. When one of my friends said that at least part of my "dreams" weren't. BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER ANYTHING WHILE INSIDE THE DREAM STATE. Well that got me worried... Because that meant that... I still don't like thinking about it too much, but I'm sure you get the picture.

So that night I came home thinking about it... But still trying to dismiss it in my head as just a series of bad dreams. I fell asleep without any incidents.

The next night however was a different story. While again thinking about what happened on Sunday, I suddenly felt the bed press down as if someone had suddenly just sat down on my bed, except I was completely alone in my room! A litany of Hail Marys just started in my head because I did not want whatever it was near me, the bed went back to normal and I fell asleep.

Unfortunately, this does not end my story. A year passes by without any incident, and December comes rolling back. Once again it was that day and my door refused to remain shut! My room has carpeting and the door is quirky but it's actually fairly difficult to get open and yet I actually saw... With my own eyes... The knob turn and open... But no one was there! This is actually now fairly common for me. It happens all the time now after that first incident... it's still pretty creepy, but I tend to lock the door now, of course it doesn't help that whatever is doing this now likes to rattle the doorknob to make sure it's locked.

A follow up of the above story is that 2 years later, I ended up talking to my aunt about what had happened to me... And she gives me the most mind-boggling news. My cousin who lives in Nicaragua (the country directly north of Costa Rica) had a similar experience with a shadow thing ON THE SAME NIGHT AND, given the time difference, THE SAME HOUR AS WHEN I WAS ATTACKED! Except that she was nearly choked to death by this thing. I'm talking about she had red hand marks on her neck from this thing.

So now my question remains... And will always remain... Was it all just a dream? Or did it really happen?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, idfcv, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

JPing (guest)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
I'm inclined to agree with your friends that it does seem a bit too fantastic to believe.

I'm interested as to whether this 'betrayal' comes to pass before you find love. Go get yourself a girlfriend/boyfriend and let us know how that turns out. I must admit that sounds a bit cliche.

True or not, good story, and if you are still sleeping, time to wake up.
ghostlovr (2 stories) (54 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-02)
By what you said I think that you were not dreaming. Because it is true you don't uaslly know what you were dreaming about. So I think you wern't dreaming. If I was you I would get my house blessed. Even if I couldn't get a paster to do it then I would just do it my self. Really I would. Because that sounds really scary

Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-05)
Dear idfcv,

This is probably against my better judgment, but out of respect for all, I choose to respond as follows:

It was nice of you to offer all that background personal information, but it was not necessary nor asked for. I admitted my mistake and apologized in regards to my incorrect sense of you having been on the site before.

Yes, you and your friend are right and correct about your following statement: "BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER ANYTHING WHILE INSIDE THE DREAM STATE..."

Yes, you are right and correct that I sound like new age propaganda.

As for help, by your own admission you have generational ancestry and history that points to your family members having the same or similar experiences and curses, as well as these same family members may be the ones you might wish to turn to for help in which to resolve any and all negative residuals left over from your experience or experiences mentioned in your story. You also have your faith and as mentioned in your comments, you know of many priests. I am sure your friends, the priests and your family would be great resources of help and advice. One begins where their faith is strongest in order to find their answers, as all else will never come close. If one is not open enough to allow anything else into reside side by side as in a blend of beliefs, then it does not matter what other help or advice is given by myself or anyone else.--Good-bye, Abby
lacusclyneofzaft (guest)
18 years ago (2007-06-27)
Dear idfcv,
I told my boyfriend my stories about the shadow figure with red eyes. What had happened to me? That's when he told me that. Sorry I can't tell you more but I will tell later when I talk to my boyfriend about this.
idfcv (1 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-25)
tainted soul,

No, the one who jiggles the door and used to open the door (when it was unlocked) has never threatened me, unless you think trying to get into my room is a threat. My ex-sister-in-law told me that when she used to sleep in the room below mine she always used to hear someone going up to my room. She always chalked it up to my parents, but she always heard both of their snores when this happened. Needless to say when she heard me relate my story she did not want to stay in that room anymore.


I have never heard that theory put around. Will you be willing to explain some more?
taintedsoul (12 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-23)
Sounds like not all of these entitys are bad, and that some may be acting as "keepers", making sure that you are OK, IF I am understanding the story as I have read it. The one who opens your door, has it threatned you in any way?
ghostgirl88 (1 stories) (6 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-23)
Hi this is creepy I had that same experince on a sunday to 1999 december freaky 😲 well hope to hear from you

ghostgirl88. 😉
lacusclyneofzaft (guest)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
I seen the shadow with red eye when I was 13 year old and it didn't attack me. I told this one to my boyfriend about this one and he told me they were werewolf newbies. They are people who don't know they are werewolf but they just started changing to become one. My boyfriend is a Catholic, he now so much about these thing better then I do. My boyfriend is also not a chruch goer etiher but he know a lot about it.
idfcv (1 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
Cass, on the contrary, I think you should go to a church and speak to the priest. I do have to warn you, not all priests will think you are sane, but those who have had their own experiences will not only believe you, but will counsel you as well. Believe me there are a great deal of priests who have had experiences that defy explanation and has made them more firm in their own beliefs. I say this from personal experience as my parents have several priest friends who have told us many of their stories which truly defy explanation (and just give me the creeps). And for the records you don't have to Catholic to speak to a priest as they can be just counselors in your life.
Cass (1 stories) (16 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I saw those large orbs making geometric patterns on February 11... Which was the anniversary of the first sighting at Lourdes. That's what I mean about "Mary parallels".

And again, I only recently found out about the correlations between what has happened to me and important dates for Catholics.

You may want to google "Mothman" and "shadowman top hat"...I think that these are the same entities as the "shadow with red eyes" and you can read how other people deal with him.
Cass (1 stories) (16 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)

I know that you don't know me from Adam, but, as I've said, I know that what you posted is true or at least possible because of my own experiences the past three years.

I'm not Catholic, but I am VERY seriously looking to convert because of what has happened. You mentioned Fatima. On 2/9/05 I made a strange post about Fatima that I could not recall making the next day (at a forum I frequent). I didn't even know what "Fatima" meant.

Two days later, huge "orbs" were above my house making an odd geometric pattern over and over for several hours. People came out of their houses and sat and watched the strange light show. Some thought it was a ufo. My immediate neighbor walked outside, looked up, said "I don't EVEN want to know" and walked back inside his house.

Two days later the last surviving child of Fatima died.

This happened in 2004, and it is only very recently that I have "discovered" all of the Mary parallels to what I have seen.

I've even had a "vision" of her (or at least, I believe that it was her).

I don't know what to do. I can't very well walk into a Catholic church and tell someone, they'd think I was totally nuts.
idfcv (1 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
Oh...and just so you know. I don't remember my other screennames as I don't use them at all.
idfcv (1 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)

I have to disagree with what you said about me just wanting attention. I sleep well because I have stopped caring. What will be, will be and if the time comes to fight that thing again, I want to be able to know how to do so. I do need help. I want to know if this thing was a dream or not, and, if it wasn't, I want to know what it is and how to fight it. I want to be able to know this thing inside and out so that I can get it out of my life. My religious experience afterwards I am well aware was not a dream. I cherish that experience very much.

As for you disbelieving if I had started looking at this site just three days ago, why would I lie? There is no reason for me to do so. But I'll tell you this: my usual screen names are hawksister2003 and idfcv. Just check through to see. I have nothing to hide <shruging>. I'm a bit on the bland side and am not very creative with my screennames and will usually take something that I have used before many times, hawksister2003 coming from a book series that I enjoyed reading and idfcv are my initials. Oh yes, I also use defatima2003 or just defatima and that's my middle name. But again I have to ask... Why are you so disbelieving that I have only just found this site? I will admit to checking other sites and writing on other sites, but I never knew this site before. I have also written about this incident before and have gotten some interesting responses including curses (which family legend says that there is).

But I will leave my other stories for another time. My other stories I am well aware are real as they happened while I was awake and with other people. I will also say that my mother's side of the family has a long list of paranormal activites surrounding them since well before this generation.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
Dear idfcv,

I am happy for you that you do sleep well.

Ah, yes, three days ago. If you say so my dear one, then it must be true, though my own senses tell me differently. But they can be wrong, as we all make mistakes, and my senses must be off, and I apologize for my mistake.

Yes, I know the meaning of the word propaganda and about the application of one's own overtones. I also understand the words skirt the issue and using words out of context to make a point. At times, I am guilty of that too.

Yes, then your selected feature choice for your story was that you chose "I need help with what I have experienced", but in reality you did not need help with what you experienced. As you stated, I do sleep well, although the handle does jiggle at times. I guess I've gotten used to it. It's stopped bothering me after the 2nd year. In truth, you just wanted patronizing oohs and ahs. Unfortunately, you met up with someone who is much like yourself. I must say that this is a bit humorous, but at the same time mirror enlightening, because you see we are not really different at all. In fact you remind me much of myself when I was young. With time, maturity and experience I am certain you will blossom into a fine young woman who will understand what was just revealed here today for not only you, but for the education of the both of us and all those who read this post. I believe that our meeting was divine, educational and meant to be. I am sorry if all of this sounds like New Age propaganda. It seems that all things, New Age propaganda or not, do come around, and I will leave it at your doorstep from where it began.

Dear idfcv and Dear Readers, I apologize for my own behavior and taking so much space, energy and time from all. Thank you for putting up with my own personal opinions.

idfcv, I am happy for you that you do sleep well.--Blessings, Abby
idfcv (1 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
Actually this is my first story posting on this site and only recently found this site about 3 days ago. I have only responded one other time to a story. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else? It's happened a couple of times to me.

As for the word "propaganda," the meaning is neither negative or positive. We create our own overtones. Propaganda is another word for advertisement or a way to forward ideas and foment acquiescence to that idea.

In any case, we agreed to disagree and that's the main thing. Oh and I do sleep well, although the handle does jiggle at times. I guess I've gotten used to it. It's stopped bothering me after the 2nd year.

Cass: The statue is the Virgin Mary in the Murillo form. She is not in the form of any of "our Ladies..." Although I do have a small statue of Our Lady of Fatima because She has special significance to me. I still have my statue although not in my room anymore. I think I will always feel grateful to Her.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
Pardon me idcfv,

Thank you so very much Martin for your comment, insight and open, personal perspective. I was most likely putting together my response while you were also posting yours.

Just to let readers know Martin and I did not consult beforehand about this. 😊 As many readers who have frequented this site may already know, I can take care of my own granny butt(ocks), well, most times! 😉

With Apprciation Martin, my dear friend, Abby
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
Dear idfcv,

I respectfully accept your apology. I wish to suggest to you that perhaps, in the near future when you debate and do not agree with a person just tell them that you do not agree with them and the reason why, and not bring in the kitchen sink. In my opinion it is not necessary to bring up in a debate other matters that are not relevant to the issue or issues stated. It only sidetracks the issue, as well as skirts around the subject or issue at hand. Unless of course this is your intention. I also disagree that when you say my words "sound like" New Age propaganda that it is not meant to offend me. Personally, I do not view a difference betweem labeling or "sounding like". First, I think most anyone would be offended by this and find this to be but a side swipe away from the issue, and secondly, if one would fill in the words "New Age" with other words in connection with propaganda, I can hardly see how one would not find your thought, words and sentence offensive. Here are some examples as follows: "Catholic" propaganda, "Protestant propaganda", "Hindu" Propaganda,"Buddhist"propaganda,"Shintu" propaganda, "Islam" propaganda, "Muslim" propaganda, "Native American", "Wiccan" propaganda, "Spiritual" propaganda and so forth. How about other words like one's race, age, gender, the color of one's skin, marital status and sexual preference. Even simple words put in place of the words "New Age", like ghost, lunatic, genius, parasite, kind, witch, love, invalid, sweet, stove, pig, lipstick and so forth. It seems when one attaches the word propaganda to these type of words, in my opinion it just does not "sound like" they are meant to point out anything constructive or relevant to the person or matter at hand. Thus, I do find them to be out of context, offensive, and a poor choice of words. It would be like you saying that my words "sounded like" mother hen propaganda. Is it the clucking mother hen's words you disagree with or dislike or could the truth be that you do not like mother hens in general. With that said, could it be that you have an issue with the "New Age" way of thinking or perception. Perhaps, that is what you need to look at instead. Please also look at your own back yard, and see that the story you tell here, well, many would not accept as valid for themselves either. "New Age" may be valid for others or have good points as all things do. Please consider this and respect others and their beliefs even if you disagree with them.

By the way, you "feel" so much like someone who has been on this site frequently, as your personal energy imprint is so very, very familiar to me.

Despite the fact that we choose to respectfully agree to disagree, I still "feel" for you, and the paranormal issues you have been experiencing. I hope you will find resolve for them and that you will be able to sleep well and dream well without the intrusion of uninvited guests.

Thus, I do not feel wronged in anyway, only offended by a poor choice and a poor choice of words, but this as all things will pass. I do accept your apology as it is given.

As always, this is but my opinion, many times not humble, but my own. You always have the choice to choose to agree or disagree, and to also choose some, all or nothing of what I say to you.

Blessings to us both as we respectfully agree to disagree without including the kitchen sink, Abby
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-06-22)
idfcv, I don't get it, when people give advices according to their religion, we say it has a "christian or a wiccan or a buddhist perspective" but why someone using terms from a more new age school would be categorized as propaganda? I think it's unfairly harsh. We may use concepts that have been also adopted by the new age movement (which in itself is often a very lazy way of labeling anyone with an eclectic and independant set of beliefs instead of following organized religions), so you can say it has a new age "flavor" or "perspective", but "propaganda" suggests the intent of deceiving people for some (usually nefarious) political purposes, which is far from being the case here 😐
Cass (1 stories) (16 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
What did you do with the statute? And exactly what statute was it? (Our Lady of Guadalupe for example)
evilblackwidow9 (6 stories) (132 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
It is very possible that you dreamed this while it was happening to your cousin. The cord would simbolize strangluation. But on the other hand, you and your cousin could have been dealing with a soul snatcher. The one tryed to take your while keeping you alive, while the other was trying to kill her to take hers. My suggestion to you if you accept it is, ring of salt around both your beds and keep your faith strong. No matter what you believe in, if you believe in it enough, it will pull you through.
idfcv (1 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
Abby, I respectfully have to apologize if you feel that I am labeling you. I just wanted you to know that your words sounded like New Age propaganda, I did not mean that it was. Just because something sounds like something does not make it so. As such, please accept my apology for offending you which was not my intention at all.

Humbly, I offer this: While I do not agree with your opinions, I did hear them, as I do with everything. Just because I don't agree with someone's opinions does not make that person wrong. As I said, I do not agree with your opinions, but I do respect them. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
Dear idfcv,

Thank you for your opinion, and I choose to respectfully agree to disagree with your assessment. By the way, I said, "your friend" chose to have one or more road blocks in her belief system of some sort of "dream rules". In my opinion, I did conclude that if you believe in her interpetation then perhaps you also have road blocks.

However, it is obvious you know about labels and word coinage of the "New Age" and the word "propaganda", as well as what a "lucid dream" is. It is the same reason that labels and human beings had Christians thrown to the lions, the Jews and other innocents were exterminated by the Nazi's, women were burned as witches, the Spanish Inquistion took place, Christ was crucified, the Japanese Americans were imprisioned, blacks were tortured, etc., etc. And etc. For the record I am not a label nor am I the coined word "New Age" nor do I practice it. I do respect that belief system as well as others. I am first a spirit for that is who I am. I am and was not peddling what you call "New Age Propaganda". This is who I am take it or leave it.

May I suggest you re-read your story and all of the comments, as well as all readers to do the same and conclude for themselves.

Respectfully, Abby
idfcv (1 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
Abby, to tell you the truth, I checked back to the story to see if I had written it correctly and I did. I'm just going to assume that you misinterpreted my words.

As for road blocks in my dream... Never had them. I've had the weirdest dreams since I was a child. Fact of life. In reality, I also do not have roadblocks and have always tried to think positively about everything. As for you saying that you know that you can't fly, but you fly in your dreams... Sounds like lucid dreaming. I've had those a few times, they're really great.

Everything else you said sounds like some kind of New Age propaganda. Not to say that New Age things are not entertaining, but I don't necessarily believe in everything either.

However, everyone has a right to their own opinions and I appreciate you sharing them. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
Dear idcfv,

Yes, and please understand that in my own point of view within a dream there is no impossibility. If your friend believes there is but even one impossibility then it will be so within her dream. It does not mean that all dream experiencers experience the same result or the one or more road blocks that she has created for herself in regard to some type of "dream rules".

In my dream, I know I cannot fly and am quite aware of this fact in waking and dream state, but I also know I can fly in my dreams and do so. I find no difference in waking and dream state if one believes in what they wish to create while out of body. I would also know that if I was dreaming about driving a stick shift, I can also be totally aware or remember that in waking state I truly do not know how to drive a vehicle at all. (Though I can drive in real 3D, and a stick shift, a 3 on the tree and an automatic, but make the car a muscle car of my dreams). All possibilities are in the realm outside of this 3D physical world. My opinion of course.

I would say idfcv, that only "you" can choose what you want to "know" and "believe" as your perception of your life and its meaning. Nobody else can do this for you. We are just offering our comments and our opinions based on our personal perspectives from our lives. It is always up to you to be master or mistress of your own life and destiny.

My belief is that the knowledge comes when the student is ready. Only you will "know" when the time is right for you from the depth of your soul and according to your soul level. Until then be patient, observe and listen, ask questions, and when you tell your story, tell it in the whole and full, unedited version in order to avoid misunderstandings or allow for any excuses to arise.

Only you can move the road blocks to your dreams,--Abby
idfcv (1 stories) (9 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
Shane, Abby, and Martin:

You do not understand what I meant about my friend's comment in dreams. She meant that while in a dream state (inside a dream) you cannot suddenly remember something. For instance, if you are dreaming about driving stick shift, you can't suddenly remember that you can't drive. I've remembered all of my dreams after waking up since childhood and that is definitely not what she meant. I've also had a few lucid dreams in which I'll be in a nightmare and realize that I'm in a dream and then control the outcome of the dream. But this was not lucid dreaming. This was something entirely different

As for resolving things in dreams, I've never had a dream that has actually helped me in any way. Most were just too strange and fantastic, like the one that I had about being in an alien ship or the one that I was in a soap opera that lasted a couple of nights ending with "To be Continued" and then lastly, "The End..."
Cass (1 stories) (16 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
I don't know if what happened to you is real or not... Only you can know that.

What I DO know is that I, too, have had an awful lot of Mary and shadow man "otherness" happen to me and mine in the last few years, and I'm not even Catholic.

Some of the stuff I've

And hey, I've noticed that things seem to happen on holidays or Catholic "feast" days. Quick example,I've had extremely bizarre experiences the past three Easters, including:

1. Obe (my first) where I looked into a chalice on a white altar (holy grail?)

2. Saw a perfect cross standing by itself in the sky

and 3., (this last Easter) saw the shadow man "red-eyed" thing that flew at me and THROUGH me. I don't know if that was a hallucination or what, it was very, very quick.

ANY-way, the point is that I DEFINITELY know that what you are saying is possible, it really seems like we are in the midst of a battle between Good and Evil.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
I wanted to point that out when I read it but I forgot. Yeah, people remember their dreams, it's no big mystery, so you should take your friend's advice with a grain of salt (make that a big chunk actually) 🤔
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
Dear idfcv,

I agree with Shane, it is up to you to decide what it was you perceived. Any dream or being which makes you feel afraid has to be confronted and looked at. Only you know what your fears are. Dark entities will always test an individual. You already stood firm once, and you can do so the next time. Your own soul's strength comes from standing firm within your own center and belief system. You will need to hold back your fear and anger. You can also try all the suggestions to protect yourself that have been written in comment sections of many of the stories here. I would suggest to try all things until you find what works the best for you and your belief system.

Dreams can be recalled. I dream many dreams and I have recalled most all of them, in memory and on paper. Many of our problems are worked out within the dream state. Like all places we reside, we always need to take care of ourselves and protect ourselves from those who do show us their dark side. It is but common sense to do so. Univited guests, are just that, uninvited and unwelcome. Draw your boundaries and stand in your center of your spirit's balance...always.

If you wish to resolve your fears or issues whether in waking or dream states, you must first empower yourself, find your center and your own strength. Only you can find the help you seek, and so you must do the work to find out who you truly are and what this all means to you.

May love be the light that shines your way, as you walk down the path that you have chosen.--Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-21)
Only you know what truely happened to you idfcv. The part where your friend said you aren't suppose to remember dreams. Well that is wrong. I can remember most of my dreams from start to finish. Even a few I had as a child. Yet I am still not rich and as far as I know I still can't fly, without a plane that is. What you experienced could be anything from sleep paraylsis to Astral projection, a haunting or even just a dream. You just have to deceide for yourself what it was that truely happened.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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