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Freaky Incident - I Had My Proof


My second publishing and I am very excited about this, especially after the great review I got on my previous story. Well I hope you have read my first before reading this because only then would you be able to feel the rush I went through when I passed this experience.

After my first, I started to narrate the experience to all my friends as a paranormal event as and when we would talk about it. However, for me, it was still very unsatisfying as there wasn't any concrete proof that it was indeed a ghost. I came across many stories and many incidents from many people around but I still craved for that spine-chilling encounter which I have been chasing for a long time now. My ghost hunting seasons had started again and I would visit all the places I knew from the stories I heard in the search for something REALLY freaky but never came across anything more than the hot and cold spots, etc.

This incident takes place a few months after my first experience in the year 2005. My friends and I would take frequent 2-3 day road trips and this time we decided to go to a village close by which was about 8-9 hours drive for a nice quiet vacation. All the days went by in a jiffy and we were on our last night on the trip and we decided to spend it on a circuit house (It's place which has many guest houses for Ministers and Members of parliament who come to stay in the village) which was a distance away from the main village and the area too was quite deserted. The circuit house is located in one corner of the village with a huge cliff on one of the sides. We were given a single room in one of the sides on the ground floor in which 5 of us were supposed to accommodate. The room was a small 20*30 place with two big windows and one king size bed next to the first window. The second window was sealed and was straight in front of the entrance with glass panes above the AC vent, which also was a little ahead from the feet of the bed.

We returned from our sight seeing at around 8 pm and finished our dinner and after a few more hours of playing cards and stuff, we decided to crash around 1 am. I wasn't in the least bit sleepy and decided to watch a movie on my friend's phone. Half way into the movie I was almost falling off the bed and decided to hit the sack. It was pretty cool that night and very quiet as well. Just as I was turning in, I got this weird feeling that something was unwell and restless.

After a few moments from then, I heard Payal (Anklet with a small bells which make a typical "Chhann" sound) sounds right outside the second window. It was partly funny and highly strange for such an occurrence even though its a very common accessory for girls in the village to wear but that late in the hour and around that place? It was very unlikely. So I decided to go and check it out.

I reached the window and was looking out through the glass pane above the AC vent trying to figure out the source of the sound. The sound was as clear as someone was walking right in front of me. Back and Forth. But I was unable to see who it was! It was obviously dark but due to the moonlight I was able to see quite a lot, but nothing of what was making the sound and that is when it struck me that I might just be experiencing yet another paranormal activity! I sprinted across the room to fetch my N73 and shoot a video with flash. Before going to bed, I see the video again and it has captured all that was visible very well. (It is still quite freaky) I went to sleep, thoroughly content of what I had captured!

The next morning I woke up and had completely forgotten about the video I had taken, until we start talking about Ghosts and spirits that people in the villages have experienced halfway through the journey. Smiling with joy of having captured something unusual I took out my phone and showed everybody what I had recorded and everybody was quite amazed, amused and left speechless. One of my friends, however, wasn't pleased or even amused and asked me to delete the recording right away which I did not bother listening to for obvious reasons.

During the course of sharing the video it had started to rain very heavily and the roads were barely visible. The AC was on in the car and as a result, all of us decided to halt for an emergency visit to the restroom at the next petrol station. Within a few moments our car abruptly shuts off leaving us all clueless. Two of us decided to push start the car and we successfully managed that only to have it shut off again.

This happened about 3 times and we decided to take a small detour to a famous resort nearby and call a mechanic. My friend suggested again for me to delete the video I had taken and I ignored it conveniently. We tried reaching all the mechanics in the area, including a service station, but none were available. We tried to figure it out ourselves, but have no clue of what had happened.

Then, again, my friend suggested the same thing and frustrated of his orthodox lookout and waiting for 5 hours for something to happen, I decided to delete it. I called up my other friends and made them listen to the video and told them to ask for an explanation later.

With immense disappointment, frustration and tiredness I deleted the video. Within 3 minutes of doing so, the rains that were pouring had stopped, the mechanic who was trying to reach us finally got through and fixed the car and we were off from there with my friend, who was suggesting to me to delete the video all the while, having a big smile on his face saying "I told you so".

Putting this across as paranormal wasn't the way my friend (who's village we went to) would put it. He always said that it was just a coincidence but was never able to explain the sounds of someone walking outside our window. This was taken care of last year when his relatives came by to his place for a few days. In general discussion they asked about our stay at the village and my friend narrated our incident to them, and curiously, they asked him about the place we lived in. It was only when they found out that we lived the circuit house next to the cliff they told him what was there on the other side (Right) of it. It was a very old Graveyard. Many of the people of the village have had sightings, possessions and a distinct eerie feeling and hence many ministers refused to live there and instead lived in another circuit house in a nearby town.

As an example of how times change, my friend who was a non believer then, does now tell our story as his own first paranormal experience.

Do leave your comment. Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, NpN4poisoN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ilajenz2 (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-04)
how a man made stuff can do something man cannot?...well i'll have 2 believe... It was freaky dear... Keep it up... Your are damn brave and your friend is a spiritual as well as a practical person... Both of you are BRAVO!BRAVO! But you using N73 sounds made up one yaar afterall it was launched in 2006😜

With regards and lots of love
Megha Kaur ❤
ilajenz2 (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-04)
how a man made?...well i'll have 2 believe... It was freaky dear... Keep it up... Your are damn brave and your friend is a spiritual as well as a practical person... Both of you are BRAVO!BRAVO! 😜

With regards and lots of love
Megha Kaur ❤
rishabh (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-17)
bakwass na karo yr... Ainvayi kuch bhi... I don't think ghosts gives a shiat about videos
kunwarkh (2 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)

The comments made by 'live' totally proves that this stor was indeed a fictional account. And I have checked, the release dates infact make it impossible for the story to be true.

Since this site is only supposed to host true experiences, should not this story be deleted?

I am not sure, just wanted to bring it to the moderators attention.
bizzjoe (1 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-06)
so you watched a video on a phone in 2005? Really? I don't know... I just don't know...
nikita2012 (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-30)
I liked story but it would be more intersting if you had showed that video. 😆
rahulj (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-27)
[at]live... Great point. Indeed N73 was launched in 2006. So this is probably a made up experiance as poison has always stated, be it in his STORY or reply to comments that the year of the incedent was 2005.
Tell you the same thing flashed my mind as I was reading the STORY

[at] [poison] dear, leave aside your experience and you deleting the proof, will you please clarify, how on earth you got your hands on N73 in the year 2005 before its launch which incedently was one year after i.e 2006, I am more interested in this!
discerninguser (6 stories) (82 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-03)
Points made by Live are extremely valid... How did you manage to get your hands on mobile phones which were not even launched?

And secondly if you were only able to capture the sound of the payal and no video of any ghostly figure or apparition, how did you think people will believe you? For all they know you could be holding your handset in one hand and a payal in another hand lol...

In addition, I have never heard of any ghosts or spirits powerful enough to change nature itself ie., raining and then stopping the rain once you deleted the video. The car breakdown was still believeable!
live (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)


NpN4poisoN (2 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-02)
Ok... Quite a lot of posts to go through and OMG its funny how some people are trying to rubbish the story.
Guys... Talking about protecting the video with your life and all that sounds pretty good but when you are facing it... It just sounds downright weird. Its how we mature and grow to be people who understand things much better...
Think about this... How many would believe a video with some sound of footsteps outside a window? You guys would rubbish that too, stating it was made up...! You guys need exorcist like stories to believe it... You need the thrill too... Its great fun going ghost hunting... And I am the only one in my group who is like that... The others just like taking a trip around the places so why would their mind fool them?
I did not know to share my experience here, I would have to prove things to you... I am defending my experience as I would defend even if you say that the OZONE LAYER IS A MYTH... I mean that's foolish to believe in what you can only see! You have other senses too...
Being in that age and having someone tell you that "Brother... Delete the video, I guess its stalking us and that's why we can't get going... It doesn't want you to share the video..." I was very disappointed too... I lost that video... But I still go out with friends and search for anything creepy... And no matter how you critics may act... I will publish to let some of the people who do want to open their minds... Not everything has to be really scary... Somethings that don't have a logical explanation, somethings that aren't normal... Its what we call strange occurrences... Sometimes, Paranormal...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-31)
I've been waiting for a year and a half to see your name come up again. I want to thank you for drawing me to this site. You may not like the politics of it, many of us don't, but it is one site where your feedback means something. And we find we like doing our own policing.
Again, thank you for having such interesting stories. They drew my attention away from politics, and saved me from going nuts.

Jav ❤
Wardo (8 stories) (171 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-31)
So you had 1 video mysteriously disappear from your phone, and another that you DELETED? Wow one thing that I have noticed about this site is that mods don't even seem to do their jobs. I have posted several very scary and real occurrences just to have mods delete them and tell me that they weren't real, or didn't prove paranormal activity. Well they must be getting desperate now by chasing so many faithful people away that they are posting this crap. By the way, some people have had very scary things happen that they can't explain away... If I had video or audio proof I would guard it with my life!
ram (26 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-31)
hey npn4 you really had a true experience wow it actually thrilled me while reading but you didn't mention the place you encountered with?
gannubhaibtech (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-31)
[at] jarman, I can suggest plenty of other reasons like having a shorted spark plug and electrical/electronic failures etc, but its his experience pal, just sharing and may be it was/wasn't something but its just how you fit a variable into an equation to best describe a phenomena! As it goes '$#it happens'. Its like you do some mischief and people are searching for the miscreant, eventhough they are no good at finding who it is you get scared, its a similar story! Its like the Macbeth story... Remember I am a critic myself but at times being a critic is of no use!
JarMan (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
I don't see anything paranormal here. You yourself already debunked the sounds yourself. It isn't THAT unusual for someone to be out and about. How hard would that to be to accept.

I in no way would accept the fact your "evidence" was causing your car to stall or the unpleasant weather. This kind of stuff happens all the time. The weather is like an animal and it does what it pleases with or without your consent.

I had a friend, when it rained his car would stall because water would get under the hood, into the engine.
gannubhaibtech (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Way to go buddy, all the best and be strong of mind! I can't totally disregard your story as something similar happened to me too as I mentioned in my comment! And dude whenever you are exploring unknown territories, always have a back up vehicle, doesn't matter even if its a panzer or a fighter heli, or even a bicycle, always be in a group. And if possible stay in touch and contact me at vaideeswar [at] yahoo.co.uk
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
I don't see the logic in saying that having the video made it rain or made the car break down. These are both events that happen frequently. The fact that both were resolved quickly creates a spooky feeling at the time, but logically both things were going to happen and you obviously don't have any way of knowing if they would have happened at that same time if you had not deleted the video. Especially since all you had proof of was an unexplained noise. The cause or at least the inability to explain the noise occurring as it did might have been obvious to you, but it would not have held up as evidence to the world at large, so why would anything care that you had it? If it had cared it could have stopped when you grabbed your camera. Your defensive reaction to previous comments suggests to me that you desperately want to believe this was a paranormal event so you ferociously cling to your interpretation while attacking logical arguments against that interpretation. Did you capture a ghostly noise on video? Maybe. Did you have to delete it to avoid being stuck in a broken down car indefinitely? I doubt it.
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
I want to know how you were "forced" to delete it? Was it some kind of voice in your head forcing you to, or was it something taking control of your body? I myself would have not deleted it by any means unless something was physically controlling me to delete it.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
I agree with MissyM's statement and judging by how defensive you got over it, I think she touched a nerve. I think I am pretty much off the fence about this one. I call shennanigans.

If you do not have anything to prove to anyone, why are you here? Why participate in the discussion? If you were just sharing a story, you would have dumped it off like an old can and left it here for people to kick around in their minds. Obviously you care whether or not people believe it or you would not be backing up your own statements with supporting arguments. MissyM made a good point. You WANTED to experience something, so you are making the details fit. Convenient indeed, how you just HAD to delete that video.
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
[at] NpN4poisoN:
"You seem to be the ignorant sorts" <- your comment was rude and 100% unnecessary.

"All the details I am sharing is just so that you could analyze the weird events we went through... " <-I have analyzed it and declared it in my "opinion" not to be paranormal

It sounds to be someone trying to find the "paranormal" around every corner. I'm not saying what happened isn't real. But you have stated "I still craved for that spine-chilling encounter which I have been chasing for a long time now." which brings me to believe that you maybe be "craving" the paranormal experience so badly your mind is creating them for you.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
[at] NpN4poisoN: Yes Moongrim does get grouchy and storm around the woods sometimes...
NpN4poisoN (2 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
[at] Moongrim: Actually I did... Then I realized it was you... So I deleted it anyway... 😜 This is a site for people to share real experiences... If you have a problem with the story, why don't you research on the details mentioned than showing your wit... Nobody is interested in that mate... Go find a blog.
NpN4poisoN (2 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
[at] Mountaineer: I know how it sounds mate... I was referring to inability of people to open their minds to such events. I don't expect many people to believe this and I am not getting angry... Believe me. As I said in my earlier post. I am just sharing an experience which gave us quite a fright and eventually led some of us into believing what it actually could have been... I can't obviously prove things to you as how I had planned when I took the video & times like these is why I wish I had it... But I am putting this up for you guys to read and get an idea of how things can be... I can still put everything else as just a coincidence but still... Nothing explains of what I saw that night or rather heard and couldn't see... Of what the video captured... I would like to challenge the paranormal and have been searching all my life for something concrete but these things arent normal... Hence paranormal. Thanks for commenting. 😊
NpN4poisoN (2 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
[at] gannubhaibtech: We were a group of 5 20 year old teenagers in one car... We knew only to drive... Nobody ever had a bike in their lives! It was a Scoda Octavia... In the year 2005... We were heading back from Kolhapur. We were staying at the circuit house near the valley. We didn't have any GPS or GPRS on our phones... All of us were on prepaid and uploading and stuff didn't happen from our cellphones then. I had made a copy and deleted the OG but it didn't work... We had to erase the evidence to see the sign of moving out from there... And being in that age and the time and with my friends telling me to get rid of it... I didn't have much of a choice to buy their point... Besides, I proved my 5 best friends, my then Girlfriend and my mother... Thats quite enough I think...
I live in Mumbai and love ghost hunting... I shall be sharing another incident quite soon...
Smile] 😊 Thanks for commenting...
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
[at] NpN4poisoN: It's quite immature to get angry and call someone ignorant for having their own opinion. And we can't prove that the video was a dud or that your story is a lie because, miraculously, you had evidence but were forced to delete it. That kind of thing just doesn't look good. It makes it sound like one of the fish stories from my neighborhood. "I caught a hundred-pound bass last week but as we were heading home it jumped out of the boat!" I'm not saying that this isn't a good story, or implying that it is a fictional account. I am just saying that it seems mighty suspicious how circumstances forced you to delete your only evidence.
NpN4poisoN (2 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
[at] Indigo: Thanks for the comment and reading the story. I am not publishing it for people to believe in it. I know what I had experienced along with 4 other friends. It wasn't anything normal. Hearing foot steps and payal sound is a common phenomenon in india and I just never thought I could ever experience it... I can't express... Just imagine this... You can see a moonlit path until a few feet even in the dark but can hear sounds of someone walking right in front of you and a few steps away... But you can't see anything... Nobody! It more than strange and nothing that can give any sort of an explanation for those footsteps as the window side is a valley and the other side is a graveyard... 😊 I have been a non believer for most of the years of my life... I know where you come from... But take my word on it... It wasn't anything close to "normal"... 😊 😊

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gannubhaibtech (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
That's a nice story buddy, maybe it was a mohini! But when you guys are traveling through difficult (troublesome, supposedly haunted or whatever) you should ask someone to bring a backup vehicle like a motorcycle or something in case of emergencies. Where are you from and what do you do? Are you interested in ghost hunting and stuff? And why didn't you create a backup for the video or upload it to the net instead of carrying it around. The rain sort of incident happened to me but it was spiritual.

Me and my friend went to a temple dedicated to sun god just for a roadtrip and he was in a playful mood and asked what is this god supposed to do. It was a bright sunny day but the instant we left the temple somewhere a storm developed and it started raining heavily. By the time we reached my home, the rain miraculously stopped. But who is to say why it happened at that particular time, I believe it to be just a coincidence while my friend thinks of it as a miracle and supernatural... Good writing though!
gannubhaibtech (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Dude payal? Seriously? I wish I encounter something like that. Did you ever try uploading it, creating q backup and then deleting the video? Or you didn't have GPRS facility? Whatever dost, you had fun and excitement! And whenever you are traveling on a lonely less traveled or troublesome road, have a backup vehicle like a motorcycle or something, like it can be used as a scout! And India, whole family rides on a 100cc bike, we are great!
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-30)
Not trying to be rude, but no...I'm not buying either story as 'paranormal' period. Not at all. Poison, your stories are well written, but you're trying to find ghosts in everything. I'm sorry I'm blunt, but there. I said it.

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