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Laundry List Of Odd Events


Greetings. I do not know if I am living with a ghost or not, but wanted to share some of the odd events that have happened in my home since the past three years or so - sort of a laundry list of unexplainable things - then see what you think. Most of these things started happening after the birth of my son in 2009.

Oddity One: the book light and its batteries. Two mornings in a row, I woke to find my book light, which is the fold-able type you can clip on a book cover, not on my night table where I left it, but on the floor with the back casing slipped off and the and batteries pried out. I tried every which way conceivable to get it to do that myself thinking maybe I just knocked it over in my sleep, but no matter what I did I could NOT get it to do that. The batteries were tightly installed. The cover snaps shut. My bedroom floor is soft, padded carpet. I even threw it on the floor then walked on it thinking maybe I accidentally knocked it off the stand then stepped on it in the night, but no. Someone had to take the back cover off and pry those batteries out on purpose. After two nights of waking to find my book light on the floor in pieces, I stopped leaving it on the nightstand.

Oddity Two: the moving laundry basket. One early morning, around 1:00 a.m., I got out of bed to prepare a bottle of formula for my infant son. He was sleeping in a sitting room which is part of our master bedroom suite - it made a handy nursery. There is a partial wall between his 'bedroom' and mine, containing a glass see-through fireplace with a hearth surrounding it. That morning, there was a laundry basket on that hearth full of folded laundry. I walked past it on my way to the kitchen. When I returned, the basked was OFF the hearth, sitting in the middle of the hallway. Now, nobody in the entire house was awake but for the baby and I. He was in his crib, and not old enough to even roll over yet. It had not been knocked off, or accidentally bumped as I went past. It was heavy, large, and sitting quite perfectly in the exact middle of the hallway as if someone did not wish me to miss it. I know this does not sound spectacular, but it frightened me greatly at the time.

Oddity Three: the haywire electronic toys. Now, I know that electronic toys can simply go off on occasion due to vibrations or changes in the atmosphere, but our toys started going off mysteriously (when they never had before) and rather systematically. One early morning, before the sun was even up yet, I was making coffee in the kitchen when I heard the oddest sound; sort of a 'Grrrrrr' or a 'Zzzzzrrrr' over and over. The hair on my arms stood up. I went looking for the source, and found it was one of my son's 'sound effect' story books lying in a sort of tunnel/hallway we have that separates one half of our home from the other. It was a book about the movie Cars, and one of the sound effects just kept going off by itself. Now, that book kept doing that for months, but ONLY when it was alone with me, and only in the early morning or late night. After awhile, I started talking to the darn thing wondering if perhaps it was some deceased family member trying to get my attention.

My son also has one of those Fisher Price farm things that lights up and talks. I kept that in the breezeway, too and IT started going off on its own, singing songs and lighting up without anyone touching it, but only when I was the only one in the area, and usually when the lights were low.

Finally, just a few weeks ago, the kids were in bed and I was downstairs alone typing on my computer when a little 'stand and groove' kids table behind my back suddenly lit up and started singing. VERY CREEPY. So, I turned around and started talking to it. Each time I asked a question, it played a song. No lie. After a few minutes of this, I looked at it and said, "Okay, I think it's time for you to be quiet now." The table said, "Good-bye!" and was silent the rest of the night. What are the chances? 'Good-bye' is just one of the dozens of little recordings it is capable of playing. That spooked me.

Oddity Four: the guestroom light. Our home is odd in that it is sort of like two houses held together by a tunnel on the second floor in the center. We spend most of our time on one side where the kitchen, bedrooms and family room are. The other side has a living room, an office loft - and the guest bedroom down in the 'basement'. I never get a creepy feeling down there, but it is COLD. I always assumed this is because it is partially underground, and the ground is simply cold in Colorado, no matter the season.

Anyway, my mother came to visit after my son was born. She slept in that room. On the first night, she claims that once she got into bed, she leaned over and switched off the lamp, then rolled over to go to sleep, but a moment later, the lamp turned itself back on. She said this spooked her so much; she left it on all night for fear if she turned it off whatever it was would turn it back on again. The next night, my mom slept with the bedroom door open and the hall light on. Everyone who sleeps down there feels a little weird. Not always scared, just... Odd. Also, I have gone into that room on occasion to get something out of a closet, or to check the bathroom and make sure nothing has flooded to find one of the lamps on when no one has been down there in weeks. Maybe it's just the lamp, no?

Oddity Five: glimpses and shadows. This is probably common, but I am always seeing movement just out of the corner of my eye, or in front of me but so fast I have to assume it was nothing. This might actually be nothing, for our home has many large windows and lots of unusual angles; very artsy and modern. The light (sun or moon) plays off of the walls in interesting ways day or night. Yet, I cannot help but feel it is something more. About a month ago, I actually thought I saw on two different occasions a being actually moving VERY quickly, but solidly in front of me. It was just a glimpse, and it wasn't a shadow. It was more like... Solidified light or the atoms in the air being suddenly visible for a moment as a form, then not anymore. Does that make sense? Both times, whatever it was looked short - like a child. Maybe my eyes are just tired.

There have been so many other little things, like swearing I heard my daughter say 'Momma' next to my ear in the middle of the night, and my reaching out to pull her into my bed only to realize she wasn't even there. Orbs suddenly appearing in digital photos, usually around my daughter - or my pregnant belly when I was still pregnant. I experienced sleep paralysis out of the blue one night after my son was just born, but that may have been due to utter exhaustion. I know I am forgetting other things - many months have passed.

So, after all that, I am curious to hear what you think. Is it a possible spirit, or just an over tired momma? Part of me wishes to explore further - and another part of me knows that it is not always wise to play with things we don't' fully understand. So far I have never felt threatened. I'd like to leave it there, if there is a choice.

Hope everyone is well - all my best to all of you. Thank you for reading. S.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Delsol, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

MerscratianAce (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
I've never experienced the toys talking by themselves or the things misplacing themselves, but I can imagine how disconcerting that would be, because if I go to sleep in the living room and we have a power outage when I'm asleep with the TV on, I'll usually awake with a fright when the power comes back on and the TV starts up with static and the answering machine says "Press. Review. Key. To. Receive. Setup. Instructions." While I know this is just what the devices are programmed to do, it still creeps me out for a few minutes. However, I have seen the air becoming visible. In my last year of high school when I was waiting outside my girlfriend's classroom for her class to end, I looked up from my book to see what looked like the haze that forms from the convection of a hot surface about four feet in front of me. However, it was about 5'8" tall and in humanoid form, and it appeared to be walking at approximately four miles per hour, like it was hurrying somewhere. (I should probably write this down as my own ghost story). Anyway, God bless you and as a fellow Coloradoan, keep warm.
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
Delsol youve definitely got a few things going on there. Enjoyed reading it 😊

And with it maybe being an overtired mum or a spirit, I wonder if it could be a combination of both? That is, some of it is spirit related and some because youve been tired. Just a thought 😊
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-21)
Delsol - the bed history with the family, and the orb hanging around it, could be tied together. Just would take a little bit a research into the family history and something could be discovered that way.

Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
I have seen it suggested before that if you are curious you might try writing down each event, noting the time, circumstance, even the emotional climate of the house and your physical & mental state at the time, to see if you detect patterns which might help you explain away the events or draw some conclusions about potential paranormal explanations. Of course the danger is letting that make you hyper-aware, so you start giving undue weight to slightly odd things that you normally would "know" are normal. It might help you at least make an educated guess though.

Sorry if this advice was already offered, the comments were so long & seemed to get contentious so I chose not to read them closely.
Delsol (2 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
Thank you Moongrim! It is certainly true that the most obvious 'activity' occurred during those months when I was most sleep deprived. I have wondered if it might be the cause. Those first three months, my son ate every two hours 'round the clock. I was on the moon for a bit! Yet, things continue to happen. Smaller things, though. The last strange occurrence was the toy 'talking' to me, but we both know that is hardly proof of a ghost. I shall be curious to note if these things halt altogether as my kids get older and I... Get more sleep! My 4 year old daughter still wakes me up several times a week. She has night terrors when sleeping in her own room (I don't think this is related to anything paranormal - just typical toddler behavior). Lately I've taken to just letting her sleep with me so we both get more rest. :-)
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
Either you've got a Shadow Person hanging about, or you were suffering a wee bit from sleep deprivation. Since you've been getting up at 1 in the morning, and my having been where you are with kids and all, I'd be willing to be a day's pay that you were sleep deprived, along with some minor bits of paranoia.

Sleep deprivation plays havoc with your mind, and I'd not be the least bit surprised if you were sleep walking around mucking about with your book light and it's batteries.
As to the paranoia, I'd also recommend that you have your place tested for infrasonics. Which tend to have a most unusual effect upon folks:

Delsol (2 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
Steph, thank you for your reply! Your image of the cheeky spirit made me laugh, though honestly it was far less amusing at the time! *smile* There is something disconcerting about an unseen thing moving objects so close to your sleeping child. Makes you wonder if they could move... Oh, I don't know - pillows for instance. I will continue to keep an eye open while noting the good vs. The bad! So far, all has been playful just as you portray.

Ahwatukee, thank you for your thoughtful response. I recognize you wrote in a spirit of good will hoping to share information which may help, and am appreciative.

Indigo, thank you for participating in this thread. I sort of feel you were trying to come to my rescue, though it may have had nothing to do with that. (shrug) I know it can be highly annoying when people come off as a know-it-all! I tend to try and look past the chafing bits and see the intention; not always easy! Lol! Anyway, all this to say I understand your angst and hope you do not feel I am confused or traumatized over a few (okay a LOT of) words from another. It's all good - at least from here. I hope all is well with you, too.

Mountaineer, I did wonder if it could be a relative. We did have a dear friend pass away earlier this year. He never had the chance to meet our boy. We came close, but did not make it in time. The past couple of years are a bit of a blur for many reasons, but I am pretty sure this stuff started happening BEFORE that death. The only other person I can think of is my husband's grandfather in France. He was quite old, but spiritually grounded. I cannot imagine him not moving on instantly, but... Who knows? Hmmm.

Geetha50, thank you for your reply! I have asked my church (Self-Realization Fellowship, which is sort of an east meets west organization) what to do in a situation like this and they suggest chanting the Om, writing the Om symbol with my fingertip on the walls and pillows (invisibly) and keeping my mind focused on God. They are also big on the concept of turning your back on that which you fear, and it shall disappear. I cannot say I am afraid yet - more curious, and if anything, afraid of my own curiosity for it has gotten me in trouble before! Lol! There are no SRF monks in my state. I don't believe they do house blessings, but if things turn bad I will research further. Thanks again!

Hi Jwowzer - thanks for taking the time to reply! I creep myself (and others!) out too sometimes - ha ha! But I am not psychic - just very intuitive. What you say about the etherteric body makes a lot of sense. One thing is certain - I'd rather NOT be a psychotherapist to anyone or anything. Can barely keep myself sane. Lol!

Thanks for your reply Aprilsnanny! The first part of the house was built in the early '70s. The other half was added on (I believe) about ten years later. Before that, I understand there was a farmstead here. It is all suburbs now, but our street consists of 1 acre lots - about 8 of them, and is supposedly where the original farm was. We are the third owners. The previous owners had two young daughters who were born here and lived in the house until they were about 7. I am not sure about the man who built it before them. All in all, I am not yet convinced it is a child. Maybe, but... It doesn't feel like that. Does that make sense? Just a hunch.

Miracles, thanks for the tip! I have thought to keep a journal, and likely will now. As I've said, the past few years have been a blur of activity - not paranormal, just life! I find it difficult to remember the sequence of things sometimes. Excellent advice!

Thank you JustCurious! I hear you about the orbs; could be anything. I have one series of photos that makes me pause, though - only because I took photos of my daughter's bed (a birthday present) from several different angles, and you can plainly see a big orb in all the various shots. You'd think if it was dust, it would shift of disappear as I moved around, but... Maybe not. You know what? I just thought of something! That bed is an antique bed. It was given to us by someone in my husband's family. It's been in their family a loooong time. I wonder, could it be related to the bed? That's just about when this all started - my daughter's second birthday. Hmmm.

Whew! I hope I haven't missed anyone. If so, I am sorry - there is a lot of material here and food for thought. For anyone I missed, thank you so much. I will reread this thread often, I am sure.

Best, s.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
Delsol- Thank you for sharing such an interesting list of events that have been going on in your house!

Now just to comment about the pictures about the orbs. To be honest, orbs are hard to believe as spiritual beings, because it can just as easily be dust, or anything else. And it could be dust particles that are floating in the air, don't have to even be on the lens of the camera.

Other then that I would say that you do have a spirit of some sort in your house, and that if you feel comfortable with it in your house, then you should try and lay some ground rules with it and say them firmly.

Ahwatukee - one thing I have to say to you (and please don't take this as an arguement, I'm not trying to argue), but the bible can be translated to whatever you feel like it should say. It reads out one way, but each person can interpret it differently, so you may read it one way and someone else may read it differently. I'm just voicing my opinion as a believer in Christ and God on this one.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
Delsol - first I want to say I enjoyed your story very much. Some of the things that you've experienced I can honestly tell you I've been there LOL. Some of them are so "in your face" that it's unbelievable. Like stephy, I wonder what they'd have done if you'd have caught them in the act of moving the laundry basket 😆.

I've rented homes before that other people have lived in, people who are also "gifted," but did not experience any paranormal activity while they lived there. But within weeks of us living there, low and behold, the activity begins. I've often wondered if maybe it's because I have children and they didn't 😕

As others have suggested, it does appear as if your ghosts are harmless. Just wanting to make their presence known. I hope you continue to keep track of your experiences. This is where I push my "keep a journal" spiel LOL. If you aren't already, keeping a journal is a great thing to do. This story is already the beginnings of one, just in case 😉
Aprilsnanny35 (3 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
Delsol: Thank you for sharing a truly fascinating list! It sounds as though your house is new (sounds beautiful by the way!) but what about the land? Or perhaps there was another house there before your house was built? I am asking because I think it could have been a dormant child spirit who has "come to life" because you have children now? Either that, or as you say it may be linked to your children in some way. Whatever the reason I am pretty sure it is a child and sounds quite happy to take up residence with you and your kids. Have either of your kids seen anything? (Sorry, not sure of their ages) I wouldn't be at all surprised if they have! I would treat it as though you have 3 kids now!😆 Talk to him/her as normal and if he/she misbehaves, tell it off as you would your own. Please keep us updated.
Wishing you well. 😊
jwowzer (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)
I'm kind of psychic (always have been I creep myself out) and I have read lots and lots of books and some I believe and others are quacks. But, cleansing a place only works if the person doing the cleansing true heartly believes. I have seen countless times that they say these blessing and prays, just for it to calm down and start right back up. It does no good. The spirit will just reside in the dark. They don't go to the light they just wait in darkness for a minute. It is almost has if you have to go through their death with them and make them realize they are dead and urge them to let go of the past and go into the light. When you die your consciousness moves out of the physical body and operates through the etheric body. But if you remain in the etheric body for too long your consciousness begins to cloud; this is why ghosts have no idea how long they have been trapped - in the etheric body there is no difference between a day and a hundred years. You kind of got to be a psychotherapist for them.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)
I guess some people are not open minded and they are really hard to change or are there to stir things up like what just happened. Like granny said, just ignore people like them and help the people really in need.

What is happening to you can be really freaky. There are looks of information provided to you (even some that we totally don't agree on) and you have the option of trying all of them out or to pick and choose or not choose anything at all. It is your choice. I just hope you do something, if you ever feel uncomfortable.

My two cent:
(1) If you feel that whatever is in your home is NOT threatening. You have two options: (1st) if you are not scared and willing to accept whatever is in your your house, saying that you understand that there is someone here and that they are welcome but should follow some rules. Set up the rules and say it firmly but with respect. (2nd) If you don't feel comfortable but its not threatening in any way, again firmly but with respect, say that you understand that this was it's house but you and your family live in it now and ask for it to move into the light. If you are religious, say a prayer in your faith afterwards.

(2) In my Hindu religion and I think in many religions, we have a priest come in to do a blessing / cleansing to clear the house before we move in. It's never to late to do a blessing or a cleansing, so why don't you do one according to your religious practices and / or do one yourself. There is one cleansing "recipe" by one of the posters (rookdygin) and it has helped many people. I think he posted on your story so click on his link and see if he can help you.

(3) Try creating positive energy in the house like doing fun activities with your family and having parties at the house.

(4) Incense and candles are a great tool to burn around the house

Good Luck and keep us posted!
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)
Ahwatukee, I think you're taking the Bible and it's "teachings' a little too literally. I'm not going to get into a religious debate with you as you are so blinded by your opinions that you wouldn't see the "truth" if it hit you in the face. Dosen't God teach us to respect each other? Where is your respect for Indigo? Shouldn't you lead by example and take the higher road? I think you should change your screen name to Hypocrite101, it would suit you better.

While I am agnostic and not atheist, there is a website called I think if you really want to educate yourself in all facets of religion, you should check it out.

Just one question, while I'm all for expressing your opinion, why would you visit and become a member of a site which clearly supports the idea that ghosts do exists when you so obviously believe they don't? Seems like a waste of time for someone who is so "educated"
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-19)
Mountaineer, Granny with all due respect I'd like to invite ahwatukee over to one of my experiences, as I feel a Good Debate can happen and I also feel that I can keep it related and on the topic of 'Ghosts and Spirits'.

So with out further adieu,

Ahwatukee, please join me on this thread...


It's called 'Tour Of Jerusalem And Bethlehem'. I feel that you have made an interesting point or two, and yet you have managed to 'miss the mark' as it were. Please join me, I'll post an 'Opening Comment' there, feel free to drop in and reply.


Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Could everyone just cut the religious blab? This site isn't about theology. If you want to arm yourself with scripture and personal opinions and try to push these opinions on others, then go find a theology site. Ahwatukee: a quotation of yourself quoting Jesus: "I am no ghost!" If there are no ghosts, why would Jesus have to assure his disciples that he wasn't one, then describe the difference between himself after resurrection and a ghost? You are using the words of others to unwittingly contradict your own statement while trying to back it up. Now, can we all just forget this and move back to the relevant topic, this story?
[at] Delsol: You have some pretty creepy stuff going on. Something is definitely trying to get your attention. Is there any close family member who died before getting to see your son? Maybe a would-be grandfather or grandmother? An uncle maybe? Oh and one last thing ahwatukee, you should read the story "Mysterious Tucking In." I made a comment there that will give your feathers a good ruffling.

BeaW (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Yes, let's answer the lady's question as best we can and cut the religious babble. This is not the purpose of the site.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
krill: See, here's the problem... There are a handful of posters who believe everything paranormal is demonic...That's okay, but to call EVERYONE else with different beliefs a moron, is well, moronic...

If you expect your opinion to be accepted as only that, then fine... But for the Bible thumpers to come on a site that has so much diversity and claim that their belief is the only truth has a tendancy to piss people off...
krill123 (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
I for one enjoyed reading ahwatukee's comment. I think it shows a different point of view that is worth sharing.

I don;t know why people tend to attack each other on this site... Seen it in other stories. We should embrace different ideas as to what or why paranormal events are occuring. Not insult or attack each other.

My two cents.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Let's cut the religious battle, folks... Agree to disagree and move on...Thanks! 😊
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Lol ok awatuki, I have a few things to say. In the bible, which god gave the task to write to a tribe of the Jews, everything HAD to be written in such a manner as to never state a falsehood. The bible speaks plainly on ghosts, so they must have been ghosts, OTHERWISE the Jews would have written DEMON. Period. I think you're a pretty arrogant person to take sections of the bible to verify or validate one of your obsessions. Call me a moron if you like. Assume the power of God again to order demons about. I don't care. What I'm saying is this: your long winded sermons are still arrogant and annoying. Anyone and everyone here has read or can read a bible. Posting obnoxious ten page dissertations on what you believe and why is ridiculous.
I have an idea. Since you've studied so long and hard, go get ordained in your faith as a minister. In fact, give that to yourself as a Christmas gift and stop telling everyone that everything is demonic.

This comment from ahwatukee is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

This comment from ahwatukee is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Awatuki---once again I pose the statement (no question here as it's a fact) that Jesus, the only son of god, according to the bible, was crucified, killed by a roman spear, put into a tomb and then risen from the dead. After Jesus rose from the dead, he was in his own form. This means that Jesus had become a GHOST, APPARITION, or ENTITY. You've stated that god isn't so disorganized that he doesn't let spirits of humans wander the earth, but he did this very thing to his son. You may argue that Jesus was a god himself or part if the holy trinity. He may well have been, but he was still half human. He was a MAN, he even said so himself!
In your statement that everything that is seen, heard, felt or smelled by us (sic) "perfessionals" is a demon. Hmmmm. Odd. Jesus himself appeared to his disciples not once after he died, but many many times, and has even up into modern times. Many of the other leaders in the bible also appeared to Jewish AND Christian followers. Were these, in your not so humble opinion, also demons? I beg to differ with you sir. I think that you have forgotten your place and are only here proselytizing. I think you have discovered that you have a little intellect, but can't do much other than parrot what you've been taught, albeit with faulty logic.

I think that you are pompous and arrogant to post the stuff you do on this site. You sir or madam, whichever the case may be, are a huge part of the reason that there is so many people distraught over what to believe in. If you'd ever bother to have actually studied theology, you wouldn't have come to this site in your attempt at your little 'crusade'. And yes, this IS a personal attack, not on your faith, religion or other personal beliefs, but because you're just an obnoxious self righteous ass.

You're such a hypocrite, and I find your long winded approach to bible studies not only flawed, but annoying, as do many others here. If you feel the need to give these poor sermons, I suggest you become ordained, and start a church elsewhere.

This comment from ahwatukee is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Great series of events! I'm glad you posted it, these are quite curious. I must say, if I were a ghost, I'd do shennanigans like the moving laundry basket. I wonder, was the ghost watching you, making sure your back was turned to move it? I think that would be amusing, hearing the spirit snicker, and move the basket to the middle of the hallway. I wonder what would have happened if you caught it moving the basket? Would it be like "crap! I got caught!" and drop it right then and there, or continue to move it in place in the hallway?

The only reason I would do such a thing as a ghost is to prove my presence there. To mess with the current occupant.

Unless this thing starts being hurtful in anyway, I'd live with the knowledge that you're not alone in your house. Perhaps chat with it? I'd treat it like a roommate, which is basically really what it is. I've had friends that grew up in haunted houses that did just that, and everything with them and their ghostly roomie went smoothly for the duration they lived there. The spirit still did thier thing, moving stuff and making themselves known, but it wasn't anything bad. Good luck! I hope you and your roomie get along! 😁
Delsol (2 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Thank you for your feedback ladies! Since submitting my story I have remembered several other things I forgot to include such as the television turning itself on and off for a few months, a nightlight that hadn't worked in months suddenly lit - but not able to light again once I turned it off, and the dome light in our car turning itself on when no one was around (which resulted in a dead battery on one occasion when I didn't notice it in time). The oddest part of it all is how we lived here for several years with nothing seeming to happen at all. It only truly began after our first child was born, then heightened after the second. Makes me wonder if it isn't related to them somehow - maybe someone they knew in a previous life, or? When I was a very small child - perhaps three or so - I remember 'angels' kissing my face at night, and giggling over the sensation. I could see their faces and felt very loved by them. When my mom would ask whom I was talking to, I would tell her 'my parents'. Lol. In adulthood, I came to believe these were actually 'soul friends' still in the spirit realm who came near my newly incarnated soul to help it adjust to a new 'family'. Perhaps this 'spirit' is similar for my children? I do not know, but you are right - there has been nothing truly scary or threatening that has happened. Yay for that. (smile)
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
I agree with JaymeAnne. Sounds like you have a spirit or a ghost who is just trying to get your attention. I also agree with not messing with what you don't fully understand. I think I have a spirit in my house but I don't usually feel afraid to threatened so I just let him be. Also, like you he only comes around when I'm by myself. My boyfriend has never noticed anything out of the ordinary. If you do decide that you would like this spirit to move on from your house there are a few people how have house clensing regiments. Let us know if anything else happens. I'm facinated by your story.

Fanny ❤
JaymeAnne (4 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-18)
Reading all your random and odd happenings makes me think that you probably do have a spirit or ghost in your home. But all the things that are happening are harmless! To me it sounds like perhaps it is a small child playing with toys, calling you, playing tricks with the book light and laundry and possibly even turning on the lamp at night because maybe they are afraid of the dark. Of course, I'm no professional! 😜 My mother and sister are very in-tuned to the paranormal and whenever something like that happens to me they always tell me the same thing, "It's harmless. Don't be afraid, they're probably lonely." So, my answer to you is that your stories don't sound threatening at all! And of course you can leave it alone. It's your choice whether or not you feel comfortable with whatever it is in your home, maybe it just needs a home to stay? 😊

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