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The Strange Events In My Aunt's House


Friends, the story today I am going to tell you is about some strange supernatural events that took place in my Aunt's (mother's sister's) house.

My uncle had purchased a new house after many years of struggle. Everything was going fine when suddenly everything changed. There was a very strange atmosphere in her house after a few years and she used to hear laughter in an insulting manner and used to see a huge black dog in her corridor with ringing anklets with an evil look in his eyes who either used run away on seeing her up to the terrace of her building and suddenly disappear or bark loudly. People around could hear it barking, but it was visible only to my aunt.

She also used to see a huge shadow of a man, late at night and used to get badly scared. She told my uncle who also felt that something was wrong in that house, but he never saw the ghostly evil dog or heard the evil laughing sound. They left it after two years.

After that, nothing evil took place, and they lived happily ever after.

Can someone explain to me, what was exactly wrong in that house, since it was in a newly constructed building and what were the ghostly dog scenario and the evil laughter all about, since they had conducted the pooja (ceremony) and other rituals before entering their new house and still all the evil things took place after many godly rituals were done?

I have read somewhere, that sometimes negative energy develops in a place, where electric poles exist or even a cremation ground. There were a lot of electricity poles and lines. Is it the truth?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Amchi1986, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-28)
Thanks itdan4u. Some people have a tendency to joke regarding the other world, happy you took me seriously. My uncle and aunt (my mother's sister) had brought the flat. Thank you for your good hearted support regarding my story.
itsdan4u (23 posts)
2 years ago (2023-05-28)
Just dropped in and read your story.
I sense a few possibilities in your case-
1. The "owner" of the land from the past tend to linger around the properties unless they are demolished. They tend to hang around the houses which are built on their land. One such unhappy soul might have been making its presence felt. It could also be agitated due to either the construction or the fact that someone of a different lineage living there.
2. Someone else buried in the land got disturbed and letting it know.
3. The house stands directly in the travel path of some moving entity.
4. Someone from the house carried it from somewhere and it entered the house
5. Certain trees are homes to certain forces. If any such tree was cut, any old ritualistic stone moved etc.
6. Could be a case of black magic.

Glad that you guys moved out and are safe.

As far as the jokes regarding the dog and the anklet are concerned, please ignore them. Some people just cannot fathom the world of bizarre.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-21)
Thank u, for correcting my mistakes. If I am going wrong, do correct.
BaiAnina (3 stories) (41 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-21)
[at] Amchi1986

I'd like to believe there is truth in your accounts. However, your pattern and poor arguments could really hurt your credibility. Unfortunately, as well, that your fellow countrymen seem to have a reputation for entries with questionable authenticity and are for the same reason prone to being dunked on from what I've observed.

I believe in the importance of intelligent discourse but in order to have that, you as the OP should provide more context and at least do a bit of background research so your exchanges will be more productive instead of becoming a full-blown circus like what seems to keep on happening.😬
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
I never hoax my dear friends and never lie. What experiences I have written are absolutely truthful. There may be some writing errors, but my stories are a truth.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
Hello Amchi1986,
What a horrific time. I'd be scared too.

YGS would be dull and boring without humour so thanks for making me smile, Thanks for the education and giggle, and yes please, I love doughnuts.

I think music has helped my sister and I many times. Soothing music definitely helps bring positive energy.

Plenty of good feedback. Helpful to me too.

Thank you for the info. It's always good leaning something new.

Looks like C'Topaz, my sister has been busy having lots of chats. My sister doesn't mean any harm with her comments. She's just a bit of a clown at times in a totally innocent way.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
Jon Santa says hello to all, good members of YGS.

Please don't be shy to speak your mind.
Don't let the crying troll silent your doubts.

Let's grab a corner of the big blanket and cover the pile of BS fantasy.

And sing together loud and clear "this site is meant for REAL ghosts stories!"

This first party of the season will be attended by the cat of Nabeshima and by the Mauthe Doog.

All aboard!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
A big colourful double decker party bus comes rumbling down the hill this time blasting Led Zeppelin's 'Friends'. An enormous Rook painted on the roof soars with us. Your driver this morning is Barkers James. The music is LOUD the vibes are joyous and the purpose is clear:
Make this space honest, pure and inclusive.

This is a call to the YGS troll patrol. Take your first pet's name and the street where you grew up and report for duty.

All aboard the Miss Demeanour party bus to our peaceful loving picnic destination. Where you can eat as many carbs and DONUTS as you want with zero consequences. Lady Glow's got the BS blanket sparkling fresh and ready. Bring a plate, bring your dog, cat, budgie, have a blast!

Take it away Robert Plant

'Bright light almost blinding
Black night still there shining
I can't stop, keep on climbing
Looking for what I knew...'
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
Hahaha I love you Lady Glow.

There's some holes in this OPs narratives that bother me. First they say they don't believe in anything outside the imagination and that changed in 1997. Then this changes to never believing in anything until 2001.
Plus this pattern of naive innocence 'please explain it'...the community explains why we can't give definite answers... OP loses interest, ignores questions, abandons thread, submits new story. Rinse and repeat ad nauseam. All the hallmarks of a hoaxer.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)

And I have washed a big blanket, filled up a thermos with hot cafΓ© de olla, and made cinnamon donuts.
...I'm ready to have a picnic, preferably in good company... Alone it's not fun.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
No, I read about this supernatural being in a book titled "world famous ghosts".it contained all real stories on various haunted places in the world and ghostly beings.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
[at] amichi1986:

The Mauthe Doog or Moddey Dhoo is a creature of Manx, Isle of Man, folklore. The Isle of Man is an island between the UK and Ireland. I'm not sure how this creature of Celtic/Gaelic folklore ended up in India, except perhaps as a result of colonialism.

I'm sure there is a similar, but more local to you, creature.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
Yes, u might be true. After two years, when they left that place, nothing evil ever took place in their life. I also read in a book on supernatural about a ghostly dog called mauthe. Please provide me more explaination on it.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
Well this escalated...

I try to give the benefit of the doubt but ultimately lose interest if someone can't have a giggle. I agree with BiaAnina, seems like a flex. Partly why I haven't commented on this narrative, I felt gagged that I couldn't express how a particular sentence made me laugh. The other reason being I find the OP submitting a lot of encounters and showing little initiative or interest in doing much research. Regardless of forum members suggestions.

That's the beauty of this online community, sharing info, building a bigger picture. Even if the information isn't what you agree with all the time. It still broadens your view of the world and that can only be a good thing.

Here we have a member submitting a lot of encounters which are hard to extract much info from because of the third person aspect. Then we're sort of expected to solve it, and told/expected to read/comment all their other submissions. Maybe this level of expectation is a cultural thing I'm misinterpreting? I hope so, otherwise it's a big nope out. That kind of behaviour in a lot of European cultures is going to make members feel alienated and used.

I don't know, I'm kind of on the fence here reading a bus drivers manual listening to Friends by Led Zeppelin. πŸ˜‰
BaiAnina (3 stories) (41 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
+1 [at] RCRuskin lol
Some people on this website are unfunny and they think it's a flex.

Anyhow, OP, [at] lady-glow has a point. There is very little context to go with since it's a story passed down. The only answers you might find here are opinions... And unfortunately, some do not have the same mindfulness as a lot of users in here. It does seem like the answers you're looking for are found in the actual places where the hauntings took place. The best the users can provide here are wild guesses, so I'm truly sorry if you won't be able to find what you're looking for here.

That said, there is a belief in my country where sightings of paranormal dogs indicate demonic presence in the place. My hunch would be that the place your folks lived in have a shady history, which may explain why it stopped when they moved out. New houses don't exactly mean immunity to paranormal activity. It's usually the land on which the house was built--it could have been a site for demonic rituals, or a curse was laid upon it, who knows for sure.

Either way, there is no definite answer, I'm afraid. Though I do like throwing out my opinions on the matter out there, so I don't mind your wording too much.

All the best x
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
Stop making sense, [at] Lady-Glow.😁

As regards the 'making fun of' or 'mocking', there is one user of this site whose comments I regularly downvote because they seem to be here only to troll and insult.

One thing to keep in mind about experiences as you pointed out, is the way the human experience actually works. Eyes are like cameras, yes, but they do not actually function like cameras. They just gather up visual clues and hints from the environment and your brain tries to form something sensible from these hints, sometimes getting things very wrong. An example of this is when I saw a Syracuse NY city bus when I was driving through Rome NY. Off to the side, where human vision is not so good, my eyes detected a blue colored thing and a bus shaped thing, and put it together as a Syracuse bus, instead of a Rome city bus and a blue pickup truck that it actually was.

Human memory is subject to so many causes of interference, it is amazing that our legal system is based on such an unreliable thing. Here, I like to use the example of a recall experiment. Participants were shown video of a two car crash, and then were asked how fast the cars traveled before the impact. The results depended on whether 'slammed' 'smashed' 'crashed' 'impacted' or other such words were used. 5 miles per hour, 70 miles per hour? Quite a range there.

And stuff that happened so long ago that memories of the events get tangled up with other memories. In 1977, there was a significant winter weather event in Buffalo New York, which is close to where I lived at the time. Being local, it received a lot of coverage in the evening news. More than 10 feet of snow fell on the first day of the storm. Also in 1977, I turned 10 years old, and Star Wars was released. The blizzard was in March, and my birthday and that low budget cult film came out in May, yet I recall falsely my birthday coming first that year. Because it was the most personally important event to me that year probably. So my point is, humans are not the most reliable narrators.

Especially for non-recent events.

As you put it: so many puzzle pieces that we do not have. They got swept under the rug, probably the dog ate them since dogs eat pretty much anything, lost during a move, or so many other things.

I hope people continue to share experiences but hopefully folks understand, we can't solve problems without data.

P.S. A friend recently passed. We're not sure if he died on April 2 or April 3, but his body was not discovered until April 4. I, and others of his friends, have had some odd experiences since his passing. Not enough to make a report on, but just enough to be weird.

But my friend was a bit odd so this may only be his saying he made it to the other side.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-20)
lady-glow--Your comment is one of the most considered and solid that I've read on YGS in a good while. Wonderful stuff! And now back to regular programming... πŸ˜‰
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-19)
I apologize beforehand for this comment that might be long and all over the place... It's up to the reader if you decide to look through my words or skip them.
Also, I have to make it clear that this is my point of view and may differ from everyone else's.

Moderators, please delete if inappropriate.


To answer the closing questions to this story:

"I have read somewhere, that sometimes negative energy develops in a place, where electric poles exist or even a cremation ground. There were a lot of electricity poles and lines. Is it the truth?"

Are you by any chance making reference to one of my comments on One of your previous stories?:

"Are you aware that some environmental factors, like electromagnetic radiation, pollution, etc., can affect people's mood? Would it be possible that, what you call "negative energy in the garden" is not necessarily paranormal, but the effect of exposure to something mundane?"


If so, I'm afraid you've misunderstood my words. By this I didn't mean that EMR is going to produce some sort of negative or paranormal activity. What it means is the presence of EMF can cause hallucinations.

As explained in the following link:


Although I believe that one shouldn't rule ones life by the opinion of others, I consider important to pay attention to what is said about oneself... We should keep in mind that, sometimes, one tends to turn a blind eye to ones own flaws.

After reading the comments to this and your previous submissions, most of them point to a lack of information in your narrative and to high expectations on your part asking to solve a puzzle with missing pieces.

Borrowing Val's words "Our own 'read' can alter something innocent into something mean"

On what you think is people making fun of you, I see some frustration facing the inability to understand your stories, much less to answer your questions.

Meaning no offense to the moderators, whose work I very much appreciate, but I consider necessary to mention one point of the submission guidelines of the forum:

"Although we allow stories from a very close relative, like your parents, or child, who shared it with you in intimacy, not to entertain, we cannot allow stories from "a friend of a friend" as it is not reliable."

My point is, some of the people in your stories have passed away long ago, thus unable to elaborate on the facts presented in your narrative. Furthermore, the events may have been altered, forgotten, embellished, mixed up, etc., over time and passing from generation to generation.

Also, it doesn't help when you stop answering valid questions and opt for a defensive approach, keep in mind that we are only attempting to get information in order to understand what you're trying to say.

My first reaction to a couple of your stories has been "Is he kidding?".
Let me use an analogy to explain my feelings, making clear that I'm not making fun of you but only trying to explain in my poor English the way I feel after reading your stories:

"I bought a salmon and cooked it. It tasted bad.
Please tell me why this happened."

Who could answer such a question? The only way would be to provide more information.
What if I followed a recipe for 'quail legs with tamarind glaze and fig chutney'? If such info isn't provided, how on earth is anyone to tell me what's wrong?
Whatever guess would be like trying to hit a piΓ±ata while blindfolded.

To anyone making it this far, thanks for your time.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
2 years ago (2023-04-19)
[at] RC- well I can think of a few I'd like to delete from the planet. 😜

Communication misunderstandings are bound to happen on forums. 1) We can't hear tone, or read body language. 2) Our own 'read' can alter something innocent into something mean. 3) Words have so many meanings! Especially challenging when not your native tongue.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
2 years ago (2023-04-19)
Dear India friends,
Educate me - what is the difference in a grand pooja and an ordinary pooja?
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-19)
Val, Thank you. I thought it might have been a chain of sorts.
Amchi86, Ignore words you think are poking fun. In my case I only meant to be jovial and not hurtful. You should talk to someone about all these things that have happened to you. It's not not good to bottle them up. Maybe a friend, or relative can listen to your vows and help unburdened you. Take care and thank you for sharing all your experiences.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-19)
[at] valkricry, really would be nice to be able to ban some people from this website.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
2 years ago (2023-04-19)
Ok guys, many of you are not understanding 'ringing anklets'- it isn't anything evil. It's a language thing. So allow me:
"Flexible anklets, often called paayal, pajeb or jhanjhar in India, are made by tying links in a chain. Subsequently, sonorous bells can be attached to the chain, so that the wearer can make pleasing sounds while walking."- Uncle Google. So 'ringing anklet'.
The bells are often referred to as 'jingle bells' here in the US. And, believe it or not, having them for your pet IS a thing, much like a belled collar, but for the paw.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-19)
My dear, they left that house and please my dear friends, if u want to make fun of me, please leave me alone, since I have suffered pain, loneliness a lot in life, for no fault of mine. They went through lot of bad events in their life, while staying there.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-18)
Amchi86, I'm sorry you've had a hard life, I truly am. When I said, *I hope you live happily ever after*, it's because you said your aunty did. I thought it would make a light hearted situation out of a serious one. My sincere apologies. (I'm not sure who you were referring to about making fun of you) *I'm guessing me*
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-18)
Hi Amchi1986

Maybe your aunt should have spoken to a priest about what she experienced, the dog she encountered sounds more like the dogs I've read about, the ones that usually accompany certain deities.
luckyjee (7 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-18)
hi amchi
May be they died in that house or that house built on tomb or grave yard

Evil activities will stop by grand pooja not an ordinary pooja
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-18)
Dogs don't wear anklets they wear pawts πŸΎπŸ•
Have you tried asking uncle Google? πŸ€”
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-18)
Please don't joke. If u want to laugh at me, please don't comment on my stories. Have had and suffered enough in life for no fault of mine. Please leave.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-18)
Amchi86, 'A dog in your Aunty's corridor with ringing anklets and an evil look in his eyes'? Eeek! Who puts ringing anklets on dogs without animal control removing the poor animal from such a hostile environment in this day and age. In some countries animals are chained by their ankles or have nose rings attached to chains which is beyond creul. This dog may have been trying to alert you to more animals illegally chained like him? Or maybe he was trying to escape and thought you'd prevent that?
As for the new house been on a burial ground, you need to look into that as you have the information of the actual location and we don't. I hope you resolve this and also live happily ever after. Thanks for sharing.

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