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Strange Happenings Down On The River


This is my haunting. My fiancé, his brother and his brother's friend are being attacked, haunted, tormented... Whatever you want to call it; by a malicious and evil spirit. This is a long story, but I really need help... Please read

This story begins about a year and a half ago down on the river. My fiancé "Alex" and his brother "Billy" and their friend "James" hung out almost the entire summer. Billy and James got bored one night and decided to go adventuring. The boys drove down the road and ended up stopping in front of an old empty summer home. Billy and James broke into the house and thus began to wreck havoc. They smashed furniture and electronics and broke windows and doors. James even went as far as to have sex on many of the beds. They made a crude Ouija board and tried to work it. They never stopped to think of what might be living there that they couldn't see.

Well after about two weeks the boys got bored and left the house alone. They forgot all about it... But the house didn't forget them.

One day Billy got bored and went out for a drive, he decided to drive past the abandoned home and see if anybody had found the vandalism yet. As he cruised by, Billy locked eyes with a pale little girl with eyes as black as coal. Billy felt a weird tingling and quickly turned the truck around and went home. His room wasn't quite the same after that...

He began hearing bumps and groans in the night and early morning, and he'd see things out of the corner of his eyes. Things would become displaced, his iPod malfunctioned and died. Billy became disturbed and he begged Alex and James to go back up to the house with him to see if the girl was there. They agreed and they drove up there that night, when they arrived the house was empty as usual. James and Billy went exploring in the house while Alex sat in the driveway. Well of course the younger boys found something to wreck and they came out playing with a fire extinguisher. Eventually they became bored and left, leaving the fire extinguisher in the yard.

Arriving home the boys went out to Alex's remodeled porch/bedroom to hang out. A couple of minutes later, Alex complained of sharp pains in his back, James said his stomach was hurting. They went to the bathroom to investigate. Alex pulled up his shirt to look and Billy and James gasped... There were long bloody scratches down his back. James quickly pulled up his and found red hand prints across his abdomen. Neither could explain. They never went back to the house.

One day I asked to go and we drove up there at about eight at night and I had brought my camera. The house was well lit by a street light and I had hoped for some great shots. I began to snap pictures rapidly... But the house wouldn't show up. Not event the glare off of the street lights, all I got was a black picture and weird orbs floating next to where the house should be in the pictures... We were all scared then.

That was the beginning...

Five months passed by quietly... A few bumps in the night here and there nothing major. Things picked up again when we were home alone one night. We all sat in Billy's room and it was about eleven. We had turned out all the lights and we were all lying on the bed talking. All the sudden there was a loud BANG! It made us jump and we rushed out of the bedroom into the living area, there we found a FED-EX box fifteen feet from where it was laid originally and all the doors were open and all the lights on. We ran outside and sat in the car until it was time for me to return home.

Things got quiet again... But not too quiet, things still moved and there were doors flying open at two in the morning and blinking electricity. We didn't think much about it.

Alex and Billy got the idea to try to record voices one night. They lit a candle and began to record. It was about two in the morning. They asked random question and pretty much made a joke out of it. Alex reached over from his easy chair to hand Billy the recorder when he said an invisible force slammed his head down onto the coffee table. The boys became scared and ran to Billy's room. They sat in the middle of the bed and said they heard laughing and it sounded like heavy foot steps running all through the house. The boys slept in the same room that night. When they woke up Billy's closet doorknob was about torn clean off.

This is the part where things have been getting weird lately. Billy saw a something in his pantry, it was white and transparent and when it turned to look at him, it was an old woman with no eyes and an open mouth. I have been receiving text messages from their dead great-grandmother, Vera. I've never met her and I do know her spirit dwells in the house; I have seen her. She sends me texts at the same time every night, and this started about three days ago. She usually sends them about three every morning.

The first one said "Vera guard gone solider lonely pain" and then the second one said "Boys will suffer for lengths warn listen" "protect please" and the final one, that I received this morning said "emotion stress weaken strengthen suicide" I had no idea what to make of all this and I finally got the guts to text back and I said "why me? How do I protect" she replied "no" six times and then I replied "why me?" she sent me the last text I've received so far "you love him and family". The weird part is that they are coming from Alex's phone, but none show up on his phone and we even pulled up the records and they aren't there either. I don't know how to react to all of this and I would like help.

Thank you for reading...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, pokemonninjanerd, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Pamela123 (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-01-31)
Oh you realy can't be serious! You are looking for advise? You and your hooligan friends should try growing up a bit. This is a site for serious people with experiences that are real, hence the name Real ghost stories.
huendchen (49 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
Sounds like the little b [at] $tards got exactly what they deserved, even if the story does sound a bit untrue. How dare they think it's ok to vandalise someone else's property? What the hell is wrong with them? It's disgusting.
rath9375 (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
OK, so what is done in the past is done. Of course it was wrong. Now deal with the situation today.
I suggest apologizing to the spirits of the house and demanding in the name of Christ Jesus that they leave your home and leave everyone alone. Call on the grandma to assist you with this. You may want to ask your preacher to be there too.
Good luck an may God be with you and protect you in your fight.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
I'm thinking this whole story was pure nonsense. The original poster and her posse does not know right from wrong.
minimom (50 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Actually, you little vandals got off easy. How dare you think it's ok to destroy another persons property?

Then again, I can't blame it all on y'all. Your parents obviously didn't do their job and teach you right from wrong.

The whole damn lot of you deserve to be arrested, charged and made to pay restitution. There is no excuse for your behavior.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
A year and a half ago- you were just kids?

Pokemon said "5 months passed quickly"

Your post doesn't jive with the story above... As far as timeline-
misstee (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
But why would there be electronics in a house that's been abandoned for 14 years? And after 14 years people decided to just suddenly go in and clean it? Hmmm...
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
If I were their dead granny, I would also turned in my grave with their rude behaviour. She must be very very scared for their sake, if she is trying to make contact. Leave them, then your problem will be gone.
lizziebee1992 (2 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
the old woman is trying to protect everyone and since you will be part of there family soon she is trying to have you help her protect them and as for the qujia board you opened a door to a very bad spirit world. The best bet would be to go back to the house with your fiance and your friends and bring a cross and holy water and the holy bible and ask for forgiveness. Pretty much apologize for what vantizing went on there. And please tell me how it went.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)

I hope you and yours come back to view the comments...

After all is said and done I have to ask this... Who is right? You have just told us...

"That house has been empty ever since we lived here, for about 14 years, and we didn't actually know it was haunted, we just knew it looked "creepy".

While pokemonninjanerd (your Fianc
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
I did not think this story warranted further comment, but there is one thing that needs to be said in my opinion. "Alex" breaking into a home & vandalizing it is not a "stupid" thing "that kids do." It is a felony in most states because it is serious. "Destroying furniture & electronics, damaging doors & windows" adds up to a lot of monetary loss, invading a dwelling & using it as your own flop house for weeks is not just teens having fun. So the "what you are perfect & didn't do dumb things as a teen" defense does not even come close to flying.

Ok two things that need said, I am also wondering what the area code is in the afterlife, you have to have a number to respond to a text.
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Just trying to point out that it wasn't any poster's from here or the preacher's responsibility to forgive you... You did nothing to anyone here other than make us shocked and appalled.
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
I was thinking the same thing. How in the world can we forgive you? How can the preacher forgive you? We all do stupid things, sure, but really? If someone does something 'stupid' they try to make up for it or at least learn from the situation. What you and your posse did was beyond stupid. In fact it goes into another category altogether. And no, this story didn't say the house was vacant. Like Argette pointed out, there were beds and electronics. Even a fire extinguisher. Whomever or whatever was within that home, I feel for them!
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Oh, and one more thing. What Javelina said.

She said it better than I did!
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Sorry, Shimio and Pokey, I'm not going to let this one pass. The original post claimed the trashing happened "about a year and a half ago" and claimed that you trashed electronics. It refers to the home as "empty," not vacant. It also claimed that beds were still in the house. My home is empty when I am not there, but it is not vacant. So get your stories straight.

You do stupid things and post them online, you can expect to be judged.

Teneki is correct: We all do stupid things. But some of us are smart enough to correct them.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Alex, you felt bad? You talked to a preacher? He foregave you? For what? That is very odd. Priests will give you pennance to do. But before forgiveness kicks in you must serve your pennance. And that normally involves making restitution and for a sin such as yours, you must make it up to your victim. Preachers are the same way. You don't go in and get absolved for your sins just because you told the preacher or priest.
Long time ago? House was old and vacant?
You ever heard of karma son? If you can't clean yours up honestly you will be treated three times worse than the crime you committed, you did wrong to others. That seems to be the one thing you continue to skip over. You have worn everyone out with your pettiness.
GROW UP! You want people to treat you like a man?
raggedwolf (1 stories) (20 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Hilarious. You guys deserved this for being trashy vandals. What gave you the right to break in and trespass. And then trash the place?

Bloody hell. Enjoy being haunted for a while, shame on you.
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Well, if you are looking for advice, I'd say among our dislike of what you did when you were younger, you'll see one thing repeated over and over in a variety of ways.

You need to apologize to the ghosts you upset. Possibly, even ask them what you need to do to make amends.

As to if we do stupid things? Of course we do. Heck, I even took an argument way too far today. I APOLOGIZED to the one person I knew where to find.
Shimio (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Ok look. I'm Alex her fiance, and just to clear things up, let me tell you a few things. That was before I even met her, when we did this, we were pretty much kids, doing stupid stuff, as kids tend to do. You people act like your all so high and mighty, like you never did stupid stuff as kids, and even comparing this to desecrating a graveyard? We didn't come here to be judged, but to ask for help. Ill have you know, we felt terrible for it all, and started going back to church. We talked to the preacher and told him everything, and if he can forgive us, I'm sure you can too. I don't appreciate all the comments of how she should dump me and crap for what we did. And you can all think this is false and made up or w/e, we know what happened. Oh and another thing. That house has been empty ever since we lived here, for about 14 years, and we didn't actually know it was haunted, we just knew it looked "creepy". So in closing, you can all say what you want, and judge us all you want, but we arent bad people, and not the kind of scum you made us sound like. Good day to all of you.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Did anyone of these "intruders" take an item out of the house that they vandalized? It seems to me that something may have been taken and should be returned.

Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
This incident gives me the sick feeling I get when vandals trash a cemetery.

Making amends is what they need to do: I agree. Then the three young men who did this need to seek help.

My heart goes out to the homeowners.
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
If this all is really happening, and I don't normally say stuff like this... But they're getting what they deserve. What comes around goes around. Like attracts like. I can't stop thinking about the poor people who own that house! A home is meant to be a sanctuary and I can't think of anyone sick enough to completely trash and defile somebody else's home. One great way to turn around this "haunting" is for them to own up for what they've done, as others have suggested. It sounds like their behavior was in need of some attention... And they got it! You know stories where people make renovations on a house and it causes activity? Your fiance and his buddies blatantly desecrated it!
misstee (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Maybe they should try to go back to the house and apologize to whatever may be there that they disrespected, if they don't and continue to take it as a joke then they deserve it, sorry
pie1025 (2 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Hi, I would agree with others that a sincere apology may help. Have you considered the possibility of the three guys playing some kind of a trick on you? Just a thought!
Did you use a digital camera to click the pics? My older digital camera used to behave weird when clicking pictures in the dark, similar to what you mentioned (it was a setup issue that I couldn't fix).
Hope there is a happy ending soon... God Bless, Pie1025
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
I guess when I read this early in the a.m., I thought these were teenagers. You mean they were young adults? Not very adult at all, I guess.

This is just plain bad behavior. LouSlips is right: Distance yourself from this element and see what happens.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Ah, Alabamie: The "Hell Yes, We have Electricity" state.
My personal opinion is, "Birds of a Feather Flock Together". If your fiancee, cousin-brother, whatever... Tolerates these a-holes, he's pretty much one of them. Distance yourself from the whole bunch and you will see a significant decrease in the activity you experience.
Used to know a guy who used to text his girlfriend in the middle of the night; just so she'd know she couldn't sneak out on him in the middle of the night...he's spending a good portion of his future in jail, too.
Sorry for being so harsh; but just because your man is the best this group has to offer; doesn't mean he is worth your time. "Cream rises to the top"...yeah, well, so do turds.

cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Well, first I would like to say that action doesn't come without consequence. In order for these occurances to stop and leave your fiance and company in peace a mends needs to be made. Second, I'm not sure if this guy is mature enough for marriage just yet. You might consider postponing the wedding, or dump this James character as a friend. This all started because James was bored. He could have suggested a movie or something other than destruction and mayhem. And Third, not really sure what to say about those text messages. Could be a warning, or could be somebody pulling your leg. 😕
Darklyman (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
this was kind of deserved., but I can try to help, if its saying your the protecter, then the only way this is going to stop is you... But listen to this, Revenge is one of the hardest things to Get past its like the Titanic if you get away you will be scraped So I you do get away you will still be hurt in some way or form. Glad if I helped

Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Just out of curiousity, have you been sending text messages BACK to their dead great grandmother?

Old Amer-indian lore suggested that the best 'artificial respiration' for a person was to inhale a large quantity of sun dried tobacco smoke and then exhale it through a long pipe into the unconcious person's rectum.

None of us are unconcious lass.
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Having a second home in the family, actually my Mother's, I can relate strongly to why this ghost would be doing this. I know if anything happened to our cabin I'd be throwing the law at the perps so quickly it'd make my head spin.

These ghosts don't have that recourse, so of course they'd take matters into their own hands. The girl was probably a warning to not step back onto the property. Your boyfriend and friends didn't listen so they forced the spirits to escalate to the next level.

As Rook said, the only way you're going to be able to stop this is apology and restitution. Ask in another EVP what they want you to do to make it right, and mean it! If they say turn yourselves in, isn't that better than what you're going through?

I'll leave you with a lyric from a song I like that pretty much sums this up. "You wanted in and now you're here. Driven by hate, consumed by fear."

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