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Real Ghost Stories

Haunted Home


I have many paranormal experiences I could tell, but the one that stands out the most for me happened a long time ago when I was still a child. I grew up next to a home that had a violent past. The first owners were killed by an escaped convict and their youngest son was beheaded and his head was never found. Supposedly it was tossed into a gravel pit that was nearby at the time. The next couple to purchase the home split up and the wife along with her months old baby jumped from the upstairs window and fell to their deaths. Well, you get the picture.

Due to a snow storm that had fallen on our town, my mother and father not being able to get home to me and my brother, we had the misfortune of having to stay with our neighbors for the night. Needless to say my brother and I were scared to begin with because we all knew of the happenings in this house. At first nothing seem out of the ordinary, but as the night worn on strange things began to happen. The first thing to take place was while we were all sitting in the living room watching TV, we could hear someone in the kitchen doing the dishes. There was no one else in the house and there were no dishes in the sink to be done. So we all went back into the living room, then we heard glass breaking in the bathroom. This caused everyone to jump and run to see what had broken and how. There was no broken glass anywhere and everything seemed okay. Things settled down for a while, I thought if that is the worst that was going to happen then I am going to be okay. Boy was I wrong. I was laying on my neighbor's couch, just about to fall asleep, when a rocking chair began rocking all by itself and and I heard the faint sound of a baby crying. As if this wasn't scary enough, I soon heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a little boys voice calling "Mommy". Scared as I was, I went to the stairs to see if someone was just playing with me. I knew it wasn't my brother because he was already asleep. There was no one there. I ran and put my head under the covers and didn't come out until morning.

I spoke with my neighbors and asked them how they could stay in a house like that, and they said that they were just use to it and they didn't pay that much attention to it any more.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting.

ZaYa3275 (1 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-05)
ok my mawmaw died in augest and my granny a few years cack I see them all the time I also see my bff granpa its weird if you can help me contact me at carley_kirk [at] please help 😢
Phyrren (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-18)
Shane, You seem to be a sort of "Paranormal Magnet" 😜- Are you a sort of spycic? Well I don't mean to pry...😳 I'll understan if you don't want to talk. 😐
Francois (220 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-01)
Dear Shane,

That is one tragic and terrifying house, I can never think about anyone who would choose to live in that type of house with a bloody history. I wonder if a hex or a curse has befallen the house, then again curses and hexes sound too superstitious.

Suicides and untimely deaths, I often hear, create restless ghosts and attract dark beings. Thankfully you and your family were safe from the harm. On the bright side, the ghost was kind enough to do the dishes. Do you think the ghosts have passed on by now or do you think they still need help crossing over?

Thank you for posting your experience and sharing it with the yourghoststories community. God bless you and take care. Deus vobiscum.


Francois 😁
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-03)
YGS Readers and posters I will be in chat for a short while, If you have a question or would like to chat, Please feel free to join me.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-29)
Hello SNgirl, sorry I did not answer you and others sooner. I sometimes get into posting on to others stories I forget about my own. Thanks for reading my story and yes you are right the house had a very sad history. I am just glad that my friend Punky when she passed was able to help them all cross over and find peace.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
supernaturalgirl (6 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-27)
Crazy story! Loved it though, well, not that you were scared but it was another great story. That's really sad about the past things that had happened. The little boy looking for his mom. Sorry about your friend Punky! 😊
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-22)
Haleybug, no problem. I know that our newer members are kind of working backwards and when they get the chance they usually make it to my stories.

Mustang, it was a pretty intense place at it's high point. No one was ever hurt there and it was mostly annoying what the ghost were doing, at least to the adults at the time. To us kids it was just down right frightening. When Punky passed on everything just stopped and the only conclusion anyone at the time could come to was that she helpped those trapped souls to move on. She was always upset by the thought of the little boy being trapped there, always looking for his mother. Thanks for reading and commenting on my story.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
haleybug (10 stories) (89 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-22)
wow shane that sounds pretty scarey... Sorry I just got to read this I've been hopping all over this lol I'm glad all worked out. 😁
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-22)
Hi Shane, I always see your posts but never have read any of your stories until know. I am so glad that I have never lived in a house or near a house that had that horrible a history. I would have been extremely frightened to have all of those experiences happen to me in the same night. I don't know how anyone could live in a place like that. I'm still pretty young and I won't be living in this house, I'm in now, forever so I hope I didn't open my mouth to soon(about not living in or near a haunted house.) I like the thought of "Punky" taking all of the ghosts with her when she passed on. How else can you explain the ghosts being gone!? 😁
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
Kim, no problem on the questions. No I haven't been back there in years and my family has since moved. Though my mother still owns the house I grew up in, she now rents it out. The last incident that happened in that home took place when my neighbor, Punky (sp) passed away. They said it was like everything that normally happened took place all at once and then it was over and never happened again. We figured that when she passed she came back and took all the trapped souls with her.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
Wow, sounds kind of like the movie 'The Others'. With that much violence in the home, I am sure there is bound to be some at residual hauntings. It sounds as if many who died there did not so in peace. It sounds like violence simply surrounds that home and all of it atmosphere. I wonder if any of the deaths have to do with previous ones? I don't know, just thinking out loud. Have you been back to the area? Is the family still staying there? Any further happenings.?
Sorry, I tend to ask a lot of questions.

God Bless!
PrincessKatie (7 stories) (420 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
WOW it seems to me they are spirits who still live there and carrying on with what they did when they were alive. 😊I do believe in the spirit world. Thanks for sharing your story with us I enjoyed reading it.
Shenny (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
Oh Wow Shane! 😲
Good Luck With The 1000th Post :P

Take care and God Bless,
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-21)
No it is I who bows before thee and all the other authors and posters, for without people such as yourself who write such fasinating stories and post I wouldn't have a thing to say. ❤

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-21)
Shane, I bow to you, oh Lord High Marshal (soon to be)! Thank you for the info on adding fave posters! I don't have any yet but I know a few I will add when I have a mind to do so! 😉
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-20)
Hmm let me think Martin, Lord High Marshall should do the trick. 😲 LOL I am sure you will be able to figure out a suitable title to go with the position. Bell no problem on using my story dear. Also to add a favorite poster to your profile page you go to that posters page and click the heart by their name. Hope that helps.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you all.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-20)
Martin- Sorry to bring this up here- I am curious to know how to add favorite poster's names to your profile page? I know about the fave stories with the heart but how about the names? Help me out if you can? Sorry Shane, just wanted to know!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-19)
Martin, I think El Presidente would be a pretty good next step for Shane when he hits a thousand posts! That's pretty incredible! So a pretty incredible title would be fitting. 😊
Martin (602 posts) mod
17 years ago (2007-09-19)
Shane, I can't believe you're about to make 1000 posts one day, and it's not like you do a lot of fluff and mindless chit chats either! Pretty incredible if you ask me. I never really imagined it, I don't know what comes after the "senior" title... El Presidente? Emperor? Distinguished Old Timer? Head Honcho? 😆
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-18)
Waving at Shane and Shadowraven,

Like Shane, I would like to welcome all the new readers, authors and posters, and hopefully some soon to be new authors with a hardy and loving welcome to all!

Shadowraven, you are also sweet and thank you for your nice response comment and for your support. I must say that I am both sweet and sour as you will find out if you read any much older posts, and I make no ghostly or skeletal bones about it. I pretty much will call a black spade a black spade and a red heart a red heart ❤. :) I am looking forward to getting to know you as well, and reading your comments and posts. Welcome home, Shadowraven. 😁
Shadowraven (5 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-18)
Awww...Shane...thank you for the warm welcome and it doesn't matter that it took awhile, just that you took the time to welcome me/us at all. So sweet.

Abby, I have read many of your responses and you are such a sweet, open minded person. Always ready with helpful advice or sympathy if nothing else helps. I just couldn't tolerate such a verbal attack on someone so nice.

Though I don't really know anyone here, I hope that I can become one of the ~senior posters~ here someday and possibly one of the peaceful family members I have found this place to hold so dearly within it's boards.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-18)
Brian, Peter, ShadowRaven, Towny, and all the other new members allow me to welcome you to our little family. I look forward to getting to know each of you better and I apologize to a few for not welcoming you sooner. I hope you enjoy your time here and I hope that we senior posters can be of assistance should you require it. Once again, Welcome!

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you all!
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-17)
Dear Shane,

Thank you my dear friend for your kind and supportive words, as well as thanks to Shadowraven (you are always articulate and good enough, don't let anybody tell you any different), Annie (all my best, dear one), Bellissima (congrats fellow senior ghoster poster), all other sweet souls here on this site and anyone I may have not mentioned. Another shout out of thanks to Martin again too. :)

I also wish to say I am sorry to dear Brian who also had a verbal beating and any others who had the same or similar experience per Hada's choice of a way to comment on a story. Brian also had a point about Hada's description of jinn, as well as the true practice of his religion and beliefs.

I was a bit amazed and very saddened when I looked back on some recent, but past Hada comments. I have had the opportunity to meet Hada's fellow country men and women, though they were strict, proud and had their ways, they still did not openly treat me harshly in any way. I am also surprised that Hada would be on such a site as a ghost and paranormal site, because of practiced strictness. I find the whole thing to be a bit surreal and have many red flags in regards to the comments and whole matter.

I suppose it was meant to happen as there had been a calm and lull before the storm.

We are both people who live who we are and when you do that you put yourself out there in the public arena of judgment. I guess it comes with the territory, and if a person cannot take the heat they need to get out of the kitchen. :) Not to mention, if you are pleasing all the people all the time, you must be living their life, because you sure are not living your own life! So in the end, we can't please everyone, we just have to live our life to the best of our ability and level of awareness.

I am sure glad that people lead their own lives, because what would life be like if we were all the same? Not to mention what would we do if we didn't have those who bucked the system and went where no other person might have dared to go? ;)

With all that said, I guess it is back to reading ghost stories and writing comments.

I am sure this will not be the last of these types of disagreements and differences in opinions, but it does keep life interesting and tests our mettle. Though, it would be ideal if we all could just get along despite our differences. I can only do my part, and the rest is up to everyone else to do theirs.

Once again thank you very much Shane, and thank you everyone for doing your part, taking responsibility, and being who you are; even when we agree to disagree.

Blessings and Much Appreciation, Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-17)
My dearest friend Abby, I was shocked to see a verbal attack on you my friend. One of the few free spirits here who does not judge others based upon beliefs or life styles. I am so use to others attacking me that when I read that I thought it had been misdirected. I guess we do kind of stand out in the crowd. But in my opinion that is not a bad thing. I hope that the smalled minded belittlings of others doesn't hamper your giving of advise here. Know you are loved by a great many here.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you always my friend.
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-13)
Thanks, Shane. I finally managed to get it to send. Thanks for any input! 😁
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-11)
Seems to be working okay, do you have an address I can email you at from that address and see if you get one from me? Thanks Annie.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-11)
Shane, I've tried to send an email to you, but your address doesn't seem to work. Could you recheck it for me? Thanks. Annie 😁
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-10)
No problem Annie, will help you with any incidents or experiences I can. May take a day or two. But I promise you I will answer you.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Annie (202 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-09)
Thanks, Shane. I'll send out my "quires" to you tomorrow. I have one specific incident I want your opinion on.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-09)
It is possible, I have an email address I don't check everyday, but at least a couple times a week. You see I only have my govt puter to work on right now and a lot of email addresses and sites are blocked from me. I will do my best to answer any questions you have. May not get them right away, but as quickly as I can. The email you can contact me through is

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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