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Real Ghost Stories

The Disappearing Hand


For those of you who have followed my stories, some of you will recall the one of the haunted home. For those who haven't, you can find it under the Ohio section of this site or by checking my profile. But to bring everyone up to speed let us just suffice it to say the house was haunted by some very restless spirits.

One day when I was a teenager, my neighbor approached me and asked if I would like to earn some money by helping him clean up his basement. Now, I remind you I knew all about this house from first hand experience, but the lure of money was just too great and nothing ever happened there during the day, so I agreed. We began by removing a lot of junk that he had accumulated over the years, and then he wanted to start removing the dirt from under the house so that the crawl space would be bigger. Well, as I was the smallest, I was elected to do the job.

I worked for the better part of an hour digging away from under this house and just before I was to take a break, I uncovered something, a hand, it appeared to be the petrified hand of a baby holding a rattle. Now believe me at first I didn't know what to make of it, but being a little skeptical and not really being able to see all that well, I thought that maybe it was a doll's hand. I put it in my pocket and finished clearing out the area I was working on. When I came out of the hole, a friend of mine was there and I told him about my find. Needless to say, he didn't believe me, so I took it out of my pocket and tossed it to him, he took one look at it and said "that ain't funny man", and tossed it back to me like it was on fire. I looked at it a little closer and it really did appear to be the severed hand of an infant, cut off just above the wrist. So I decided to toss it back to him and get him to take a closer look and see if he came up with the same conclusion. Well he decided he did not want to touch it again and he let it drop to the ground in front of him. We both saw where it had landed and not wanting to lose this find, I went to pick it up. I got to where it should have been and it was gone! We searched the entire area around where it had landed and even some areas where it couldn't have possibly gone, but it was no where to be found.

To this day my friend doesn't like to be reminded of that incident and he makes a wide path around that house. Now some of you may say this story is made up or that it really was a doll's hand, but you were not there and my friend and I both know what we saw and what happened afterwards, plus we knew the history of the house.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting.

TammyMom (32 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-02)
Shane, Although I have been reading stories on this site, every so often, for the past few years, this is the first time that I have felt compelled to sign up and make a comment. I realize that at the time that this happened you were young, so this is just my opinion on what I would have done if it had happened to me. I would have held the tiny hand in my own and carefully shown it to my friends. Then I would have called the police so that they could have looked under the house for anything else that might have been there. The rest of that little body may still be laying under that house. The police would also have been more capable of finding where the hand had fallen in the yard. Since that time it has rained, snowed, sleeted and hailed. People have walked on, mowed over and, I'm sure, driven on that yard. I doubt that there is anything left of the hand in the yard. Even so, there may still be something under that house. It's just something that you might want to consider. I have enjoyed reading all of your stories and I am looking forward to, slowly but surely, reading all of the stories on this site.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-12)
No problem Shelby. I didn't have a clue at the time that the hand was anything more than a dolls hand. Though I did find it strange that something like that would be found under the house. I did tell my neighbor and though he didn't see the hand he did believe me. How could he not with all that occured within his home. To this day I do truely wonder where that hand went. Not that I am interested in refinding it. Maybe you are right. Maybe the spirit relm didn't like me tossing it around and reclaimed it. Thanks for the comments Shelby.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-12)
Hi Shane! Sorry, try to get all around to everyone's stories. I sometimes have to play catch up. I need to take the time and submit another story. About the baby hand. That is REALLY CREEPY! I don't think I would have put it in my pocket. I guess you probably thought it, more than likely, was a baby dolls hand when you did that. Did you ever tell the neighbor who lived in the house what you found? I think it disappeared because the mother of the baby or the baby itself, spirit, didn't appreciate the hand being tossed around. I know it wasn't done to be disrespectful but they don't care. All they knew is that you had there missing hand and they wanted it back! 😊All kidding aside though, that is very strange and mysterious. I think that would make me wonder for the rest of my life what happened that day. I enjoyed your story! Thanks for sharing!~Shelby ❀
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-02)
Again, a comment from Katie that has nothing to do with the story at hand, merely talking about her supposed paranormal powers...

I'm sorry for picking on you, Katie, but we all know you can see (but not hear, or something) ghosts and they can't harm you. We know, we know, you tell us everytime...
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
That is frightening. Apparently, what ever it was did not like being disturbed. I hope who ever it belonged to found peace and rest.

Gid Bless!
PrincessKatie (7 stories) (420 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-30)
Hi I can concentrate on a object and everything around me can disappear and I can also make it disappear and turn it into dark. I enjoyed reading your story anyway thanks for sharing it with us. 😊
Shenny (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
Hi Shane,
I have to say I believe you, and my policy is, I know what I saw and I don't have to prove it to others.
Lame, I know, but it helps when it comes to someone that doesn't believe you. I know how it feels.

Well take care & God bless,
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-01)
Bell, thank you for your kind words. I never did find the hand or the story behind it. It kind of goes with the events of the haunted house I told you about. I don't know exactly what though. Thanks for all your comments. I may get to respond to them all when I return after the weekend. Had to work today that is why I was able to get to a couple of them. Thanks again Bell.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-01)
Shane, this is a truely gross tale of something unusual happening! Did you ever find the hand again? I believe what you saw, you are pretty reliable in your tales. I just wonder the story behind it! Did you ever investigate?
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-29)
Just want to take a moment and say thank you to all the readers of and posters to my stories. Sometimes I get so busy reading and posting to other's stories I forget about my own. I hope to do a little better job of responding to you in the future. Thanks again and as always. PEACE, LOVE, and LUCK be with you all always.
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-23)
Dear Shane and Martin, Thank you for the gracious invitation, but I still must decline. Shane, I knew you were a man of great faith and hope. How about patience? How long can you wait? ;) As for your stories here about your paranormal adventures, trust me, mine pale. On the whiter shade of ghost pale. Martin, thank you for the Nike ad, "Just Do It". Good saying, but since I've never owned a pair of Nikes, I "Just Didn't". When I get mule stubborn, well I, "Just Don't". :) And,...remember guys, I still have my purse. As always,
Blessings to you and yours. Ah, on to the next story topic.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-23)
OOPS, Gave up too soon. Sorry Martin. But I know when I am licked. Don't want hit in the head with that purse. Wife has one just like it. Tried to pick it up once, dang near pulled my arm out of socket. Got a feeling though that she may change her mind, don't think she's as stubborn as she claims to be. Got a feeling she has some really interesting experiences that would put mine to shame.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-23)
Well it was at least worth a try. Look forward to reading more of your responses to the troubled souls who are looking for help. Not just the ones who are still living, but to those who have not moved on. Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
17 years ago (2007-03-23)
Aaaah that's too bad, well, we gave it our best shot, but from the sound of it, I don't think Shane will give up that easily. Oh, and the ads say: "Just do it". Hehehe.
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-23)
Dear Shane and Martin,
No fair, ganging up on an old lady. I'll have to hit you both with my purse (which is the size of a duffel bag and has the kitchen sink). So sorry guys, but this old gal comes from a long line of stubborn mules, and once my mind is made up,'s made up (for now,...ha,ha). You'll just have to go pester some other long winded, anonymous guest and commentator, and wrestle their stories out of them. :) Martin... I don't watch many ads, especially for Nike... So I have no idea what the ad says. Well, whatever it says, I made up my mind that I ain't spilling the beans, oh I mean hay. Nope... Hee Haw!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-23)
Dear Athena, I think it would be really interesting to read some of your experiences. How can I expand my knowledge of the paranormal when I know there is at least one story or experience that hasn't been told yet. Your stories might also be able to help some of the younger folks here understand what they are going through at present and then the advice you could give on how you handled it could be priceless. I feel that you possess a wisdom beyond your years and that can be more valuable than gold to those searching for answers. Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
17 years ago (2007-03-23)
Ah come on Athena, don't be so self effacing and submit some of your stories ;) And the nice thing about signing up is your fans can check out your profile now and then and read all your stories / comments in one place. So... You know what the Nike ads say...
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-23)
Dear Shane, You are right I have not registered and told a story here. I found Martin's site quite by accident or planned coincidence. I was quite fed up with what the net has to offer on the subject, but I have come to love reading the ghost stories here. Honestly, I do not feel compelled to write my stories here, because my experiences would be simply, "repetitive". My stories would also go over the boundaries of the subject of "ghosts". I am comfortable in finding joy and known confirmation just reading the experiences of others here, especially the younger people. Right now, I like just being an anonymous ghost guest and commentator. Unless of course, Martin wants to bump me off. ;) All I ask is that you make it a fast bump off, so I can come back and haunt the site as a ghost. :)
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-22)
Athena, why don't you register here and tell us some of your stories or experiences, I have read just about all of them and don't recall seeing any from you. I am sure you have had some thing paranormal occur in your life that would be worth sharing. Plus if you do not mind my asking, where in the world are you and aren't we all just immature imps at heart?
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-22)
Dear Shane, Awe gee, once again, thanks for your nice comments here and on Kirby's story page. As for the "M" (mature) word, I was putting off that descriptive word for a few more years yet. :) Actually, I'm still a immature imp at heart. Blessings to you.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-21)
Dear Athena, I could not have put it any better myself! :D I just wish we could get everyone to understand that not everything in this world is black and white, right or wrong, good or evil. But I suppose if we did that we would have a problem with those who have analytical minds having a major episode and a complete break down. Then where would we be? Also Thank you, you bring a maturity and calming presense to the discussions and I feel that sometimes you are able to get through to some more than I am able to. Peace and God's Love be with you.
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-21)
Dear Shane, You are welcome, and thank you for your nice reply. I can completely understand and empathize with you in regards to what you say. There are many people who come here (including myself) that are at different levels of spiritual paranormal development. This is a double edged sword and definitely a two way street or path. On one hand, there is the opportunity to freely give and take in a larger, diverse, shared wealth of paranormal knowledge based on various personal backgrounds, experiences and belief systems. On the other hand, there is also the opportunity to be self serving, disrespectful and not tell the truth to not only other people here, but to oneself. The choice and action carried out, reflects the path. The end is always up to the individual. There is this wise and very ancient saying, "if you give a person a long enough rope, at some point they will end up hanging themselves". :) My saying, "learn to love and respect yourself first, so that you can love and respect all people and things, living and non-living". Thank You for your presence here.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-19)
Thank you Athena for your kind comment. I offer what God has given and allowed me to learn over the years freely. I do not answer all the post on here do to the fact that on some of them I just get an image of the person laughing as they write them. As if what we experience is a joke to them and they want to see how far they can push the envelope so to speak. Others I can actually feel the honesty being put forth. The same can be said for some of the stories I have read. I have read a lot of your post also and can see that you often bring a calming, knowledgeable, and caring presense to the discussions. I am planning to do some weekend investigations upon my return home and if I capture any 3D proof, I am more than willing to share it along with any help and advice to those who need it.
Abby (710 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-16)
Dear Shane,

I especially like your name, as I have always liked the book, titled "Shane" (1949) by Jack Schaefer. The movie (1953) with handsome, actor Alan Ladd who played the book's character, "Shane" was especially good too.

I believe your story, and I believe you. I appreciate you sharing all of your stories here, as well as your years of research, experience and knowledge. Thank you for freely offering to myself and others here your help with information, answers and resolutions. It is obvious that you intuitively "know", knowledge is to be freely shared, as we are all connected. From your posts, I sense that you are not only knowledgeable, but that you are level headed, kind and caring. Thank you.

P.S. If there is a next time, and you have the opportunity to get your hands on evidence, remember to hang onto it. Not for those like me, but for those who need 3D proof. ;)
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-03-15)
I am guessing a lot of people are having a hard time believing this story. If not for the fact that it actually happened to me I probably would not believe it either. Comments are welcome.

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