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I said that I would post another story as I get the chance, well how about a photo of an orb taken yesterday in my room. I was taking some photos in my room for my wife when I noticed an orb over my left shoulder in a self photo I had just taken. I then snapped another photo within a few seconds of the first and the orb was not only still there, it was more defined and brighter than the first.Orb 1 Orb 2

There are some other smaller lighter orbs in the background that I believe to be dust or something different than the largest one. I have taken the photos onto my photoshop and have blown them up and also done a negative exposure to them and the largest orb is still in both. They say seeing is believing so I will send them along with this story and hopefully they will be posted together. I will include both photos for comparison. They say that orbs can be anything from dust to bugs, but never have I had an orb go from transparent to almost solid in a matter of seconds.

I have a ghost hunt planned for here on island and I will let you all know what happens with that one.

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Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-14)
The first to me looks like a bluest tint to it the second one reddish tint to it. But in the first one with you in it, near the base of the lamp on the wall looks like there could be some smaller orbs there.
Cirdan (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-05)
I'm sorry, but I think it's just something in the air reflecting the camera flash. Because they doesn't seem really solid. 😐
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-02)
Hi Kim, No I haven't had anymore experiences with the orbs. Still hearing my name called every once in awhile. It was funny when I took the first couple of pictures there was no orbs what so ever in them and then I took the one and there was an orb over my shoulder, then I asked that it allow itself to be photographed and that bright orb is what I got. Sorry I didn't get back with you sooner.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-30)
I just read this article and saw the photos. They are amazing! I must say, I have never been a firm believer in orbs as they are easily explained, however these photots are different. The red tone to the one ord is amazing. It is also amazing that the orb seemed to grow nad define itself.

Have you had any additional experiences with these 'orbs' ?

God Bless!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-26)
Invictus, you have email. Sorry I try not to give mine out on here for personal reasons. Hope I can answer your questions for you.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
PrincessKatie (7 stories) (420 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
I have also seen a massive white one which came from the wall and blinded me for 2 seconds. I have seen 2 ghosts in this house and the 3rd one I just heard. 😊 2 teenage boy ghosts and one little girl they were.
PrincessKatie (7 stories) (420 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
WOW That is so amazing it the best story ever.
The circle looks like it has a little face on it lol maybe I'm just seeing things. WOW I saw 2 just like that they went purple then red then purple. They only lasted a few seconds though. 😊 Thanks for sharing your story with us. I enjoyed reading it.
Shenny (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
WOAHHHH! This is not fair 😢
When we saw these weird circles surrounding me and my brother, my aunt and uncle took pictures of them but it didn't come out! I was so dissapointed 😢
Well, I guess taking them by accident is the best way to do it! Except the ones I saw were not pink-ish...they were more copper and gold-ish...

I love reading our stories!
Take care and God bless,
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-25)
Thank you for your kind words. I, like you, like the diversity of opinions here on YGS even though I don't always agree with some of the individuals as to the cause and effect. I have enjoyed your post as well. Keep up the good work.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you always.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-25)
Thanks for responding, it is much appreciated! I thought maybe since it was an older post you might not be interested in what I had to say, I'm glad you were. I'm pretty new here so there are many, many that I have to catch up on! Like I said these were fantastic pictures and keep up the excellent work. You are very respected in my eyes! 😉
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-25)

Thank you for your comments on my story. In reponse to your own photographic incident, it is quite possible that you captured your chids guardian angel/spirit guide depending on your beliefs or as you stated it could very well have been your mother saying hello. I am hoping to one day get over to a couple areas on this island that are supposedly haunted and try and capture the victorian lady on film or digital. I will be sure to post them here should I capture anything. Thanks again for sharing your comment with me.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-25)
Oh, oh, oh! Shane, this was the juiciest comment section I've ever read! Very interesting, indeed.
Shane, those are the best orb pics I've ever seen! I can't doubt them in any way. Thanks so much for sharing them. I've seen quite a few that make me think just how easy it is to fake up a few pictures.
I have a picture that was taken with a polaroid instant camera, middle of the pack of film with no abnormalities either before or after the pic in question and yet there's the picture of me holding my newborn son and he has an orb/halo/mist type of thing all around his body. Only his body and not mine at all. The explanation I have come up with is that it was my Mom saying 'hi' the only way she could to my first child. I don't know if it is worth mentioning that it wasn't even my camera, the lady in the next bed kindly let us use her camera because we didn't bring one with us. Rest assured I didn't tamper with things in any way (I wouldn't have a clue how to) but I've heard it's impossible to fool with instant camera film without ruining the whole film packet. Anyway, like I said, it wasn't even my camera! So, anyway, I don't doubt there are authentic orbs but I do doubt a lot of the pics (dust and the likes). You have some really good ones there! More to come?
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-20)
Drill sargent or JW no matter you are still a friend I have enjoyed chatting with and learning new perspectives from. 😁 Looking forward to seeing more of your wisdom imparted here. 😉

Peace, Love, and Luck are with you my friend.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-20)
no luck on the chat 😭 the applet fails to load. I guess that is okay, I enjoy chatting with my friend here anyway.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-20)
Dear Shane,

Glad you enjoyed yourself, and I bet the shirt looks great on.

I hope you can find a resolve and a wiccan spell for them. I am certain all will work out.

Gosh, I have not read that book, "The Stand" in an age. I can barely recall it, let alone the character you spoke of. Uh, please don't call me kind, once in awhile, but most times I am more like a drill sargeant or JW.

Yes, the stories are up to the reader and their personal perception of the author's works.

Love & Blessings, As Always, Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-20)
Dearest Abby, I had a great weekend and a very good father's day. My little one called me and sent me a card and shirt she made for me. I did have an intense session off site with the emergency situation and I am quite sure it will be told. I am trying to help them at the moment by trying to find a very powerful banishing spell as those involved are wiccan. I know a couple of wiccans but they can sometimes be very secretive about their spells. LOL I wil always help those in need, just as I know you do. I hope you also had a great weekend. Did you get out and take any more ghostie photos? You know I finally figured out the character you put me in mind of. From Stephen Kings book The Stand, you remind me of Mother Abagail,😜 I know, I know go figure right. Your wisdom and kindness are what made me think of the connection. Well I hope you enjoy the rest of the stories here, a few are some what... And others are well I will let you deceide. Lotsa love to you my friend.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-20)
Dear Shane,

I hope you had a good weekend and "Happy Father's Day" this past Sunday with cards and messages of love from your family.

Looks like you have been very busy here on the site and off the site. I'm glad all went well for all involved. Yes, I'm sure we'll hear the story when they wish to share it.

There are different degrees of emergencies, and it is always up to the individual to choose what degree they consider the emergency to be. The main thing is that all individuals survive and are alive and well.

Well, here's hoping you get your chat capability to work for you.

Blessings, Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-17)
Dearest Abby,

I don't know how to be anything but me. 😁 I quite trying to be something I wasn't a long time ago and I have been happy ever since.

I read your post from over the weekend you gave a lot of sound advise to those who where in need. I do agree with you that those who cry wolf are the ones we are less likely to aid. Though I do believe BaD was scared and probably left before we could respond to her. Hopefully some will read what occured to her and take it to heart to leave the ouija board alone.

Glad you enjoyed your time out at the cemetary. I don't think there is anything wrong with cleaning up the resting place of others. If we all straightened up one grave the effect it would have would be tremendous. Me personally I am planning on being buried at sea, a return to the cycle of life if you will. That and I am entitled to it from my time in the Navy during the Gulf War 1.

I still wouldn't be able to use the chat function on any site as the only puter I have available to me is this Govt one and they block that kind of thing. One day I will be returning to some place normal and will be able to chat again. 😉

Lotsa love and as always. Peace, Love, and Luck be with you always and forever Abby.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Dear Shane,

I know you are off for the week-end, and I hope you are enjoying it. I have been on and off this site today while finishing up quite a few loads of laundry and tidying up to go onto enjoy my week-end as well.

Well, you can read by the posts of last evening or rather early, very early this past morning that all turned out well for all concerned. Just a bit sleepy, though I usually stay up late and listen to a favorite radio show, coasttocoastam George Noory. I also sleep less as I have become older. I just hope I don't have to wear diapers as I become even older. 😊

Yes, I had fun with the photo shoot, but I had to go when the others went, as the camera is not mine. As for going later, I understand that completely. Though, I have seen photos taken in the daytime hours with odd and strange objects in them, especially those photos taken by family and friends, though sometimes it's just the family and friends who are the odd/strange objects in the photos. :)

I am an odd duck too, I have always been attracted to cemetaries and am always visiting them when I can, even on my vacations. I'm the crazy, stranger lady you see in cemeteries straightening up the grave site areas and picking up fallen wreaths, planters and vases of flowers. Hey we all have our things. Mine is just in the strange but true category. I may not get photos, but I do get other senses that I am appreciated when I do these things. As I said, I do hope they do windows if they expect to come home with me though! :)

Glad you also figured out the Emoticons. I hope you will figure out how you can use chat so perhaps we all can have a good chat here on this site about the ghosties and what to do when they come uninvited.

Thanks for being you and hope you enjoy your week-end. 😁

Lotsa Love & Blessings, Shane, -Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
😁 Glad you had a good time with the picture taking Abby. Too bad you couldn't have stayed later and taken some say from 10pm to about 3am those seem to be the best times for capturing them. Lotsa Love right back to ya. Ha, I figured out how to make it work at least for me 😜

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Hey Shane & Martin,

Look, it only took BaD's emergency to help me figure it out. That was priceless, and not a coincidence either. 😁

I kept clicking on the face and getting words wondering where did the face go, duh?

That's me it always takes an emergency to get me going. 😊

Yes, Martin, sometimes people like myself need the directions with the package, otherwise we'll eat the package or keep clicking on it which ever comes first. 😜

Thanks & Blessings, Abby
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Abby, I've added a "help" link at the bottom of the emoticons box explaining how to use them, I'm guessing if you're wondering what to do with them, others might have the same questions.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Dear Martin,

No heavens, those who go with me to cemeteries think I am "out there", truthfully out of my mind. All they want to do is take those shots at near nightfall and leave. There was some fading, near dusky like light left. I kept saying there's a light here or there. The one shooting would shoot where I told him and where I didn't tell him to. My photo shots were the ones I'd say were the questionable ones. One thing odd that we had not noticed was when we were leaving, there was this black cat that just showed up out of nowhere on the narrow road that winds around the cemetery. We all looked at each other like where did that cat from, it wasn't there before. Yet, we all know cats are swift and stealth, so we concluded that was the explanation. Of course, it was just getting good, and we had to leave. We had flashlights and all, but hardly had need of them. I would be a fool to say I was not afraid sometimes, even though I have lived next to cemeteries and funeral homes or parlors many times in my life. Well, what do you expect from someone who is out there, its like it scares me, but hey I still like it. I jump and then clean up after myself or the back of my pants.

By the by, how do we work these Emoticons?

Techno no not me? Out there, Oui, wee, wee all the way home. --Abby
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Dear Shane,

I had someone else who is adept at this help me with these and also look at all the photos taken. Those who are more technologically skilled in this told me there was nothing significant, and I believe them. I was the one looking for something like the face. It does look like a part of the limb of a tree with leaves on it, at least when I look at it closer. I am one of those people who sees things in clouds, if I am aware to look for it. Like the fireplace brick faces story, photo lady. I could not see it in the brick, but then later I could see faces if I really looked. I know it sounds like a cop out, but I want to get something that looks like yours or others I've seen. Something with meat in it or on it in a photo. That and the fact I don't have a clue how to get the photo from point A to point B(ee) anyway. I hate bothering these people. Seems the more techno the people I know are, the more they chide me about being "out there" while they are all business and skeptical about such things. We all accept each other and over look our oddball differences at the same time. :) I think I'll wait and get some more help and better photos of proof, before I put them up here on the site, with most likely my first story with it.

By the way I can't make any sense (1-7 senses) out of these Emoticons or how to work them either, and you expect me to figure out how to send a photo? It wasn't me who even put my computer on line either. I am always bothering others, if and when it crashes or I don't know what I've done when it just does not plainly work for me. I then have to revert to handwriting, landline phone and a lot of hollering across the way. :)

Until then I will keep you posted as I pursue this new odd hobby. Lotsa Love, --Abby
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Did you take those pictures in the cemetery at night Abby? That would make you more courageous than me! Oh well, I guess with some company and a few sips of liquid courage, I might do it too. That's what's fun with digital cameras, you can just go it at, click click clickidy click and return home for instant results. We don't have a user section for photos yet so you'll have to submit your story through the submit page as usual and once you get my confirmation of reception email, you can mail the picture as an attachment.

Let me finish by using one of them brand new emoticon just to show off to Shane 😉
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Hey I would love to see the picture of the face that you have. Never can tell Abby, a facial photo is better than an orb any day. The best picture a ghost hunter can take is a full form apparition. I don't think it was coincedence either. You have a connection with the other side some people would love to have and others would lose their mind with. If you could please send that picture to Martin and I will check it out for you. Glad to hear you started your new hobby. Now if I could just get these dang emoticons to work for me I would be happy.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Dear Shane,

Well, I went to the cemetery and with some help from an adept, I had some photographs taken with a digital camera while there.

Unfortunately, I did not see any orbs in any of the photos. There were some very small lights, but they were very questionable. I thought I saw a face in the tree areas, but that could be my own imagination too. Thus far, zero on orbs and one small "if" on a face.

While in the cemetery, I did find out that a childhood friend's mother had just passed away, and the lady's grave was already dug and covered with plywood boards. I have not seen this childhood friend in years. Imagine my surprise to see her mother's freshly dug grave in the very same cemetery my relatives reside in and on top of it, the grave was very close to my own relatives'. Of course, I do not believe in coincidences. I swear the dead follow me everywhere or I follow them. I am as bad as the character actress (Angel L.) who played, I believe the role of Jessica, in the old TV series show, "Murder She Wrote". Seems every where she went, she left a trail of dead people. Now, if only I could get a photo of a real (real?) orb! I don't want it to follow me home though, only if it does windows.

Smile, and say cheese. Watch out for that... Open grave-- Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-18)
I couldn't agree with you more. I also agree with you about JW, I spotted that soft spot a few times when certain individuals made not so friendly remarks about me. But to be honest, I would not have known that was you from Adam, the writting style, the grammatical useage was so unAthena that I would have placed money on it being someone else. But it is good to have you back dear and thank you for your kind words also as they are greatly appreciated.

PEACE, LOVE, and LUCK Be With You Always.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-18)
Dear Shane,
Thank you profusely for all the compliments. You, my friend are just as wise and mature too. Your comments are also as good if not better.

As for me, I am just a human, ah part human, after all is said and done. As all humans, I am also a hypocrite to boot with additional baggage of many mistakes made.

Ah, I see you saw my bio and alias. Yes, JW that is me, my dark side, but JW still has a soft spot. All humans are many faceted and all have dark sides. I am all these things and more. We are all alike just at different levels in the stage of this game called life.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-17)
You know me Abby, I couldn't be sore with you if I wanted to be. I have always looked up to your opinion as insightfull and intelligent. Even if sometimes we disagreed on things, we always agreed on something eventually. :P Now let's see who we can help today.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.

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