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Who Was He Coming Back To See?


I'm going to be sparse with the details, because this is a difficult encounter as it is.

Many years ago, I was a victim to an awful crime. I didn't know all the scumbags involved, save ONE of them, but was only thankful that I escaped with my life. I never went to police with one said person's ID, because I didn't think they would believe me (he was a cop) and we'd also dated in high-school and I'd dumped him. I was also VERY embarrassed by the whole thing.

About a month later after said crime, I was sleeping over at my boyfriend's house, when I saw a strange grey image at the end of the bed. I almost leaped out of the window at the head of the bed when I saw him. It was one of the scumbags. I was totally freaking out, because, even though I could tell it was him, he was all grayish. My erratic behavior woke up my poor boyfriend, who then saw him too. Then I was REALLY trying to get out the window. He turned on the light, and poof - he was gone.

I made him search the place before I would even consider staying another second. I asked my boyfriend what he saw. He described the same man. He told me that was **** from the school he went to years back. He asked me if I knew him. I said, I didn't know who he was, but we'd crossed paths. He could tell by my face that it might have been one of 'them'. He knew that I would not go to the police, so he tried to take matters into his own hands and did so. Unfortunately (or maybe VERY fortunately) when he was doing his kind service of reporting the fellow, he found out that he'd been in a car accident and died the previous night.

I'm really not sure what all this could mean. Why would he show up there when he's already dead? Was it a taunt? He didn't look menacing at that point, just standing there, arms down at his sides. Moreover, why would my boyfriend see him too? Definitely strange, since there is nothing that can be done now. I just have no answers.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Raftingirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

daveslod (2 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-31)
I just read this for the first time. It reminds me of a nightmare I had. I was living in a small apartment in the town I was working in as a police officer. I had a dream about a guy that I had stopped one night for drinking and driving. After I had arrested him, he filed a bogus complaint against me. After all was said and done the complaint was dismissed and I was cleared of any wrong doing. Anyway, in this nightmare that I had, I see this guy and he is talking to me and his face is bloody and his skull is deformed. Turns out the night I had this dream, this guy had shot himself in the head with a shotgun. I think he was trying to apologize for filing the false complaint before he crossed over
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-06)
I have a feeling that he knew that he was fixing to face judgement. We all will, it doesn't matter if one believes or not, likes or disagrees with it. It will be so. It says in the word that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. I have no doubt about this and for 99% of all humans that have ever lived; this time, the end of days, will be the most horrifying,terrifying,reality, when they finally realize what is fixing to happen and that it was the truth they've heard all their lives. And there is no way, nothing they can do to change or stop the judgment to happen. Those who hurt you will face this and at least one already has. I hope you have had good counseling and have came to terms since that's all we can do once a moment in life has passed. And I hope you have found someone you can count on that is responsible,trustworthy,and kind to spend your life with.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-23)
Javelina ~ you are always so kind.

I should have stated that there are over 20 years and over 4,000KM between me and the incident. I've grown up quite a bit, and yes, the statute of limitations will not allow me to do anything now.

I'm not sure that the site generously provided by Moongrim will work in Canada, but it's worth I try I suppose.

Thank you all again for your kindness and insight ❤

PS - I'm on the west coast.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-23)
First of all, I'm sorry for what happened to you. I can't come even close to imagining what happened and how you felt? I agree Moongrim on the fact that even though the guy you knew was / is a cop, he is not above the law. It would be harder than someone just attacking you but just imagine who else could be this idiot's victim.

I know this is really hard for you and I don't think the guy would be charged in your case because of the time lapse but like Moongrim said, I think you should still report it to make sure other victims get the justice you didn't get.

Just out of curious and you don't have to answer if you don't, but where in Canada are you from. I'm from Canada also.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-20)
Thank you for having the strength to even talk about your experience at all, it is important that you ask questions instead of bottling it away completely. I couldn't really say what he was there for, but if he was repentant, I do believe that would have been more obvious. I mean, he did make the trip all the way back to visit, so why not at least make certain of the message he was carrying.
My concern now, is for your well being and peace of mind. And though this person has passed, it does nothing to wipe those memories away. Sadly, these traumatic experiences never do go away completely. And being a victim, which puts you in a helpless position, is by it's very nature a memory that carries much more weight. Moongrim has given you some excellent advice here. And even though it won't change what happened to you, by going forward with the reporting of it, you may be validating another persons experiences as well. Because if he had done the same thing to someone else, and that someone DID report it, perhaps they were not believed at the time. By coming forward with your story you may be able to help some other victim, and so on.
Above all else, find someone you can talk to about what happened back then. Get it out of the shadows. It will never change what happened, but it could help to let off some steam. I am speaking from my own experience as well. It's probably one of the most difficult things you'll ever put voice to, but trust me, saying it out loud is a very important part of the healing process. You've taken a huge step just by alluding to what had occurred. For me it was easier to tell a stranger. But that's just me.
Thank you again for your sharing of such a painful memory with us. I pray you find some peace. ❤

Javelina ❤ ❤
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-20)
Argette - thank you for your kind words. They were warmly received, and even though I've been trying to do the "good Karma" button on this site, it does not seem to be working for all you kind people.

I'm not sure how to go about a "formal forgiveness"?

Like I said, he was only seen the one time, and I live on the other side of the country from my old boyfriend now.

In my heart, I don't hate him ~ but I can't say I could do some kind of ceremony for him. I think his untimely death (he was younger than me at the time, I'm quite certain) was punishment/vindication enough.

In any case, if I can figure out this Karma button thing, you folks all deserve a good one. Thank you for all the insight ❤
spectae (1 stories) (41 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-20)
Hi Raftingirl,

I concur with previous persons who are of the view that this spirit was visiting you, to express sorrow for their actions. It was an act of contrition I would think.

That you and your boyfriend both saw this spirit, seems to be deliberate, by the spirit, to confirm the visit and expression of seeking forgiveness.

This seems to make the most sense.

As to what the spirit hoped to achieve, I would think, to help you in some regard. The spirit with a sense of shame and guilt, sought to express their sorrow, to lessen your hurt.

Maybe I am reading too much into this, but I think the spirit did this for you, more so than for them. Now as to why the spirit, when in a body didn't convey that to you I don't know. Maybe they tried or thought they would do more harm than good. I am unsure.

That is my sense of your story.

PeAce ❤
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
Raftingirl, I don't know what advice to give. The story reads so sad. But that's part of the human condition - injustice. I have loads of "ghost" stories that maybe I'll share here someday. My place I am in right now has "issues" enough to have scared my girlfriend away. Your story - I prob shouldn't of intruded upon as I did. I figure this man's ghost is sorely regretting his mortal crimes and will pay dearly for what he did.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
First off, Raftingirl, I am so sorry you have encountered this painful incident in your life. It sounds like you have dealt with it squarely and maturely and you have my admiration for that, and for posting here.

I agree with the posters who think this person/entity was there at the foot of your bed because his actions were still on his mind. I like the suggestion that you offer some sort of formal forgiveness to him.

I want to tell you that your responses here are very gracious. I wish you the best and will hold your happiness close to my thoughts tonight.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
Sorry Moravian, I neglected to thank you for your feedback as well. I'm still trying to digest it all ❤
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
Moravian, it can be easier to forgive someone who is gone from this world and cannot do the same thing again. Forget not so easy, but I don't have a loathing for the one person. It was kind of healing knowing that he couldn't do it again. Maybe that was his point in appearing? I don't know.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
RAFTINGIRL, I am going out on a limb here so I apologize if I upset BUT - If it at ALL possible, try to formally forgive him that might have a positive healing effect for you and maybe... His soul. This might be very important.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
HappySpirit - you seem to suit your name:) Thank you so much for your feedback.

Lady-glow - thank you too, and sorry to hear of your mishap as well. It's hard when someone has already left this earth from their flesh - and there is NOTHING you can do.

I'm still thinking it was something more - like I should have gone to police to report more info, but I just couldn't do it at the time.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
Well just because someone is a cop, doesn't make them immune to prosecution and/or investigation. If you think folks won't believe you- try again:


Injustice everywhere is a database of who does what, and who is tracking these kind of things. If these folks have done these things before- they're probably going to do it to someone else.
The figure- undoubtedly was the person who may have come back to apologise, or may have come back to berate. Some souls are just too full of vitriol or gullibility to let go of their biases.

You owe it to the next victim of the cop and his 'friends' to report him.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
Yeah, I think he was looking for your forgiveness or just realizing the magnitude of his bad behaviour.

Some time ago I had a similar experience, the man who used to be my boss in a previous job was once very rude to me, and one day several years later I couldn't stop thinking about him. I didn't see him, but I had an overpowering feeling of him regretting his actions and a great sadness came over me. I said a prayer and visualized his face and told him "I forgive you, have peace"

Two days later I was told he had passed away.
HappySpirit (187 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
The fact that his energy appeared "limp", and the fact that he appeared to you so soon after his death makes me think that he was troubled, not mocking. Or, he could could have been in the "life review" part of his post death experience. As I understand (not having experienced it yet of course!), during life review there is an absence of the kind of judgment that we take as normal and right when reviewing criminal, horrific actions - our own or others. This is hard for us on earth to fathom. This doesn't mean that there aren't "karmic consequences" to our actions, but that we see what was done in a larger context of what we had to learn and what our life was about. Maybe that is what was going on.

At any rate, I hope that by sharing this experience it has helped you heal a bit more from the trauma of what happened when you were young. God Bless.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
Thank you Rook and Bluerose.

It did happen quite a while ago. I've never seen 'him' again, but I've finally gotten the courage to bring it up after all this time.

He did not really look like he was repenting, just staring ahead and kind of limp... You know, not dangerous. It could have been coincidence that my boyfriend saw him because he was a friend, or maybe he wanted to be recognized for his crime. I'm just thankful I never saw him again after that.

This memory has plagued me for years. Thank you for your insight:)
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)
I am sure this has only one and the most probable conclusion- During his lifetime, he must have been 'repenting' for what and how wrong he 'did' to you, and must be thinking/deciding of asking you to 'forgive' him, but somehow he never got that chance as he died. And as you said he died in an accident, it was quite a 'sudden' death for him. So after his death, his spirit is trying to approach you to seek your 'forgiveness'. I am sure he means no harm,, But still be careful for your own sake...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-19)

There is the chance that with his 'passing' his spirit was trying to make amends for past misdeeds. You described him as 'grey' and..."He didn't look menacing at that point, just standing there, arms down at his sides." Was his head bowed as well... Like someone who was felling 'shame?'

As far as your boyfriend seeing him... That is just validation that you actually experienced this visitation. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, either here or via my e-mail on my profile.



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