As an aside before I begin, I'm bringing this up now instead of later because I've mentioned it a few times in different comments. It breaks my rule of sticking to chronological order however, so I do apologize for that in advance.
In the early 90's, my parents bought an empty lot on one of the Great Lakes. Slowly over several years, we built the house. The parts we didn't build ourselves were the basement, the skeleton of the house, and the furnace installation. Therefore, I can say with certainty that the house itself never had a death in it. Of course, this doesn't extend to the land.
In fact, given the history of the area with a known Native American war, for lack of a better word, which resulted in a small tribe being wiped out (this according to a posted historical marker) I'd be surprised if someone hadn't died on the property.
Everything went fine for the first year or so, and despite not liking staying in the room because of an incomplete ceiling and the lack of window blinds waking me up way earlier than I was used to, even my bedroom was quiet.
Quickly this changed however. I'm not certain how it began, but eventually I became uncomfortable in the room. At first it was minor like needing to keep the door open and having a bit of trouble falling asleep. Eventually it has gotten to the point that it feels like I'm constantly stared at from the open door after the sun goes down.
Of course, some of the events are more memorable than others. For instance, after I started sleeping in my Dad's bedroom when he wasn't up there too, I'd hear walking in the hall, down the stairs, and all over the first floor. Well one night it got really bad, and it was loud enough that it was keeping me up.
I told it that if it'd just quiet down I'd go home the next day. The noise instantly stopped. If it would have been a physical person walking around, the noise stopped so suddenly that the person would have been standing in one place the rest of that night.
The next day however, when I was calling to tell my parents I was on my way, Dad insisted I stay a couple more days so I could mow the yard again before going home. I kind of pushed to go home, but Dad wouldn't hear of it, and took The Tone with me so that stopped any more argument about the matter.
That night, the walking was back. It practically stomped down the hall, it ran up and down the stairs, and it never went on the first floor. The whole time it was doing this I heard laughter. It basically was ticked I hadn't held up my end of the deal, and it wasn't taking the fact my Dad forced the issue as an answer.
Before I begin the next event, I'll state during all this, my dog that was like a daughter to me could enter the old bedroom and stay there practically all day and be comfortable in there. Whatever the ghost is, it seemed to have no qualms with her.
Well, this next one happened about a year after the dog had passed from some odd condition that would cause her legs to splay out from beneath her if she stood too long. Even the vet couldn't figure out what it was.
The event started in the same manner night usually happens up there. I felt the ghost staring at me from the room and tried my best to ignore it. This night for some reason, it wasn't satisfied with the usual fare and kept intensifying the force of its stare. It got to the point I was considering leaving, and normally I never get to that point up there. All of a sudden, Boots, the aforementioned dog, was right there next to me. I couldn't see her, but I felt her so strongly that I absentmindedly tried to pet her before it dawned on me what was going on. All of a sudden I felt the ghost upstairs start as if she'd bitten it or something, and then quickly recede into the room not to be felt or heard from again that night.
After this, when I did go to bed, I joked with myself a bit trying to get over the shock of the whole situation, and patted where Boots used to love to lay on the bed. The bed in that area squeeked as if Boots had just landed there.
The final major event I'm going to mention, which compared to the others is actually kind of minor is I was in the dining room part of the front room when I felt something peeking over the railing on the second floor (the house is a saltbox which means basically a floor and a half). I looked up and I felt this new entity slink down behind the wall. I went back to my game of solitare and it again stood up and looked at me.
This went on for a bit before I got a mental image of what was going on. This wasn't the normal ghost I deal with. Instead, this was a young girl, I'd wager from the feeling I got about ten at the oldest. This up and down motion wasn't meant to scare me, she was actually playing peek-a-boo type game with me. After I figured this out, I kind of chuckled and said she was welcome to continue playing with me if she wished and for a couple minutes we did so. She then faded away, I told her that she could return again sometime if she wanted, but she has yet to do so.
What I'd like to ask is, I'm thinking of getting a few copies of those alphabetic magnets and putting them on the fridge. Then asking the most common ghost why it's hostile feeling towards me, and why it tends to hide when others are around. Is this a safe thing to do?
Maybe you could ask your father to help you with this situation? Who knows, perhaps the thing he wants you to find is at the cabin?