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Harlan, Iowa's, Haunted Funeral Home


From the very first day I moved in, I saw the spirits walking the halls of this old funeral home. Back in time this was one of Harlan's main funeral homes. My Grandfather on my Mom's side had "gone through" here back in 1950. Now it's an apartment building, and in August of 2011, I moved into one of the basement apartments.

I have seen spirits many times in my life, in many different locations, but this old funeral has more of "them" than any other place I have experienced. I asked the maintenance manager if he had seen them. "All the time," was his reply. I didn't know if he was serious or just joking, but it really didn't matter. You see, I kind of enjoy having them around, especially if they're not doing anything serious. It's also true that they know who THEY can have "fun" with.

Across the hall from me is another apartment. This apartment was, back in the funeral home days, the bleed-out room. Just a couple of years ago there was a young lad living there who was being taunted by the spirits. He was taunted to the point where he tore out all of the suspended ceiling tiles and cut every electrical wire he could find, thinking that someone was playing a joke on him. He even went so far as to have the police come in with a bug-detecting device, but nothing "electronic" was found. Needless to say, he doesn't live in this apartment anymore.

The spirits that walk the halls would obviously come into my apartment, and I would see them (with my peripheral vision, or see a shadow "passing" by) on a regular basis. They weren't doing anything "scary," but now and then they would move things while I was gone, or they would hide things from me, only to have these hidden things "reappear" in a place that I had already checked. One day, while on my cell phone, I was sitting at my high-table when all of the sudden a glider chair three feet away from me started to glide (back and forth) on its own. I just smiled and calmly said, "Just wait until I get off the phone you s.o.b." The chair stopped immediately. It is my belief that "they" do these things in order to scare the hell out of you, and if they do scare you then, in cases where multiple spirits exist, THEY ALL come at you and taunt you. To the point where you will leave "their house." But I don't scare that easily.

Like I said, I have plenty of experience in this subject, all of it comes from personal experiences. Spirits can be driven out or, if they don't really bother you, then they can be considered one of the family.

One thing you should understand though, is that spirits, for the most part, are not the souls of people who died. Sure, once in awhile a loved one might come back to us, like in a dream, or for a short "visit" for the purpose of letting us know that they are okay and that they still love us. But in cases with a constant presence, there is something totally different going on.

Most hauntings are the result of people having ceremonies which conjure-up these spirits. In the case of haunted funeral homes, there were ceremonies held in the bleed-out rooms with the corpses of those who passed away. This is why the bleed-out room, IN EVERY OLD FUNERAL HOME, will contain a high number of spirits (but these spirits are free to roam the entire building). The same goes for haunted houses. For the most part, there were ceremonies held in these houses, in the past, that conjured-up these spirits. The home owner died, but the spirits stayed, and that is what you are seeing in your home, your workplace, the cemetery (yes, ceremonies were also held here), and any other place that is haunted.

The worst thing you can do with a spirit is to show fear. If you have an "ornery" spirit, then "they" will play on this fear. Not all spirits are ornery or mean, but, either way, be bold to them. Now, if you have an actual poltergeist, then do what I would do... RUN LIKE HELL!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, dign4it, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-22)
[at] sonri,
The tunnels were not an uncommon thing back then. Many towns still have them, though most have been blocked off at their access points. They were multi purpose structures, encompassing the needs of the various businesses, along with a more convenient route to deliver goods by in the dead of winter. There was another reason as well. The BOMB. In my day we would have fire drills and bomb drills at school. Schools had basements big enough to shelter student and faculty alike in the event the unthinkable occurred. Businesses would have had access to the tunnels for the reasons stated earlier
What is fascinating to me is that they have been mostly forgotten.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-22)
Nice catch Pjod! That one zipped right on past me. However, when I followed the link that princesslotus put up, and read the 'article' there, that article went straight for the conspiracy theory crap right off the bat. No dancing around about what they REALLY wanted to get across either. Went straight for the jugular. You know, for that 'bleed out' effect? This little number here had to be dressed up before it could get published as a ghost story.
Oh yeah, the spirits walking the halls "OBVIOUSLY" had to come into the O/P's room. Oh really? What is that supposed to infer? I don't get it. 😕

Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-22)
I was caught up after the part about the police coming into a neighbors home and combing the place for electronic bugs- You can call the police in any city or town, and they will not come into your home and search for plants (listening devices) More likely they will come and take you to a hospital to be mentally evaluated. Just one thought reading this story...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-22)

With all due respect, I think... My opinion folks... I think that dign4it's 'ludicrous conclusions' came way before his 'experience' in the basement of this former Funeral Parlor and, in no small part, played a Heavy Influence in any experience he may have had.

I do not doubt dign4it experienced something down in that basement... But based on the information provided by him I do have to question if it wasn't a case of runaway imagination and not enough of an attempt at debunking as due to his belief's it had to be a Haunting caused by the very controversial reasons he listed.

I believe, again just my opinion, that his belief in those 'ludicrous conclusions' as you put it, were firmly in place before any experience he may have had. Any 'odd' experience would then be attributed to such 'conclusions' and not the other way around... Just my two cents.


sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-22)
My comments did sound a bit harsh and hoity-toity, I get down on humanity, and start being judgmental and aloof. I hate this about myself, but I know I'm not the only one with holier-than-thou moments.
I'm always for the under dog. Saints fan my whole life. And, I just like to feel like everyone gets a fair shake.
Did I feel like letting go a zinger on dign4it's blatant know-it-allism? Yes, who wouldn't?
But the man said he was living in the basement of an old funeral home. That in itself let me know he may be under strong influence, his imagination and fear becoming real enough to where he could be prone toward spouting out all sorts of ludicrous conclusions regarding the dark history of the place. Oh and the tunnel, how conducive to firing the imagination would a tunnel be.
Personally, I don't have any problem with anyone on this site, and appreciate the colorful range of characters here.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-21)
I know! It sucks when your favorite shows start going downhill. They always end up having that LAST 'very special' (yuck) episode that reunites all the former cast members. Like we care about it any longer. I never tuned in again. After missing a couple of episodes, that apparently were too important to miss, I never could figure out what the heck was going on once I came back to catch up. It was like a soap opera or something. Sad. 😕

shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-21)

Sorry for butting in... Gotta say I was a huge X-Files fan too but you are right they just got too weird in the end 😆 I mean the last season hardly had Mulder and Scully in it! Sheesh, kind of defeated the purpose of the show 😆 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-21)
I have just finished reading the rest of these comments and I can't stop laughing! 😆 😆
Sorry, but they were just too funny not to say something about it!

Jav 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-20)
[at] Martin,
Pretty wild, huh? 😆 I was an X-Files devotee as well. But it did get weird toward the end. And now that I think about it, I can't remember how it ended. I stopped watching after Mulder left and the evil Bot from the second 'Terminator' movie came in. 😕

Martin (602 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
Oh I see I have been quoted 😆 I do maintain the position that this site isn't about conspiracy theories (and there are enough of these type of sites on the web to satisfy anyone), that's the main reason why this site focuses on our own experiences, not wild speculation. Outside of having little personal interest in these theories (well, I might have had an x-files phase in the 90s), I simply think we could write miles of pages on these matters and not go anywhere, so there is no point. So please let's stick to what matters, personal experiences and what we can actually do about it! Thanks!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
Rook - actually, yes I'd love one 😊. Ever had one of those days? Well, today's that one for me LOL. I just got knocked in the head by my Ab-Lounger. So something nice and cold would be great 😆

Thank you ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-19)

You simply did what I could not so no worries.

I'm heading over to the Tent... Care for a beverage?


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
"Too Much, the Magic Bus... Too Much the Magic Bus!"

The Song by The Who echo's off the buildings as a Multi colored Double Decker bus rolls up... Slowing down a band of Carnie Workers bound off and begin erecting a large Orange, Yellow and Red Circus Tent.

The Driver steps off of the bus, brushes the dust off of his Red 'tails' jacket, complete with Gold Buttons. He straightens his White pants that are tucked into his Black knee high boots and then he reaches back into the bus and produces a Black Top Hat and a Megaphone. Placing the Top hat upon his head he raises the Megaphone to his lips and says...

"Come One, Come All to the Circus Bazaar...You'll see, hear and READ things you've never imagined. I Stand by the VERY NEEDLE AND THREAD that pieced them together that they are absolutely, authentically, GEN-U-WINE fakes! So step right up, don't be shy cause you will not believe your eyes!"

Puff Bayram
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
I'm sorry, but I couldn't even walk outside to clear my head. This last comment from dign4it just got way under my skin. It had to go.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
Oh good grief! This has gone from a conspiracy theory, straight to a scare tactic. It seems to me that you have a VERY personal vendetta against the Masons for whatever reason. I suggest you deal with that person one on one, rather then come here and slander the entire organization as a whole. I know a few people who are Masons (my deceased father in law included) and the very thoughts you are trying to shove down our throats are absurd. There is NO WAY you will convince me that my fil (who was a Mason for 32 years before his death) was a devil worshiper. I have tried to be objective, and at one point even defended your "story", but it's possible that you need to see someone about your anger towards the Mason organization.
End Rant, BS blanket deployed, now waiting on the circus tent sized BS blanket.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
Sorry, Rook - I just want this one to die down and go away. This is quickly becoming one of those stories that pisses everyone off and we're either going to have to cease all communications with dign4it, or we'll have to have Martin step in and close the comments section on another story.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
dign4it - please keep this based on ghost experiences, not personal agenda. This is what you are turning this story into which, in turn, will do nothing except incite some very nice people. A couple of whom you've already met.

You have expressed your opinion, whether or not it is based on facts. Please refrain from further "dissing" of the Masons, etc. The link to your other story is in the comments. If anyone has any desire to read further, they can do so there. THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR IT!

Further comments in this direction will be deleted. I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to delete your last one. I need to walk outside for a bit. I'll see how I feel when I return. You might not get so lucky with one of the other mods though.

You have submitted a ghost experience. THAT IS WHAT THIS SITE IS FOR!

I'm sorry for yelling, and yes, in my case that's what the all caps represent.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-19)

So we have to spend money, come and see you and you will show us your proof? 90% of all Funeral homes are owned by Masons so they can conduct their SATANIC RITUALS?!?!?!?!?!

WTF...either provide your proof, here free of charge, because what you are implying is SLANDEROUS AND INSULTING to anyone who can think for themselves and WE should not have to travel to HARLAN for these answers.

I call you out on your CONSPIRACY THEORIES and CHALLENGE YOU TO SHOW THE PROOF. Either do that or go away before someone brings down a Law Suit or your ignorant A55.

With no Respect Whatsoever,

MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
Miracles- I didn't either, but I think it's the whole "grasping at straws" concept I suppose. It's all good.:) LOL
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
MizMiMi - I didn't realize you'd been around long enough to get lumped in with the "mob" 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-19)

You are correct, the O/P's original experience never changed. However the THEORIES provided as to the why of the Haunting occurred are based not in fact but on/in a superstitious conspiracy theory mentality.

The "Respected members of this site made an open mockery of this man" as you put it, may seem harsh, but quite a few of us have knowledge / experience in certain area's and we can, with confidence, call BS on certain topics... Such as Jav who is related to a man who was a "mortician and county coroner of El Dorado County, Calif..." and another who worked in a Funeral Home for 4 years.

Is there a chance we went to far...possibly...But at the same time the O/P was implying that all High Level Masons...33-35 and higher (do they go higher?), the very Forefathers (most of them anyway) of the United States are Satanic Worshiping Necrophiliacs and that their 'Ceremonies' are what cause places to be Haunted. I for one will not stand for that kind of slander to be 'touted' as truth... On this site or any other.

Granny sited the rules for posting and yet the O/P insisted that his 'Theory', this Conspiracy Theory, was valid and true, but has provided no proof...Zip, Zero, Nada. So yes we Trashed and Bashed the parts of it that we can back up as being Falsehoods or Conspiracy Theories as I did in my last comment... I listed the things that could well be fact, commented on an interesting theory put forth by the O/P and pointed out the Conspiracy portion of his 'STORY'.

Could the O/P have experienced something they can not explain...YES. Can the Facts about the Physical Location... Former Funeral Home with a tunnel to a Home (possible Masonic Lodge) across the street be proven as true... ABSOLUTELY (one site visit is all it takes)...But the part where the Mason's cause hauntings because of their of their High Level Satanic Necrophilia Driven Ceremonies? Yes I broke out the Miss Demeanor and Drove all over that portion of the O/P's story as I felt it warranted more than the normal BS Blankie we normal toss around here.


Rook (aka Puff Bayram: Driver/DJ and Navigator of the Miss Demeanor)
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-19)
Sonri- I'm not exactly sure what "facts" you see in this story. Perhaps if you could point them out to me, I would feel a bit different about the way you are so vehemently defending this story. Seems like a bunch of theory, mixed in with a dash of assumption, followed by a haunted glider for good measure.
It's always interesting to me, how I see you post things like this in just about every story that Javelina passionately questions. Perhaps you feel you are the sites local defender, just as you feel we are the "mob". (which by the way is getting really old) So, I bid you adieu as you are obviously looking for a debate, that I am not willing to participate in. So, good luck to ya.
sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-18)
Casper the Ghost, I like your comment. There really wasn't much meat to this story, but boy did it make a splash.
Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-18)
Zzzzzzzzz...sorry I fell asleep during the ghost story/conspiracy theory/ poorly informed lecture on Freemasons... 😕
sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-18)
What I meant by "the facts" in my comment, was that his account of his personal experience did not change.
Its awful, to be doubted, and I'd hate to accuse someone of lying and later find they were being truthful as far as they knew.
I don't share the same beliefs of everyone on this site; but I'm not about to tear into anyone for having these beliefs either, no matter how out of left-field they may seem to me. I'm only interested in finding out all I can from the experiences of others and deciphering as much truth as I can for myself.
By the way, I never used the words "pitchfork, bashing, or beheading", though it kind of amuses me that you'd take it that far. It means you must have recognized the sort of mob mentallity that people are still so prone to even these days. I don't think as a people we've developed enough and have so far to go.
Respected members of this site made an open mockery of this man, that's how I see it. I probably should not have said any of this, because I really don't think it'll do any good, and being misquoted doesn't really matter to me. All this unnecessary drama though is saddening. And I can't help but feel sorry for it.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-18)
Is this a story or an evaluation of ghosts? Ok the story seems to consist of a glider chair that glided on its own. Well not much to say about that, was the window open? 😐
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-18)

Let's break this down a bit as there are some things that are fact and some things that... Do not 'add up'.

Let's start with the facts:

You stated...

"These houses and other structures that were built by Masons will have certain Masonic symbols incorporated into the architectural design on the front or, street side of the building,"

This is true, a good many of the buildings designed and built by Mason's contain Masonic symbols as decoration and / or were used to identify the homes / places of business owned by Masons to other Masons.

Fact 2: (I'll give this one to you because I do not know the city and a quick tour can prove it...

"This funeral home in Harlan is connected to the Masonic Lodge right across the street (Durant Street) via tunnel, and this, too, can be proven."

Due to weather conditions and such this may be how the Mortician would travel between home and work during harsh winters... He may have even been a Mason (go figure).


Theory 1: "The haunting of newer homes and structures is easy to explain, these spirits "piggy-back" on people who come into your home or business, no matter how old the building is. Certain people have these spirits with them 24-7, and when these people come into your home or business, one or two of these spirits can, and will, stay behind in your house. These spirits do not die and they have been roaming this Earth for quite some time."

This is an interesting theory and merits investigation into it to see if it has any 'substance'.

Conspiracy Theories:

1) "It is true that houses built and occupied by Masons (32nd and 33rd Degree) are haunted due to Satanic ceremonies, I can and will prove this point all day long, to people who are "receptive" to these spirits."

I happen to believe I am 'receptive' to spirits, it's why I visit this site, but as Granny has pointed out Masons are not Satanists... They do have some 'private rituals' but my Father-in-Law is a Mason... Devil not included.

2) "It was in this "bleed-out" room where the Masons, after using the tunnel to secretly get to this funeral home, would have their ceremonies with the corpses, involving many things (necrophilia)."

By this I take it to mean your implying that the Masons, at least the higher 'level' ones, are Devil Worshiping Necrophiliac's? Really... Do you have a link? Are you a former Mason... A former High Level Mason... Who knows this for a fact... And has the documentation/pictures/videos to back up this claim?

You say you have proof, now is your chance to show it. Let's see one bit of it and I will consider the rest of what you have said, until you do you I will not only stand by the tossing of the BS Blankie... I will hold it down until the 'stink' is completely gone.


DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-17)
Hahaha I was reading this story and just before I got to the end I was thinking "geez I know I'm late on reading this and I bet my mates here will be a having a field day with this one" and dadaaa I was right lol I love it, well done, you know who you all are! 😆😆
Anyway I don't need to say anything else you have covered it all rather well with the BS Blankie!

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-17)
There you go again granny, pulling my butt out of the fire.
Thank you for the reminder, I had totally forgotten the sage words of our dear leader, but it won't happen again. I can assure you of that! 😆

Jav ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-17)
Jave: 😆 It's not listed in the guidelines, but it is in the FAQ's on the "contact us" page:

"Other types of weird requests

I am not interested in any conspiracy theories, perpetual machines, the latest cult or guru, the coming end of the world, flaky new theories, becoming your new online pal, participating in your new web site or joining the latest social network. If you think dark psychics, men in black, witches, big foot, the illuminati or the lizard people are making your life miserable, please seek psychiatric help. Before opening yourself to the paranormal world, I believe it is important to first master critical thinking and reason, and I have no patience with superstition."

Wise words from our site owner that I think most of us echo!

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