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Shadow Man By The Bed


I think I should start off by saying that I am reasonably logical when I have to be, though I do have a tendency to be easily spooked.

This story is one of my first memories, and it occurred when I was around two years of age. I was lying in bed but couldn't sleep, probably due to the fact that my mother hadn't come to her bed yet (we shared a room until I was four as we lived in my grandmother's house with several of my uncles). I remember looking around the room, a little impatiently, when I noticed a shadow of a bald man on the wall. It looked as though the shadow was cast by the light from the open doorway, so I checked to see if one of my uncles was standing there. But no one was there.

I then turned my attention back to the shadow on the wall and it began to walk around the room. At this point I had not yet felt worried or scared, but rather watched the shadow man with wonder. For several minutes he walked around the room, all the while it seemed his gaze was fixed on me. I couldn't see this necessarily, but was simply aware of it.

When he did speak, he had a deep voice and said "I'm going to get/kill (sorry, I can't quite remember which) you, Robert. Not today, not tomorrow, but one day."

By this point, I was in bed frozen with fear. Beyond this I don't remember what he said, but I am vaguely aware that this was not the only thing he said to me. As it was 18-years-ago and I was very young, my memory of it isn't that complete.

Eventually, I managed to run out of the room and down the stairs to my mother, who was readying herself for bed (as she has an illness, she needs pills and water before bed, though at the time I was unaware). She eventually coaxed me into returning to bed, as she was also coming, and the shadow man was gone.

I moved out of the house at the age of four when my mother and stepfather married, and I always felt a little entertained by the fact that it said it would get me, but I left before it could. However, nine years ago my grandmother sold my parents her house and we have been living in my childhood home since. I often wonder if he knew that this would come to pass, and his plan was not averted.

My mother has tried on many occasions to convince me that it was a dream, but it always seems as though she isn't all the convinced herself.

I haven't had an encounter of the same kind since, but I do feel as though I am being watched practically constantly. I also see glimpses of a shadow person quite often when I pass mirrors, which my house is full of.

I do believe my house is haunted, and I do not believe that all the things I experience in this house are connected to the shadow man, so I will elaborate on other experiences in a separate post.

I was wondering if it was a heard of experience to be talked to by a shadow apparition. As far as I have researched, all I can find are accounts of silent shadow people.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, RobertPaige, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-22)
Ha ha Robert, I was brave wasn't I 😆. I thought it was strange it had vanished when I had turned on the light again. I don't believe it was anything paranormal but unexplained yes! 😲
Pikachu04 (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-21)
Well robert... The shadow man have said that it will get/kill you one day... Since you are living in the same house better be careful
RobertPaige (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-21)
Casper_the_ghost wow! It's made me think maybe spreading the word about this thing wasn't a good idea? Especially if it is empowered by fear as the other commenters have suggested? Kudos on going to sleep, you're braver than I!
Robertar I found several vague accounts of things that like to scare children. Do you suppose now that I'm twenty it may have lost interest? Also, that Salie house thing is really interesting, I didn't know that about the guy.
Ghost-R-Us I meant that my mother and I moved out when I was four when she married my stepfather.
Call_Me_L from what I could find most shadow people don't communicate. Sounds like it was persistent though, scary!
Sonri wow, I'm glad no one was hurt! I've heard of hauntings like that, where the weapon vanishes after the murder (I don't know about possessions enough to comment). Very interesting!
robertar (223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-21)
Most has already been said but:

1: I don't remember where/when I got the idea, but I suspect these shadow people are just a variety of ways certain entities can project themselves into our dimension. Maybe it saves on energy or something like that.

2. I've read of other accounts of clear vocal communication from these things.

3. For whatever reasons, these bastards like to scare children, in many different ways and forms. My older brother had a story about some creepy blue dwarf coming into the room at night. The guy from the Sallie House had some guy who "looked like the devil" peek out of the closet and laugh at him. Listen to anythingghost podcast, or read stories like here.

4. I have some memories at very early age with a clarity I am surprised at myself, at an age where I was still in diapers and barely able to speak myself. My own daughter was recognizing written words before two, from watching signing videos.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-20)
Hmm, thought I would post again as I saw a shadow in my room last night and something similar to your discription Robert! 😳.

At first, I thought it was my shadow as it was opposite where I was standing and looked like the side of my head. But I moved and it was still there. I moved my teddies from the bed, and it was still there. I do not know what it could of been as there was nothing in that area to reflect off the wall. The odd thing was it was just a bulb looking head and short body that ended on the bed with wait for it... A forked tail! Now that I think of it, it looks much like Casper from my profile page!

I just turned off the light and went to sleep!

Maybe I should believe you in future! 😕
misstee4 (21 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-20)
I think they meant they were four when the whole family moved. I also saw a shadow person standing at the foot of my bed just a couple years ago and I'm 36. I know I was wide awake and it is a very scary thing see!
Ghost-R-Us (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-19)
Wait, you moved out at the age of 4? I'm srry, I'm having a hard time believing your story from when you were 2. Srry!
Call_Me_L (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-19)
I actually had a similar man standing in my door frame from the time I was three until I was twelve, through three house changes. He never talked to me or moved from the doorway though.
sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-19)
I was thinking of submitting a memory from my early childhood. But now, I think, maybe I'll just share it here. I remember a 'possessed' man coming to our home and waving a gun around. My father, a preacher at the time and fearless man, ran out to intercede this man in the driveway. The man was out of his wits and according to my older family members' recollection of this, wanting to go home and murder his family.
My father succeeded in calming the man (he broke down into violent sobs) and even got him to fling his shotgun into the bushes.
Where it gets even weirder is when my older syblings and father searched these bushes for the weapon, it was nowhere to be found. The man had not taken it, because we all watched him until he got back in his car and drove away. Always remained a mystery. I couldn't have been more than 3, and I remember this and it was not a dream. But dreamlike in that it just didn't make any sense.
Robert, maybe your uncles had some experiences as well?
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-19)
Well you must admit it is a bit young and a long time to be thinking about such a thing. A lot of creepy stuff probably happened to me as a child but I wouldn't remember them now, maybe your a faster learner than I. Didn't mean to come off as judgemental was merely making light of the situation, my apologies if I have upset you.
pringles (3 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-19)
hi robert, yes you can remember things that happen at 2 years old, I remember playing in our front garden at the age of 2 and asking my older brother of 17 what the plants were, and he picked me up sat me on his hip and pointed and said look Debbie look at mom so I followed his finger to where my mother was standing with a camera and she took a photo. I remember this as if it were yesterday and still have the photo. Xx
TataniaFae (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-19)
I remember, when I was about 4 or 5 (so around 1995/1996), I would always have figures looming around my bed every time I tried to get to sleep... This happened until we moved out of the house. I remember them well... The men had top hats and the women had frilly dresses and parasols. I really believe the figures I saw to be ghosts rather than my imagination, because really, where would I have seen top hats and parasols at that age, especially in the 90's when Grunge was in fashion LOL! So yes, I believe your story, entirely! How scary for you!
RobertPaige (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
Casper_the_ghost I have a memory from when I was either two or three, what's the big deal? Also, I said it may be a dream but I don't believe it to be. I didn't say it is a dream I had that I'm posting here.
Cliney1212 thank you, I'll try that.
Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
Hello Robert
I completely believe that you can remember being 2 and an encounter so frightening would stay with you. I remember being 2 and though my memory is hazy/dreamlike I have recently reunited with my father and he confirmed my memories of that time. Please don't let this ruin your life. It may have said what it said to make you afraid so it could feed on your fear. Try Rooks cleansing ritual for peace of mind. 😉
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
Three? You were the ancient age of three? Well then you must remember everything sorry I didn't realise you were so old.
Dreams aren't fact so have no place here I'm afraid.
RobertPaige (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
Casper_the_ghost had you read the comments more carefully, I conceded that I may have been three. I also explained that it has been preying on my mind for so long I can remember a lot of it. Thirdly, I also said that it could be a dream.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
I'm going to exit stage left on this one. Good luck with finding the answers you seek.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
Interesting account Robert. The shadow, could it of been cast by your milk bottle by any chance? 🤔
I'm with the others on this, how did you remember this at such a young age?
Also, you say you moved out of the house by the age of four. Did you start driving and get married too? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
RobertPaige (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
No sonri I have little knowledge on my biological father, my mother has told me that they were together but broke up after he cheated, and I was a product of a one night stand several months later. As for his whereabouts or living status, I haven't a clue.
Isandhu I am hoping you're right, I think because it has been so long I do not consider it an immediate threat and it therefore doesn't often freak me out. But the fact that it said "one day" has been pressing on my mind for most of my life.
RobertPaige (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
I'm sorry Javelina, I didn't mean to take you to a dark place, or give you anything to worry about for your own children
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
It doesn't sound like you are too scared of the threat, but if you have any unease at all on that point, I would say not to worry about it too much. If it was a negative spirit of some sort, it could well be lying, if not about its intentions/desires then certainly about its ability to carry through on them. As you remained in the house for at least a year after the incident without being harmed, it is likely unable to hurt you even if it wanted to. I have never heard of a shadow being communicating verbally before, so perhaps it was something else. I do believe you have experienced something that defies explanation and that has obviously been with you for a long time. We on this site have gone through the early memory debate many times, and I think the consensus is that it is possible to recall a memory, especially a very traumatic one, as young as 2.
sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-18)
Yes, shadow spirits can talk to you; but I think most frequently they speak in your head, like telepathy. You hear their voice inside your mind.
Do you know about your biological father? Did he die? Was he bald, or shave his head regularly?
I was only wondering, maybe, this experience could have been less sinister than he intended, if indeed it was him? Even if he had not passed away, it could have been astral projection. An ex-husband or boyfriend stewing somewhere over being stupid enough to loose rights to their own child, by not treating the mother right or becoming prematurely envolved with a woman not meant for them.
The use of your name tells me this was not a residual haunting. But maybe it was "get", and maybe it was angry; but even the lousiest of men can get angry over custody just out of vanity, even knowing full well that they'd make an awful parent.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-17)
You know what, I have a memory of when I was approximitely 4 or 5 that I believe was definitely real, but because it was so long ago I question myself now wether it was real or not.

I do believe you experienced something here RobertPaige, even if it was perhaps a dream or was actually experienced it is something that is burnt into your memory, that I can relate to.!

Thanks for sharing.

mind_wide_open (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-17)

Wait until they post my story. My first attack was when I was an infant. In a house full of people who would verify it anyday. Its been going on my whole life. I just had a glass bowl thrown at me the other night. No matter what I do or where I go these things seem to find me. I have prayed and stayed very close to God. I am going to try the house cleansing that I read on here starting tomorrow. I'm a mother and I pray nightly that my kids do not have the same issues that I have, but my son has been hearing voices and seeing things since he was about 2 or 3. I'm hoping to find help and acceptance here. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy, but for my own benefit I had a psychiatric evaluation. I was cleared and have no mental health problems. If you pray please do so for my family.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-17)
Okay Robert, I'll take back the things I said about a 2 year old having such a vivid recollection of events, also my remark about the command of language at that age. I should have known better, and I admit to being wrong in that. I am having a problem with the attack on a child so young though. And what the motivation would be for a malevolent entity to do such a thing. I guess it's just hard for me, as a mother, to justify something like that. It gives me nightmares to even think about it. So yes, my opinion is coming from the fear I feel when I read about it. I am human, and therefore flawed.

RobertPaige (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-17)
Thank you for the encouragement, I'll not let it get to me. Besides, I can understand that people would be angry if they thought that it was a purposely posted fake.
majesticpickles (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-17)
And I can't wait to hear about your other experiences...
And also, please don't worry about the harsh poster, I have seen one of them before and they post rudely in almost all of the posts I've seen them make.
RobertPaige (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-17)
Sorry to comment so often, I should have thought of everything I needed to say before I said it.
I also didn't deny that it was a dream, just that in my opinion it wasn't.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-05-17)
RobertPaige: I think the previous posters are wondering about the entity's motive for attacking a 2/3 year old, not yours...
As far as command of language goes, my kids and grandkids were verbal from approximately 18 months old, so by the age of 2, they certainly would have understood if someone said they were going to "get/kill" them, and yes I can see how that would leave a lasting impression, specially if the O/P was slightly older and closer to 3...The o/P also mentioned that he can't remember everything that was said...

Also, even if it was a nightmare or his imagination, what makes those any more memorable than an actual encounter?...
RobertPaige (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-17)
I would also like to say that this is something I remember happening to me, not some story, so I can't really understand why I would have to supply a motive.

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