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Feelings At A Funeral


I went to a funeral the other day and I was surprised by some of the feelings that I had. The funeral was for my partner's uncle and although I knew him, we were not close so I was going as support for my partner.

While we were sitting there I started to get shivers and a headache. At first I didn't think much of it but then I thought about it a bit more. This was the first funeral I had been to that did not directly affect me. It was not my family or friend is what I mean by this so I was not as much of an emotional wreck as I have been at these things before.

The last one I went to was my stepdad's and that was awful for me as had to do a reading. For this one I just needed to be there for support. Although it was still upsetting, as they always are, it did make me think of the people that I had lost in my life and miss them a bit more.

Anyway I am really just wondering what this could be (if it is anything), or if this is just normal for these things.

I really think that I felt someone there but I do not know if it was my Partner's uncle or if it was someone else. If it was his uncle why would he make himself felt to me as we hardly knew each other?

Or could it have been someone that I have lost reaching out to show that they are still there for me?

Has anyone else had this before and if this is a sort of gift why has it come about now and how can I expand on it as I have always wanted to know what was out there after this life? Could it mean that I will be able to communicate with them one day?

Anyway as you can see this is not so much a story as a group of questions for you and would really appreciate your thoughts, feelings and advice if you have any to give.

Thank you for reading.

Apologise if this is not what you want to read.

Blessed be.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, notadaddysgirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

notadaddysgirl (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Thank you so much for your help here Tweed. I do have books on developing abilities but when I try and do the pictuing things in my mind it isjust black so like most things in my life I gave up on it. I will read those links though. Thank you
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)

I believe everyone has the ability and potential to access and strengthen all psychic abilities. It comes more naturally for some than others, just like any other non psychic ability. Our skills lay dormant until we practice them.

Here's a couple of experiences from the same woman which may interest you. She describes what it's like.
There's also a lot of pain involved with sensing things like described here:

I think for a lot of empaths it's about opening yourself up to locations, letting a location as a force speak to you. Same applies to objects and all creatures great and small.
notadaddysgirl (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Thank you. I have often wondered if Emapthy and psychic abilties are available to all if they are willing to open themselves to that or if they are justa gift to a select few?

I would be interested on hearing (reading) what your thoughts are? 😊
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Cheers tweed:)

Notadaddysgirl sorry about the frivolity I'm in a strange mood tonight.

Also just noticed some poor phrasing in my earlier post. When I said " I've never actually had an experience" I relies too much on context, I was meaning I've never actually had an experience at a funeral.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Aww shucks Notadaddysgirl, glad you enjoyed them!

Sorry about all the role play shenanigans here, it's a long story! 😆 If you're interested in developing sensing 'feelings' in locations and the like, you should research 'empath'. There's a few empaths around here you could talk to as well.

2nd1st, you really do make me laugh, thems some great old world sentiments!
notadaddysgirl (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
It is nice to know that there are people here that are willing to help us that do not always understand these things or in my case read far too much into them.

Thank you.

PS Tweed read all your stories and loved them all so thank you x
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Sir Tweed, thou hath been knighted I see! Welcome to the chivalric ranks! May thy tenure involve the slaying of many dragons and the fulfilment of many righteous quests!

May I recommend Galahad brand anti-smote armour. Used properly it will give you years of trouble free battleaxe deflection... And the damsels swoon over it!

Your friend and comrade

Sir 2nd1st, companion of the order of excessive curry consumption, smiter of evil insurance companies, scourge of dodgey hawala dealers, regent of a small flat and lord of all it's peoples

Ps. Sorry, couldn't resist
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)

'Tis with grace and honor to be of assistance, my lady. We undertake to reply forthwith.


Sir Tweed.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Hi roylynx I'm a little unclear on the significance of a white moth?

I've never actually an experience, although I have been to many which span friends, family, colleagues and mentors. Some died naturally, some violently, one from a botched operation.

I find this odd because I do seem to have a psychic sensitivity at times. But never had a hint of it at funerals. But I am a little strange about funerals, I'm never emotional at them, even when they are for someone very close to me. I sometimes wonder if it's because I realise that funerals are not for the deceased, simply a show to give closure to the bereaved.
notadaddysgirl (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Thank you all for your comments they all made sense and have resolved my queries. Much appreciated.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
Hi Notadaddysgirl, I am not saying it is so in your experience at the funeral but I try to look for more mundane reasons for occurrences first.

At my Uncle's funeral I had a very similar reaction to yours at the funeral you were at. I had a severe headache, shivers and as an added bonus I was dizzy as well. In my case, however I am not nearly as sensitive to spirits as I am to perfumes, colognes and other scents. I have trouble with this at most public gatherings but funerals seem to be when perfume is worn to excess.

The worst offenders were the two chaps in the pew (no pun intended) in front of me and they were slathered in Axe.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
That will be Tweety Bird you are referring to, the yellow canary from Loony Tunes 😊

Regards Mack
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
Pierce3712, did I make another joke here by addressing people in a wrong way?
So my respected Mr. Tweed is madam and not sir? I am so sorry.
I remember my niece use to tell me that Tweedy from Loony Toons is supposed to be a male canary because it has a girlfriend, that's why when I look at the name I thought of a cute guy and not Senhora.
Tweed, please except my apology if I have addressed you wrong.

Warmest regards from São Paulo
Pierce3712 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
Mr. Tweed, sir... 😆 Sorry I couldn't help but chuckle. I agree with Tweed. In my experience every time I have been to a funeral parlor there has always been a feeling of someone present and lots of emotions. It's normal. 😊
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
Hello, reading this story and reading Mr. Tweed's comment reminds me of a story that my father told me after attending my grandfather's funeral. My father told me that as the funeral went it was mid-afternoon and he saw a pure white moth flying to and away from the window. Well, it could be the reflection of the window which will attract a moth or some other insect but it was mid-afternoon and it was very rare even to see a moth, pure white moth in a funeral sort to be a strange coincidence.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
Hi Notadaddysgirl,

My family sort of worked with the funeral industry for years. I say sort of because it was a florist business and mostly flowers were sold to, well, death related matters.

Point is as a little one I saw a great many funerals from a distance. Some of the more posh funerals had large elaborate floral arrangements strewn around which needed a bit of dismantling after a service. So a lot of waiting around at churches and cemeteries. I used to play a silly game of 'where's Wally' with the mourners, in which I would try to find one who wasn't visibly upset. Well, I never did find 'Wally', because every time all present would show signs of sadness. One afternoon was different. It was a small church and this time we had to wait close to the funeral, more or less in the crowd, to the back. Well, I've no idea who these people were but there I was balling my eyes out. So too was my aunt who was there that day.
Never forgotten that. I was about 5 at the time, my aunt told me it was because we were 'swept up in the emotion' and that it 'happens to everyone'. So there you go, I guess the moral here is at a funeral, everyone's an empath.

As for feeling someone present, that's a given isn't it? It's a funeral for pete's sake!

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