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Real Ghost Stories

Someone Said Wow


It was about 9 months ago.

My little sister and I were sleeping out on the pull-out couch in the living room because our room was a terrible mess.

I had stayed up reading like I usually do, and I was getting a really strange feeling. That feeling when you think something is wrong or isn't like it normally is. I kind of shrugged it off, but got tired and went to bed.

I turned off the lights, and just laid there. I didn't get under the covers. So I sat there in silence, still feeling that creepy feeling. I was finally drifting off, when I heard scuffling feet across the floor behind me. I turned around, nothing. I figured it was one of our cats, so I turned back around and tried to go to sleep. Then, I heard it.

"Wow...". It was a loud whisper. It sounded like a male. Heavy sighing followed, then scuffling feet, then nothing. I froze. I couldn't feel anything. My feet wouldn't move. I laid there for a good 10 minutes before getting up enough nerve to turn around. Nothing.

I grabbed some random hard thing, and looked around. Nothing. I thought, maybe it's my dad. So I went to my parents' bedroom. He and mom were both passed out. I started to break into tears, and went to go get my mom. I broke down and told her what happened. She tried to joke, saying maybe it was a demon. I protested, and she circled around the house.

We later found the window open, which was weird. Our neighbors have noisy teenage boys, so she figured that it was one of them. But I told her it sounded like it came from RIGHT behind me.

I still don't know what that was and what happened, but it still sends chills down my spine. What do you think it was?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GhostlyKitty, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

hallyberrybro (2 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
I'm just saying maybe it's just letting you know it's there. Would you want to be ignored? I personally think its harmless based on this story.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Keep us updated on any new experiences you have. It sounds like you may be getting more (?). Perhaps the one you reported here is merely a preview of things to come. You never can tell, sometimes it's a fluke, and other times it is simply an awakening, of sorts, to a whole new dimension.
Welcome to YGS!

Jav 😁
GhostlyKitty (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-18)
Thank you all!
Hally, Not sure if that is good news or bad news. Ha. No, I've never had any other experience like that so far... Although, something just happened so I will post about that.
It's never tried to spook me, but making itself known. Ha. Reassuring.
No problem! I was happy to answer them honestly.:D I don't mind.
Again, don't know if this experience is good news or bad news. Hrrrrmmm

Thank you all so much!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-17)
Thank you for being patient with my questions. I love trying to get to the root of things in cases like yours. And it looks like you have done that very well.
So yeah, I am pretty sure you had yourself a paranormal experience alright. A very chilling one at that.
Thank you again for answering my questions. You provided a good amount of detail, and didn't get upset about being asked. I appreciate that.
Here's hoping it was a one time event and you aren't bothered in the future.

Jav 😁
hallyberrybro (2 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-17)
I believe, from what I have read is, its just a spirit making itself known. If it hasn't harmed, threatened, or often/purposely scared you or your family, it can't be something dangerous. Be careful and do not communicate or summon the spirit, it'll just open a doorway to either more spirits or some "spooky" behavior from the spirit, believe me I know, I'm always open to talk. 😊
GhostlyKitty (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-17)
I considered my cats after a while, but it turned out all my cats were outside.
Yes, the window was open, but it wasn't hot out. It was after summer vacation, and I just didn't feel like getting under the blankets. I don't remember if there was a breeze. It depends on what you mean by there being a breeze.
No, vacation was over. Long over. I actually had not even heard the boys that night, but mom suggested it and I was so overwhelmed I didn't care. I don't remember what day it was.
And no. No pools. There is a pond about 2 blocks away, but it was still dry at that time...

Whoa... Spooky.

Creepy... Man. I don't know what to think of what happened to me, but I'll never forget it.
AllieAllison (28 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-17)
ive heard of it once some one groweld my name in my ear another time a little boy giggled both times I was with Allie but she only heard the little boy.
Honestly I don't no what to think
Qua (39 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-17)
I still believe it was a ghost that whispered into your ear. I've had that experience before. It whispered my name loud and clear beside my ear when I was in an auditorium.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Those are really good questions Jav. I love when you do that, makes my job a lot easier 😆. I'm also trying to break this experience down.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
I am only going with alternatives to the paranormal anyway. You don't have to believe in ghosts in order to examine what caused the sounds you heard that night, just an open mind. However, it would make this simpler if you could give me an idea of what you have already eliminated as being the source of these sounds.
~You mentioned you thought it was your cat at first because of the shuffling noise. Could that noise still have been from the cat, and separate from the voice?
~The open window... You stated you had been laying down without covers over you. I am assuming it was a warm evening. Was there a breeze outside, that you can recall anyway?
~The neighbors teenage boys... This took place nine months ago, was it still summer vacation, or a weekend night? Or was there school the next day?
~Is there a pool or pond nearby? Or at least in the vicinity of the side of the house the open window is to?
Sorry for the amount of questions. Deciphering these type of situations is sort of a hobby of mine. You can just ignore them if you like.

GhostlyKitty (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
I'll take anything! Blast away!

Oh, and one more thing. My family doesn't believe in ghosts. I'm not even sure if I do, Maybe. So I don't think my parents would try to make me believe so.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
That's cool. I do have another opinion about what happened, if you would like to hear it.

Jav 😊
GhostlyKitty (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Oh, and also. She did show some concern at first. She looked around and she looked a little spooked as well.
GhostlyKitty (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)

Well, she was fast asleep, and I can tell when she is. When I said she was joking, she said and I quote "Well, maybe it was demons." And I started to whine because I was still frightened and she was laughing at my reaction. And, as I said, she was half asleep. She probably would not have acted that way if she was wide awake.

I agree, maybe my parents were pulling something on me, but I HIGHLY doubt it. Thanks.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Considering the way your mom joked about it right away, instead of showing concern that there may be a break in, I think your mom and dad were messing with you. Think about it. Shouldn't she have been at least a little worried when you came into the room in tears?
Of course, this is merely my opinion. Only you can truly know what it was that you heard.
Thank you for sharing.


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