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Real Ghost Stories

Mississippi's Secrets


There are things in this world you can see and touch. But in my world they follow me and try to communicate. Strange ways, I might add.

I have been seeing a shadow. I know it's a small boy. I have said once before I have done a history check on this house and it's property. Not good enough history checks; they have a lot of secrets here in Mississippi. They do not tell you that you have deaths on your property or what happened. As if they really know.

I do small tasks around my home and I feel as though I am being watched. I work in my yard a lot and try to stay busy. I found some big indentations in the ground in 7 spots. As I was standing by one of them, all I could hear was, "Wait...Wait" over and over. I was drawn to this one indention in the ground. I had to do more research! There was no way out. I went to see some neighbors that were related to all of the people that lived here over the years. This land had been in one family name since 1906. Nice... Right? I found out that they had old wells on this land. The indentations are old wells.

I am in my kitchen and a whisper in my ear softly, "Wait." I look up through my window and I see a small boy walking to the old well and he looked at me as if he knew I was watching him. I caught myself and said, "WAIT." He fell in. He drowned! I could not believe it. Puzzle solved. Why is he still following me? He is still my shadow. His name is Peter and his mother could not get to him. Whe was yelling..."Wait!"... It's like I could see it happen all over again. Like I was standing in another place and time. I know it sounds crazy. Like I have said, I am new to using my gifts.

How can I help this little beautiful child? Please help me... This has been going on for a while, but the last three days have been intense.

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MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-06-22)
So sad. He is showing himself to you, in the hopes that you can point him in the right direction. He wants to go, but needs your help and assistance, as he is scared that his father will be waiting for him on the other side. He is scared that he will be in trouble for not "listening". Tell him it's ok, he won't be in trouble, and to look for the light and someone he knows. He needs tons of reassurance that he will be ok. He doesn't understand why he can't find his mother, and he feels as though she abandoned him. Please help him in any way you can.
ada (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-22)
Red: Been on the search for the rock. Nothing yet. I still feel it though. I did however see pete this morning. His energy seems different. What makes that change?
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-21)
That man to me... My first impression was his father. The father may have abused the boy while he was alive and that may be why he is so attached to his mother. I am curious where she went.

The white rock? Interesting. If you get the images and the impulse go after it and see what you can find. I learned the hard way yet again that if I don't pay attention to the images and feelings that pop into my head I get into trouble.
ada (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-20)
Red: right now I am getting a vibe a white rock under a set of steps. Old steps... I get these things and I go on the hunt. Is that what I am suppose to do?
ada (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-20)
Red: I can be riding by a house or down a street and I can tell which houses are haunted as well. I am called on by friends to go and check out peoples homes and usually right on the money. Last year, myself and my best friend that is also sensitive checked out this house that was her grandmothers and before that there was another house there that had burned. It went back to 4 different sets of grandparents. I had never been there before in my life! And she had not told me anything. We get out of the car and she says " let's do this" so I get out of the car and I get all kinds of strange vibes! A snake bite,doorbell, fern, buttons, love letters, arrowheads, fire in the kitchen from old wiring in attic, dimes, a picture with no face. When her dad came we sat down and listened to the stories and turns out I was right about the whole deal. Granny got bit by a snake and died before she could get help! Someone rang the old doorbell and played ding dong ditch and stole her baby fern right before she died. During the war granny waited for a letter everyday for 8 months and turns out her soon to be husband died! Right after great gran died they were cleaning the house and turned on the lights in kitchen the ceiling went up in flames. Her great great gran husband took dimes and carved a letter in each one and put them in a old ball jar to keep count of the years he had been married. And last but not least the jokester spirit dave... Her great great gramp would get his picture taken and there was never hardly a picture of his face. The arrowheads were a collection that was left at the house in the barn. So... If I can do all this what is it called? And He listens sometimes like while I am cooking or painting he will just stand there. And I tell him to please stop and he leaves.yes... He is thoughtful. Sometimes he only thinks of playing and chasing bugs. He also carried a fear and I can't get of what man but he is scared of a man. Tall dark hair carried a brown leather looking bag. Still working on that. In fact pete was here this morning and woke me up. Why is it his mouth never moves? But I hear him?
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
you're welcome!

If you mean by helping spirits cross over? I don't do that often, never really. I would only try to do that if I was trying to move into a place and their was a resident ghost left in the house. But I don't move into haunted houses. I can usually pick those out just walking down the street. I don't actively go out and try to help anything cross over. Sometimes I think that them staying behind is apart of their journey and they have their own lesson to learn and their own decision to let go of this physical world.

But if I was in your shoes I would try to help him cross over just because he is there and he seems to be getting overly attached to you. That is almost not fair to him because he needs to learn to let go of whatever it is he is holding on to. And if that is a mother figure then he should know that he can find her in the light. I would try to help if I was you for sure.

I don't really get too many human ghost encouters. There are the ones I meet going to stay at hotels and such. There are my grand parents but they are different in that they have already crossed over and they come to visit. There is a difference between a resident ghosts and a visting ones. The beings that I deal with regularly are spirits who have never been human. I like them. Sometimes they play jokes. And I have my cat. He has crossed over but he comes to visit. I remember once I was sleeping and my living cat Moran would always sleep with me. So he jumps on the bed, walks over, purring and kneading the sheets. I reach my hand up to pet him and it I go through thin air and touch my husband. Well Moran wasn't there, not even in the room! I knew Beast had come to visit me. I had that cat since I was 6 years old, he died when he was 17. It is comforting.

Does this little boy listen to you? Does he talk about anything?
ada (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
Thanks Red! Wow... You are so much help! Thank you so much! Do you do this stuff all the time?
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
interesting. When my 5th great grandmother was little she had a sister that fell into a well and died. THis was in Cornwall, England. I think she was only 6.

You should tell this boy that he can go be with his family now. That he is supposed to go to the light. Only once, and it was in a strange convaluted astral mess did I help a soul advance. It was a little boy and I have never done that before. It was so strange to me. Instead of telling the little boy to go find his way... With the help of my husband (in my dream state) because of what my husband is, I was able to bring the light to him.

I think you can try to do it either way. Tell him that he needs to go be with his friends and family in the light and send out a thought to the white light to come help. Eventually it will work out
ada (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
Darkness, yes he has. He thinks I am his mother I guess. Dont get the full picture of that part yet. For some reason I think he and his mother was close. I have seen no father in the picture at all. When my husband is around he is in hiding it seems. I am workig with this gift I have... Just started and I think that I might be getting a hold o it some. I have been calling him Peter Pan! Lol ❤
x77 (1 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
In Taiwan, we would call for Taoist priest to perform an exorcism (communicate with the sprite or drive it out).

I don't know America priest can do it or not?
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-19)
I get the feeling that this was the last thing this boy had heard obviously before he fell into the well, now that he is passed, those words being the last he heard mean a great deal to him.
Even if it is not an intelligent haunt, such a dreadfull event like that is imprinted into the land and home.
Has this boy ever acknowledged you though? 😕

Thanks for sharing.

ada (4 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-17)
I never seen him before I moved to this house. And yes 7 wells. That's what I thought as well. That's when I did the Land check on the history of this property. Before it was bought by the previous owners family in 1906 there were a few wells here already and they were covered. Then they added some more cause back in the day there was a good bit of money involed. There was two houses here before this one as well. There is a lot of history here.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-17)
Do I have this right? There are 7 old wells on this property? What area in Mississippi is this? As for the boy, you stated he follows you. Does he do anything interactive or does he merely appear? Its a little difficult to tell if this is a residual haunt or not by your account.
Cristos0907 (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-17)
my heart sank as soon as I saw the word well. I can't imagine how hard it must be to experience that over and over again. You're taking the right steps in learning how to use your gift. The only thing I can suggest off the top of my head its that you read WALTER IN THE BASEMENT. It may help. Good luck. Thanks for sharing and please keep us updated.


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