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Experiences Throughout My Life


I don't really have any experience with any actual "ghost" that I could see or knew was there, but I have had some really weird experiences that have freaked me out my whole life. I guess this is just a collection of weird things that have happened to me, in no real order until the end when I talk about more recent events. This will be kind of long and unorganized, so I apologize.

For one thing, I've been extremely fascinated with the paranormal for as long as I can remember. Since I've had access to computers, I've spent hours at a time researching ghosts and demons and things like that. For this reason, whenever I claimed something out of the ordinary had happened/was happening, anyone around me would just chalk it up to me psyching myself out and being paranoid.

I don't remember a time when I didn't feel watched, even just a little. I've always been really on edge because of this, and I don't think I've ever felt truly alone, even when I was the only one in the house. I've always felt like something was there and I don't know why. This is one of the reasons I feel like I always need to be talking to someone so that I don't get scared.

Whenever I'm around stereos they'll turn on randomly, and they were blaring loud. I've never had an explanation for this, but I remember one time in second grade we were in reading circle and the teacher was reading a book to the class and suddenly the stereo in the back of the room turned on with the volume all the way up. It scared everyone in class.

In every house I've lived in, there has been something in one part of the house that my dog has been particularly interested in. She will stare at that spot for minutes at a time, and sometimes bark at it. This has happened for as long as I can remember.

Also, there are certain rooms in some of my houses that I won't go in at night. They give me chills, and I always get a strong feeling that something is there and that something bad will happen, so I always avoid them. I also never turn my back on them.

Recently, in the new house I moved into a few months ago, I've started hearing a knocking sound on the other side of my closet door at night and occasionally during the day. No one can figure out what it is, and until a few weeks ago no one else had heard it but me, but one day it was so loud that my mom heard it from her room (which isn't very far from mine so it's not much of a feat, but still). No one is as frightened by it as me though.

Two nights ago, at around 1:30 AM, I was up talking to one of my friends on MSN. He was telling me about his experience with a Ouija board and the girl he contacted. As soon as we'd started getting freaked out by it, the TV in my room, which had been stuck on a menu screen of a DVD for a few days because I'd been too lazy to unplug it and reset it, turned off with a really loud noise. As the light faded from the room and seemed to revert back into the television, this odd warmth came over the room. Simultaneously, the clock in the room started flashing and my chat client disconnected and my fingers started stinging and I couldn't move for about 30 seconds. As soon as I could move again, I ran out of the room and hid in the bathroom for awhile and then sat outside my aunt's bedroom for about 3 hours until sunrise.

Usually when the sun rises, the fear is gone (I frequently stay up 'til dawn because I'm afraid of the night and would much rather know what's going on), but this time, it's different. I feel very weak and panicky when I walk into that room now, and I feel very uneasy when I try to talk about what happened while in the house, as I feel like something or someone knows when I talk about them because of the timing of the strange event that happened.

Is it possible that by being so enthralled in paranormal events that I could have attracted spirits or entities into my life? If this is possibly the case, do you think that they might be able to tell when I'm talking about them? Do you think it's all in my head and I really am just paranoid?

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AddyFails, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
1spooky: That's true, but where, with the exception of an extremely controlled environment, on this earth is "pure" water? 😊
1spooky (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
How about a brown out (voltage decreased for a moment)? Water isn't a conductor... BTW it is the impurities contained in it. I am not saying it isn't paranormal I am just throwing an alternative out there.
Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-11)
I have said it once and will keep saying it... You kids are far too young to be messing with Ouija boards as you so mentioned your MSN friend was involved with... There are serious implications to not fully understanding these doors and passages. Being young in mind and body only allows for easier access into your lives! Please Addyfails, discourage your friend from dabbling with that device, for both your sakes!
Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-11)
[at] Addy

I agree with Rook to a degree. In your case all natural causes were already ruled out since the noises followed you from home to home.

Which leaves only one explanation and that's the paranormal. A poltergeist sounds like the most likely explanation since you are still going through puberty.
And yes girls especially troubled ones are likely to attract such attention.

Since puberty causes bodily changes it may also cause discharges of telekinetic energy. Since all people are born with those abilities.

You're welcome anyone who'd believe that such occurrences are due to some one simply being paranoid would be a fool. Not to insult anyone close to you that may have told you so

Just saying that paranoia can't always explain such things.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-11)

When things happen to us it's hard to distance ourselves and look at things objectively. When it comes to the Paranormal everyone must remember to keep an open mind, rule out every possible natural explanation and only then begin to look for other explanations.

I'm glad I could help. Please ask any other questions you may have.


AddyFails (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-11)
[at] Rook

A poltergeist would make sense, being that I'm about to turn 15. I never really thought about it, but I have heard that teenagers (I think it even said especially girls or troubled ones) attract poltergeist activity, and now that you mentioned it, I'm not sure why I never even looked into it!

I don't know really, I've always just been told I'm paranoid, and maybe I am and everything is by chance, but I honestly don't think so and it is nice to hear from people that don't just think I'm crazy. So thanks for taking me seriously, and that was directed at everyone.:]
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)

I have one word for you


German for 'Noisy Ghost'.

You being a teenager (14-16 years old?) may have this happening around you because of your age. Poltergeist may be many different things...

The Best two theories are...

1) A telekinetic discharge from an teenager experiencing Puberty... This discharge of energy can cause things to move or sounds to happen 'around' the individual in question.

2) The energy mentioned in #1 is not discharged, but still present and it attracts a spirit / entity that uses the energy to make it's presence known... Either by moving objects or causing sounds to happen around the individual.

Either should pass and the activity come to an end as your body finishes 'maturing'.

Just an Idea...


Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
[at] Jav

Thanks for the invite but for now I think I'll pass. I currently have another more important issue to deal with
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)

As you can see, the discussion has been ongoing. Join in if you like, that's what this place is all about. Learning, sharing, working through all the questions we can think of. Research into the many facets of what we think of as Paranormal may have been going on for centuries, but it is still the "wild wild west" as far as what we know. It is all still just a guessing game.

Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
[at] Jav

Maybe you should some of the newer members have yet to hear about it. I'm sure some have heard of it before joining this site. As I'm sure some have not anyway just thought I should point that out
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)

As you can see, there is no lack of posting around here. Do not apologize for adding things here and there, I'm am happy you do. With this story of yours, we have opened up a new dialogue on this site. We have discussed it before, but it needs to be brought out for discussion again as the newer members have yet to hear anything about SLIders. So we can at least thank you for bringing this subject to mind. The implications are far reaching as it relates to paranormal experiences and why some people may even attract activity to them.


Talk away, it's encouraged here! 😊
AddyFails (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
About the knocking noises, they're really weird. There's no other sound that accompanies it, but what happens is it will start off really softly, 3-5 knocks at a time. Then it'll pause for roughly 5 seconds. Then it'll come back, same 3-5 knocks, and it'll be a little louder. It repeats this until it comes a little faster and increasingly impatient sounding. This goes on for about 5 minutes and then it'll stop for about 5 minutes. And then it comes back. I don't know how long it goes on for in total because I always flee the room when it gets to about the second round. Never know when it'll happen. It takes breaks. It didn't happen for probably a couple weeks in between, and when I'd forgotten about it, it came back. It's caused me two pretty severe panic attacks and since it started, any knocking or ticking sounds almost causes me to panic again. I don't know what it is or why it's so scary, because I wouldn't think a noise like that would be threatening but it just kind of is?

(Sorry I keep posting, I keep forgetting to add things.)
Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
[at] Addy

Thanks for providing more information you've managed to answer some questions I had about certain elements of your story.

So the knocking noises follow you, your dog has noticed something supernatural in every home in which you lived, and the knocking noises can't be explained as animals having gotten into the walls.

I have to stick with my original belief and say something paranormal is going on. Even if the happenings with the television, computer, and clock are attributed to a power surge.

Which seems odd since you say they were plugged into a surge protector. About you being a SLIder it's possible I have heard of the phenomenon. Haven't done much research into it but am well aware of the basics.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
I think we have another member in the 'SLIder' club. 😁

JS aka Brandon 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
We are also discussing the SLIder issue on another thread, if you'd like to check it out as well. It's the story titled "Lights that dim".
Your mother being a SLIder is very interesting. We have another member who's father is one too. I'll bet you felt the same way I did when you read that article. My first thought when I found out about it was that I was so happy to see it had a name. Sounds weird if you aren't a SLIder, but those who are understand.
The point is, we might be attracting these entities without even realizing it.

AddyFails (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
One more thing I forgot to add, is that I was above ground, laying on a bed to where my feet were above ground, with no socks on. Also the laptop was unplugged.
AddyFails (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
Alright, I've read your feedback and I now realize I probably left a lot out of my story.

First, I don't know how old the house is. It's pretty old, but not like Victorian style old. Probably around 50-70 years, I'd guess?

Everything in the house is kind of old. The TV is a big old Sony, from before flat screens were even conceived. The clock is also plugged into the wall, into the same outlet as the television. Also, they were plugged into a surge protector.

As for the DVD player, I don't know how old it is, or even if it turned off at all, I was kind of focused on trying to get back to my conversation because I'm very afraid of being alone. Even just IMing is comforting to me.

By the way, my computer is a netbook, and I brought it to the bathroom with me, and I did reconnect as soon as I left the room. After that, I ran to the bathroom, which is probably about 40 feet away. (I'm just estimating, because I'm at my friend's house right now.)

Also, I don't know if I mentioned it before but where the power thing happened was in Ellensburg, Washington, not in Vegas where, as was suggested, would be likely for a power surge or something.

The knocking started in Las Vegas (where I normally live) and follows me. I've tried to keep track of it, when it happens and what might trigger it, but there doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to it.

I do not believe my dog's staring/barking issues are caused by animals, as my house has no grass or mole hills, and she stares into empty places, like the middle of the dining room. It's also happened in many different homes I've lived in, and the chances that there are animals in all the walls seem a little unlikely.

The SLIder thing is an interesting theory. I asked my mother about it, and she told me that she used to turn on stereos too. Neither of us can wear watches that aren't digital, or they'll go way far ahead in a matter of hours. Also, when she was pregnant with me, she used to put out streetlights, though I've never done it myself. I think me being a SLIder is a big possibility. Thanks for the information, I never knew that happened to other people!

If I missed any questions, please ask me again, I want to give as many details as I can that might be important that I left out.
Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
[at] Granny

The point I was trying to make is the power surge theory did not explain enough of the anomalies for me to believe it to have been the cause. Not to mention no one who supports the power surge theory has been able to address those short comings

Ultimately what any of us would need is a way back machine. So that we could travel to the past and experience things for ourselves. Before making any concrete determination as to what has occurred
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
That was the thing that hit me when I read this the first time through. We have all copy/pasted her comment referring to the event, and that was the reason I though it may have been a surge in the first place. That and her fingers feeling the effects of it, of course. The possibility that she is also a SLIder makes it even more interesting.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
Also, I don't know why this hasn't been mentioned, but her not being able to move is a side effect of recieving an electrical shock... The tensing of the larger muscles of the body (the ones that contain the most water/fluids) is a natural reaction, and one reason why most people would not be able to free themselves from the arc created by becoming the link between electricity and the ground...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
Jave: Yeah, I think I mentioned something along those lines in my first comment on this thread, but I hadn't given it much thought...But, at 1am in Nevada, (and assuming she lives in Southern Nevada where it was very warm) she was probably in her bare feet... And assuming also, that she was on the ground floor and basements are nearly non-existant here, she could have been the grounding conductor... All hypothetical, of course, until we hear from her...

Here's a theory for you: Everybody knows the best conductor of electricity is water, and the next best is copper... So since the human body contains so much water, what if SLIders have an abnormal amount of copper in their systems?...Hmmm...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
You know granny, this is an excellent subject for research. If we do have some sort of biological difference in our physical make up that, in effect, produces some anomaly in us whereby some are more prone to have paranormal experiences. Those of us considered to be SLIders may be a prime example of that, in my opinion. It all comes down to the EMF factor. It would be interesting, I know that.

Jav 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-10)
[at] Granny,
Want to hear something funny? We just had a surge go through here not more than half an hour ago. Yes, they do everything you just mentioned. Here's where my concern for the O/P comes in though. It's the part where she says that her fingers started stinging and she couldn't move for about 30 seconds. That's a bit more than a simple surge, in my opinion. Now, if she is a SLIder, this may have given the everyday power surge a new path. Because of her tendency to effect other electrical devices, perhaps she became something like a relay switch along the path the electricity was traveling. Feet on the floor, hands on the keyboard, depending on where the computer was plugged in, if it was a household outlet it she could have been acting as the relay and the current went to her, thereby bypassing the computer, and was released into the air around her. Or, if her feet were near enough to the strip it was plugged into, she could have absorbed the excess the surge protector was preventing.
When people get struck by lightening, afterward, there is visible evidence of the entrance and exit point left on their body. But that's lightening, that is much more volatile than your everyday household current. Smaller everyday electrical surges, for the most part, will leave no trace.
I know a couple of people that have survived lightening strikes. Talk about some heavy duty SLIders! 😜

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
granny - here's your crown πŸ˜†. If your weather is anything like Ohio has been lately, you can be forgiven LOL. 100+ degree weather will make anyone forget what month it is πŸ˜‰. Then again, maybe you brought someone back with you who was a little confused πŸ˜‰
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
OOOOPS! No, I wasn't in Ohio an 6/25 LOL, that was in May πŸ˜†...Where's the golden jewell encrusted crown? πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

That's what I get for trying to sound "smart" LMAO!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
Well, a little Google goes a long way, and I discovered the following: small surges would cause things that are unprotected by a surge protector (ie: clock, TV, DVD) to temporarily turn off... All it takes is a slight disturbance in the supply...However, a well protected computer would continue to run... Damage caused by small surges is rarely apparent enough to be photographed, if present at all...

I also live in Nevada, and have for nearly 20 years... I don't know where in Nevada the O/P resides, but here in the desert Southwest, power surges are pretty much a daily occurance in some parts of Las Vegas... I checked the almanac for 6/25/2012 (I had to because I was in Ohio at the time) and the temperature at approximately 1AM was around 88 degrees F...Of course the air conditioner, or at least a fan, would have been running in most households... Prime conditions for power surges...

This doesn't mean that the surge came from a nonparanormal source... And I believe that is the point Bbrave is trying to make...But, I think we need to hear more from the O/P about their opinion on SLIders, and whether they have experienced electrical disturbances other than this example...It's my belief that people who are considered SLIders seem more prone to paranormal experiences... Just my opinion😊
Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
[at] Lou

You said something that made a lot of sense. A strong electromagnetic field can indeed cause her to feel fear. But nothing has been shown to prove one existed at that time.

I'm just looking for something that can explain all the anomalies. While making sense in the process and thus far honestly have yet to find it but have found something that can explain them for now.

I've said it before and will again it may possibly have been a power surge. I do not deny it's possible just don't think it's a likely explanation at this time.

Ultimately with out being able to examine the inside of the television for myself I can never be certain that it was or was not. Nor can anyone who believes it was with out being able to examine it for themselves.

In the end saying the whole situation was due to natural causes with out having examined the scene itself and things in it like the television should it still exist. Is also premature because all any of us have to go on is the story we read
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
I think you should continue to disagree if that is how you feel. As far as her feelings of being frightened, she herself questions whether or not she has talked herself into believing her experiences are paranormal. I agree many of the things could be attributed to something beyond this realm, but decisively determining based on inconsistencies in electronic devices and personal experiences seems a bit premature to me... Like I said, to me.
Rather than automatically deciding it is an entity, I would expect someone with an electrical/electronic background and an interest in the paranormal to be asking about EMF fields since they are directly attributable to paranoia, physical uneasiness, and electronic anomalies. And if I was to then move on to paranormal activity, I would then consider poltergeist phenomenon, the physical manifestation of telekinetic energy before I again, attributed it to an entity.

Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
[at] Jav

No I don't but I did expect for people to respect my right to believe what I like with out giving me flak
Bbrave (1 stories) (131 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
[at] Stephy

Photos of the surge itself was not what I was referring to. The physical damage it would leave behind as evidence of it happening was. Since depending on the amount of power in the surge there'd be a busted picture tube or melted insulation on the wires. That would help prove a surge took place

Why you thought you'd regret commenting on that I don't know. It's not like I intend to bite your head off. I just expect for people to think a little more deeply before they comment.

Also If you weren't in a hurry to ask that you'd have seen that I explained exactly what I mean in a previous comment

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