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The Water Spirit Or Jala Pishach


Today I am going to narrate about an incident which happened to my grandfather when he was 16. Most of the people in our caste make a living by jobs related to temple activities. So my grandfather also used to work in the temple. During festival season he used to go to temples in distant places to earn some extra money.

Once he went for such a festival, came back after a week and started his normal chores. It is mandatory to be clean before entering the temple premises. So my grandfather used to take bath in a pond near to the temple before sunrise. My great grandfather, my grandfathers father also used to work in the same temple so they used to go to the pond together. My granddad used to dive into water and have a great time. His father used to finish his bath and go to temple early and let his son play in the water for a while. But that day he got worried as my granddad did not come to temple even after couple of hours.

Tensed, my great grandfather asked one of his friends to go and fetch my granddad, when the friend went near to the pond he saw my grandfather floating in the water but his eyes were open and was enjoying what he was doing. The friend tried his level best to convince my grandfather to get out of the water but he would deny all the time.

In the end the friend got frustrated and called couple more of guys and plunged into the water. But to their surprise my grandfather dived in and did not come out for almost 5 minute everybody thought he had drowned but after a while he came out of water. Then they struggled very hard to pull him out. Once out of water my grandfather started talking in a different voice and started abusing everybody. Later his father came, pacified him and took him home.

Once at home he kept on insisting that he is not clean and wants to go to the pond and take a bath. But his father convinced him and made him sleep. Even though he was worried by the sudden change in his boy's attitude but ignored it at that point of time. My granddad slept the whole day and woke up in the evening when his father came home from work. At that time he looked normal and had supper with the rest of the family.

Everybody slept after supper but my great grandfather, and when he was about to sleep he heard a noise from the nearby room. What he saw baffled him, my grandfather had got out from his bed and was walking towards the front door as if in trance. His eyes were closed and he walked straight towards the well near to our house. And climbed on to the fence and was about to jump, seeing this, his father came running and caught him at the last minute, took him back to home.

These things continued for a week's time the whole family was worried as my grandfather's health was also deteriorating. After learning about these happenings, priest of the temple called upon an astrologer to find out what was wrong with my grandfather. The person came and saw my grandfather and in an instant understood that he was possessed by a Jala pishach or water spirit. Jala pishach are spirits of people who die accidentally in water. That's why people who are possessed by water spirit have high tendency to be near water all the time and that's what had happened to my grandfather.

Then he did some calculations and said that he was possessed by the spirit when he went for that festival. Later my grandfather also confirmed that he had felt some one tried to drown him when he took bath in the pond where he had gone but had luckily escaped. The Astrologer gave him a very powerful prayer (a shloka) of god Vishnu known as "sudarshana mantram" and asked him to recite twice every day for 30 days. Which he did promptly and was freed from the evil effects of the entity. He lived a very happy life after that and had 5 kids, one of them my mother.

After narrating this story to me he wrote down the powerful hymn and gave it to me, saying I should have it as I am the eldest of his grand children. Thank you for taking time and reading my story and I hope you liked it. I would love to hear your comments and feedback. Cheers.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, billyak18, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sindhudurgaKokan (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-30)
This type of ghost we have in our sindhudurga, who pulled peoples from under water.
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-24)
Dear ZZgranny

I just said you rejected it. That doesn't make you bad. That makes my story bad. It was not good or genuine enough as per the sites guidelines that's why it got rejected. I understand that you are doing your job, and you are awesome at it. Cheers and respects to you.

Love Billyak
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-23)
[at] billyak18:Thank you for taking out time to reply to such an insignificant comment from me 😉

As for mod zzsgranny not accepting your story earlier;the mods are a very hardworking lot who have to sift through loads of submissions, so they have to stick to the guidelines set by the site.

Do not be disheartened billyak18.
Keep it up.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-09-23)
"I heard this incident from my grandfather who was not directly linked to any of it but heard it from people who were associated with it."

From the "Submissions Guidelines":

"This site is mainly to share your ghost experiences, not some legend or urban myth you may have heard. Ghost stories can rapidly become really distorted and embellished as people use them to entertain themselves, but this site is not about fiction, it is about real experiences. **Although we allow stories from a very close relative, like your parents, or child, who shared it with you in intimacy, not to entertain, we cannot allow stories from "a friend of a friend" as it is not reliable**"

Please don't make me out to be a bad guy because I follow the rules for accepting/rejecting stories...
😆 😆
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-23)
Hi Sceptic-Ari

You are welcome. Its a pleasure to share stories to readers like you. I have written another story. But it was rejected by Zzgranny the other day. But if you want to read, then check it out in my blog.


Cheers and respect...
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-22)
Dear billyak18,
Thank you for such a nice story from the depths 😆
It was very nicely narrated too.

billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-20)

Thank you very much for taking time to read my blog. I have seen people mention about divine intervention in many stories posted here. May be the editor would have thought I had mentioned a little too much. But its okay, now that you and some more have read my narration. Once again thanks. Cheers and respects.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-19)

Thanks for sharing the link to your blog. It's too bad they wouldn't put the story up here. People rant on about all kinds of religious things here, I can't imagine why your account would not be acceptable. In any case, thanks again for sharing:) Creepy for sure!
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-13)
Hello geetha50,

Thank you very much. I had read your story about your visit to coimbatore (I am from palakkad, which is very near to coimbatore) and also about a friend who died of snake bit couple of months ago. They were realy awesome. Respects to you.

As you might know all goddess are manifestation of shakti, the goddess in my house is Mullemparambathu Bagavathy. She is our kula daivam.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-12)
Thank you geetha50, for pointing that out to me. I had no idea! I didn't even think as far as Greek, or Russian with all of their strange symbols! 😕
I was only quoting what I had read... Not stopping to think for myself!
Thanks again, for giving me a 'wake up' call, I appreciate it. 😊
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-12)
I was reading your post about how the way of life is so different from the west and east; it sure is. Although, I'm from Sri Lanka, I went to India for Ayurveda (herbal) treatment and although people are going here and there, it's so much more peaceful.

As for the English language, I think it's different for everyone but I think it's easier to learn English compared to some of the languages that came out of Sanskrit (ancient language like Latin) like Tamil, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu, etc. Many of the letters are symbols and there more than 26 letters. Tamil (my mother tongue) has more than 200 symbols or characters.

I loved your story (the one posted her and on your blog). I have heard of the Jala Pishach. I have a friend from India, who told me of a similar story. May I ask which Hindu Goddess protected your grandmother's brother? Just curious!
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-12)
Hi katcyn19

Thank you very much.

Oh yes off course there are such creatures. It is said that people who drown and die become jala pishach. And they roam in water bodies seeking humans to possess. You should have amazing will to escape its hold.

We do have blessings of our goddess and she protects us from evil things. Also thank you for reading my blog. Take care.

katcyn19 (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-12)
i really don't know that there's a creature like this... Thanks for sharing... I also checked your blog... Very interesting...
I am glad to hear about your culture. Your grandfather was so blessed and so your family too. Gifted with the powerful prayer against evil spirits. Hope you share to us...
Thanks for this wonderful story. 😁
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-12)
Hi Hades666
Thank you very much. Would be posting another one soon. Hope you would like that too. Cheers.
Hades666 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-11)
Great story Billyak18, very interesting and I enjoyed reading it.
jerryhend1 (3 stories) (136 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-10)
Very good, well done, a lesson to all as there are things in life one cannot explane.
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-10)
at Fergie
Hi, Thank you for reading the blog, yes our's is much different than western lifestyle. But that is nowadays restricted only to villages. In cities it is almost similar not that fast paced though.

I happy that I got good responses from friends like you. I am drafting another story about a specific entity which is said to roam in India known as Brahma rakshas and would send it to editor soon.

Cheers 😁
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-10)
Hi Gyatrishiva,
Thank you so much, yes it is true that Jala pishach tries to pull you down and drown but if you are strong willed you can come out of its hold.
It happened to my grandfather, he some how got released from its hold and escaped death but was possessed. But later he was able to overcome the spirit with the help of mantram.

I would be glad to send the mantram to you, send me a mail to lightin18 [at] rediffmail.com

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
Hi Billyak18, thank you for the link to your blog, I found it most absorbing! It must be great to live in an ancestral home, along with extended family. Our western life is so different to that... Everyone for themselves... And hurry, scurry... To school, to work... Back home to make food for the family... Your way of life seems so much more...leisurely, and unhurried... So much more...sedate?
I can see your interest in writing; I applaud it! It is good to be able to put yours - and others thoughts, into print. 😊

English is obviously not your first language, so I admire your great effort, to express yourself, in what is considered the most difficult language in the world. You are doing a great job, keep up the good work.
Gayatrishiva (3 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
Hi Sumesh,

Nice story yes I have also heard people say they feel these water spirit pull you inside the water and all.

I would also like to get the sudarshana mantra which your grandad gave you thanks in advance.

SDS your stories are really awesome I really enjoy reading it.
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
Hi sds... Thank you so much. I appreciate your comment. I have read some of your stories which are really awesome.

Cheers and respects mate.
billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
[at] Fergie, Hi... You are welcome and thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right, I have been very lucky to have grandfather who has been more than a friend to me. I am from Kerala, which is in south part of India. When I was young we used to have frequent preplanned power failures to reduce the power consumption. It used to last for an hour. Me and my cousins used to gather around our Grandfather and he used to narrate tales to us. He used to educate us about our culture and traditions through his stories, which I feel is awesome way to impart knowledge. So yeah, even though he is no more, he would always be alive in my heart.

I tried to publish another story about 3 years ago which was not accepted by the editor as it had more of divine or godly account in it. But if you are interested check out my blog... The address is given below -


billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
Raftingirl -
You are welcome and thank you so much for your comment.
I would post more stories pertaining to Indian beliefs and culture, which I am sure you would like. Cheers.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
Hello Billyak18, a nice story indeed. I know about jalapisasu and how it will possess people. Many real stories are known to me in relation to Jalapisasu. I am glad that your grandpa was able to come out of the possession of Jalapisasu.

Moonfall, I shall e-mail to you about Sudarsana Manthram and how to chant it etc.

Regards and respects to you.

billyak18 (5 stories) (41 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
Hi Moonfall.

Namaste... Thank you. Glad that you liked my story. It is awesome to know that you follow the Hindu way of life with keen interest.

I would be more than happy to share the mantram (will send email). As per my Grandfather it is compulsory to share the mantram if a person requests. What is the use of knowledge if it is not shared? I believe in that.

My grandfather did follow the directions given by the astrologer for 30 days without fail and he was able to ward off the evil spirit. He never had trouble with any kind of evil spirit ever again throughout his life. 😁

MoonFall (1 stories) (48 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-07)
Namaste, Billyak18!

Thank you for sharing your story. I am particularly interested in Indian culture and am considering the Hindu way of life. I don't claim to have all the knowledge I need regarding it, but have been slowly learning over the past few years...

I would very much like to know the Mantra your grandfather taught you if you are willing to share... If not, that's ok and I understand. Any other mantra you may be willing to share would be great...I'll provide an email.

Freespiritnluv [at] gmail.com

Thanks again for sharing your story and I'm so glad your grandfather overcame the struggle with the water spirit.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-07)
Thank you Billyak18, for the narration of your fascinating account.
It is really great to hear about other cultures and customs that are so different to mine.
You are so lucky to have known your grand father; also that he had strange tales to tell. I am glad that everything turned out well for him.
Thank you for sharing.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-07)
Thank you for taking the time to write. I love to hear about all cultures and your narrative was wonderfully written 😊

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