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The Girl In The Hospital Dress


I believe it was last year, i'm not entirely sure. But I was in my Living Room with my brother Anthony. It was a Saturday night and we were downstairs relaxing. I was on the computer minding my own business when all of a sudden the room went cold, it was eerie cold. The atmosphere didn't seem evil at all, but it was eerie. So I got up to get my sweater, I sat back down and continued to mind my own business.

I turned my head and looked at the door to see if it was locked, to my surprise I saw something there. In the corner sitting there near the door was a girl. I froze in my place, not daring to move. The girl was sitting down, she had her legs against her chest and her arms were wrapped around them. The girl was wearing a hospital dress, her head was down, her black hair fell to side of head, and she had the most whitest skin ever. Her face was blacked out, all I saw was Black. I didn't dare move, afraid of what might happen, I didn't speak to her at all, yet again afraid of what might happen. I turned my head and then glanced back, POOF! She was gone. I've never been so scared in my life.

A few months later strange things began to happen to me. My room at the weirdest times got really cold, and my door would slowly start to close slowly and made a weird creaking sound. I started to see weird bruises appear all over my arms, and I even got a scratch on my ankle that looked like someone clawed me. My stuff started to appear and then disappear.

It's over now, but sometimes I feel her. Was she a demon? Or was she a sad spirit? Anyone know? Can anyone help?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dawniie31, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

icewolfghost (17 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-09)
listen, I definetely think this is true. I have a similar situation, my house used to belong to a man who was obsessed with cats. He had maybe 30 cats in this house. Since I have been here I have many bruises on my legs and scratches on my arms.
All the best,
Wolf 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)

I do not mean to bring up painful memories but how long was this before your 'Aunt's' passing did this occur? (You posted concerning this in your other story... The Last Goodbye, Posted 19Sep2012)

Both of your 'stories' happen 'about' a year ago (this one posted 01Oct2012) and it made me wonder about the timing... Also I have another question...

You stated this...

"he bruises did stop around August. I went to my titi's (Aunt's) house, she can talk to spirits. I did tell her about the bruises and what i've experienced. She did something to me, she said that she sealed me, the bruises started to go away after that. I told my brother what I saw, of course he didn't believe me, he thought I was trying to scare him. I didn't ask my landlord if anyone had died in here because he isn't around that much."

I can believe your Aunt helped you 'close yourself' to 'spiritual influences' I have absolutely no problem with that... However it sounds as if you live at home with your Mother/Father and Brother... How is it you can say this,

"I didn't ask my landlord if anyone had died in here because he isn't around that much."

So do you live at home... Or with your Brother in a place of your own... Yes I understand that a 'TEEN' can be between the ages of 17-19 and have their own 'apartment' but those TEENS are few and far between.

I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious.


Dawniie31 (2 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-04)
Sorry... I'm just getting fustrated. I'm not lying, I swear. It's just the comments, some people are being mean. I would never lie about something like this. Again, i'm sorry...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Dawniie31 - if you expect your comment to stay around long enough to be read, watch your mouth 😐
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
... And you were in a rush whilst writing your last comment too! 😉

In your story you say " the atmosphere wasn't evil at all, but it was eerie". And then you post "when she is around it gets cold and the atmosphere feels evil" - Sooo, what is it?

And if, like you say, runs in the family to see spirits, how come your brother didn't believe you had seen one if, after all, he agreed with you that the room suddenly got very cold?

Honestly, all these contradictions make your story look like the work of a wannabe writer on the making.

But thank you for sharing... It made me laugh! 😆 😆
ramon12k (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
I believe your story, and I can understand your brother not seeing anything. A couple years ago (I don't keep a journal. Apparently shellzy can remember the exact date of everything he/she has ever done), I was watching a movie with a group of people at a friend's house. I walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink. When I came back into the room, one of my friends asked, "Did you just see a boy run behind the couch?" I was closest to the couch and checked and nothing was there. My brother sitting on the other side of the room said he had seen it, but nobody else. I asked him later what it looked like, and he said it was really strange but definitely was a young boy. Nothing else has ever happened there.

Keep posting your stories and don't let someone's smarta$$ comments bother you. It seems our world is full of people like them anymore.
Dawniie31 (2 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
I'm not lying, I really did see the girl. There are a lot of things I forgot to mention, I was in a rush when I wrote this.
My brother was playing the xbox, of course he doesn't pay attention, he didn't see what I saw, he did agree with me that the room suddenly got very cold. The bruises did stop around August. I went to my titi's (Aunt's) house, she can talk to spirits. I did tell her about the bruises and what i've experienced. She did something to me, she said that she sealed me, the bruises started to go away after that. I told my brother what I saw, of course he didn't believe me, he thought I was trying to scare him. I didn't ask my landlord if anyone had died in here because he isn't around that much. I still do feel her, when she's around it gets cold and the atmosphere feels evil.
Honestly I never watched any scary movies that involved the ring. I don't know why you guys think I would lie about something like this, she looked very real to me. But it's okay if you guys don't believe me, I believe what I saw and I know that I really did see this.
I do have a gift where I can tell if there is a ghost around and if they're good or bad. Some of you guys have posted some smart comments, and you won't believe me, but it's true. My family can do this too. I don't care if you guys don't believe me, it's fine. You don't have to believe me, I know that it's true and that is what counts.
PeachyPumpkins000 (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-13)
I'm sorry Dawniie31, but I'm going to have to agree with shellzy here. You did tell a good story though... 😕
shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-12)
Crazy thought here but I wonder if this site was around in the 80's whether you would get 'Freddy Kreuger' 'Jason' and 'chucky doll' stories coming through... Interesting thought lol. 😆 😆
shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-12)
I'm sorry but I'm very dubious about this story.

First up you 'think this happened some time last year' but you are not entirely sure. I know sometimes our memories can fail us but generally when you have had a traumatic experienced such as this and It has happened fairly recently I think you would be able to remember if it happened last year...

Secondly does anyone else think this sounds a heck of a lot like the girl from 'The Ring'? Pale skin, dark hanging hair, hospital gown and waking up with marks in your body? Sigh...

Thirdly you said your brother was in the room and the temp dropped so it was icy cold. You spotted her hunched in a corner and got the scare of your life. Did your brother feel this drop in temp? Did he see this ghost? How did he react to you being scared out of your wits? Too many questions left unanswered...

Lastly I'm not sure why a spooky little girl spirit would start attacking you in your sleep and then just stop one day?

Too many gaps here and too much movie watching me thinks...
mountainess (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-12)
Thats really scary, but it seems fishey that you mentioned your brother in the begining and then towards the end he is gone? Truly eerie story but there are some missing pieces...
ParaTam (3 stories) (80 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-12)
Hi, Dawniie31 -
Thanks for sharing your story with us. The girl sounds very lost and sad to me. I wouldn't necessarily interpret the blacked out face as evil; too many people see black and jump to the conclusion that the entity/spirit is evil. Maybe the girl had some kind of illness or injury that affected her face. She may be or just feel she is disfigured and not want to show her face.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-12)
I agree with Argette. Now it is stopped means what and since when? I feel that it is a negative spirit or entity. So why don't you try Rook's method of cleansing. If things start appearing and disappearing, if you have bruises, then you must start something to counter these negative effects. I don't know how you have lived through all these things until now. But better late than never. Try Rook's method and it is in this site in many places. It definitely works.

Did you investigate about the place? Did you ask your neighbours about these encounters and if so, please post it in the site.

Regards and respects to you.

Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-11)
You mentioned your brother - did he see her, too? What was his reaction when you told him? Does he live with you - and has he or anyone else experienced anything? Was this an outside door? I have a number of questions without answers. I hope you can provide a bit more information.

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