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Demonic Encounters


Here's a bit of irony to start off with: my name is Joy and I'm depressed (it's okay to let out a little snicker at that one); or rather, was depressed. The struggle with my former clinical condition started at the ripe age of twelve - now I look back on this and think to myself, why would a twelve year old girl named Joy even understand what depression is? Well, that would be a good question actually. You see, both my parents are alive and well, all five of my older siblings are also in good health (well, kind of) and all are tender, caring people (very true); I've never dealt with a loved one (of mine) passing, I have no life threatening diseases, and for the most part I have been blessed to live in a stable, loving home. Stepping back and looking at the life I was given, I could violently shake my former self for not appreciating it more if it were not for the actual cause of my affliction. Here's the "darker" truth - the answer, to why I was tormented with such immense misery: demons.

I seemed like the classic misunderstood, teen angst kid: black, baggy clothes adorned with chains and skulls, dark make up, and a glare that could kill - though this glare was actually a nervous stare interpreted by others as a "get away from me or I'll murder you" look. In all sincerity I was just a horribly shy girl with an affinity toward the darker side (to me, Goth was pretty). So being raised in a church, others were quite leery of me, often accusing me of being involved in the occult or that I was possessed by a demon. Well, at that point, I had not yet dealt with any paranormal activity; not until these kind of hateful rumours were spread that is. I soon became friendless, lifeless, and ultimately felt worthless; not long after these feelings sprouted did I reach the point where I was ready to end it all - Quick resolve for a permanent solution, right? But then, who could reach me? I had secluded myself, like I was contained in a transparent box or better yet an impenetrable steel plated box; never talked to my classmates, my grades dropped dramatically, and I even ignored my family when I was home locking myself in my room and laying on the ground fantasizing about the glory of death and its miraculous conclusion to pain. I hadn't even cried through any of the bullying or inner-torture I was enduring - it felt like my tear ducts had just dried up; I was slowly turning into a comatose shell of a human. Then I started hearing voices.

Almost every day of my childhood and my teenage years I spent at the church, this was because it was also where I attended school (go figure); yep, kindergarten all the way to 12th grade. Even in a church I still could not escape the bodiless voices that constantly chanted my name. Wherever there was light that faded to darkness - like a fluorescent lit hallway with a broken light at the end of the walk or an empty, dark classroom I could always clearly hear my name whispered in a loud yet subtle tone - and it was an enticing call, hypnotizing in fact, beckoning me to come closer (seems like a classic horror movie haunting, but this is all true). These voices seemed to call for me the most when I was surrounded by other people (normally when I was at the church for school); when they would start, any other noises - talking, laughter, nonsensical commotion made by the all enclosing crowd - would start to dissipate like submerging your head slowly under water. All other sound was literally drowned out and the only thing could be heard would be my name meticulously calling for me. Thinking back on it, I know now those voices desperately wanted to pull me even further away from anything living, wanting me to feel as ostracized and alone as possible.

What's wrong with me? I often wondered this. "Why should I feel this overwhelming despondency so incessantly, why is the last shred of happiness left to be felt only transpired when I idly fantasize about suicide? And why am I hearing these voices? Who are they? What do they want?" (An entry found in my journal I obsessively kept at that time). I felt tormented and also like I was a failure for not being strong enough to live or feel like other people did. As these feelings progressed and the voices persisted the paranormal abuse worsened. The nightmares, in my opinion, were the worst stage through the whole experience. I am not entirely sure if I can describe the gruesomeness or heaviness in a fluent or comprehensive way; though I would never wish this upon another living thing, the raw impact of the images and the feelings emitted from these dreams can only be understood through experience alone. Through these dreams, the voices that haunted me revealed their forms (to an extent) each demon cloaked in a greyish-black veil, their faces were literal voids like a black hole framed by their hoods. They hovered in mid-air, their feet hidden beneath their ethereal robes and a stringy black energy filled the space between the bottom of their cloaks and the ground; their boney white hands hung at their sides, each finger coming to a sharp point, they had no fingernails but instead a single, very long and curved claw that dangled on the middle finger of their right hand. In my dreams two of these demons clung to my back, and the third demon always sought to attack my family or people I knew from the church - normally my classmates. Many mornings I would wake up to find scratches on my legs and upon further inspection on my back as well, a handful of times theses scratches would still be seeping blood (not a heavy flow of blood but enough for some oozing to occur). I don't want to describe anymore of my dreams (not yet at least... I guess it is a little more traumatic then I originally thought. Sorry)

So onto the conclusion to all this madness! How did this plague ever reach its end when it was so near its deadly pinnacle? Well, in a nutshell, when I turned thirteen and was trying to make the most of my summer vacation without killing myself (Sorry if that statement sounds more contrite than it was meant too; although I literally was trying to avoid committing suicide) I received a phone call from my mom while she was at work (oh, forgot to mention that both of my parents are on staff pastors at the same church I attended school at!), she told me that an anonymous donation was made on my behalf to go with the older youth group to a mission's trip in Jamaica. Of course I said...no! (I really didn't want to go. Being surrounded by church people on my time off? Not too keen on that idea.) Well, after much pestering by my mom, I reluctantly submitted, packed my bags, and journeyed for my first time out of the country (other than Canada that is) and made my way to the slums of Jamaica. Apart from all the eye-opening scenery, and the heart-warming humility to be felt by helping and serving the poorest of the poor, it was a moment I spent alone - away from the group, away from the service; by myself in one of bunkers where we spent our nights in, with a stray Bible one of the other "youth groupies" (little joke) left sitting on their cot. The awesome, magnetic, strange pull I felt when I saw that Bible laying on the beat up mattress was just enough to make me open it (mind you, I was over this whole God and Christian thing, and I was sure that I already had suffered my fair share of it). Ending up in some random section, I found myself in the book of Matthew and the only words (seriously) the only words that could be seen were as follows:

"Joy...peace be with you."

This probably sounds unbelievable, but it's true and it's what happened to me. After reading that statement, there came an overbearing lightness I felt squeeze my heart - not in a painful way, more like... An inner spiritual cleansing was taking place and I could feel every step of it and for the first time in the whole year and a half that I suffered in silent misery I began to cry - like uncontrollably cry! It was the most relieving and energizing cry I had ever felt. Big globs of tears running down my cheeks as if someone had turned a faucet on in my face! From that exact moment on, I was healed. I no longer struggled with depression, no longer was bothered by those demons that haunted me, no longer sat in self-loathing despair - I was, plainly put, free!

I am now twenty years old and I am happy, healthy, and full of life! I still continue to have run-ins with the paranormal every so often - but nothing that frightens me too much, and very rarely is it ever a demon anymore. I understand now how to protect myself from darker, more malicious entities and have been able to help a few others that have had similar problems as mine. I do not follow an organized religion per se; but rather listen to my instincts and pray to God to lead me down the right paths. I do not mean to come off as preachy; I'm simply relaying the events that took place in my life at that time and how I was able to overcome the worst parts with the help of God (when I least expected it).

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, JoyBells, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

jmagi (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-30)
I found your site trying to get info about the 1967 fire at the country squire restaurant. My boyfriend remembers his mother working there and that his father ran in to get her out and that was the last time he ever saw him. His mother told him that he had died in the fire but he never was taken to his grave so he is not sure. I am trying to find any info about that fire and who died. Thanks
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-04)

Thank you for reading my stories. You're really too kind for saying those things about me, thank you! And to be truthful I do feel that it has helped me to understand myself better.

I think it's truly great that you've been able to help those who deal with depression, sometimes it takes just one sincere person to change your perspective for the better. And this world is definitely in need of more caring, sincere people.

I know what you mean about someone else's depression rubbing off on you, especially with you being an empath it must be even more wearing; I too have encountered that familiar twinge of depression if I'm around another's strong negative emotions. It seems to me from what I have read from your stories and posts that you are a good person that naturally helps others:)

Thanks again!
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-04)
I must have missed your story when it came out. I only saw that you had two stories after you made a comment on my story. I hope you don't get me wrong but I'm glad that you went though what you went though. I wouldn't say that to just anybody but I have read you profile and this story and you seem like a strong girl. I think what you went though has made you stronger than before and now you are able to help others with your experience.

Like Pjod said, I think it took you moving to another place and being put in another situation where you are thinking about other people first helped you get out of that deep dark hole.

I have worked as a social worker and I have dealt with people who have gone though what you have gone though. Everyone has a different problem as to why they go though depression but they go to that same dark place where they think that they can't come out of it. I have had success and failure in helping these people out but sometimes I would have to take a step because sometimes that depression rubs off on you. I have personally gone though that and I seriously do not want to go back to that place.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-24)

Good to know:) thanks for understanding, kind words are always appreciated!:)
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-23)

No apology necessary. In fact, I was commenting on it for myself so I didn't offend anyone. I am a Christian and do believe in God so no offense taken at all.

Thanks, zeta.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-23)

I would also like to add that I am aware that not everyone believes in God, and my retelling of my experience was only meant as such -a retelling. I by no means meant to try to convert anyone; apologies if it came across that way.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-23)

Thanks for the concern, thankfully this story was a past experience of mine and I no longer struggle with depression. And you're right depression is considered a clinical issue and for some seeking help from doctors or therapists is the right way to go.

Thanks for reading my post!
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-23)

Childhood and teen years can be very tormenting for so many... More than not. And surprisingly, that doesn't seem to change no matter how proactive the schools claim to be about bullying and accepting people for who they are. I went through some of this also although I never went goth but that was after my time anyway. Sorry you went through that and I am glad you feel much better now.

Depression can be a clinical problem and an imbalance where a person should seek professional help. Now, not to say that is all you were dealing with but it should at the very least, be examined.

It seems as if you found a way to come out of it with the lord., although not everyone believes in the same thing, it worked for you and that is great.

Just as a side note to faith17... I hope your son doesn't have to go through bullying either but my son did and when I went to the principle and school board I was told that there was something wrong with my son why he was being targeted. Can you believe that? This was many years ago and I don't know if that would happen today. But to not only be bullied by the kids, but also the professionals running the school WOw.

Good luck and keep the light of whatever or whoever enlightens you in your life.

JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-23)
hm... I thought I would get more of a response. Still hoping for help, if I can get anyone interested...


I didn't know where to post this so I decided to post it on my previous story. Anyway I'm looking for information on a restaurant in Michigan particurly in the Mount Morris (Mt. Morris) Township on Peirson Rd. City could either be listed under Flint or Flushing. It had several different names throughout its time first known as Country Squire Restaurant in 1962, it has also been known as Bosley's (1982), Urban Cowboy, Fat Tuesdays, and lastly as Broadstreet North or just Broadstreet. It burned down completely on Oct 15, 2011 -fortunatley it had been vacant for the pass few years so no one was injured or killed. Here's a local article about the fire:


There are local rumors that the founding owner was killed in a former fire that took place in 1967 at the restaurant. There was $500,000.00 worth of damages -they were able to rebuild it the same year. I have yet to uncover any validity to the claims about the owner's demise. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated! Unfortunately I have had no luck accessing any old newspaper articles or obituaries from these dates or incidents. This research is for finding the truth about a possible haunting.

Help Wanted and Appreciated.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-22)

I didn't know where to post this so I decided to post it on my previous story. Anyway I'm looking for information on a restaurant in Michigan particurly in the Mount Morris (Mt. Morris) Township on Peirson Rd. City could either be listed under Flint or Flushing. It had several different names throughout its time first known as Country Squire Restaurant in 1962, it has also been known as Bosley's (1982), Urban Cowboy, Fat Tuesdays, and lastly as Broadstreet North or just Broadstreet. It burned down completely on Oct 15, 2011 -fortunatley it had been vacant for the pass few years so no one was injured or killed. Here's a local article about the fire:


There are local rumors that the founding owner was killed in a former fire that took place in 1967 at the restaurant. There was $500,000.00 worth of damages -they were able to rebuild it the same year. I have yet to uncover any validity to the claims about the owner's demise. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated! Unfortunately I have had no luck accessing any old newspaper articles or obituaries from these dates or incidents. This research is for finding the truth about a possible haunting.

Help Wanted and Appreciated.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
[at] beautifuleden

Thank you so much! I wasn't expecting that kind of response from anyone about my experience, your too kind!:)
beautifuleden (2 stories) (66 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
What a wonderful story! Definitely my ALL TIME FAVORITE! Gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes:) ❤
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-19)
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragments once again. I'm so glad to have found a welcoming community to share my experiences with, without feeling judged.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-17)
You have great writing skills. I enjoyed reading this story. You know, many people judge a book by it's cover. They not only judge clothes, but actions. We don't know what that person is going through to make them act like that, only him/her and God know. That's why we as people should hope for the best with that person, instead of looking down on them.

My parents are Christians, but they never forced it on me. Yeah, they had me go to church, but it wasn't like they were locking me in a cage with the bible. When I finally got saved 2 years ago, I started to think that my parents were lukewarm, but as God matured me, I understood that every Christian doesn't depend on church for salvation, but they depend on their faith and relationship with Jesus. I get the 'odd' look everytime I say "I haven't found a church yet." You just gotta keep pushing until the checker flag drops. Thank you for sharing.

JS aka Brandon
clever210 (3 stories) (189 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)

Thanks so much for sharing this with us. I went to a Christian school from K-12. I had a good family. I too suffered from horrible depression (from age 10) until my mid twenties. I was bullied and things were said about me as well (that I was into the occult, etc). I really connected with your story. God does help us, especially when we aren't expecting it and he did the same for me as well. 😁
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
Hey. I both like and believe your story. Perhaps, removing yourself from the area/space where you were being plagued with dark feelings, was enough to heal whatever ailed you.
SarahHaXan (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
Depression! Ooh, you know it seems it all fits on ME. BTW, great story, Joy.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
Thank you for the comments! I wasn't quite sure how people would respond to my story, but so far everyone has been very kind and understanding and for that I thank you all again! I won't be so hesitant next time when I post another one of my experiences. 😁
Kkasher26 (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
What a great story I experianced depression as well in my teens. I'm still recovering at age27. God bless you
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
Sounds like you were more "oppressed" than "depressed" and you probably had a lot of nice people praying for you! G-d bless!
majikflute (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
Wonderful story and testimony. When God sets us free we are free indeed. I tend not to believe so much in "ghosts" as afterlife spirits but rather in demons. A demon's job is to confound and confuse; make us question what we have heard and what we believe. They can take on any appearance that we will accept. Once this occurs we have an open mind to Satan and he moves in. Keep believing and God will shelter and protect you all of your life and seal you for eternity!
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
[at] faith17

Also you are so right; girls always seem to get the raw end of the deal when it comes to life's glorious journey! Puberty, pregnancies, AND menopause? Puh-lease... LOL!

(Sorry YGS, I know its a bit off topic lol)
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
[at] faith17

Wow! Thanks, haha; though I probably seem that way since I'm the youngest of six. Most of my brothers and sisters have at least 10 years on me (My oldest brother and I have 20 years between us lol). So I owe my "maturity" to a family that never babied me:) (But I'm rather thankful for that in some ways haha)
faith17 (3 stories) (29 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
Yes! Puberty can be such a rough time! Especially for us girls! Ugh! Lol! Yes I hope more will think like you. It seems like such an epidemic this day in age. You are wise beyond your years. 😁
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
[at] BadJuuJuu

Thank you for your comment; it's always comforting to receive encouragement from someone who can relate. I thank God for those rare few in churches, who are sincere and kind, just wish that was the majority of most congregations; but alas, humans are humans.
True enough about walking through life with a laugh; humor keeps me light-hearted and reminds me not to take myself too seriously all the time haha.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
Joy...this experience got to me in a big way.
My parents were both aggressively Baptist and I was sent to a church school for K-4. ACE curriculum. Yeech. Homeschooled with ACE curriculum 5-9. Parents decided I needed to be around other kids my age so I was sent back to church school, ACE again, for high school. There is no bullying quite like spiritual bullying. I went through a very dark period, although nowhere near as bad as you suffered. Bad enough though, home problems as well. I had my books though, reading kept me more or less sane. And my truck. Driving was therapeutic for me lol. Especially if I had my radio up too loud. Hillbilly Shoes ftw.
I guess I'm just trying to say, I get it. I get what could put a young girl in such a state of mind. I'm glad you found a way out, life is a journey best walked with a laugh.
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
[at] faith17

First off, thank you for commenting on my first story that I have posted!
Depression is a leach, it sucks the life right out of you, especially at such a delicate age. Jr. High, in my opinion is worse than high school life -"the start of puberty" -enough said, right? Lol
But coming to terms with the existence of the spiritual world around us on top of dealing with depression can be even scarier at that age. I just hope for any kid that experiences anything similar to what I've gone through will also come through safe and appreciating themselves and their life even more.:)
faith17 (3 stories) (29 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
I like this story. So sorry that you had to deal with that. I know what its like. Depression is very real and can really be harmful to someone who is going through it. I am glad you got out alive. Depression and bullying is something that I am scared of for my son's future. I hope that he never has to experience that. Thank you for sharing. ❤

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