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Real Ghost Stories

Whispering Child


Me, my husband, and my 2-year-old daughter vacationed in the Catskills for Easter this year to get away from everything. We stayed in my cousin's beautiful mountain chalet.

The cabin was quite a drive from the nearest store, so on our first day I went to the grocery to stock up for the week. My husband was tired from the drive, so I left him at the house and put my daughter in the car seat in the back. My little girl fell asleep pretty quickly when we got on the interstate. Even five minutes into the ride I started hearing what sounded like white noise. I thought it was the radio at first but I don't usually turn the radio on when I'm somewhere new. (I get so nervous on mountain roads.) I checked, and it was definitely off.

The sound was still there so I thought it was my little girl because she likes to mumble to herself. I checked the rearview mirror make see if she was still sleeping and I caught a glimpse of ANOTHER CHILD in the backseat, leaning over and whispering something to her while she slept. And this wasn't a normal child - he/it - had tan skin and SHOCK WHITE hair, maybe six or seven years old.

I called out to the child, but the next time I looked in the mirror, it was gone. I pulled over as soon as I could and checked the car thoroughly several times... Not a trace of the child. My daughter was still sleeping. I could barely make it to the store, my hands were shaking so much.

It's been a while since Christmas, and my daughter is more vocal now. Still, whenever she mumbles to herself, I jump a little and half expect to see the whispering child again.

I thought I could forget about it (I really tried) but I just can't. I don't want to tell my husband about it unless I know for sure I'm not imagining things. I get nervous when the air conditioner is on. I can't even listen to the radio anymore because part of me is waiting for the whispering child to return.

I need to know what it said to my baby. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, did you hear what the child was saying? Any information would be would be much appreciated!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nburke12, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Nburke12 (1 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
Oh, I am sorry I meant we were vacationing for Christmas. I had easter on my mind and I accidentally switched the two. And, yes, I had my little girl with me so that my husband could rest. I appreciate your comments!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-06)
Once again I find myself amused by you, Hotrod. Even though I realize your comment wasn't directed to me, I have to respond: genius must mean something different to you than it does to me, and perhaps many others on this site. And I think you tried being a "genius" here many times before and failed 😉

I have a somewhat serious question for you, not completely though, all things considered. Where did your information that Nordic Aliens have tan skin and shock white hair come from? I thought, but could be wrong, that "Nordic Aliens" were fair and blonde, like Scandinavians. Not tanned with shock white hair.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-06)
Ooops forgot another question I had. Hotrod, what do you believe she saw? A "boy spirit" or a "nordic alien child"? Hardly interchangeable.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-06)
A question - if you were there why didn't the op see you too? Logically speaking, if she is sensitive enough to see a ghost-child in solid form, she should have also sensed your presence. Maybe not actually see you but sense your presence.
There are several in my family who astral project, so I'm curious as to whether it's different for you.
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-06)
[at] miracles
I know because I was there. I do astral travel. I could see the nordic alien child whispering to kid.
Peace 😳
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-06)
Thanks for recognising the genius in me lol. This site does need a genius like me.
Peace 😆
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Easily done, writing Easter instead of Christmas as with a 2 year old, Easter is a busy time and this was submitted just after Easter. As for the shock white hair, and the static being in the movies... Many movies are based on experiences already described by people with paranormal experiences so that dosnt bother me either, popping noises and buzzing are associated with materialization and spirits can appear however they wish. Just my observation. Nburke, I recommend you confide in your husband as this seems to be making you a wreck. You will never know what was said but, having someone else know what you saw may make you less nervous and fearful. Visions in mirrors are reported widely so you are not alone in seeing one, who knows, maybe this was your child's guardian. (lol, just reaching!) thank yo for sharing! 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
zeta - not to answer for the o/p, but when my daughter was little, it was better for me to take her with me than leave her with her dad. When he was asleep, he wouldn't hear her if she was crying. I found that out the hard way. Not saying this is why the o/p took her baby with her, but I'd have taken mine with me.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Thanks Val... Always forget the name of that movie. It was beginning to bother me too.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Zeta, name of the movie is Village of the Damned.
I assumed the poster took the child with so that Dad could sleep. *shrug*
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Okay this story is really scary but there are questions that linger for me... Such as; Easter/Christmas time frame, the similarities to a couple of movies such as "White Noise" and the movie with Kirstie Alley with all those kids with pure white wigs on, (can't remember the title), and why you would take the two-year-old with you and not leave her home with daddy. But assuming your account is true, and I have no reason not to believe I still wonder how Hotrod13 is an expert on almost every account told on this site. Sorry Hotrod but your username does suit you. Peace out though. Just trying to find some humor at the end of a long week. Zeta.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
mm. Having read through this account again, I'm also confused with the "when" part- It certainly hasn't been a "while" since Easter, assuming that was the holiday in question.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
Hotrod - honestly, how do you know it has never repeated itself? Maybe this is a haunting that only occurs in this particular area and isn't intended to follow the o/p and her family home.

Nburke, I'm hoping you can clear up the confusion granny and I have on which holiday this event actually occurred. A lot of my opinion about this story is based on that answer. I also wonder what kind of vehicle you were driving that you had to check the car over thoroughly several times. I'm a little confused, because I assumed at this point you still thought this was a living child 😕
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
I have no idea what you could have seen, but it was an interesting story. If you wasn't sleepy from the long drive too and with your mind occupied and the scary curvy mountainous road, & just imagined you saw something, then I wonder if any of the locals have had the same experience. Of course you'd have to tell you story to many locals before you found one that actually had the experience and would admit to it, sooo it all depends on how much ridicule you wish to put yourself through. And still yet, even if there were some from that area who experienced something similar, they probably wouldn't know any more than you do about what it was. Again, glad you posted it, good story.
SirenBelva (7 stories) (64 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
That would scare me to death--especially seeing that in my rear view mirror! Here's to hoping the ghost meant your child no harm and was just looking out for her. Maybe when your child is old enough to talk you may hear references to the phantom child if your daughter sees the ghost on the regular. You could ask your daughter what she dreams about when she is old enough to talk.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
I'm not at all tuned in to the psychic world, or the ways of the psychic force- but how could anyone get a personal reading from an online account?
I can see why any parent would be concerned over this incident, no matter how minor it may seem to another.
When you have kids, nothing is minor when it comes to their wellbeing.
I find this incident highly strange. Maybe you can chalk it up to location, as far as why it happened.
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-05)
you seem worried. As it was a solitary incident you should dismiss it from your mind.
And it has never repeated itself.
As you were feeling nervous I think the boy spirit has to do something with your previous births. Maybe you were part of a mountain tribe. And this boy spirit belonged to the same tribe.
I also feel you died because you fell from a hill accidentally.
This may explain your nervousness when you go through hills.
As regarding what the boy spirit was whispering to your child I think it was whispering to her to wake up so he could play with her
I can be wrong though.
Why are you so worried about a minor incident?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
Nburke: One question: did this happen on Easter or Christmas? Please clarify.
Everton-FC-1878 (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
Great story, One things for certain we will never know what the boy said to your child. I am led to believe that ghosts are attracted to children so maybe he was just after some attention and maybe he got the wrong attention he wanted and that's why he disappeared.

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