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Haven't been on here in a while, been out of sorts since my dog's passing. Anyway, thought I'd share this strange occurance that's been happening frequently around the house as it's beginning to bug me.

Ok, so at the back of my TV, I have a slot for those red, white and yellow cables. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about! And as I have a Playstation, I have two sets of those cables-one for the Playstation the other for Sky TV.

At night, as there's normally nothing good on the telly, I stick on a DVD. Out come the cables for the Sky box, in go the PS3 cables. I watch it, turn it off and go to sleep. I don't watch TV in the day I do deliveries or else I'm out the back yard or up town. Anyway I goes to bed about 10pm and switches on PS3 to continue watching my DVD and wonder why its not coming on the screen. The screen flashes and the SKY comes on. But how's that when I didn't go near the TV all day and yet the SKY cables are in. I think nothing of it and put the PS3 cables back in. It's only by the third time within the week that I'm left pondering what's going on. It wouldn't be my parents; there are two TV's downstairs-one with a DVD player.

The other thing which got to me was in the computer room. I had just been on the internet, turned off the laptop, exited the room. I was asked to do the hoovering upstairs. I had only been gone for 5 minutes. Only me there and dad down in the kitchen. I brings up Henry the Hoover... He is very heavy and awkward! I hoovers all the rooms upstairs leaving the computer room to last. Anyway I hoovers all around the carpet, I come up to the computer area and see the modem is off. How so? I was just on the internet a few minutes ago. I picked it up all the lights were off and at the back of it the switch had been pressed Off. There is no way this could of happened when there was no one near it. At least no one I seen...

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Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-03)
Hi bizzjoe, haha you funny! 🤔.
That hoover does give me the creeps alright!
But I would sincerely love to know what's changing those cables and turning off switches.
bizzjoe (1 stories) (162 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-30)
hi casper... How are you... Seems like your having a few problems... If I were you, I would be looking at henry the hoover with a suspicious eye...
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Well Raftingirl, that image of him attempting to play it has permanantly traumatised me! Lol!

Hope it never happens!

I did, however, try show my mother my driving game and she moved the controller this way and that up and down in accordance with the car on the screen (although it was crashing&running people over), don't think she knows the difference between a Wii and a playstation!

I haven't played any games on the machine for a while, lost interest. I just use it to play DVDs. Once my mother wanted to watch a film on there as it was a Blueray disc but she needed my help in turning it on. They are ultimately clueless about it, but I wouldn't like it any other way 😊.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)

I might not be so quick to assume that your dad might not touch the game box. I busted my dad one day,) who claims he has no interest in "stupid computer games") getting Lara Croft bouncing up and down again trying to gain the roof of her terrain. I most certainly think he wasn't trying too hard to take on her task in the game.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Haha, Valkricry. Silly ghostie!

Oh O...5050505050505050!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Well, Casper, I would assume that ghosts can be curious. Perhaps it just wanted to see what the cables did and replaced the wrong ones? 😊
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Oh and yes Valkricry, just myself and my parents at home.

(finally understand why people use that^) 😁
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Prehaps it was a belated April Fools prank as nothing out of the ordinary has happened since then. It doesn't freak me out just puzzles me-left me thinking for quite some time.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Hi valkricry,

Yes a cheeky chappy has set up camp and aint leavin'! 😆. I find it weird as normally people see doors move on their own or cupboards banging. I have never heard of a ghost pulling out switches! Maybe its someone who wants me to go to sleep and get off the internet? A good samaritan 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Hi Casper,
Sounds like you might have a mischevious ghostie on your hands. Besides yourself, and your parents, no one else lives in the house? Have you noticed anything else going on?
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Ha! Raftingirl, he wouldn't have a notion of PS3's! I don't think he even knows it's there-not his area of expertise! Just a black box to him!

He does use the computer alright but he doesn't go near the modem/sockets as we leave them on all the time. Also at the time of this occurance, he was downstairs the whole time. Might it of been his double from my other story? Who knows. Maybe he has a twin he hasn't told me about! (1 of them is quite enough!)

Thanks though! ❤ 😆
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-29)
Does your Dad use the computer room as well? Could he also secretly be using your PS3 when you are out?

Just a thought, although it could be something entirely different. I'd certainly be scratching me own noggin in your situation. 😁

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