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Sleepwalking And Where's Daddy?


This took place at my home around 10 years ago. I don't think about it much anymore but at the time, I was fairly confused. I am a light sleeper, get awoken by the slightest noise, although back then I can't say whether I was or not: can't remember to be honest. Don't remember the day nor going to bed that night nor anything else until the following few hours. I remember me clutching my teddy in the middle of our lengthy back garden in the dark and my mother walking up to me asking what I was doing standing there at that time of night.

I was so confused, I cried. And at that moment, I remember me racing downstairs, teddy under arm but nothing after that. I must of been standing there for ages and my feet were wet from the grass. I don't know why my teddy was with me. I do still keep teddies on my bed even now but as for carrying them around with me that all stopped when I was a kid. It just got to me as I never ever sleep walked and wasn't I fully awake running down the stairs? I don't understand it. Also this never happened again.

As the counter hasn't yet reached it's minimum, I'll also tell you of another experience I had. It's different but took place in the same area-my house.

To start off my dad's a bit of a joker, he'll try spook me out as a bit of 'craic' and also because I get scared very easily. He would often turn off the lights in a room I'm in or hide behind doors and jump out-almost giving me heart failure.

Well, on this occassion, I didn't see the funny side. At the top of our stairs (which curve round to the left going down) is my bedroom to the right, the spare room to the left and my parent's room straight on. As usual I left something I needed in my bedroom so charged up there. The lights were off and I saw dad standing at the doorway of the spare room (the door open), with his back to me. Saw him go in without turning on the light and the end of his jacket had hit off the door when he passed it. I saw the door move slightly-it's a white door easy to see in the dark.

I was thinking to myself, don't bother trying to scare me, there aint no way I'm going in there. So I said out loud my thoughts, 'What you going in there for?' I turned on the hall light and waited for a response. No answer. Again, I said while laughing, 'Come on now this is not funny, your not funny'. I waited for him to jump out roaring, 'Boo!'...Nothing. I turned on the spare room light, creeped in peering around the corner expecting him to give out for ruining he's bit of fun. No one there. It's a small room. I checked round door nothing, under bed nothing, in cupboard nothing.

I was shaking and worried. I heard wood being chopped outside in yard. I yelled 'Daaaad!' while looking out window. He looked up, axe inhand. 'Yes?', he asked. Well, I almost died. I came rushing down spluttering out what just happened. And he stood there grinning. And then laughing. I mean, what was so funny? Shouldn't he of been comforting me? Was he really there? I'll never know.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Casper_the_ghost, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

bandet888 (86 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-04)
The first experiance you had running into the garden with your teddy bear maybe something scared you so badly that you blocked most of it out just remembering only running out. Perhaps you grabed your teddy bear for comfort because you were so scared? Just a possibility. The second incident maybe somehow your father got out somehow? Did you stop at the door that your father went into or did you move past it to your room to get what you were getting and expecting your father to be still there?
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-20)
Well, on this occassion, I didn't see the funny side. At the top of our stairs (which curve round to the left going down) is my bedroom to the right, the spare room to the left and my parent's room straight on.

Reading over my stories right now, and wondering why did I say my bedroom is to my right when it's at the left of my parent's room. Confused. I know I could of been thinking it from the Computer Room's angle, surely I wouldn't of got that bewildered to know the position of my bedroom! Weird! Anyway, want to clarify my bedroom is to the left of the landing. Sheesh! 😳
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-09)
The bed is behind the door to the right so when the door is pushed open it can't go any further then where the bed is so in fact it would be nearly impossible to go behind it-unless you were as flat as a board 😆 And I think there was suitcases under the bed so you couldn't fit under.
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-09)
O yes, forgot to tel you...
I still sleep with my teddybear! 😁
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-09)
So if he went behind the door (like it looked like)
Where did he go? There's no secret exit somewhere? 🤔 Wow, this is a difficult one!
And you say you went directly to that room after you saw him? You didn't first went to fetch the thing in your room that you forgot in the first place? You sure your dad had no chance to exit before you went inside?
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
Heard I meant to say! Not head 😁. I think I'm losing it sometimes 😳
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
anneke8, I haven't brought it up but he did a few times to mam when he knew I was listening as a laugh. And she played along with it too. I'm an only child so surrounded by them the whole time and have my trust built up! But that got inside my head and as its a small room there was no where to go and I head no noise in there nor breathing just the door moving forward like someone was going behind it.
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
I read your profile just now. You sound a lot like myself. I am also a believer and I also think I am a bit immature for my age 😁, okay, I don't sleep with my light on though 😆 And unfortunatly I have to believe in the ghost thing, because I have seen and felt too strange things not to believe.
And I SO MUCH want to go to Ireland and Scotland one day! All the old castles and places!
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
Hi Casper
I like a story where you must think a bit, and your's is one of those 😊 I wonder WHAT your dad knows about that incedent? First I thought perhaps he stood behind the door and when you went inside he just quietly left, but then I thought that is the first place you would have looked. Have you asked your dad after that, or is he still secretive?
Damn, I would like to know! 😆
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
Ha yes somethings definetely amiss. Thanks for reading my story anneke8 😁
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-08)
Sounds a bit freaky but I think your dad knows something though... Perhaps it was just one VERY good trick from him...?

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