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Odd Happenings Before And On My Trip


I wasn't sure whether or not to post these as was unsure if it was simply a case of my mind playing tricks. Anyway, I'll let you decide.

The day before I was going away to Spain with some family members, I decided to download some of my CDs onto the computer and then onto my iPod. I will state that it was in the afternoon and I was not one bit tired. Anyway, looking at the list of songs on the back of my Showbands CD, I saw that the song 'Whiskey on a Sunday' was titled, 'Whiskey on a Saturday'. I thought to myself, they must of made a mistake in the print. On the iTunes library, it also said 'Saturday' instead of 'Sunday' and then on my iPod, the same thing. I thought it was weird when I knew that wasn't the title of the song but forgot about it soon after, thinking maybe I did get it wrong.

I was staying at my Uncle's house that night as it was with him and his children who I was going away with the following day. I was in my cousin's bedroom while she and my other cousin were downstairs in the living room and my uncle was in bed. I checked for sockets in the room, seeing that I needed to charge my phone. Under the bed was a flat adapter with 4 sockets: 3 free and 1 being used. I quickly went to the toilet (which is across the way from her bedroom). I came back not a minute later to find plugs in 2 spaces and 2 free. I was staring at it for a while thinking was that before or what? I couldn't sleep that night.

Nothing happened until I was on the plane going over and listening to my iPod. That 'Whiskey on a Sunday' came on and again I looked at the title and it still said 'Saturday'. I literally blinked while looking at it and it changed to 'Sunday'! I was wondering what was going on?! I actually typed what happened into the note page of my iPod I was so dumbfounded!

The next thing to happen took place in our apartment in Spain. While they went to a supermarket which was miles away in the next town, I stayed in on my own and tried to get some sleep. I had the air conditioner off and the windows and doors closed as it was actually quite chilly. I was facing the wall/window and behind me was the double bed my two cousins slept in, the closet and next to that, the door (which was closed).

I had my eyes closed but was a bit tensed up being in there on my own so was wide awake really. I suddenly heard this loud noise like someone shaking blankets behind me. My eyes bolted open and it took a lot of courage for me to turn and face the sound which I did and to my surprise, nothing was there and the noise quickly stopped. I don't know what I expected but it was so loud, something must of caused it. It's the same sound as when you're making a bed and freshening up a duvet is the best way to describe it. After that, there was no way in hell I was going to stay in that room and I left the front door open with a towel propped up against it just so I'd be closer to people.

On one of the next nights the 3 of us in the room all found it extremely cold in there even with the air conditioning off and the windows closed. It was 29 degrees outside! Anyway we left the air conditioning off for the rest of the day and left it off when we went to bed. I was the first to wake (I never had a good sleep in the place) and was shivering. I heard the familiar noise of the air conditioner and I wondered who turned it on. I looked up at it and the flaps were down! Also the red light (which indicates it's on) was off! But I knew I couldn't possibly be hearing things as I could feel the coldness in the air too. I don't know where the remote control for it was so I just had to deal with it until the others woke.

Unfortunately there is only one key between us for the apartment and that was normally my uncle's responsibility. Not even the cleaners had a key, they came in when we were in. Anyway I was inside again the last person out as I was putting on some oil which was my own to use as I had bought it with my own money. I left it on my bedside table and headed to the apartment complex's pool where everyone was. We all stayed there and came in together. I went over to my bed and saw the bottle of oil wasn't there where I left it. I looked at the drawers which are on the opposite side of the room (with a mirror) and it was up ontop of that! No one had been inside since.

The last event took place on one of our last days. I was in the lobby and had a glass with ice on top of the tall table next to the couch I was on. I was reading something on my iPod's internet (probably YourGhostStories), when I heard a sound like someone shaking the glass next to me. I looked at it and the ice inside the glass was vibrating! And making this tingly noise in the process! I couldn't take my eyes off it, I didn't know what was making it do that action. All that was on the table besides the glass was a lamp and it was a bit away from the couch I was on so it wasn't in contact with anything to make the ice move. Maybe ice does this when melting? It was just so sudden and loud, it took me by surprise.

Well, thanks for reading and hope you can help me out.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Casper_the_ghost, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-24)
Oh right! So that's that! Thank you Miracles!

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-24)
Casper - bigger ice cubes have a tendency to "settle" when the ice starts melting, creating noise. That's what I was trying to get at with my line of questioning LOL. I use big ice cubes in my glasses (from ice trays), not shaved or crushed ice because I don't eat ice. And it does startle me sometimes when my ice melts and I'm not expecting it. Especially when there is more ice than liquid in my glass.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-24)
[at] Spiritwaiting,

Your question, "Do you remember what day you made it to the room you were staying in, possibly a Saturday?"

Is a very interesting one! So you mean the title of the song and the day I witnessed strange sounds in the room might of been linked?

I'm terribly sorry but I can't recall the day it was. But what a creepy thought! This presence was giving me a premonition that it was coming to pay me a visit! Nice! 😨
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-24)
Also, I forgot (another point about the dammed ice), they were big cubes of ice! That's why I didn't like having any as it was such a tall thin glass, the ice took up all the room! I was basically paying for ice. 😐
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-24)
Just to add (though I don't want to dismiss your theory), the temperature in the lobby where the glass of ice was, was very very cool.

The only reason I found it odd was, I had a good few glasses with ice (and drink) on the table previously and none made noises whatsoever.

I do accept the ice was melting though. It seems plausible.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-24)
Oh my goodness! All these replies! Dreadfully sorry! Didn't realise it got published! Well at least we solved the mystery of the ice, that's one thing! 😆

I'm not too well up on weather temperatures but let's just say it was melting hot outside! I definitely had goosebumps inside. And the boys in the room next door kept asking us had we any thick blankets in our cupboards.

Hmm the rest is quite puzzling isn't it. I don't know if they are paranormal happenings or just natural causes. The title of the song changing doesn't sound all that natural though.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
val - yes, that's exactly what I meant because of the way it melts and the different sound it makes. I've heard my ice cubes melt and sometimes it startles me because I'm not expecting it. Also, I think the temp in the room might make a difference in the way the ice melts. But I will readily admit I suck at science as much as I do at math and geography 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
Miracles? What do you mean 'depending the kind of ice it was'? Do you mean like cubed or shaved?
Casper, I have to admit, you had some strange experiences. Unfortunately, I can't offer any explanations either.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
Fergie: Not when it comes to the Metric system or Celsius. Haven't you seen our math scores? 😆 😆
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
LOL Granny, What do you mean "the dark side"? I thought the US was far more 'enlightened' than us!? 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
Fergie: They've been trying to lure us to the dark side for years 😆. Damn stubborn Yanks that we are LOL! 😆 😆
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
spiritwaiting - The US is one of the very few countries in the world that still uses Fahrenheit to measure temperature. 29 Celsius converts to 84.2F.

Casper, you have had some interesting experiences. I agree with Miracles though - ice can make the weirdest noises while melting.

Thank you for sharing.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
Casper, did you mean 92° outside? If so it would make sense. The loud sound behind you could have been the spirit, going about his/her business. A residual haunting maybe. The chill in the air usually is associated with a spirits presence. Did you have goosebumps during, or a feel of electricity in the air? Do you remember what day you made it to the room you were staying in, possibly a Saturday? It could be also the spirit just simply letting you know" Hey I'm around". Interesting story.
jamne (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-21)
I have heard that places become cold when ghosts are present. As you said that the room was cold although the A.C. Was off and the doors and windows were closed so maybe some supernatural power was present.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-19)
Casper - I can't comment on any of the other things that happened, but I can say that melting ice will make that kind of noise depending upon the kind of ice it was. Interesting experiences, Casper. Thanks for sharing them with us.

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