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Was I In A Deep Sleep Or Was It Something Else?


I see myself as a light sleeper, any noise would wake me, but this night was different. It took place the night before last and hasn't happened before nor has it happened since.

I was extremely tired but was too concentrated in the book I was reading, Shrine by James Herbert. I had read 35 pages and I had to put it down as it was 5am. I closed my eyes and was breathing heavily but peacefully. I was dreaming that the girl in the book was on top of me holding me down. I forcefully opened my eyes as I felt a heavy weight on my chest, my arms were spread out at either side of me. I tried to sit up, I couldn't move. I was whimpering as I didn't know what was happening. I looked at my hand and used every power I had to move my wrist even, but nothing happened.

I closed my eyes and next thing I know it was morning. I could clearly remember how scared I felt just a few hours ago. I know it's silly to think a fictional character from a book came to life and did that to me. Not even Mr. Herbert is that good with his characters. So what could it have been?

I read a few Sleep Paralysis stories on here and used to think those people are just overtired and there was no such thing. But having no control over my body's movements was a frightening feeling. I could compare it to the unfortunate victims in the House of Wax as I was fully awake but my limbs were not moving. I have no idea why it occurred only that night. Was I simply so tired my body went into shock? And what explains the pressure on my chest?

Please, if any of you can help, I would much appreciate it. Thanks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Casper_the_ghost, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-11)
Jesus princess, while your views are appreciated, all views and religions on this site are welcomed. It's against the comment guidelines to push a single religious viewpoint onto any poster. I would give them a read. You can find them linked at the bottom of the page.
JesusPrincess1981 (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-11)
It was a demon. They have powers to paralyze humans but only for a short time. If you start praying to Jesus the demon will instantly flee.
bizzjoe (1 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
this is sleep paralysis... When you are awake in your mind but the body needs to catch up... It happens me all the time... I can usually jerk myself out of it... It happens a lot of people... It is frightening alright, but nothing to do with "ghosts" or anything like that...
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-02)
Rook. LOL. No I didn't mean HOW you were self taught I meant to say what techniques did you use.

Sorry I didn't word it right.

Yes, I will email you about this as well.
AllieAllison (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-30)
This is complecated. Samion has a point but there are many thigs like this tend to happen. Obviously you love to read. This can explain your dream. But I have no clue as to your issue. 😐 😕 redphx also has a point and swordsaint101. Honestly I don't know what to think. Maybe it was a spirit but your mind made up this dream because your mind was still "consumed in the world of your book" or possably you simply were half asleep. But the thing is, I always know when i'm dreaming because I can't feel things, smell things or taist things. But the fact you felt pressure on your chest and couldn't move stumps me. 😢
amberlovick1431 (8 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-30)
there is a chance that you may have been dreaming due to the fact I have been over tired before and had that sensation in the night, or had a dream and thought it was real in the morning. 😁
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-30)
Haha thenpea5 guess your right 😆, but how do you explain me being unable to move? That was fact NOT fiction.
Samion, thanks for the advice, I will follow it up.
Samion (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Your account is similar to many I have heard concerning sleepwalking. As you may know, sleepwalking occurs generally when the part of the sleep cycle mind that dissociates dreams and bodily functions fails to fire, meaning that your body acts out the dreams. The fact that you are a light sleeper actually supports this theory - half in a dream state and half dozing, your body reacts to the dream the way that the body is functioning in the dream. Some people flail about - your diaphragm fails to function correctly leading to a vaccume being created temporarily in your chest. Lack of oxygen probably made you lose consciousness, at which point you went limp and started to breath again as normal. Frankly I wouldn't worry about it if it hasn't been a regular occurring, and if it does repeat then I suggest some herbal calming tablets that you can get over the counter in most pharmacies just to make sure that when you sleep, you actually go to sleep.

My academic background is cognitive science if you're wondering how I know this stuff - sleep issues was never a big part of my study but it was covered reasonably well
thenpea5 (20 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
it was your imagination stuff in fiction books aren't real 😆 😆 😆 so funny
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Woot! So glad my story went through and I got so many interesting responses, thank you so much each and every one of you ❤. I was indeed lying on my back shellzy, I find that I get to sleep quicker in that position.
Poeticdemon, I agree that the mind is a powerful force, must of been horrid for you to dream of getting choked?
MizMiMi02, great you read the book! What did you think of it? I only have around twenty pages to go. I know I wasn't dreaming as I could see where the bedclothes were and that the light was still on and bright in my face and I could make sounds with my throat. I never experienced it before, it seemed to last an eternity.
SwordSaint101, they sound horrific! I agree with it possibly not being paranormal, I am just unsure why it happened only once.
Redphx, wow you have a wonderful way with words, this explains it! I was very tired and even while awake and then paralysed, I was breathing deeply-so relaxed. It was a nice feeling that was until I couldn't move!
JimmieJam, this: "I stuggled up to turn the light on which was 2 paces away after lucid dreaming, when my legs gave way and I fell over onto my arms." made me laugh, so sorry! I can't imagine how you felt, must of been bewildering.
Rookdygin, you can astral project? That is just amazing! Well done to you!
Deliriumdreamsicle, wow 10 years of it? Oh my, that IS a long time. I guess I could try moving something small like my finger alright, that might work IF it ever happens again, thank you for the help. I pray as well, and have holy pictures on the wall so I'm not afraid of anything when I have saints to protect me, that's how I see it anyway. I just hope it doesn't happen too often, its simpily an uncomfortable experience.
Thanks again all for the help, much appreciated. 😁
Jimmiejam (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
Yeah I misread a part from my learning source, looking it back up now it said: "In a conscious projection into the astral dimension, you can tune into any part of it and travel into different realities, other dream pools, or a mix of many. There are various techniques for this but they all involve some way to disorient the subconscious mind, tricking it into moving you into a different Astral reality. Some projectors look at their hands and watch them melt. Others spin around, causing left right reversals. These methods all disorient the mind and trick the subconscious into tuning into another part of the astral."

Sorry about that, but if you get tired enough and lose concentration does it turn into a lucid dream then? Because they are all similar in a way, but not obviously.

I find it cool and kind of ironic that I post to help / teach and I end up learning myself, haha

Redphx I'd recommend concentrating on your breathing to control your heartbeat, and not getting too excited. Also don't try to force yourself out, but relax out, and when you do get out, ask your spirit guide for advice on how to deal with these spirits that he doesn't want you projecting around.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)

Not to sound rude, but just what I said... Self taught... Uh let's see I was a Freshman in High School (1981/82)...I was interested in the paranormal/spiritual and during my research I came across Astral Projection. I became interested in trying it so I bought the book mentioned in my last comment and read it cover to cover, I then began practicing the methods contained with-in the book. I'm not going to say I found it easy at first... That would be BS... But I was able to 'advance' fairly quickly and after about 6 months... Maybe closer to 9... 😉 I was proficient at it.

Walking in your 'astral body' on the physical plane is very hard. I find it easier to project 'onto' the astral plane and then focus on the location I'm trying to go to and use that as an 'anchor point'. I then 'go there'. I have found it takes me more energy to maintain my 'astral body' and 'walk in the physical'.

E-mail me and I'll go into more detail if you want.


deliriumdreamsicle (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-28)
Hi redphx. I sent my comment here about a hour ago... Before I browsed through all the other comments. I can totally relate with everything you said. I never talk about this to friends and family because I don't want to freak them out (even the hubs, since he is such a scaredy-cat) but I know tha my sisters experience the same thing, and even my cousins too. Maybe the susceptability to SP is genetic? Because it can be chemical... Or how people are wired...;)
deliriumdreamsicle (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-28)
I know how you feel. I've been having those episodes for more than 10 years now (actually since I was little, but not as much as in my adult life) and somehow I got used to it. I think I've gotten used to it so much that I have already conditioned myself to be "aware" when it happens and to actually take charge of the situation. I'm coming from a psychology studies background so my approach is more mental than paranormal. But I do not totally disregard that aspect. I'm also spiritual (big faith in God) so I throw in the prayers. When it happens, I just immediately tell myself that I am sleeping, or dreaming (being aware that your mind is in a different level) and then telling myself not to panic. When we panic, it only makes it worse. We struggle to move... And we can't move... And we get frustrated and agitated... But then we can't physically express it because our physical body wouldn't budge an inch. In my experiences, if I told my body to realize that I haven't achieved a full level of wakefulness (well, they say sometimes you wake up quicker or earlier than your body), and then relax, and try not to get scared. Actually, go back to sleep. Lately though, I've been able to train myself to relax and move my pinky finger. Never concentrate on doing it because it makes it more difficult. I just sort of try to trick the "escape" window and get out to "wakefulness" randomly. Each time I succeed, there are tingles all over my arm. It's kind of liberating. But the key is, to relax. That's in the psychological perspective. But while doing the process, I make sure to pray to God and yes, cast "whatever that is" away. Usually, the Apostle's Creed ("I believe in God the Father Almighty")... Yes, I'm Catholic. Or the Lord's Prayer ("Our Father who art in heaven..."). Then I say, in the name of God, go away, go back to where you belong. You are not welcome here, this is my territory. Something like that. But try to never panic. It's a struggle, but it's worth it. Until now, I always tell my husband to NOT wake me up hurriedly when it looks like I'm having a bad dream (sometimes I mumble) but instead, wake me up slowly and touch me gently. Because it's like being hurried out of a porthole that hasn't opened yet.

Maybe it's a gift the promises astral abilities. But I don't care much about honing it.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-06-28)
Rook- I have that book! It's on of my favorites.:)

50 Characters
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-28)

How are you self taught? I can't travel unless I'm asleep and I just find myself in astral. I know I'm there that isn't the issue. I want to learn how to walk around on the physical plane. I can't. I feel heavy and I can't move around. If I am in my house and I try to leave I can make it outside but then suddenly I'm back inside my bedroom. I try again and the same thing happens. Another thing that will happen to me is I "fall" out of my body onto the floor but I then can't move. Then suddenly i'm back in my body.

Is that because of the "gravitational" pull? I've not heard of a gravity like that. One time when going to the astral, I was actually able to get there somehow I was in a cafe type place that was empty. I was looking for anyone. I was asking for my spirit guides to come and nothing. I saw someone walking really fast away from me. When I caught up to her I asked if she was one of my guides and she said yes. Then she said. "You are not supposed to be here right now." I asked her why, very puzzled. She then said "you have two spirits in your house and you have to go back now!" Then I woke up. I know that I have one entity that is connected to me in this life. He is just watching so to speak and isn't supposed to have influence. Our souls aren't connected together but he is bound to me because he is supposed to learn. I guess he did very bad things in a previous life and I am his punishment so to speak. LOL. Yay me. But could that be a reason that I find it hard to simply detach? Could he be the weight?

Also if I'm laying down trying to project without going to sleep I can't. I can get myself into a higher vibration where I know that I should be able to step out of my body. When I try to my heart races and I can't disconnect. It is very irritating. I want to be able to walk around on the physical. I want to know that I'm doing it.

What are your methods?

Any help would be appreciated. I have just about given up trying to project while awake. It is irritating
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-28)

We truly learned from very different sources. I'm 'self taught' and I used this book to help me learn how to 'Project'.

'The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection: The Out-of -Body Experience' by Melita / Phillips, Osborne Denning

You stated this...

"The problem with S.P. Is that you are trying to move the phsyical body while mainly connected to the Astral one, but if you concentrated on the Astral one, then you should actually move again through that.

Plus don't forget you can go from a projection to a lucid dream and back again so the difference isn't too great in that respect."

I agree, to a point, with this. If you focus on the astral it's easier to move on. However (there's always a however isn't there...😉) It's quite different than a lucid dream. Astral Travel happens when you 'project' your consciousnesses/spirit/soul out of your body and visit places either here 'on (in) ' the physical realm or within (on) the astral (spirit) plane. You are in effect 'out of body'. A lucid dream on the other hand is conscious control of your dreams... Dreams happen in our subconscious mind... There is no 'out of body' experience happening.

I feel there is a Great Difference between being 'out of body' and controlling something in our subconscious and that it takes a great amount of focus to do either... Making it actually 'HARD' to switch between the two.

Sleep Paralysis may very well be a 'state' that happens 'between' sleeping and waking as we 'emerge' from a Lucid Dream as well as a state our body enters (at times) as we return from a Projection 'onto' the astral plane. Basically our body tries to function before we are 'fully awake' or 'fully returned'.

I hope that makes sense. Thanks for sharing. May ask if you are 'self taught' or if you had a teacher/guide that taught you concerning Lucid Dreams and Astral Travel? (I don't need names, just curious...)


Jimmiejam (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-28)
Redphx you have to get a balance between feeling your astral body and where it is at all times (through first person), and seeing the places you wish to go but not always, for instance you can see a wall and wish to go there and you will, but you can imagine the moon and you will go there instantly without travelling step by step there.

Also if you're too close to your body it has a kind of gravitational pull to it, and also if you look at your body when you're too close you will get sucked back in too (unless your will power is great), so best to stay at a fair distance.

Ahh ok I see Rook, well I must have learnt a different way then. Different techniques work for different people I spose, but it can be done through S.P. The problem with S.P. Is that you are trying to move the phsyical body while mainly connected to the Astral one, but if you concentrated on the Astral one, then you should actually move again through that.

Plus don't forget you can go from a projection to a lucid dream and back again so the difference isn't too great in that respect.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-28)

I have to ask a question about something you have said...

You stated this...

"People actually go after this feeling because it then means that it is the state you are in to successfully astral project.

So you can either astral project or lucid dream from there..."

I have been able to astral project for many, many years now and this is NOT the state I have to be in order to do so.

Lucid Dreaming on the other hand may require a state not unlike S/P. As with-in it's definition it basically states your 'mind is awake' and you control your dream (s).

So I guess my question is this... Just where did you 'learn' this information from? Thanks in advance...


redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
The one thing that sucks for me.

I always go astral when I sleep and lucid dreams are interesting. But there are times when I am actually staring at my room or myself in bed and I can't go anywhere too far. This is when I get back always. I can only lift myself a little bit and I can go through my ceiling to my roof and to the outside but then I can't go anywhere.

Normally I just go to the astral and I don't have all this sleep paralysis stuff, I don't notice it.

I can't figure out how to move around effectively. I try and feel very heavy and then I get tired of trying and will myself back into my body and I jolt awake.

But yes. This state is when you project. I've learned that when I do get to this state to try to move around my house. I want to go outside and float around. It doesn't happen that way all the time, it feels so heavy when I do have the "aware" projection in my house. When I'm astral I have no problem moving around at all. Just when I'm on the physical plane.

Do you have any advice on that?

I have no problem going to the astral when I'm asleep. I just automatically go there and I don't notice the transition so to speak. I want to know how to move around better on the physical
Jimmiejam (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
Redphx is right on the money when he says "Sleep paralysis is a condition where your mind wakes up and your body remains asleep."

S.P can be scary, but when you learn what you can do with it, it can also be fun. People actually go after this feeling because it then means that it is the state you are in to successfully astral project.

So you can either astral project or lucid dream from there, which will take you away from your state, and into the astral world anyway.

I've had S.P myself too, but it didn't freak me out because of the above knowledge, so hopefully this has helped you, although I looked a bit of an idiot when mine occured. I was only paralysed from the knees down.

I stuggled up to turn the light on which was 2 paces away after lucid dreaming, when my legs gave way and I fell over onto my arms. Then I managed to slowly strain to get up, and took another pace only to fall over again, and had to turn the light switch on (which is 4-5 feet high) while on my knees because my legs weren't having it. And then of course while I managed to get up to get back, I still fell over again. Not my proudest moment 😕
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
actually re-reading this wasn't exactly "sexual" in nature. That was a conclusion jump on my part.

So I will say that when you dream someone is holding you down that will also trigger an endorphine increase as well as your adrenaline, which will wake your mind up.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
and when you experience SP no matter how many times you've had it, it will still scare you. When you can't move, you freak out.

It has taken me years to learn to relax my thoughts. When I do I can usually jolt something like my arm. When I get my arm to move my body and brain re-align. When they re-align I get up out of bed and walk around my room to make sure that everything will stay connected together. When I lay back down I lay on my side and I won't get it anymore that night.

The worst thing that happened to me with SP was so stupid. I was dreaming that I was in a mall going shopping. When I went to pay I fell down onto the check out counter and I was stuck. I was having SP in my dream on the checking counter and I couldn't move to pay. In my dream I was just stuck there. It was stupid! When I woke up from my dream I realized that I was having SP in real life and I was stuck there in my bed for what felt like forever. I was trying to yell, which came out in grunts. My husband heard me, but he was playing video games and didn't come help me. I've always told him that when I grunt I'm stuck in SP and to come wake me up! He said that he couldn't because he was in a group mission... That is love. LOL
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
"I was extremely tired but was too concentrated in the book I was reading, Shrine by James Herbert. I had read 35 pages and I had to put it down as it was 5am"

This may be the reason. Sleep paralysis is a condition where your mind wakes up and your body remains asleep. If you are extremely tired and you force yourself to stay awake despite your body's warnings it needs sleep you could force SP.

Now, this is what probably happened.

When you closed your eyes and began to "dream" your body automatically went into a deep state REM cycle because it was so tired. Your dream, being sexual in nature is a trigger to your brain to increase your endorphines, increase your heart-rate, and your blood flow. If you do that you stimulate your mind and you "wake" up. But you can't move because your body is still stuck in REM sleep.

Don't over exert yourself. Even if you have before and it you think this has never happened to you doesn't mean it didn't happen. It could be that you either didn't remember or notice.

I don't think this was spiritual in nature.
Swordsaint101 (2 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
Not sure how you feel about spirits, and not trying to scare you, but Nightmares are small impish creatures that sit on your chest as you sleep, and delight in the terror they cause...


More to the point is the fact that since ancient times, people have described "chest pressure" along with their nightmares. Oddly, when I was little, I would catapult bolt-upright when I came-to from nightmares. I wondered later on if that wasn't me "flinging" the nasty beasts off of me?

Everyone screams sleep paralysis, and while that may explain chronic cases of similar issues, it doesn't seem like this is something that has happened to you before?
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
I have read that book, and I simply think it was sleep paralysis. Some of what you described were vaguely familiar about the book, perhaps you were dreaming?
poeticdemon (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
The mind is the most powerful element. It can create images/feelings that may seem extremely realistic. Its very possible that is was something paranormal just trying to poke some fun, but more likly it was a strong mental state caused by your being tired. Also if youve changed medications or recently stopped a medication it could cause this. While on wihdrawal from a medication of mine dreamed I was always being choked they even went as far as carrying on out of my dream I flew to my parents room and couldn't snap out of the "trance".
shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-26)
Hi Casper

Definately sounds like sleep paralysis to me and it can be a very scary experience! Your symptoms are consistent with S.P, pressure on your chest and the 'hallucination' of the girl form the book sitting on top of you.

What may be helpful is to try and work out what triggers an episode of S.P for you. I noticed that you said you went to sleep at 5am. Is this a normal bed time for you? I ask because an attack of S.P is often bought on by changed or disrupted sleeping patterns.

I assume you were sleeping on your back as you said you felt pressure on your chest? This can also trigger an attack of S.P and is something I personally try to avoid as it can cause an attack for me.

It is amazing how our subconcious works while dreaming sometimes. I'm a big fan of James Herbert and Stephen King novels and I had to stop myself reading before I went to bed because I could guarantee that my dreams would be of not very pleasant things!

Thanks for sharing. I hope you enjoy your book and get some decnt sleep 😊

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