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Real Ghost Stories

Resident Ghost


I have a resident ghost named Frances. Evidently she's the original owner of my house, not that my house is that old -- it was built in 1956. Yet, I'm the seventh owner. The other houses in the neighborhood have been sold three times at the most. Makes you wonder, huh?

When I was moving in, I put some rugs down to catch any moisture or debris I would bring in. I have hardwood floors and didn't want to ruin them. It seemed every time I would bring something in the house, the rugs were balled up. I could explain the one by the front door, blaming it on the door when I opened it, but that didn't explain the ones in the kitchen -- the kitchen has pocket doors. Or the rug in front of the back sliding glass door. Or the ones in the living room.

It dawned on me that I may have a ghost in my house when an unplugged lamp would turn on when I entered the house after dark. I was amused. It was no big deal to me -- messed up rugs and a light turning on all seemed to be relatively minor. The light was helpful.

But then, one night I was carrying a box down the hallway and I was knocked down. An icy cold force seemed to go right through me! I had a friend unpacking books in the living room. She heard me fall and came to investigate. I was shaken. I explained what happened and she immediately started telling me about the woman she saw in the living room reading the titles over her shoulder.

That's when we met Frances. She apologized for balling up the rugs, but she wasn't used to them and found them to be a nuisance. She also had great plans for what I could do in the backyard. She wanted a fountain. I found a bird bath on the side of the house and moved it into the patio. That was as close to a fountain as she was going to get. She seemed pleased.

After moving in officially, I was a bit uncomfortable, but my dogs didn't seem bothered by anything, so I took my cue from them and started to relax. I love to hear the sound of the train whistle, down in the valley below my house. It reminded me of my grandmother's place. It was comforting and peaceful, but...

I heard my front door open, heavy footsteps, then the door close. I heard the click of the kitchen light turn on. I wasn't feeling all that brave. I snuggled down under the covers. The dogs were sleeping -- even snoring. I listened. I heard a heavy pan being put on the stove. The refrigerator opened, I even heard the cracking of eggs in the pan. Before long I could smell the bacon cooking and the coffee brewing. My dogs were up and sniffing the air. They went in the kitchen to investigate. I stayed in bed.

I did get up when they started barking.

Nothing was out of place in the kitchen, but I could smell the food.

It's creepy. I'm just glad they don't come down the hallway into my room!

All comments are appreciated. Thanks for reading

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valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Yeah, I can see where someone who hasn't experienced it, would think it was impossible. I've experienced it both in my mind and externally, quite a few times. The external one is usually a warning voice, and has startled me on several occasions. (Always the same male voice.) The mind ones, well they vary.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
I think I might have experienced someone talking to me in my head a time or two. When I was working on my family history, I heard the words, "Edward always sang 'Beautiful Dreamer' to Peg" and "Eleanor saw a rabbit the day of her father's funeral."

All three are names from my family history. Eleonor was Peg's mother. Edward was Peg's husband.

If I had not had those experiences, and a few others, I would not believe it's possible.
AToastToGhosts (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi everyone! I'm delighted so many of you have shared smelling cooking. I thought it unusual, now I know it's not. Thank you for this insight. 😊
AToastToGhosts (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi allesgute154, Thank you for reading my story. I was drawn to this site because of all the stories from around the world. I'm beginning to think these stories could happen anywhere. 😁
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Nice story. Being an Indian, I was reading only Indian ghost stories on this site until today. Now I'm glad I expanded my horizons because I'm getting to read and know so many different stories (adding to my knowledge of the paranormal too)! Thanks to the writers and YGS.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Thanks for replying. I really don't think the way you communicate with Frances that strange, many report 'hearing' with their mind. Just as some get audible messages (heard with ears) and some claim other means; EVPs, Ouija, etc. I was once told of a woman who claimed that her ghost left her hand written messages. Unfortunately I can't vouch for the validity of the claim, and I sense a hoax there. But, I am as always curious as to how others talk with their ghostly companions.
AToastToGhosts (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi sds and valkricry, Frances was an apparition in the living room. I did see her. Not totally solid, kind of wispy. My friend is psychic and could hear her speak. Frances was not in the hallway. According to Frances there were low-level energy beings around the house at that time. I have had the house blessed and I don't get knocked down any more. 😆

Now, since I've been here for several years, I hear her in my mind, but I speak out loud when I talk to her. Strange, huh?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi Val, Good morning to you. It is half past two in the afternoon. Haha, nice way of putting things when it comes to asking same questions. No. I was just reading and I got stuck when the O/P said something about meeting Frances, I stopped and re-read to ensure that I was not making any mistake. Anyway let O/P reply.

Regards and respects to you.

valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Morning, SDS 😊 It's 4 A.M. Here... Just having coffee before work. What can I say? Great minds think alike? 😆
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi Val, you just preceded me in questioning about how the O/P contacted the ghost.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi AToastToGhosts, I want to ask you some questions. You said that after you were knocked down, you met Frances for the first time and explained what she likes and what she doesn't and all. You Met? I don't understand. Did you see the apparition or actually the ghost of Frances. You said she also apologised for bailing up the rugs and all? How come? How did you contact the entity? How she answered you?

I would like you to clarify the above points, please.

Regards and respects to you.

valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
I've a question: how does Francis communicate with you? To me it sounds like she's a bit excited to have someone there, and the knocking you down may have been accidental as she was rushing to see what your friend was doing.
With me it's the smell of coffee, only I get the 'real' thing. Once in awhile a pot of coffee will get made, or I'll find a cup poured and waiting for me. I wrote about it, the story is called Coffee Time? Http://
I was just thinking: Argette gets bakery smells, Fergie gets chicken, you get breakfat, and I get coffee - if we could get all our ghosties together we could have a smell-a-banquet! 😆 Seriously though, anyone have any ideas on why we would smell foods? (Ok, since mine is actual coffee, I guess it doesn't really count for the question.) But I do find it interesting.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi AToastToGhosts, great narrative.
Was Frances the one that knocked you down? That wasn't very nice, or friendly. 😕

I too, on occasion awaken to the smell of cooking, usually chicken. We think that it could be our departed daughter, but of course can't be 100% sure.

Thank you for sharing, and I hope to hear more from you in the future. 😊
AToastToGhosts (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi soul_shine, Wouldn't that be something to have a ghost that actually did something useful around the house?

I'm pleased you enjoyed my story. 😆
AToastToGhosts (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi Argette, The aromas from your kitchen seem more appetizing than in mine! 😆
AToastToGhosts (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-17)
Hi mysterious_sunset, I've lived here for four years now. I don't plan on moving anytime soon. I do have other stories to share about a not so friendly ghost who scribbles on my walls. 😢
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-05-16)
I have something that cooks in my kitchen at night, too, and the smells waft up to the master bedroom: Cinnamon toast, waffles, fresh bread, cookies, French toast. It happens several times a year. That's usually all that happens.
soul_shine (2 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-16)
If only Frances actually cooked you bacon & eggs!:)

I love this story. I love reading about hauntings of a friendly nature.
Best wishes!
mysterious_sunset (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-16)
Hi AToastToGhosts, its a cool story here you wrote in such detail. It doesn't bother you that your house is being shared? Well then if it doesn't I really hope you have more stories in the future to tell because seems like Frances is a nice ghost that should be no harm to anyone right? How long have you lived there? Best regards 😊

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