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Resident Spirit Giving Me A Heads Up


I have written some of the resident spirit in my home.It's a friendly one, and has quieted down a bit since my last cleansing. We have an understanding I suppose.

But as of lately, I have noticed in quite a few incidents, that this one tends to warn me of things to come.

On one occasion, during the flu, and head and chest cold outbreak in my children's schools, with no sign of them being remotely sick, the activity starting up.

From the sound and vibration of my downstairs patio door sliding open (never did it actually open). I can feel the vibration of it opening and closing because my bedroom is right above the dining room which leads out to the back patio.

Then hearing those all too familiar footsteps walking the length of the hallway and into my bedroom, across the floor at the end of my bed and suddenly stop.

Hearing the same footsteps, going down my staircase, hearing the voices whispering, and again seeing the ever fleeting shadow in my room, and all around the house.

When I noticed the activity I hadn't yet figured out why it suddenly became more active. Then within that same week, one by one my kids started to come down with the flu. One would get better then the next one would get sick. Ending up in major bleaching and cleaning of the home. Sanitize Sanitize Sanitize!

So I wrote it all down, and put the activity journal away. Didn't think anymore of it.

Two months ago, I had this feeling of dread, and it wouldn't go away. I just kept feeling it. So I warned my husband to be careful while driving etc etc. I honestly didn't know where it was coming from. I was on caution all of the time, while taking my pup out, to use the bathroom, to watching and walking my kids to the bus stops in the mornings. To making sure all the locks on windows, and doors were locked at night.

Then I for whatever reason I started thinking of his cousin. Now we hadn't really spoken to him in a while. But memories kept popping in. His face, his house continued to creep into my thoughts. One Saturday evening, after his cousin had attended a funeral, he had headed home, and made it there, but then decided to leave in his car.

My husband and I decided to grab a bite to eat after I finally got off work. We got home, and we started talking about this particular cousin out of nowhere. I had this sinking yet calm feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Interrupting our conversation, he gets a call from his uncle. He answers it, and the news he got was extremely saddening and unexpected.

His cousin had been shot and was at the hospital.

I instantly got chills over my chest area, and pictures like a movie, of it happening. I told my husband hes been shot in his chest, and he's not going to live. He said "yeah I don't know yet, they don't know where he's been shot at or what happened".

The next evening after many calls,texts,and updates on social media, his cousin was pronounced dead. His uncle was at the hospital, my husband just couldn't go up there. And he called to let him know he had been shot in his chest by a neighbor.

The week before all of this took place, activity started to happen. My t.v.would switch channels, to something that had to do with that particular city, in which is cousin lived thus causing some memories to pop in.

And now for the last set of activities I will write in here. Activity started up 2 weeks ago.Footsteps,patio door sounds and vibrations, and what sounded like my puppies footsteps running into my room and around my bed. I immediately sit up and look around, no sight of him. So I get up thinking maybe he had run into one of the other two bedrooms. Finding nothing, I head downstairs. I walk into the dining room to find him fast asleep,snoring.

At one point while laying in bed, I heard a voice shout my name I opened my eyes looked around, hubby fast asleep and all is still pitch black, no lights to indicate the kids were up, and no they don't call me by my name. But I had to investigate, I couldn't lay back down not knowing all was secure. Again found nothing.

Then for the last part which led up to the warning. I felt someone poke my shoulder while laying down, felt like one finger poke me. Felt my cover being pulled down over my feet 3 times before I asked it to stop. Then what sounded like my little t.v.being moved ever so slightly on my stand a couple of times.

The next morning, I started the feel nauseous and my stomach started to cramp a bit. Not sure where it came from, just as soon as it started it ended as well. So I went about my day.

The next morning, I discovered my poor pup covered in his own watery feces, and vomit. From being stuck in his cage at night, and coming down with a serious stomach virus.

We took him to the vet, and they gave us instructions, to keep him hydrated with a few options. Over the past week I have been nursing him back to his good health, and I'm so happy to say he's back to his normal self.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, spiritwaiting, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-25)

Go right ahead 😊,you may find those a little more frightening. My older years haven't been so crazy.

kayraa (3 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-25)
spiritwaiting, thank you. I have a read a few more since and find them to be a good read. You are a good writer. I must go and check out some of your earlier stuff 😁

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-23)

When given those warnings, its scary because I don't know what's going to happen just who it may happen to.It's extremely unnerving when the activity really gets crazy.

My husband took it quite hard, as he lost this recent cousin, and another he was like brothers with just the year before. Have had quite a few visits from him, while meditating but that's a whole other story in itself, but not enough to really write down on here.

And I hope not either, although I am always thankful that the heads up is there. Like a "hey watch it, somethings going to happen real soon".

So I'm on edge almost as if my senses are heightened until after all is ok. I can't explain how I know what to do, in the situations that arise, I wish I could explain better. Feels as though all I need to know in the moment comes to me, and bam its gone once it calms down.

Sorry for blabbing so much but, it may help a little in describing it a bit more.


Thank you for reading and commenting

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-23)

Well thank you for reading and Welcome to ygs:)

You may find them just as interesting, there are some that are in my favs by Taurus 83, that are mine as well, when I first registered on here. Those are the earlier years.

kayraa (3 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-23)
I found this to be really interesting. I am glad your pup is doing better now:) I might have a look at your other stories as I can imagine them to be as interesting.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-22)
Spiritwaiting, I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss, also of your puppy troubles.

I am actually envious of you. I wish our resident spirit would give us a heads up on future troubles. Unfortunately she is a residual and only seen from a certain angle from our lounge. We presume she lived in the little farmhouse that was on our property, prior to our house being built.

Thank you for sharing you unnerving experiences. I hope you will not be needing a heads up for a long time to come. πŸ˜‰
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-20)

I agree with you, I enjoy the conversations we all have here, especially when we have similar experiences. I really feel this is an extended family in a way. I can't help but get on here and hope to see new posts!

Its so exciting waiting for new ones hehe!

Anyhow yes heres to more shared experiences and loud conversations!

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-20)

I haven't seen ya on here in while, and glad to see your back! 😊

Well I'm glad you enjoy them, I enjoy sharing them. Even if they are scary at the time.

Thanks for reading
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-20)
Spiritwalking I have always enjoyed your stories. Interesting activity.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-17)
It is always so fascinating to find a complete stranger who has experienced so many of the same strange events - and I completely agree, it makes one feel 100% less as though they just might be crazy 😊 I don't style myself a psychic either but I have always been strongly intuitive... So maybe that's something. Anyway, here's to sharing stories and many more to come - it has been an absolute joy!:)
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-16)

I forgot to add in last comment, and response.

It is quite comforting to realize your not the only one who goes through these things. To know your not just crazy or picky. I consider it a great gift! To feel before you purchase or spend a lot of time in a place that would cause you to be miserable the entire time.

I know I'm not psychic, and I definitely don't claim to be, but the empath, and empathy has its perks, and downfalls.

I have really enjoyed talking to you! 😊
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-16)

From what youve written it really is almost mirror like to what I go through.

Wow that's amazing hehe. I think your granny was telling ya, go ahead this a great building!

Thanks for sharing 😊
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-16)
I know exactly what you mean, spiritwalking, about being drawn in or repulsed by various potential residences when house or apt hunting! The first time it happened was when my mother and I were house hunting during the divorce and my father had seen fit to throw us out of the house I had grown up in (not a good man) - the whole situation was rotten but several of the houses we looked at made me feel like living in the car or a tent would be preferable. None of the houses were in bad neighborhoods or run down... It was just the feeling I got from them left me so cold, depressed and frightened. I still remember quickly walking away leaving my mom and the realtor inside because I had to be out of that house... I sat down on the front porch and cried my eyes out. The last house we went to that day, the moment we walked in I knew we HAD to live THERE. The same thing happened when my then fiancΓ© (now husband) and I were looking for our first apartment - we searched through seven, I grew more and more depressed - one gave me a downright panic attack - then the moment we pulled up in front of the last building, I knew this would be the place and, sure enough, the moment I stepped through the door all the feelings just clicked. We found out 6 months after signing the lease that my grandmother (the one mentioned in both of my stories) had lived in the building (in the apt next door, in fact) during WWII!...all of its east-facing windows also overlook a mass grave lol... So I am sure we have more spirits than I am aware of! Sorry to drone on and get off topic!
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-15)

I believe its only one, but at times I feel there's 2.I know there's a child that's been with me for a while, before I moved here. And my Uncle comes and goes, along with my beloved Grandpa T...

But when we moved here, I was drawn here, I instantly knew I wanted to move here.That's what happens every single time I find a place. It draws me in, and low and behold there's always a resident spirit, or two already residing in it.

Now that I think about it, that may be why I'm drawn to certain places, and almost repulsed by others. What I mean by that is when I go house hunting there are certain places that have a vibe that pushes me away, and makes me sick to my stomach.

Hope that answers your question. 😊

Thank you for reading and commenting

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-15)
Spiritwaiting - Do you feel that there is only one spirit, your resident spirit, in your house or have you perhaps acquired a new "visitor"?

I must admit I don't envy your premonitions of unpleasant things lurking around the corner waiting to happen 😨. That must be hugely disconcerting.

I'm pleased to note that your dog is fine and that everybody in your home is well!

Regards, Melda
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-14)

I feel the same way! I don't want or need anymore activity going on here! I much rather enjoy peace and quiet, but that's how life goes I suppose.

Thanks for reading
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-14)

I will make sure to read your post. I have noticed here within the last couple of experience updates none of the newer ones have been posting on this site for me. So I have to scroll down to the bottom right atop the comments.

Resident spirit and I have an understanding. It tends to warn me of things to come some weeks prior to an event happening.

Ive been paying attention to it a lot more now.
And yes my pup is back to full energy and wellness now! He lost about 5 lbs due this stomach virus he caught, but now he has gained it all back and running me crazy lol. πŸ˜†

Thanks for reading and commenting

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-14)
It kind of sounds like one of the banshees, without the screaming, obviously. Each Irish family is believed to have one, a spirit who screams to signal a death or disaster in the family. I think they also would wash the to-be deceased' clothes in the streams as well.

Whatever the case may be, sounds like the increase in activity occurs before an illness or death in your case. Or maybe it's a deceased relative giving you the heads up? Hope it stays quiet from here on out!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-05-14)
Wow, spiritwalking, it is amazing to hear of someone else experiencing a psychic-physical connection with their beloved pet! I am not sure if you have seen my recent story 'Pa and Peanut' - it was posted a bit out of order - but I had the same thing happen with my cat, Peanut. I am glad that your pup is on the mend, poor baby!

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