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The Shadow Man That Haunted My Childhood


My name is Emilio Jimenez. I am an 18 year old and I'm in high school. I have always meant to tell this story but never got around to it. When I was younger (in elementary school) I was -- in other people's words -- evil. I can remember most of everything that I did as a child except for the "evil" things I did that got me into trouble, but what I do remember from those days are what happened to me.

When I was a kid I used to stay up late and watch TV like all kids would. The only difference is that when I was ever alone in a room I would see things. I always saw a dark human figure quickly run past my family room window and my sliding glass door. It was a full silhouette of black. This continued happening and on multiple occasions my family would check to see what or who it was. We would never find anything.

One night when I was watching TV (still all alone in the darkness) I looked to my right out of my family room window and I saw a man standing there. But he wasn't a normal man if a man at all. He was a black silhouette that was standing upside down outside of the window. It was as if he was standing on a non-existent ceiling outside my house. But that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that he was staring at me. It felt as if he was staring into my being. We locked eyes for what seemed like forever before I flung the blanket I was wearing over my head. I don't remember how long I kept my blanket over my head but when I took it off the shadow man was gone.

I kept seeing the shadow man even after that event, all the while getting into trouble after trouble at school. But after a certain point I stopped seeing him. With the stoppage of sightings came the stoppage of my getting into trouble (at least as much trouble as I used to get into). Finally it seemed to be over.

After elementary school things seemed to be normal in a way. But around my late 8th grade year and the beginning of my high school life I felt like I was being watched whenever I stepped out of my house into the darkness. In the beginning of my high school life I could have two different opinions about things; such as, at one point I could love humanity and at another point I could absolutely hate it for no reason, nowadays it's a grey area for me.

It all seemed weird to me but I didn't give it all much thought then. When I got further into my high school life my ideas of things got worse; like if everyone around me died I would be better off. Things like that would go through my mind. Also at times I couldn't feel certain things, love, happiness, and other feelings depending on the day. I at one point got a love for knives and had the idea in my head of what the "right" knife would feel like. I honestly have no idea what it looks like but I know what it would have felt like in my hands.

Around my Sophomore and Junior years, I remember having a reoccurring dream. I remember it perfectly. I remember being in a cave, there was a red glow around me covering everything lightly. To my right were three pillars of metal and on the pillars (which didn't connect to the ceiling of the cave) were spikes, chains, and what looked like tortured people. I remember one man was chained near the top of one of the pillars and had a spike or two going through him; he was bleeding all over the place and was missing his lower legs and lower arms.

In my junior year there were major times when I couldn't feel anything at all. No emotion would come to me during certain periods of time, I could be in an argument with people I cared about and still would feel nothing. No love, no hate, no anger, no compassion, nothing.

Now when I go into the darkness I feel at peace, I feel calm. I used to feel like the shadow man was still deep inside of me sleeping, or stalking me through the night waiting for a day that I become weak so he may return. But nowadays I feel at peace with the world, I still hate most people but my feelings are starting to return, my love is coming back, I feel free from him. If he does return however, I will be ready for him.

Please tell me what you guys and girls think this thing was, and why it let me go. I know it was a dark entity and have sometimes called it a shadow demon but I honestly don't know what it is. Again, I would love to hear what you think this thing is, and why it let me go or if I got away somehow.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Emilio, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ResearcherOfShadows (6 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-18)
I'm not sure why the inclusion of that is deemed "spamming" since my comments always include an in-depth explanation of each person's specific encounter. Spamming being defined as the repeated posting of the same material. The fact that an invitation has been at the end of each of my comments is no different than having a signature (which your site does not support that feature).

However after reviewing your rules again, apparently posting ANY URL violates rule 5. I will refrain from including it anymore.

To be honest, there aren't many stories on here. So it shouldn't take to long to collect the information I need and be on my way soon enough.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-03-17)
Please refrain from advertising your site in every single comment you make. This is the 4th comment you've made on this site, and the 4th 'invitation' to join your group. That is called 'spamming', which can and will result in the deletion of your comments.
Thank you.
ResearcherOfShadows (6 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-17)
Reading more on your experience, I'm more convinced this is indeed a familiar.
They are spirits that attach to a person at a young age.

I had a nearly identical experience as a child.
-Complete numbness to emotions
-Fascination with knives
-Thoughts/Dreams of hurting/tortured people
-Feeling calm but evil (or like a monster)
-Extreme split feelings about people (Love them sometimes, hate them others)

This is one I'm researching a bit more on as it isn't as common as say the Watcher that was above your mother's bed in another post you made.

Again, to those who research this, please feel free to join my Discord:
And help add to the research and help others find answers.
To those who have experiences with this stuff, feel free to join and share as well as find answers
spiritcat18 (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-07)
wow, I know the felling of being followed me, my cousin and a friend used to be followed all the time at school and even outside of school how are things now?
cutiepiecharlie (17 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-16)
maybe he was feeding of your emotions and taking them away and the reason he left was proberly because he had no more emotions to feed of that could be why you have your emotions back
Amaterus (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-15)
Thank you all for suporting me! I am not from America or England and I learn English at school. So I am very sorry for my mistakes but CharyWithThePoltergeists you shouled realy leave the mob job to the mobs othervise you might correct the tought the person is saying!

Thank you for reading this!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
And as for relying on autocorrect on your phone? Yeah, I wouldn't recommend that to anyone. That's probably where most of the errors people make occur anyway. I know my phone is notorious for wanting to say things I have no intention of saying.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
Chary - it's not your responsibility to help correct someone else's comment. Our responsibility, as members of the site, is to offer our help and advice on the stories.

Even well-meaning "corrections" can come across as criticism. And no one likes to be criticized. When you take it upon yourself to change someone's comment, you may be changing what they mean even if you don't intend to. Especially if they are from another country.

Leave the "mod" job to the mods, okay? Even if you don't think we are doing our job the way you think we should, it's still our responsibility. Not yours. And we don't change or correct comments that other members make. 😐
CharyWithThePoltergeists (3 stories) (61 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
I can't exactly get everything right because I don't have autocorrect on my phone and I had to do all the corrections by hand. I TRIED to help at least.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
Granny - thank you 😊 You know that my little boy is dyslexic, and even though he has "overcome" it, he still struggles during summer breaks from school. So I, personally, thank you for the link.

None of us are perfect. And even when we proof our comments, some mistakes still find their way into our comments 😆 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
Gotta love it when the Grammar Police screw up as well 😆 😆

Chary: Believe it or not, there are some very intelligent people who have a problem with spelling. I personally know only one person who is very consistent in bad spelling, but he gets his point across. Sometimes, we need to look beyond the surface. A little understanding goes a long way.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
CharyWithThePoltergeists - I understand why you felt you should "help" Amaterus by correcting the "mistakes" in the comment, but if you feel led to do that, please make sure your corrections are "correct" as well. It makes a far better impact.
CharyWithThePoltergeists (3 stories) (61 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
Amarterus there are a lot of mistakes in that comment so I have tried to make it a little easier to read for people who don't write like you.

I am almost the same as you but I am a natural psychic since birth... That Thing that was folowing you was most likely a spirit seeking release and found you as a medeum that he could communicate with but seeing you wouldn't answer him and try releasing him from the torture he had gone through he had left you alone. Maybe he is waiting to also posses your body (most likely because he had done that already) and seek revenge against those who tortured him or there decendants. It all depends on in what way the person died or how long he has been a spirit. If your a christian I wouled sugest praying for his soul to find peace because not all (the so called witches or ghost hunters) can really help anyway you get the idea just pray to your own god for that soul to find peace!

Amaterus (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
I am almoust the same as you but I am a natural psychic since birth... That Thing that was folowing you was most likeley a spirit secing relece and found you as a medeum that he couled comunikait with but seing you wouldent awnser him and try releasing him from the tourcher he had gone through he had left you aloun. Maybe he is waiting to alsou posses your body (most likley because he had done that alredie) and seek revenge against those ho torchered him or there decendants. It all depends on in what way the person dyed or how long has he bee a spirit. If your cristian I wouled sugest praying for his soul to find peace because not all (the so caled withes or ghost hunters) can realy help anyway you get the idea just pray to your own god for that soul to find peac!
Spectre101 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-11)
Wow! Sounds like you Emilio were being influenced by something, whether it was puberty or a dark entity 😨 My advice, look up anyone else who had the same experience and see what they make of it
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-10)
Granny, I do believe you have a good point on that. There are people who misunderstand things. Some teens really like to call it an evil just because it has a negative vibe. But somehow I do believe puberty is the age of maturity, where an individual learns the difference between the good and bad and goes with either one of them. But our author here seems to have been a little vulnerable in the past, reason why that thing was able to take over her mind. I can be wrong too, not an expert really 😜
Respects to you. ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-10)
Shady: No offense taken! 😊 But, I do think a lot of people have a hard time differentiating between evil and negative. Sometimes the "D" word becomes a generic term for anyone/thing that gives off a negative vibe, which, in my opinion, is not the best way to view things. ❤
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-09)
Hey there! You said you stopped getting into trouble like you used to after he was gone and when he was around, things weren't really good for you. So somehow, I do believe there is a link. There are times of teenage where the teens happen to go cold, but not completely numb. So I kind of disagree with blaming it all on puberty. No offense to you granny. So yeah whatever this thing is, it motivates your negative part, causing you to have the baddest thoughts. Its a good thing you don't see him anymore and you're at much peace now and I am damn sure you're strong enough to fight him back if he returns. A really faithful religious representative can surely help you, not saying an exorcist since I see no signs of possession. Great story, thank you.
MyLiliMarlene (9 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-09)
Emilio, I would RUN, not walk to a Catholic church and talk to a priest (preferably the local exorcist.) I am not even one to get off the handle about these things, but in your case, I am worried. It sounds to me asi f you are vulnerable to a demonic takeover. Whatever it is, whoever it is, is pushing you to make a choice; a choice to give over to the dark side...

Emilio, I am not even a religious person, but I have read enough and met enough people to know this is really a true thing. I am sure if you had gotten help in your younger years, you would not have had those dark thoughts taking over your mind.

Please think about this seriously and thank you for reading this...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-08)
Emilio: I'm going in a different direction than the previous comments. A lot of what you've described of your teenage thoughts and feelings are pretty indicative of puberty. Hormonal imbalance effects every part of your physical being, including your brain so it just makes sense that as your hormones balance out, so will your thoughts/feelings. I don't think the shadow man had any influence over you other than creating a scary environment to draw energy from.

Even after the experiences I've had with my Hat Man, I don't believe shadow persons' intentions to be evil. Their ability to instill fear may be a means by which they are able to observe reactions as well as give them energy to continue in their observations.
taurus83 (4 stories) (84 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-08)
Try looking it up via internet. And even checking out books at a public library. The more you find the more you shall learn about these types of shadow beings. From my knowledge I know there evil and can do a lot of damage. They make you feel comfortable and calm in the darkness; but please don't believe that. Hope you find all you can about what has ahold of you;andyou find a way of getting rid of it.
PinkAngel (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-08)
My ex had one of those following him during his very early childhood. I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but my ex often says he thinks he's somehow posessed. I'm not the expert on demons, though... Thanks for sharing!
CharyWithThePoltergeists (3 stories) (61 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-08)
You were probably right in calling it a shadow demon. This 'being' seems to be feeding off your negative energy. I would be careful when dealing with this entity. Thank you for sharing and try to find a sensitive that can help you!

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