This tale occurred just before the old nun experience, so I must've been around 7 (1975). My late mum used to run our school's canteen. Oh, I went to a small country Catholic school (see details in the Old Nun). Anyway, every second Saturday mum used to go into town, getting a lift from someone since we lived near the coast and mum couldn't drive.
One Saturday I recall was wet, but I still went in with mum and hung around the school, you know checking the school, even checked out the girls' dunny... Why not, I was curious... Enough said of that I decided to head to the church for some unknown reason and entered the Church, even blessed myself as I was supposed to do but I walked onto the platform where Father Mullins used to stand (or sway depending how much he had to drink that morning) and sat in his Highchair (as I like to call it).
I giggled as I knew I did something naughty. Now, there was this organ sitting in the corner, lid down. I recall Mrs. Walker (whose daughter had the hots for me... Or I think she did...) used to sit and play the organ (terribly I should add and sang like as if a chook was getting strangled.) There was a small hallway where the toilets were located, which I had to go. I remember sitting there, doing (and minding) my business when, suddenly, the organ started playing (I bloody kid you not) and I heard what sounded like a bunch of people singing. This all occurred in the middle of the day! Up I got, half dragging my pants on bolting out into the Church... There was no one there. I swore I heard the organ playing some hymn and people singing. I quickly left the place and went back to the canteen and waited until mum finished. I've never told anyone this story before and don't say it was 'God' punishing me for sitting on the Priest's Highchair. I could've imagined it but boy was I scared. I don't think I even flushed the toilet... Pity the poor cleaner...