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Real Ghost Stories

The Bungalow


My family moved to a small mining town in northern Minnesota. We moved into a small, single level bungalow when my brother was barely a year old. I was four. I remember hearing that they got a good deal on the house and that no one had resided in the home for quite sometime. My parents were excited to have their first home with a garden and backyard for us kids to play in. My parents started remodeling the home the following summer. They started redoing the basement, the walls, rebuilding the deck, landscaping the yard, and whatever changes they put their mind to. These remodels occurred throughout the fourteen years we lived there.

As soon as these changes began, the warmth of the home changed. I felt uneasy when walking into my room, especially. My first experience, I remember being in my room and asleep in my bed. I woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of something falling and hitting the floor. I got up and walked over to the light switch to turn on the light. On the floor was one of my porcelain dolls, Samantha (the first in the collection my grandmother started for me when I was born). I examined her. Not a crack. I figured she must have been too close to the edge of the shelf, grabbed my chair from my vanity set, climbed up on it, and placed her back on the vanity shelf.

The following day, I came into my room and noticed that the dolls had been rearranged and Samantha was face down on the floor once again. I placed her back in her spot and proceeded to rearrange my dolls back into their places.

I woke up again that night from the same instance I did the previous night, only all of my dolls fell to the floor. My mother came in to see what the noise was and I showed her the dolls fell and I didn't know why. She helped me put the dolls back on the shelf and tucked me into my bed. Some time later (I think I was nearly six if not six), my brother came into my room asking if he could stay with me. I remember telling him things were okay and he was just having nightmares. He insisted that he couldn't go back into his room. I asked why and he said he couldn't sleep with the man staring at him. I asked him what he meant and he insisted there was a man standing over his bed.

I walked to his room thinking maybe someone had gotten in through the window and saw no one. I told him to go back to bed and things were fine. He got upset with me and insisted on telling mom so I set up a bed on the pull out mattress. That same night, I woke from a breeze. I got up and shut the window and crawled back into bed. The window opened. I sat up, confused, and got up to repeat the same steps a few more times before witnessing the window open and close on its own. I went over to the window and stared at it a moment. Then, I heard breathing over my shoulder. It was warm and I could feel it. I turned around and caught a glimpse of a face in the vanity mirror, a man staring through the window. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a green jacket. I looked back and the window and there was no one, glanced back into the mirror and saw the same face. I screamed, woke my brother up, and started to tell him. My mom came running in and asked what I was screaming about. I told her what happened. She insisted we both were dreaming and tucked us both into bed. My brother insisted on staying with me. I remember him telling me he believed me and that he saw him too.

The activity increased from there. At one point, I watched my stereo (one of those old cassette players where you had to press the button and hold it down to get it to stop) stop, pause, rewind on its own. The step repeated to the same song over and over. This is probably the reason why I can't listen to the song Thriller anymore. I unplugged the CD/cassette player only to hear music coming from it later in the day. I went back into the room and the machine was still unplugged. I checked the back for a spot for batteries and found none.

The dog would bark at thin air from time to time. She'd walk over to the hallway and flip out, growl, and if I looked up, I would see him peering from the hallway, smiling at me.

Sometimes we'd hear walking through the house, walking up the staircase from the basement, and the same breathing while we slept. We'd get a feeling like someone was sitting at the end of our beds and walking between the rooms while checking on us.

Another time, I remember sitting in my room with a friend and hearing my pet bird talking to himself. I asked the bird who he was talking to. He would say "Steve." I asked if Steve was his imaginary friend and his answer was, "No. He lives here." I asked him what he meant and he said "Steve. Died. Here." My friend asked me if my bird was possessed and I simply ignored it for the time being. I was freaked out and didn't want my friend to know that my brother and I had been having experiences that we couldn't explain. When my friend left, I asked the bird to talk to me about Steve. The bird just stared at me. I had to figure out a way to get him to talk. I asked him what he and Steve talk about. The bird stared at me without a word. I then asked if he could see Steve. He stuck his head out of the cage bars and nodded his head up and down. I asked him if he talks to him every day and got the same reaction, a nod. I asked him if he thought Steve was bad and got a "No." I later told my brother about what happened with the bird.

My brother insisted on trying a Ouija board to connect. I was terrified to as I firmly believed nothing good could come from a Ouija board and opted out. He used it with a friend instead, from what I was told. I became deathly ill at the age of thirteen, not long after my brother used the Ouija board, and the events became more frequent and became darker. I started seeing more than just Steve in the home. There was also an elderly woman who would often be seen "gardening" the garden early in the morning, shadow figures that I couldn't explain, and even noises. My bunkbed would shake violently at times too as if several people were climbing the ladder and racing to the top. I thought that maybe being as sick as I was meant I was seeing things. I wasn't sure if it was my sickness that caused the new events.

At that point, I hadn't known my brother actually brought the Ouija board into the home. He decided to tell me once I got my Great Aunt involved as I had explained to her I was having suicidal thoughts and couldn't figure out why. I was very religious and it was not normal with how much I value life. Our Aunt is a spiritual expert of sorts and I wanted a second opinion. Doctors weren't listening when I had consulted to figure out if it was medically related. They concluded I was a dramatic teenager seeking attention. I wanted that second opinion and from someone I trusted with this "supernatural activity" confession that needed to be put out there. My brother wanted to keep it between us. She insisted that I talk to a priest about the happenings and took me to the Catholic church where I explained the happenings to the reverend.

He was in awe of the details I had to say and believed that the initial happenings could have been spiritually related as I had been ill for years and didn't know it. He came up with a theory of a "spirit guide" of sorts and referred to "Steve" as the Arch Angel "Gabriel" at times. I remember asking why only my brother and I would be experiencing these events. He had indicated that Gabriel appears to children who are close to death and could use aliases. This was a first for me. I had told him I was sure this was not Gabriel and was something else, especially with the darker entities coming around more and more. I informed him that this "Steve" didn't come around as often since my brother's Ouija board incident. I had felt more comfortable when Steve was around by that point. He came to the conclusion that maybe these darker entities scared the "comfortable" spirit away.

On a day that my parents were away at work, I had arranged for the reverend to come to the house once I was done with school (I was fifteen or sixteen) and bless the home. He hesitated to walk inside at first and indicated that something didn't want him there. He did come into the home after some time and proceeded to bless the homestead. I, however, was not allowed in the house until it was over.

We moved out of the home when I was sixteen or seventeen. I had quit seeing Steve.

One year ago, I went back to the home for a visit and knocked on the door to see if I could pick apples from the apple trees I had planted as a child. While talking to the new home owner, I caught a glimpse of Steve staring out my old bedroom window, waving at me, and mouthing some words that I could not understand. The woman looked at me and asked if I was alright. I nodded, thanked her for letting me pick the apples, and went on my way.

I returned to the home with a pie I baked as a thank you for them. She thanked me and insisted I didn't have to do that. Standing back in the hallway was Steve smiling at me as if I had never left the bungalow.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, miss_m, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
spiritwaiting - maybe you missed the part where I said I was the mod who edited her story and didn't delete any parts of it 😕 None of her story was changed except grammar, spelling and format, if I did any of that. I honestly don't even recall if I did that.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
miss_m, Thank you for sharing your experience. I agree it is theraputic to share them with others. Your experience sounds scary, and thankfully you got through all of it, whatever those were. Meaning the ones you would rather keep private. And I'm sure with good reason. Hope you have found some peace in posting this. Great partial story, since the rest was taken out.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
Huh, I guess miss_m wasn't up to continuing the conversation.

So babygoatpuller, still got the Blankie handy? Fling away! 😆 😆 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
miss_m - I am the one who edited your story and I can assure you I did not take out portions of your story. The most I did, if at all, was correct grammar and spelling and put it into paragraph form. I do not, and have not, ever changed the contents of anyone's story. Oh wait, I did one time and I put a notice at the beginning of that story stating that it had been edited by the moderator. That was an extreme case, but I did not delete any of the information, just bleeped out some of the words.

If you have any issues with my editing, please take that up with the administration. You can find that link on our home page.

As granny has already mentioned, there are many stories on here that are far longer than yours. I would have had no reason to have edited yours to make it shorter. There is no "cap" on how short a story needs to be in order to be submitted; however, there is a 1500 character requirement in order to be submitted. Why on earth would I have deleted a reference to a Catholic priest? And excuse me, but what are you implying in the part about your bird? 🤔

I've been a mod for almost 2 years now and I've never been accused of this. Wow, thank you very much LOL I can assure you if you decide to submit another story, I'll pass on it. 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
Nectarvore - sometimes it takes weeks, other times it only takes days. Depends upon where it falls in queue.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
How long does it take for a story to be published after its submitted? Is there a long backlog? Curious.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
I was on the fence with this one, and gave you the benefit of dought until now. It took you a week sinse your last comment. You didn't notice your story was edited and parts taken out then? I find that very hard to believe. I read my story once it's published. Another thing, I have had several stories posted, over the last few years. My stories have never been edited, without my concent and asked for it. That much I can vouch for the mods on.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
miss_m: I'm an editor for this site. Although I wasn't the one who edited your account, I can assure you that we do not edit out entire portions of one's story. There's no reason for us to do that. All we do is correct grammar, spelling and structure. If we feel the need to cut entire parts of the story out, we would not publish it.

There are some stories on here that are very, very long; possibly 2 to 3 times longer than yours so length isn't and never has been an issue. Nice try, though.
miss_m (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-22)
My entire story is not here. I'm thinking someone took out portions of it because it was a lot longer and really doesn't make sense in sections, especially the part with my bird talking. There was more to that story included here. I believe it was edited to make it shorter. I'm trying to see if there is a way I can take this down to edit it correctly in those sections, but I am not seeing it. Yes, it was a Catholic priest. Yes, I did go to see a therapist. This stuff was all in this story. For personal reasons and reasons to not reveal who I am to people who may speculate I did not go into deep detail on some things. Those crucial things I want to keep private and separate from what happened while living in that house. I didn't share my experience to convince people to believe me or not. I shared it because I wanted to share it with other people who may have similar experiences or fears that were influenced due to similar experiences. I feel it's therapeutic to share such experiences especially if it is one way to get over something that haunts you and the only bummer about this story is that not everything was kept when I submitted it and sentences were even changed by someone else. I apologize for that inconvenience and wish readers could read the entire thing with more information that was there.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-19)
This story started crumbling at the bird part and as I reluctantly continued reading it completely fell apart with the pie. I'm digging out the BS blanky on this one.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-18)
miss_m: I got as far as you and the bird carrying on a conversation. I'm with Wishfullnull on this since I, too, have owned talking birds as pets. One thing that some people don't realize is the sounds that birds mimic, to them, are just sounds. They were given this gift as a defense mechanism in the wild. The words they speak are a product of their environment. Though it's not impossible for them to answer questions, their responses are only what the trainer has taught them, and their vocabulary is very limited. They do not have the brain capacity to actually converse with humans.

So, my question is: do you feel a ghost was speaking through your bird? Because that's the only explanation that makes sense, and sorry but it doesn't.
Yalisai (1 stories) (26 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-18)
Miss M,I too have so many questions like others regarding pet bird talking, 13 year old approaching
A doctor with suicidal thoughts been ignored, Priest blessing a home merely by hearing from a teen.
Dont take it otherwise. Hope you are doing good with your family now.

To be frank, I do believe in paranormal. But many stories here are hard to belief. They just appears to be very well narrated "stories".I know its hard to filter out true ones from whole bunch for the admins.

To my knowledge this happens only when the story teller says all started happening when I was 4 or 5!That part need to be revisited I guess.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
You mentioned you have on tape some disembodied voices in a comment you made. It would help if you were to post it here on YGS. Also, since you mentioned that you have taped before, would it be possible for you to tape the bird having a conversation? I'm not sure if your story is real or not, but you could lay to rest many doughts and disbelief people seem to be having here.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
The formal title of a Catholic priest is Reverend, but he is seldom addressed that way. Instead he is addressed as Father Smith, rather than Rev. Smith. In informal conversation, you would never hear, "Let's go ask Rev. Smith." You would hear (or say), "Let's ask Father Smith (or, Father John, if that's his first name).

As WishfulNull points out, the story is contrived.

Next one, please.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
This story is like any other of Stephen King's novels, interesting and engaging... But everybody knows it is not true! 😨

Too many things are not just questionable but totally absurd, WishfulNull makes a great point about the parrot. My grandmother had one loro that used to "pray" the rosary with her -it was hilarious to hear the parrot saying the Hail Mary!
WishfulNull (151 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
Ok miss_m, I was following along with you, right up until you got to the part about the bird, and then this proceeded to fall apart and become more and more contrived. I have a parrot, and yes, they do occasionally talk to themselves, practicing phrases quietly to themselves until they are confident they have it ready to "say aloud", however a bird will not just answer a question with a name he has never heard before, and when asked a question such as asking about an imaginary friend, the parrot would not know what you were talking about (they can learn the meaning of words if taught correctly, however not concepts... How do you explain the concept of "imagination" to a parrot?). And if asked this sentence, the bird would either not answer, or answer by saying another phrase that he/she knows ~ unless your parrot regularly has "no, he lives here" in his/ her regular vocabulary, this is just not something that a parrot is capable of. Who sat there in front of the cage & taught your bird to say he. Died. Here.? Also, my bird bobs his head up & down all the time - it's common mating behavior. However, they do not "nod" in response to questions like a human would. I have other issues with this as well (oh, let me count the ways...) a Catholic priest (as many have pointed out, you incorrectly call him Reverend - are you even Catholic?) would not talk about spirit guides, or about the angel Gabriel in such a manner. Appearing to children who are close to death? And using aliases? Really? Um, where exactly in the bible does it mention that? Sorry, but that's out of left field. And this priest agreed to come over when your parents were not aware of it, and made you leave the home for the blessing? Sorry, that's not realistic. Also, it's pretty creepy that a catholic priest would sneak around a child's parents like that. Did your Great Aunt not tell your own parents that you were having suicidal thoughts? That is not something any doctor would just dismiss. And it all wraps up nice and tidy with an apple pie and one last glimpse of your ghost smiling at you, right? Like a sundae with a cherry on top... And on the next episode of the Brady Bunch... 🤔 Geez.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
I'm not discounting your experience but I'm having some problems understanding some things. Perhaps you could shed some light on the things that confuse and baffle me.
At 13, you tell a doctor that you are having suicidal thoughts and he just brushes it off? Without having you see a therapist or anything?
Are you sure it was a Catholic priest your Great Aunt took you to see? I have to ask that, because in the Catholic faith the Archangel Gabriel inspires and motivates artists and communicators, helping them to overcome fear and procrastination. For children it's generally St. Agnes, or Archangel Zaphiel. Archangels are considered the most powerful of angels and the idea that one would be 'scared' of darker entities just doesn't mesh. Catholic priests do not hold the title of 'reverend' but 'Father', and introduce themselves as Father 'their name', so you're referring to him as 'reverend' kind of throws me off.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
Not plausible. Sorry. Way too tidy.

Where are the regulars? What's happening to this site?
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
Interesting read. Sounds to me like you had a guiding light watching over you and your brother and took on the name "Steve" and appeared to you guys in that form.


You guys just moved into a home that was already housing the spirit of "Steve"...IT could have attached itself to you and your brother. Using the Ouija board could have perhaps opened your home up to other negative entities...

In saying all of this, we still need to remember that every individual has unique paranormal experiences and we need to respect that. I must be honest, I am inclined to believe your narration and found it quite endearing. So thank you for sharing... Glad all is well now 😁
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-16)
miss_m, it could be Steve was just a residing spirit watching over you while you lived in the home. [at] swimsinfire,how awesome for a bird to tell you that! 😊. The quija probably brought other spirits in, and kept the good spirit"Steve" away. Thank goodness you moved. Great story
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-15)
miss_m:I personally find difficult to imagine a Catholic priest talking about "spirit guides" and that Gabriel appears to children who are close to death... I actually do not believe the priest (not reverend) would say anything like that, or that he would agree to go to your house if your parents were not there.

But I'm glad everything turn OK for you, and wonder if you asked the new owners of the bungalow if Steve makes his presence known.
Bob101 (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-15)
I'll be honest, I find this story unbelievable. No, I'm not accusing you of lying, I just cannot believe this actually happened.

Why don't we have hard proof in the paranormal if the physical world can be so directly affected by supernatural forces? That is my thinking and why I cannot accept this objectively. I don't meaning to imply this is a hoax, a lie or that you are seeking attention, like that doctor did, please don't take it that way. One a side note, if one doctor is being a jerk fire him! Go see another doctor who will not treat you that way, it is unacceptable for an M.D. To behave that way.

Anyway, sounds like things have gone back to normal and you and your family are well again.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-15)
That story rocks. So this continued from six years old on up? Did you see a reduction of negativity and an increase in Steve after the blessing? I believe the thing about the bird, I once cleaned for a lady whose parot made detailed comments about cleaning and told me to have a beer when I was done! 😆
miss_m (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-15)
Yes I did. He thought I was nuts. I did go to the library to do research and didn't find anything related to the house other than it was built on old farm land. I still have a fear of mirrors I am trying to get over since living in that house. I did get a few disembodied conversations on tape though. Some with clear phrases. I am not sure if those are packed away somewhere or not.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
WHat an amazing story. I think steve was a person who once lived there. And still don't believe that some peple don't know what cassettes are 😆.I hpe to hear from you soon and take care
rockangel13 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
Nice story. Did you talk to a friend about it? Talking to friends helps when parents may not believe you. Did you find out anything about the house history?

Take care.

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