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Green Glowing Little People


This happened in 1983 when I was 11yrs old. My family and I just finished moving into our new place in Nuevo, Calif. My sister Reanna and I shared a room together and her bed was closest to the door.

I must of had childhood insomnia (if there is such a thing?) because I always had a really hard time getting to sleep. So I was still awake at around 1am. My mom had left the hall light on for us, and our bedroom door was partly open, so it was not very dark in my room.

For some reason I looked towards the door, into the part of the hallway I could see from my bed, and at that moment I saw these two green glowing little people floating (not walking) into my room and right towards me! They were easy to see because they were back-lit from the hall light, and they were glowing pretty bright. Even though there was two of them, it was as if they were just one because they never moved independent of each other.

I used to think of them as pilgrims when I was younger because she had on a long old fashioned dress with an apron on the front and she wore a bonnet. He had on a jacket and long bulky shorts or short bulky pants? And like some kind of top hat on. I call them little people because they were only about 1.5 ft tall.

I was so scared watching them get closer to me and when they were almost to my bed, I threw my blankets over my head and really hoped I didn't feel them crawl up my bed onto me or something! When I couldn't breath under the blankets anymore I slowly pulled the blankets down off my head to see if they were still there, but they were gone. I never saw them again after this experience.

I've always wondered what they were and why I only saw them once and why they seemed to be interested in me, and where did they go?

Have any ideas what they were and why they were glowing green and so little? I'd like to hear your opinions. Thank you.

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Kiaabigail (1 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-05)
Hi skittles29 I stumbled upon this post googling what I had seen when I was a kid. My family still brings up this story that I had told them when I was younger. I had a very very irrily similar experience to you. I still suffer from having slot of troubles sleeping and I'm assuming I did as a child aswell. When I was younger I shared a room with my younger sister and was awake and saw exactly the same thing you are describing. There were two women dressed in almost pilgrim like clothing wandering around my room and I've always described them as to be almost looking for something. They floated up to my sister's bed first and looked at her for quite some time before coming to me. I still have no explanation.
Gronfote (1 posts)
8 years ago (2015-12-02)
Hey Skittles - I hope you still check out this page - I joined up on this website specifically to comment about your story. Somewhere around 5 to 8 years old (approx. '79-'82 - we are about the same age) I reported a little glowing green man to my parents after one of many terrifying nights of poor sleep in our new house in the then-far west suburb of Houston called Katy, TX. The subdivision (West Memorial) was so new that some of the houses (such as ours) had no backyard fences between them etc. My bedroom was on one back corner of the (standard squarish-rectangular layout) house, my parents room was on the other back corner with a living room in the middle. I absolutely *hated* going to bed at night, often making my mom stay in the room and rock the bed and sing me to sleep... I had a small walk-in closet in my room on the opposite corner from my bed, and I remember always being worried about something coming out of that closet - none of which is particularly unusual, I suppose, for a little kid. But I often woke up hitting the ground next to my bed, having apparently rolled off in a dream of some kind - after which I was generally scared to death, and I have vivid memories of wrapping a blanket around myself and walking down the dark hallway to the kitchen and then to my parents bedroom or, when they started locking their door, the living room couch. On one such couch night I remember being frightened out of my wits, peering out occasionally from the blanket I'd drawn up over my face - and on one of these nights I saw a little glowing green man, maybe about 2ft. Tall, across the living room apparently paying me no mind and sort checking out the area underneath the small, two-stool bar that connected the living room to the kitchen. I feel like he had upward pointed ears and he was wearing what I think was a reflective silver outfit (could've been a product of the glow?) and I believe he had boots with fold-over cuffs - the general feel was something close to Marvel Comics' original "Hobgoblin" character, except tiny and sort of maybe semi-portly (?) or at least with a non-menacing demeanor. I have no memory of interaction with this entity, only that single sighting across the living room. The brief memory ended when he (and I felt it was a "he") simply walked straight into the wall under the bar and disappeared. I reported all this to my parents the next day, including a drawing I'd made of what I saw. The drawing may still be around in a childhood box somewhere at my mom's but as far as I know it's been lost to history. Around the same time I took a big interest in space travel and astronautics - maybe a little odd for a 6-year old but who knows. I'm an only child and my parents began their divorce in '82; it was finalized in '83 and my mother and I moved out of that house. I've been wanting to try to dig more details out via regressive therapy but as yet haven't - but anyway, I wanted you to know that someone else saw a little glowing green man in the middle of the night. Quick footnote: At the beginning of my sophomore year in high school my mother and I moved to a small cottage on a wooded loop of similar abodes bordering FDR State Park in Pine Mountain, GA. During high school and early college years I remember waking up in the middle of the night unable to move or often even breathe, and focusing all my mental effort into just simply rolling over onto my back and inhaling. I never saw anything in my room but I recall a tone/ringing in my head during some/all of these paralysis events. After a restless night my mom discovered a bunch of tiny bootprints in the loose/damp dirt in the tapering crawlspace under our cabin (it was built on a small hill.) I hated that cabin. Somewhere around '93-'94 I read "Communion" and that was the beginning of my education on the visitor/paranormal entity phenomenon; before that point such things were not even on my radar. Anyway, hope you get this message.
IzzyC (3 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
I've never been satisfied that the things people end up calling 'aliens' or 'extraterrestrials' aren't just some kind of earthly elemental spirit.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-16)
Hi Skittles29, thanks for your response. Still I am not in a position to say what it might be. I go with Val. Perhaps it might, as she said, be a vivid dream. But a very strange experience. As it did not happen again or you haven't seen anything like that again since then, it is difficult to comment on it further.

Regards and respects to you.

lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-15)
I know this is not a "UFO" site, but there are some similarities between this and some descriptions of alien encounters. There is a type of alien usually described as short and wearing coveralls. Is it possible the apron and bulky pants you describe could fall into that category? Just a thought and a possible avenue of research for you. Whitley Strieber has described this type of alien in his books. As for insomnia in children, I can assure you it is VERY real. I have an 11-month old and she seems to need less sleep than I do: /
Skittles29 (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-15)
Red wolf I understand, I have been scratching my head about it for 30 years...
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-15)
Although I agree with H2olily and valkricry, I can't wrap my head around them glowing and floating. Maybe val is right they are fairies, maybe it was a vivid dream.
Scratching my head over this one.
Skittles29 (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-14)
Thank you h2olity and valkricry for not saying anything mean in your response. Well I know I had not been able to get to sleep still when this happened so I was fully awake but you are right they could have been children but whatever they were they were a very mini version of people. Thank you for some ideas of what they were though. I appreciate your help.
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-14)
I am sure you really experienced this and that you meant that when you were younger you thought of them as "pilgrim-looking little people" and now as an older person realize that their clothing was old-fashioned, maybe european-peasant style? These entities were probably just passing through, unless they are "attached" to your family in some kind of hereditary sort of way, maybe ask family members about your family history and any strange events or sightings?
valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
10 years ago (2013-11-14)
Hmmm, that's interesting. I have heard of spirits appearing in assorted colors (like auras or orbs). The size seems more apt for fairies though. But then again, you could have been mistaken on how tall they were. You were lying down right? That can mess with your perception. So, let's just assume they were very short. The average height for a pilgrim man was only 5'7", and for women 5'1/2". Unless you saw their faces clearly, it's even possible that these were kids. Back then children literally wore scaled down adult clothes. Now, assuming these were indeed pilgrims, why would they NOT take an interest in checking you out?
On the other hand, it could have been just a very vivid dream, that stuck with you for some reason. It's hard to say...
Hahiha (28 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-14)
Michi are you saying that an eleven year-old kid filled up their cup with beer multiple times? 😕
Skittles29 (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-14)
Hi sds, what I said was when I was younger I used to THINK of them as pilgrims and what I meant by that was when I thought of this experience of seeing them that I had after it happened I would think back on it and that's what I thought they resembled was pilgrim looking kind of people. I didn't (and still dont) know what they were and that's how my young mind thoght of them. They were little and resembled pilgrims by how they were dressed and I never saw them again. Does that make more sense? Let me know if there's more questions ok. Thank you sds
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2013-11-14)
Hi Skittles29, I have some questions. You said that you saw them only once but you also said that when you were younger that you used to call them as pilgrims and you used to call them little people. This is quite confusing. You said that you saw them only once and never saw them again, then how did you say that in younger days you used to call them as little people and what they were wearing. Quite confusing. Please clarify.

With these contradictions, I am on the fence on this experience and it just looks like a fairy tale and nothing more.

Regards and respects to you.


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