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One Last Goodbye From An Obedient Friend


This will be my first ever posting of my experience I've posted anywhere. I have had some minor encounters here and there through out my life, things breaking, dogs growling and barking at nothing. Nothing to really make me believe something is going on around me. I'm always being a skeptic, unlike my wife who I am always comforting and giving her reassurance of what that (sound she heard) really was.

When I was around the age of 14 something happened to me that always gives me chills when I think about it, and at the same time a sense of comfort. I was living in California at the time at Beale AFB. My dad is a 24 year veteran and was stationed there. I had one of those young love relationships where I was always by her side, I was totally "in love". Her family had a dog named Patches, very old and on its last breath by the time I was introduced to her. I never heard Patches bark, never saw her lick anyone, but she would still come up to you and lay down for you to give her a good rub down. I instantly took affection to her. I felt bad I never got to see her play around in her hay day, chasing balls, full of energy.

Six months have passed and I am still madly in love, always at her house. Patches is significantly worst by this time, and it's time for my girlfriend's family to make a hard choice. My girlfriend's parents weren't on the best terms so I agreed to make the hard trip to the vet with my girlfriend's mom. I carried Patches to the car and let her lay in my lap for the ride, petting her, trying to make her feel comfortable, also talking to my girlfriend's mom trying to comfort her. She started talking about how playful Patches was back in the day and how she would jump on you and start licking you to death. I said, "I wish I could have seen how she was, I have never seen her lick anyone before" And I swear on everything Patches very softly, like she had to put in a lot of effort, licked me on my hand. We were both very surprised at that as my girlfriend's mom hasn't even seen her lick anyone in a long time. We eventually got to the vet and everything went peacefully and we headed home.

That night while I was back at my own house, I went to my room, shut the door, and laid in bed thinking about my day. I eventually fell asleep and was awoken late into the night with a loud bark! It was not a dream as I was fully aware of what was going on. My door cracked open and I saw Patches as a young pup jumping and barking! My body kind of went numb like I was slightly vibrating. This went on for about 1-2 minutes. I couldn't do anything but sit there paralyzed. As quickly as Patches appeared she just vanished, door still open. I was very scared at the time and felt slightly confused. It took me a very long time to drift back to sleep. After it was over I just laid there in disbelief, trying to find a solution to what had happened. Of course with no luck.

When I finally had the courage to get out of bed (after the sun came up) the door was still cracked halfway open. I always sleep with my door closed, I was a teen with privacy issues like any other teen. I called my girlfriend freaked out, but was too embarrassed to tell her what happened. I have only told my wife this story, really only to freak her out.

Looking back I think it was just Patches telling me her last goodbye. Letting me know how healthy and playful she was/is as she goes over the rainbow bridge. If you can't tell I'm a big dog lover, and I hope one day when my current dogs unfortunately kick the bucket they will come say their last goodbye as they head over that same bridge.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GOODE212, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

my_worst_nightmare (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-29)
I cried while reading this because I'm a dog lover to 😭 I would of cried and would be scared seeing patches say goodbye the very last time 😢
frangelica1 (40 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-04)
Goode212, I have had a similar experience with a dog of mine that passed after a freak accident, despite my trying to save her. I hope to tell my story some day about her coming back to visit me three times, so far.

Based on my experience, Patches must have really loved you and really appreciated you helping her pass over. Patches wanted you to see her happy and young as a thank you to you.

I also believe we will see the animals that were important to us when we ourselves pass on.

I really enjoyed your story and thank you for sharing it with us!
GOODE212 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
Thanks Daz, it is interesting how they can come to you at a younger state, there's no doubt Patches came to me in younger form. I'll never forget the energy coming from her, definatly had a much smaller build as well.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
Nice story and interesting point about seeing a younger version of patches in spirit? As humans can do the same thing after life, I saw someone who died at 62 present themselves as 21, and another at 68 look around 40...that's probably one of the up sides to death I guess choosing the age you look in spirit...I'm just wondering how patches did it or did it have more to do with your own consciousness?...anyway another dog lover here and thank you for sharing.

GOODE212 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
WOW Azar, that seriously would of scared the crap out of me! Was that the only time that happened to your daughter? I hope so.
Azar (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-30)
It made me recall an experience that happened about 10 years ago. At the time we had a small dog called "Cachón". Cachón was what we (puertoricans) like to refer as "perro sato" or stray dog. Anyway, my 5 year old daughter adopted it as her mascot and played with it at the backyard everyday after 5pm. Unfortunately, I found Cachón dead. I did not know what to do then. I though that the sad news will surely break my young daughter heart... And I definitely, did not want that to happen. So, I lied to her instead. Yes, I told her some weird story about an old lady that lived alone and very, very far away and needed a pet to keep her company. Thank God, she believed all of that! Then one morning (after a couple of days passed by) I was opening the car door for my daughter and all of a sudden she said: -Cachón está muerto- "Cachón is dead!" I asked her how she could tell and she explained to me the following: "Last night I woke up and saw Cachón in my bed sitting by my side. I was so glad to see it again! I knew that he wanted to play with me so I tried to tell you but... -Yo me salí de mí cuerpo- I leaved my body". I asked how she knew that and what she said really freaked me: "I saw my body sleeping in bed... -Así que me fuí con él al patio a jugar- and decided to enjoy the moment and went with Cachón to play at the backyard... -Papi, creo que me quiso decir adios- Dad, I think that he just wanted to say goodbye..."
GOODE212 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-30)
Thank you bluemer04, I'm glad that you liked it! I hope to write more, the only problem is there is only minor stuff here and there, not really enough for a full story but I'll figure something out.
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-29)
adding to my favorites... I love reading this kind of stories...s:)
GOODE212 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
I absolutely agree with you Swimsinfire. I am missing mine right now.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
Yup, dog lovers here. I'm reading this with mine beside me. It's so awesome that any of them make the effort to visit us on their way to the other side. That's a great memory to hold.
GOODE212 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-27)
Thank you babygoatpuller, and by the way I like the name haha. I never thought that I would be blessed to have that kind of experience but I'm glad I did.
GOODE212 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-27)
Wow MissJoy, thanks for sharing! I really hope my two current dogs will also visit me when they are gone. I grew up without really having pets and as soon as I got married, my wife and I got our first dog, we have been planning to get one for awhile. I instantly was attached, I hate to think about them going, but I do find comfort in these types of story's so I hope y'all keep them up!
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-27)
This story is so sweet GOODE212! Patches knew how kind you are and it didn't matter if you were at your girlfriend's house, your house or in the South Pole. She would have found you because she knew you cared. 😊
MissJoy (1 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-27)
Very sweet story. I love stories that actually make you smile, as much as those that make you feel like jumping out of your skin... I want to share a short experience that I'm sure you'll appreciate. No need for anyone to comment, unless you'd like; as I'm not trying to take away from the poster's story. I moved back in with my mother after nearly a decade, due to my health declining and needing help with my young children. She had a black lab who was in our family for at least 12 years. My father; deceased now, found her wandering outside as a pup, and after searching for her owner they agreed she was happier with us. My mom didn't want another dog, but we kept her nonetheless. Fast forward 12 years, my mother lived alone with Midnight since my father's passing in '01 and my leaving to start my own family. She loved this dog dearly and both were extremely attached to each other. Midnight became increasingly old, and was having trouble walking. Regardless of her pain, she continued to push her body to walk up the stairs each night to sleep in my mother's room. Finally, reality set in... I came home one afternoon to find Midnight at the base of the stairs, frantically trying to climb them to no avail. She collapsed and sat by the front door, right in front of the stairway. Two days followed with her laying in her own filth, unable to move even a limb. My mother had to put her down. When my family and I moved in, it included our then 1 year old, lively American bulldog, who had also become attached to midnight. Anyway, my dog didn't eat for nearly 2 weeks, my mom continued to drink away her sorrow (she's an alcoholic.) Things soon returned to normal, as far as daily routine and our emotions. My pup began to get up at strange hours of the night, sitting up on our bed, barking incessantly at my closed bedroom door (we also experience strange phenomena, which I'll include in MY profile.) After a while, this stopped however, she occasionally would bark at a corner, then hide under a table in obvious fear... Again I don't think related to midnight's passing. A few weeks ago my dog began acting quite strange again, seeming to come out of the blue, so to speak. She spent her entire day's jumping on counters and tables, as if she was looking for something. She would literally put her front paws on a table and look around the top of it, until I'd call her to get down. This happened all day; she'd go from room to room whining, then proceed to jump on another table. She'd even fetch my keys from time to time. It ended as abruptly as it began. I'm sorry for the length, but I just wanted to help you find comfort in knowing that animals possibly can return to say "hello" to their loved one's, albeit an animal or human lol. Be well and keep up the positive spirit.
GOODE212 (1 stories) (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-27)
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Sorry it took a little while for me to respond, I'm currently over seas and the internet isn't always the best.

Spiritwaiting, I do believe that is what she was trying to tell me. I still think about that night every once in awhile and feel blessed I was able to have that experience.

Lady-glow, I never really thought about Patches coming all the way to my house. She had never been there before so she must've really wanted to let me know she was ok. That makes me feel good. We did break up and I have never heard them talk about any experiences after she passed, but I don't know if she would tell me either.

Thanks sds, and bluemer04 for your nice comments. And thanks again everyone for welcoming me!
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-26)
I agree with them... Patches came to say her last goodbye and how she appreciate what you did for her. That's so nice...
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-26)
Dear GOODE212, that was a lovely experience you had. This shows that love and affection are not restricted to humans but even animals too come back to express their affection and love towards humans.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-26)
Goode212: welcome to YGS and thanks for sharing such a sweet story.
It is interesting that Patches went all the way to your house to say goodbye, that shows how fond she grow of you on the short time you share with her... I assume you broke up with that girl but -do you know if Patches ever visited her family after she passed?
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-25)
Goode212, What a lovely story. I am a dog lover to, and this really hit my heart. I believe you hit the nail on the head with this one. Patches came to show you just how lively she still is now, that she can't feel any pain. She was probably thanking you, for giving her so much comfort and love. Because what you did for her and the family was from love. 😊 ❤

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