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Young Medium


Believe me or not, I'm not here to fight over it, I'm here to talk and see if there's anyone out there who understands.

I'll start at the beginning. Since as far back as I can remember, I've been seeing spirits and hearing them. I remember one memory from the time I was only a year old. I was being put in my crib and I looked over my dad's shoulder and saw a little girl staring down at me. Of course I was only a baby and wouldn't know for years that there were no children in the house.

Growing up, I was always seeing and hearing things no one else could, and it worried me. This little girl I saw in the crib I grew up with. When I was just a six year old little girl, she was my friend. My mom would throw me in my room and lock the door and she would appear in the room next to my bed, and she would show me... Something like another dimension that exists. I could spend hours looking around and talking with her, but I never knew her name. All I knew is she was an eight year old girl with short brown hair in a white night gown. After a couple years and getting a little older, I thought she was just some imaginary friend, and whenever I'd see her, I'd automatically push her away.

When I was about 12 years old, finally I figured out who she was. My grandma's littlest sister was named Nancy, an eight year old, short brown haired, little girl, who died from a brain aneurysm in her sleep. Apparently when my dad was young he used to see her and play with her too. She asked me to help her.

Over the course of months I would have dreams of her coming to me and asking for help. She would cry and I would get headaches. One night the headache was so painful I woke up out of my sleep screaming. I found out the reason she was so prominent is because in the Jewish religion, a soul cannot rest in peace until someone is named after them.

When I was 12 it became such a big thing because finally someone in our family was having a baby and she finally had the chance to rest. My father was no believer and called bull on everything I told him, but in the end he named my little brother Nathan after Nancy, and my other little brother William after his wife's father. So I stopped talking with Nancy after Nathan was born, I haven't felt her presence since.

Next thing I know, I have a new nuisance. I am hearing everything, seeing everyone around me, and I am in a room alone. I freaked out. When my mom came home a ran to her and cried, "Mom, I see dead people!" She laughed. She thought I was quoting some movie. So one night we were having this big family barbecue, and my crazy aunt shows up. She says she's a medium and a psychic. Now the rest of my family thought she was some joke, even I was skeptical, but then it changed. She came over to me while I was sitting by the lake. She asked what was wrong in which I shrugged it off. She looked at me straight in my eyes and said, "It's a gift." She started to explain to me, "You are blessed to be a medium."

I had no idea what she was talking about until she started to explain it. The reason I can see them, hear them, feel them, is because the use energy to flow though me. I can sense energy and elements around me.

"You're young, and open, you can help so many people and souls. Use it to do good in the world child, you're blessed with a gift that not everyone gets and appreciates." That's what I was left with. So I started so research and Google what in the hell a medium did. It was basically like a vessel, I allow connections of energy to be made and felt. I am a bridge between spiritual and physical worlds.

At first I didn't want this "gift". I felt overwhelmed. Now I am 18 and learned to control it, and I am happy with it now, but still sometimes unwanted visitors come through my closed bridge.

Recently I have been seeing a man. He stands in the corner of every room, dark and menacing looking. I have tried to connect but I get nothing but a bad feeling. He is there in the light, he is there in the dark, and I want him gone. I don't know what to do. Usually just thinking about it and telling a spirit to leave works, but not this time. Whatever it, he, is, it's not friendly, and I'm scared. I'm scared in the physical world, and I am scared what it can mentally do to me. I just want someone to tell me if they've experienced something like this. Thanks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, h2oified, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-03-20)
In the first part of this century, Freud wrote: "What I have in mind is the particular amnesia which, in most people, though by no means all, hides the earliest beginnings of their childhood up to their sixth or eighth year. Hitherto it has not occurred to us to feel any astonishment at the fact of this amnesia, though we might have had good grounds for doing so. For we learn from other people that during these years, of which at a later date we retain nothing but a few unintelligible and fragmentary recollections, we reacted in a lively manner to impressions, that we were capable of expressing pain and joy in human fashion, that we gave evidence of love, jealousy, and other passionate feelings by which we were strongly moved at the time, and even that we gave utterance to remarks which were regarded by adults as good evidence of our possessing insight and the beginnings of a capacity for judgment. And of all this we, when we are grown up, have no knowledge on our own! Why should our memory lag so far behind the other activities of our minds?" Interesting that even Freud states that not ALL but only most adults suffer from infantile amnesia...
airstream (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-19)
ElvenDoll- I'll weigh in too... I have memories of being in the crib. I was 10-12 months old. I know this because I verified these specific memories with my mother. I also remember specific things about my cousin, who is a year older than me, that happened when she was 2. Again, making me 1. I have to agree with Miracles here. To say that having memories before 2 years of age is impossible is extremely close minded.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-19)
More recent research (10-20 years) that individuals may retain certian memories from as early as 1.5/2 years old.

Add to that the individuals recounting their early memories here for you and your going to site Freud to use?

DO you base your opinion solely on his theories? If so you may wish to do more research before stating something is FACT.

Just saying.


notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-19)
I must add, I too have an early memory of my best friend staring at me while I layed in my crib too. He was a neighbour that my mom babysat. Only 1 year older than me. I remember my mom holding him and both looking down at me. I also have a flash of memory of learnign to walk. I was walking towards my uncle who was tricking me with fake chocolates. Ahahaha
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-19)
Elvendoll - on this site, there is no such thing as "impossible" 😜 I do say this with respect. I have come to believe we humans will never what is truly possible nor impossible. Do I make sense? Lol- notjustme ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-03-19)
Wow, both times I've spoken to you I've typed your name wrong. My apologies.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-03-19)
Elvndoll - I read Freud's theory. And you cannot, and will not, intimidate me 😆 I stand by my earlier comment and am not going to get into a debate with you about it.
ElvenDoll (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-03-19)
It is literally impossible. Sigmund Freud has proven it. There is no possible way. I would not open my mouth if I were ignorant on the subject.
I will not type paragraphs to try to intimidate you, but you should take it upon yourself to learn about infantile amnesia.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-14)
ElvenDoll, I was born three months early, and even so I remember the basket my mother carried me in, and I have a vivid memory of the appearance of the tops of sliding glass doors and the ceiling tiles of buildings. When I got older I realized they were the ceiling tiles of my parents' bank and the athletics dept at the school campus. I described to my mother one day that I remembered lying in a basket with pink padding and blanket, and watching blobs walk by and looking at the ceiling. I identified the buildings. She was surprised.

Infant Amnesia is a hypothesis. It's not even a theory and definitely not a fact. And actually, for many decades people used that "theory" to justify performing traumatizing surgeries and dental treatments on children younger than age 2. Studies have shown that very many people actually do recall those terrible procedures, and even if they don't, many children wind up traumatized from the experiences despite not remembering them.

So I agree that it's rather unjustified to declare that something "never happens" or is "impossible". I remember someone on this site said it was impossible for a three year old to investigate something scary because they're biologically programmed to run away. I also scoffed and rolled my eyes at that one. I've always lacked the instinct to run away. If I heard or saw something strange or scary, I'd investigate it. That's why my parents were fretting about me often... I was frequently getting myself into danger!

I also remember the recurring nightmares I had when I was about two. (In my dreams, a stuffed sheep and moose were trying to steal my dolly. Turns out my mom had a giant sheep and moose in her sewing room in the apt they rented when I was newborn to age 2, but I don't remember that part.)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-14)
Elvndoll - to adamantly tell someone it is "completely impossible" and that they "cannot possibly" remember events from when they were a year old is a bit close-minded, at least in my opinion.

Although I cannot recall events from that age, I do know people (personally and from stories on this site) who claim to be able to.

I did look up Infantile Amnesia and I believe it to be like most things. There are people who can and do experience things others can't and don't. Just like most of the people on this site who come here to share their experiences because they've been told they "cannot possibly" have seen or heard what they did see or hear. Or that it is "completely impossible" for them/us to had the experiences we have.
ElvenDoll (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-14)
There's this thing called Infantile Amnesia. It basically means that it's completely impossible for you to remember something from 2 years to earlier on. You cannot possibly remember seeing a little girl when you were a one year old.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-13)
No crazier than the rest of us here. It's good to learn about others customs and beliefs, it helps to understand their point of view.

So...NOT CRAZY... At least not in my book... By the way... Well met.


Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-13)
Believe it or not, I thought people would think I was crazy. So thanks, Rook. That means a lot. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-12)
Love your, love LOVE IT.

I think you hit upon something and repeated it more than once...

'Those who sell...'

The 'gifts' of seeing/speaking to spirits are, as you said, NOT THE SIN' but using it for self gain is where the sin creeps in or the scammers and fakers dwell.

It seems Modern Views of most Religions seem to have drifted from their 'roots' or have even been corrupted outright.

Thank you for your insightful answer.


Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-12)
Rook, respectfully, the King James translation is one of the least accurate translations of the old scriptures. "Yidonim" basically means any who do divining magic, but can be translated to English as "Witches", "Wizards", "Soothsayers", etc., or anyone who uses the arts for divination. Also, those who read bones or used serpent-related magic or contacted the dead were deemed as evil. Basically, the translation doesn't matter so much as the idea that those who either sold their souls or their skills were not people to be trusted or consulted (and also you should not do magic over serpent bones, or harass your deceased ancestors). Sadly, back in the olden days, even those blessed with the capabilities were generally actively avoided.

Religion changes over time. But the way I personally choose to look at it is such: Some people were blessed, some people sell themselves for the arts; and sadly, it's hard for everyone else to tell the difference. Therefore, anyone coming from a non-"witchcraft" appreciating religion will be more dissuaded from the idea of speaking with someone else who professes to be experienced in the spiritual "arts".

But if you examine the old scriptures, there is nothing that specifically reads that it is a sin to be in touch with the dead, be able to read the future, etc. In regards to Judeo-Christian beliefs, it has only been established that a) outright seeking those things from others b) selling those abilities to others, or c) speaking with the dead intentionally, are the real sins. There are no scriptures which say that simply being able to foresee the future, or being told the future, or being contacted by the dead, or basically just naturally having those things come about from either side is a sin. In fact, there are plenty of examples which show those things are to be expected among those most blessed!

So basically, there is a strong belief that the spiritual world and the laws regarding that spiritual world exist, but people aren't supposed to intentionally cross the lines.

Not that I'm saying these beliefs are 100% correct or that everyone should abide by them. I'm just saying these were the general ideas "back in the day". Witches, wizards, diviners, etc. Were believed to exist, but it was forbidden to consult them, and those which sold their services were more often than not scam-artists. That is all. Even to this day, it's generally true. But there are still plenty of gifted people today.

And if you move forward through time, most religions show that the protagonists of the stories had revelations given to them. So even across the board, I think it's pretty apparent that simply being blessed with the ability to see a future or potential or have the dead communicate with someone is not at all sinful in nature. It is merely confusing, and again, a blessing.

And that's all I wish to communicate. I think if someone has the ability to do something, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc., then there should be no shame in having that ability. One should only focus on controlling the ability, and that is all. If one can see the future, or see ghosts, there is no reason to feel shame for that. After all, it can't be helped, can it?

My father is a retired Christian pastor, so my mother and I experienced a little bit of... Rebellion against the supposed Christian beliefs. A lot of modern believers would say that a natural psychic or sensitive is possessed, or a sinner, or something like that, but in our opinions, that is just a display of utter misunderstanding on the part of these modern religious types.

Basically, I'm just trying to say we are who we are, and we shouldn't deny it. If you see what you see, don't run away because other people are scared. And if you don't see anything, don't assume everyone else is hallucinating. We all have different perceptions, and it's not wrong to have a different perspective. 😊

I chose to practice Wicca half my lifetime ago, much to my parents' dismay. I found it much more open-minded. But mostly, I just liked the positive ideas, and the encouragement of spiritual growth. Some modern-day Jews, Christians, and Muslims can be very closed-minded, and I have family members who behave that very judgmentally, which is why I'm quick to console anyone who grew up in such a conservative family who has such abilities.

In short, there is no point in feeling guilt for simply experiencing something. And it is also important to try to understand personal experiences rather than ignore them.

I love this site because there are so many people from various cultures with various experiences, and we can all learn together. There's no need to fret, feel shame, or believe anyone is imagining things. This is a support network. So really, being someone from a similar background, I think I can help someone who may be in a position I was in 10 years ago in my life, when I was told maybe I was being possessed, my soul was at stake, and it was a sin simply to SEE things. (Good grief.)

I'm lucky that my mother was so open-minded in so many ways. Judaism itself has changed a lot throughout the ages. And we've discussed that as well. I'm not personally religious, but I try to focus on the good in all religions. The positive I choose to focus on, in this case, is that Judaism actually encouraged spirituality, especially among women, and that having visions was actually not against the rules at all. 😊

Just trying to alleviate some of that deep-indoctrinated guilt, I suppose. Because any of us who've been in those shoes know how much that guilt sucks us dry. I'm extending a protective wing. I won't deny that I'm biased. But I hope that I at least have a good bias!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-11)
Pardon the interruption...


Doesn't the HEBREW word for witch translate into something more like... 'One whom does evil... Communes with evil spirits' rather than the traditional 'English Witch' that is the 'newer' meaning... From the King James translation? Just curious.


forestspiret101 (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-07)
I've had something happen to me not exactly like that I could tell you if you want 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-04)
Isn't it interesting when teenagers write asking for advice and then not answer any questions? They don't make any further comments either.
H2oified if you truly want help then answer questions and clarify your story. Or is this just a story? An assignment for school to see how many people will respond to it?
I''m not trying to be mean I'm just trying to get a response out of you. By the way a Psychic is someone who has predictions about the future. A Medium is someone who can see or sense spirirts and help them either giving a message to a loved one when they are ready to hear it or help cross them over. An Empath is someone who can channel and feel what other people are feeling.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3179 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-03)
h2oified: How do you know the little girl in your room used to play with your father when he was young? Did she tell you this or was it your father sharing this information?
How did you find out who she was?
Tanner02 (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-03)
this is like a ps3 game beyone tow sole two sole in one I'm not a geek ok its just a though
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-03-03)
So, in your family's belief system, a deceased relative is stuck here until someone is named after them. I can understand that, but I'm a little confused as to why you would have to explain that to your father? It just seems if its a common belief, he would've known.
I'm also a little lost as to why you're here asking strangers on the internet for advice. Your aunt is an experienced medium, wouldn't she be a better resource to ask for guidance? After all, you know each other and she is likely to understand your belief system a lot better than anyone here. As we don't know what you believe, we could inadvertently give you really bad advice that clashes with your spirituality.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-03)
I have never heard of that Jewish belief. As someone of Jewish background, I can say that my own family has adopted the habit of passing on living relatives' names. (My middle name has been passed on for generations. It's apparently a Sephardic tradition, for the most part.) I do know that it is typical for Ashkenazi Jews to pass on names of passed relatives, but I was taught it was because if you named your child after a still-living relative, the Angel of Death might mistake your newborn or young child for an elder, and whisk them away in their stead. Ah, the superstitions. 😊 In any case, these beliefs vary from family to family, and your family's ideas regarding naming are new to me! I'll have to dig into that a little bit. I've surrounded myself with "Jewish" (I put that in quotes because really, none of us can claim full genetic heritage or cultural practice) friends, in an effort to reconstruct ideologies that have fallen apart throughout the modern age.

Something else I learned was that "though shalt not consult Yidonim". That basically means it is a sin to consult witches, wizards, or divining spirits. It is also forbidden to speak with the dead. My cultural superstitions make me feel awful for speaking to ancestors, but strangely, I actually understand where you're coming from.

Congratulations, you are druish. 😁

You see, according to the scriptures, it was never explicitly stated that *having* particular spiritual gifts is a sin. It's merely stated that consulting those with those gifts, or charging others for consultation, are a sin. It's also warned that many who do charge for their services are either a) liars or b) possessed. It's an interesting concept. Personally, I've tied that in with Wiccan ideology -- that if you are gifted, you are to use your gifts for good, and never for personal gain.

My mother and I have tried desperately to explain away our own experiences using science, and honestly, we've probably adjusted our personal beliefs regarding certain traditions due to our own experiences. And we've both become long lost in our ways. Blocked it all out.

Now, I don't necessarily think the naming thing was necessary, per se (unless perhaps the spirit believed that's what she needed). But I do think it's quite possible that someone "your age" provided you company when your mother locked you in your room. (How horrible!) I'm inclined to believe your story because it rings so familiar. I have a family member who, under similar duress, also made a friend who she decided must have been a guardian angel, of sorts.

I wonder if perhaps, when in great times of need, people with more open minds & spirits are more likely to make these friends. Of course, there is the 100% scientific standpoint that individuals, when stressed and lonely, will invent imaginary friends. But I wonder if maybe certain spiritual beings home in on the desperately lonely individuals. Sure would be a nice thought.

I'm up late and waxing philosophical, and your post got me thinking.

And yes, I have experienced quite similar. I closed that bridge completely. It was the only way to end it. I hope there is a way for you to control these negative exposures without shutting off your gift, but if there is a way, I don't know it.

So I wish you the best. Please keep us updated! Shalom, and blessed be. ❤
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-03)
h2orified, Thankfully you know enough to control your gift amd the link you have with the spiritual realm. I am happy that you have welcomed it, because your aunt was right it is a gift. As far as the malevolent spirit entity goes, I recommend a self cleansing and blessing, and your home. Askand meditate on the white light of protection to surround you. It helps, I use it everyday. There will be a lot of others on here I'm sure whom can helpas well. Good luck and stay safe

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