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An Unknown Man


Ever since I could remember, whenever I walked through my corridor at night with all the lights off I always felt that that there was presence behind me, just standing there, I have never seen it but I COULD feel it. I felt he was a really tall man, with an old fashioned hat, wearing a black coat and his face was covered. So whenever I felt him there, I would run to wherever I wanted to go. I knew he was running after me and sometimes I would feel him go through me. It has never harmed me but it did scare me.

I've asked my mum if she has ever felt him, she said she never has. I do have pets in the house and they have never acted strange whenever I felt him around. But sometimes I did felt like he wanted to harm me if I didn't run.

In 2010, I asked one of our family friends who was a medium to come to our house. She told me that our house wasn't haunted and that nothing was here. She thought that it was my mind calling them, which freaked me out! She did tell me that on Sunday she will do this spell, which would help me.

When I was out around 10pm on that Sunday, I felt this pain in my head it was so painful; it blinded me for a bit too. I went home and I told my mum what had happened, she said to me, "Well, you do remember that she was performing a spell, right?" It must have been it.

No word of a lie. I haven't experience him anymore. But last year it only happened once.

I am not too sure what it was, but I'm curious to see if it's happened to anyone else, or if it means anything.

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laliixo (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-26)
Well what can I say. You guys weren't there when I experienced it. I know what I felt I know it was there. I do know the difference between reality and imagination. Because in the past I have seen ghosts and experienced the paranormal as well. I just came on this site to see if anyone knew what it was.

Just saying I'm 100% sure that someone was there.

Thanks anyway.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-26)
Dear laliixo, welcome to YGS. Mamachong has correctly put it, your headache, I think has nothing to do with the feeling that there was someone present behind you in your home. I don't think that it was paranormal in anyway.

As far as the feeling you had that someone was present behind you and with the medium friend of yours saying that there is nothing paranormal in the house and that she also cast a spell, then I think you should worry about it. I feel that you might have been imagining things. I don't mean to offend you. But now that you have not been experiencing after the spell, psychologically you got convinced that whatever it was, has gone for good. Anyway, again as mamachong said, the experience you had when you woke one night could be sleep paralysis and that is the only explanation I could give now from whatever you stated.

Still if things are disappearing and reappearing, you have to keep your fingers crossed. If you still experience such events, try to write down like you maintain a diary or a journal. Having said that, there is nothing harmful that happened as I could gather from what you said.

But, I feel that as regards the presence you have been feeling when you walked in the corridor at nights when lights were off could be your imagination.

Regards and respects to you.

laliixo (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-26)
But it is strange, I am the only one that has experience things like that at home. Even our medium has said that she sense nothing. I have been curious to see what is was though that was chasing me. Mum has said when I was a little girl, I used to cry when she placed me in certain parts of my house. But she has never experienced anything paranormal.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-25)
Hmmm...well the headache thing could be anything, including paranormal. But there are so many things that could have caused it.

Sounds like you do have something paranormal going on though in your house. It sounds like you have sleep paralysis, basically you're unable to move for a couple of seconds.
laliixo (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-25)
[at] mamachong no ever since then I haven't experienced any headaches like that. We always have items disappearing, then they turn up and in the same spot that we were searching for, the next day. I have also been woke up a night with a tremendous fear that my whole body felt like it was paralysed and that I could move my eyes. And I don't know why 😕
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-25)
As far as your head hurting and seeing a bright light... That sounds similsr to a migraine. Has it happened more than the one time? Does it happen often? If so you might want a doctor to check it out. I don't think that part is paranormal at all.

As far as the man, has anything happened at all? Like things disappearing, knocks or unusual sounds, anything at all out of the normal?

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