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The Ghost Of A Unknown Woman


Friends, today the incident which I am going to tell you about is about a very frightening experience which both my mother and grandmother had, many years back.

My mother was fast asleep in the afternoon when I, and my sister were in school and my father (who was at his workplace) were not present at home.

My mother had just opened her eyes to drink water which was kept in front of her when suddenly she saw a middle aged British woman, who was wearing a frock and had golden hair. My mother saw her and got scared badly and closed her eyes. The woman ghost came and slept aside my mother. My mother was scared to death and started praying to God. She said, after a long time, the door bell rang and my father came. She did not tell about this frightening experience to anyone, except for my grandmother (my father's mother) who dismissed it as hallucination.

After few years when we all were out, my grandmother was alone at home, reading a cookery book. Suddenly she saw the same ghost, which my mother had mentioned to her and which she had dismissed as my mother's imagination, with the same facial features and description as my mother had told her. My grandmother (now dead) told my mother, that the ghost was smiling in a evil manner at her and was going to harm her, when she started reciting the ganpati hymns and the evil thing went far from her and vanished in thin air.

It has been many years since this frightening experience, but whenever my mother speaks about this incident, she still starts shivering with fear, remembering the evil lady ghost. After that we conducted many godly rituals at home and the evil atmosphere in my home disappeared and every thing came to normal.

Friends, can anyone explain me all about this incident and tell me from where did the evil lady ghost arrive from and what it exactly wanted. I would be thankful to you all readers, if you can find a solution to this question of mine. Waiting impatiently for your views on this story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Amchi1986, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

luckyjee (7 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
you can ask that tantric s about that house who's sprit was that
May they can give
And about black magic if black magic spelled on someone we should remove earlier aS WE CAN beacause as it becomes older it will become stronger and dangerouse
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
Hi Amchi,

Don't take peoples comments to heart. I don't see anyone making light of you or your family's situation. Just some people having a bit of fun and giving honest responses.
Sometimes, especially in English speaking countries, we make fun of something which makes no sense. Since most of the paranormal world makes no sense, it tends to have a funny side to a lot of us, myself included. But no one here would ever seriously make fun of someone who is in genuine fear and in need of help.

Ask your family members for details on the time of year this happened. Did both sightings happen at a similar time of year? This could give you a reference point to start from. Did the woman wear anything specific to a time period?
Lady Glow and Travis are right, research the location. But also know no one can give you a definite answer, we can only help you make sense of what happened.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
Thanks people for your love and support other than those who are mean.see, some people whom I know (sorry I can't tell you their names as it is confidential) used to perform black magic, doll magic, and even Vermillion rituals, used to keep our home atmosphere full of fear. I never used to stop in my house, whenever others used to go out and sit on the staircase outside our home, until everyone came back. Those were the most scary days of my life, until everything became silent after quite a few years. I have experienced hell in my growing years in my house. Sometimes I also used to hear cat's mewing, dog barking and someone laughing in a insulting manner. Thanks to God and the hindu monk's interference, these things have stopped.
luckyjee (7 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
hi amchi
It may be she was died in that house which was your home
As any one who knows history about that home
Or that land may be you will get any clue

And about solution you said that after rituals everything is normal so I think you no need any solution
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
Amchi1986, Unusual for the ghost to laugh without any apparent reason. Maybe the ghost was playing tricks and found it amusing that she scared your mother. I'm so sorry your family experienced such fear. See if you can get to the bottom of this. Do some Google searches on the area and see what happened there before it became residential dwellings. The library might be able to shine some light with books that contain the town's history. You might even find a picture of this ghost. Hope you get some answers and are able to get some closure.
BaiAnina (3 stories) (41 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
The presence could be anything; something that haunts the place, or an object in your home, or even a specific person. Best way to figure it out is to try and find out the history of the place, or even watch out for any peculiar items that could be the source of it. There's also the possibility that it could be a manifestation of something and taking the form of someone else? There's little to go by at this point. It's a relief you and your family are safe.

Also, please don't let mean-spirited comments deter you from sharing your experiences, and thank you for sharing ❤
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
Thank u. But my mother and grandmother (my father's mother) both said that the woman was laughing at them in a strange manner. May be what you have said can be a truth. Thanks for your suggestion. Rather than others, who were poking fun, hope you understand our situation better. God be with you and your family. Thanks.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
Amchi1986, I'm so sorry that your family have gone through this scary situation. It must have been unbearable. Your poor mother must have been so scared. Do you know anyone who passed away that may have visited your mother to say goodbye? Maybe that ghost was trying to reach out to your mother, maybe that ghost had a message for her from someone she knew.
Stay safe, and thanks for sharing your experience.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
Yes I still stay in the same house. But now the atmosphere here is good than before, when we all used to get scared staying alone. But since my mother and father visited a hindu monk, things are good. Please do not make fun of me, as what I have told is true. If you feel like laughing at me Or poking fun, please do not write cheap comments or otherwise leave in a silent manner. I do not care for those who love to insult /laugh on others.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
This event took place in Mumbai, india. And please do not laugh at it and consider it to be a joke. What my mother saw was hundered percent reality. I do not exactly know about the history of this area, but there are some events that have taken place in my life, while staying here that have been really strange and difficult to understand. And if someone laughs at me and feels like poking fun at me, he /she should better leave me alone.
KenS80 (1 stories) (45 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-05)
Very terrifying indeed Amchi86.

Albinism is an extremely rare condition but at least 100 thousand to 200 thousand such cases have been documented in India alone, and 1 in 5 thousand in Africa and less in any countries. Do you think this lady may have been an Albino lady who broke into your home and was scared off when your mother woke up?

Your mother was half asleep reaching for some water and was probably dazed and confused.

Then again, it is hard to help solve this for you not being present when it happened.

Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-05)
Hi Amchi1986

I can't say that I'm surprised, considering that the British were apart of India for a long, long time, so one would find a few "white British" spirits lurking around here and there, but like the other commentors I need a bit more context here...

Are you still living in that house and apart from your mum and grandma has anyone else seen this spirit? Also do you know about the history of the house or possibly the surrounding area?
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-05)
I suspect the "evil British woman" probably came from Britain. But joking aside, I somewhat agree with Travis here. We wouldn't know enough to come to much of a conclusion. Starting off, India is a very big country with something like 30, maybe 40, different languages, ethnicities, traditions, and so on. Could you tell us more specifically where in India this happened, please?
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-05)
Maybe she came out of the loo and was looking for your grandma's secret naan bread recipe. 😜
Seriously bro... How the freak are we supposed to know the answer? 🤔 😕
Bengali9899 (2 stories) (12 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-05)
Are you still living in that house or moved to another place?. And I think you should do research about that place and the history of that place. Hope your mother and your family is safe and happy ❤ ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-05)
Perhaps you could start by providing/researching information about the history of the area where the house's highly posible that the answer to your question is there.

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