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The Unknown Entities


To start with, the following experience was in 2020.

It was around 5pm and I was doing my homework. I was having difficulties in doing some of them, I asked my cousin to help me, which she did, and I still didn't understand, which made me super melancholy (I don't like asking for help and hate feeling like a failure). All of a sudden I flinched and I felt like something overtook me (I didn't remember anything happened after that). My sister was in the same room when she saw me breaking my blue pen where the ink has fallen all over my face, I started crying loudly which I never do, and after a couple of seconds, I started laughing hysterically and that's when my sister got scared and went to call my mother, but when they came, I was already in my senses and went to clean my face which I must not mention took so much to take the ink off my skin.

After this happened to me, everything started being weird around me, I've been seeing tall dark figures staring at me sleeping and sometimes when I'm sitting on the couch late at night, the figures seem to make me paralyzed where I can only feel those big tears fall down my cheeks, until I was no longer scared of those.

I was always scared to talk to someone about this, they will always say that it's just in my head which is not. Those goosebumps, that fear, those sleepless nights. It used to scare me so much.

My sister also complained of me talking in different languages which she has never heard of. I remember one of the nights where I went to the toilet which is separate from my house, I have to open the main door and then go to the place where the toilet is. I remember turning on the lights of the corridor of my house, when I returned.

I was about to open the main door which is transparent, and I could see what was behind me, and to my ultimate horror, there was a lady who was wearing a long night dress with green dots on it. I didn't dare to look back. I went inside, closed the door and turned off the light near the door and put on the lock, while walking to the corridor, I saw that the lights were off and I was a bit terrified, then I headed to the living room where my phone was, the music was on, which I didn't put on. 'Save your tears by the weekend' was on, I didn't try to think too much thinking it was probably my sister pulling a prank, but she denied and said that she was asleep at that time.

To this day, many horrific experiences happen to me, which I feel like they will never stop.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, dazybloop, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-11)
Dazybloop, You are right, from what I've read, they feed off fear. You've come to the right place for help. I can't offer any solutions apart from trying a cleansing or calling on your faith and ask for support from them. YGS members have a lot of knowledge, and you'll get plenty of support here. I hope things improve for you.
dazybloop (4 stories) (19 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-11)
Hello CrimsonTopaz,

I totally agree that the ability to feel these things are not gifted to everyone but what if those spirits are not your deceased relatives? What if they are some unknown spirits trying to get into your head and mess with you, some people actually have that high vibrational energy where those spirits cannot be of any harm but I haven't reached that level yet, but i'm definitely not scared because it is understandable that those entities feed on fear and as long as you make it seem like you don't care they are going to drift away.

Regards, dazybloop.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-10)
Dazybloop, Apparently when some people reach a certain age, their abilities become known. It's scary for most people and others enjoy their experiences and call it a gift. Many people would love to have the ability to connect with relatives who are deceased. If your scared, keep the lights on, read a book, watch tv, or cook something. Distraction helps. Lots of members swear by Rookdygins cleansing. My sister uses his cleansing and it helps keep out spirits. From time to time the odd spirit gets through but nothing she can't handle. She's become strong and stands up to them. Telling them to go to the light is also another way to send them packing. Let us know how you go.
dazybloop (4 stories) (19 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-31)
Hey BravelyKegger,

Thank you for commenting and giving out this advice, i've always have different sort of encounters and every one of them give me different type of chills, can it possibly be that some are bad and some are good ones? Btw, I will try doing that for sure!
BravelyKegger (2 stories) (19 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-30)
Thank you for sharing this. As a Christian I tend to view the spiritual world very differently from other people. In Christianity we are taught satan rules the world with his demons and fallen angels, but when Jesus died at the cross all spiritual authority was given to him. I invite you to physically call out the name of Jesus the next time you see something, I believe you will be surprised what happens. I understand this might sound crazy to you but it does not hurt trying and you lose nothing by doing it.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-29)
Hi dazybloop

I can't imagine what that must feel like, constantly feeling the presence of things all around you, the "mad" woman seems interesting, I think because of her condition people didn't want to take her seriously.
dazybloop (4 stories) (19 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-25)
well my house was built way before that I was born, maybe in 1970 and my grandmother used to say that a mad woman used to come and tell her that behind my house where you could find big rocks, is actually where some evil spirits are residing in but no one believed her, I somewhat think that she was right, I can feel the presence of every dead member of my family and in my neighborhood.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-25)
That must be creepy, I wonder what secrets the places around your house are hiding, do you perhaps know the history of the place?
dazybloop (4 stories) (19 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-25)
Hi Rajine,

Thank you for your comment, I surely have talked about it with my parents and sibling, there are more things that occur which I immediately tell them, but I think they don't really take these things into consideration because they do not experience this, they do have creepy nightmares. The surroundings of my house is definitely filled with negative vibes and I can easily sense those.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-24)
Hi dazybloop

Many people believe (including myself) that whenever we have a strange and ominous feeling we should never look back. I think that you should have spoken to your sister or other family about what you experienced, maybe they going through the same, and will be able to make sense of what you experienced.

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