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Stuck With Puppets


This happened to me, my brother and a small group of our close friends years ago.

One of our close family friends had a relative that lived out in what most would consider to be a small type of mansion in the woods just outside of, if I'm remembering correctly, Murphy, Oregon. The lady owned most of the property that surrounded her home which was situated by the river. Behind the house was nothing but a large expanse of woodlands, and in front was the river with the only access to the house a relatively old bridge that was due for a replacing ten years before our arrival.

Our family friend had asked my brother and I if we wouldn't mind cleaning up the place since she was planning on selling the property and wanted the home to be presentable to the public. She had offered to pay each of us for our services as well as provide food for the whole endeavor. Being short on cash like any other young adult, we readily agreed and gathered a small clutch of our friends in order to drag to the home and help us clean up.

It was a normal two-story house with electricity only to the lower levels since that was the only area that was in use whenever anyone stayed out there. The house was relatively nice and was pretty modernized on the bottom floor.

We had decided it would be smart to start on the top floor while the sun was still up, providing us with light since there was no electricity on the second floor (we had attempted to turn it on with no luck). All was fine and dandy until we got to this one room just barely in sight of the stairs.

Now, I never had issues with puppets before until I saw the shear volume of the puppets in this room. Now that wouldn't have been such a bother in itself if it hadn't been for the odd fact that the puppets were nailed to the walls and floor with multiple nails as if someone was trying to steal them. A little disturbed, we all pushed it to the back of our heads and dusted the room, ending the cleaning with a quick picture to give to the landlady.

As the day went on we didn't realize that it had started raining really heavily outside of the house while we cleaned and swept the building. It was around 8:30PM that we had finished everything and proceeded outside to my brother's car and shuffled in as water came pouring down on us. Once in the car, we all looked ahead to see that the bridge had been taken out by the river which, if anyone knows anything about a river and sudden downpours, had swollen in no time flat. So, seeing as we had no other choice, we decided to stay inside the house until someone came for us which, in that rain and the fact that our parents knew where we were, wouldn't be until morning.

So we had settled back inside the house on the lower floor and huddled in the living room with some snacks and movies and watched the TV as the hours ticked by. It wasn't until around 11:45PM or so when one of our friends got up to go to the bathroom and stopped at the foot of the stairs going completely pale. We watched as she motioned for us to come over to her side, never taking her eyes off the stairs as we all shuffled over to her. We followed her gaze until we saw that there was a light glowing from within the puppet room.

Worried that it was a fire or something, my brother pounded up the stairs with all of us following close after as he forced the door open to the puppet room. Looking in, the light was still on but that wasn't the only thing out of place. All of the nails that had been hammered into the puppets were in the middle of the floor with all the puppets stacked facing the door.

As quickly as he had opened it, my brother slammed the door shut and we all ran downstairs, gathered our stuff and went out to sleep in his car, which we drove as close as we could safely get to the bridge.

Needless to say we had never stepped foot in that place again, as well as I now have major issues with puppets thanks to that. Still can't stand them.

Later we had found out from the owner that the house had belonged to a relative of hers that had gone clinically insane. She was the one who had hammered all of those puppets and dolls into the house and walls. Often she would wake up in the middle of the night in a fit trying to tear them down. She had died in the house by overdosing on her medication and was found in the puppet room.

You can call me crazy if you want but I promise you this is a true story. Not only I but, my brother as well as five others, were there that night. We all rarely talk about it but when we do all we can agree on is the fact that we were glad to never return.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kio-chii, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

SoftKittyWarmKitty (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-22)
As soon as I got the puppet part, I was like they're going to flipping move! Ever since I was little I always felt creeped out by dolls. My grandmother who lives in the attic of my house had a bunch of dolls. Porcelain ones and one doll that looked just like the bride of chucky. I would avoid her side of the attic and stay on my side with my toys. She got rid of them except for 2 or 3 though...thankfully. If I was you I would have been freaking out so bad. Thank you for that story that gave me the willies! 😆
Kio-chii (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-22)
Hm didn't hear about those. I've lived here my whole life and have yet to be stuck in the middle of a flash flood warning. Mostly fire warnings. Like last year the air quality became extremely dangerous. It was like a fog outside but it was all fire smoke. I guess a flashflood just hasn't happened in my life time or It did and I just don't remember it. Thanks for the info~
mimerkki (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-22)
I have heard of dolls being moved by spirits, also by demons, or spirits attaching themselves in dolls or other inanimate objects, in order to get the attention of humans.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-21) I'm back to being confused, because I know that Oregon does have flash floods, as well as flooding. In fact the deadliest natural disaster in Oregon was a flash flood, town of Heppner lost something like 320 lives to it. (I think that was way back, like 1903, too lazy to Google lol). In 1996, nearly every Oregon county was declared a disaster, because of flooding. And flash flood warnings do get issued especially around the foot hills.
Despite that, I do know what you mean though. You guys just didn't notice the river rising 😉.
Kio-chii (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-21)
I wouldn't really say it was flash flood. If you know Oregon then you know back then there were damns on the river which during the winter caused the rivers to swell really bad. One bad rainfall can cause a lot of trouble. Still does even though most of the damns are down now. A lot of Debris left over from summer fires on the mountain, drift wood, fallen trees, human logging and beavers become like wrecking balls in the river. Normally a bridge can take quite the abuse from the debris but like I said this one was in terrible shape. It probably didn't even manage the water hitting against it. Oregon does NOT have flash floods. We have a HUGE natural water system stemming off from the Rogue River which floods and swells thanks to factors such as rain and snow piling up on the mountains. The Rogue River runs through MOST of Oregon if I'm remembering correctly from my days in Geography class.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-21)
val - no "vision" to my answer LOL just assumptions (incorrect as it appears) based on living where flashflooding frequently occurs 😆
ERizzy (1 stories) (51 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
I hate dolls too, I have a hand made doll that was given as a gift to me, and I keep it somewhere in my closet. I'm scared of that thing 😨
Kio-chii (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
I think it was Murphy but I could be wrong. I didn't pay attention to the signs. To tell you the truth I slept on the way there and home. Not to mention it was around ten years ago. All I know is the house is flattened now but I still avoid the area. If you know anything about Oregon is that no matter where you go something freaky is always following you... Or maybe that's just me being paranoid. 😐
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Thanks for answering my question! 😁 Now, Miracles has me curious as to what she envisioned it to be.
By the way, would that have been Murphy Creek or the Applegate River?
Kio-chii (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Thanks for asking that. I guess this is the one answer I will give since I had already decided not to become apart of the discussion. We didn't leave until morning. It took pretty much the whole day for workers to build a temporary bridge for us to cross over on (by foot). We had to retrieve the care several days later when a new bridge was completed and strong enough to hold the weight of the car. I realized I forgot to answer that after I had submitted the story.
jwarren (1 stories) (23 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
I find it soo interesting that all of the nails and dolls could have moved without anybody hearing anything. Very creepy, I have never really liked dolls much, my sisters used to have some in their rooms and it was never quiet comfortable.

Thank you for posting!
Revajane (1 stories) (71 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Hi, lots of questions that I have are already asked by others. I have had dreams within the past year involving a room full of all sorts of dolls but for some reason was not scared and it was serious. This was before I started reading stories like this involving them. I am interested in seeing the response to the questions already asked. I liked the story.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Ooh, boy, I have a lot of questions here. Some have already been asked.

Dolls never scared me when I was a child. I had tons of them. But I've noticed that as an adult, old dolls ARE kind of scary. Those blank eyes are creepy. They do make a good vehicle for a story. Story, I said.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
val - this is one of those times I'm literally sitting here dying to answer your question but I'm going to wait and see if the o/p decides to respond regardless of the choice they made 😆

Of course, my answer could be completely different anyway 😉
EllBell1415 (2 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
Is it possible that the spirits made that lady insane:| that's all I can think about now! Thanks for sharing! It's one of the most interesting stories on here.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
This was creepy for sure, but there were things I didn't understand. But, you did say the woman who nailed them all over that room was insane, and who truly understands the reasoning of a crazed person?
I wish you were participating in the discussion, because I'm dying to know; how did you ever leave with the "only access to the house" being washed away by the river?
Mossy_Oak_Queen90 (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-20)
I personally, can NOT stand puppets, as well as porcelain dolls. This story is a perfect example why lol. If I would have witnessed such a thing I would have burned the house down as if I just saw a spider lol. Good story though 😉 good way to make my skin crawl haha

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