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Real Ghost Stories

I Can Hear You Breathing


I never went to my Aunt Helen's attic after that day.

It was the first week of December. My parents and I had come to visit my Aunt Helen for Christmas. She lived in Salvation,Iowa. Aunt Helen was divorced, and lived with her three children (one son and two daughters), Mike, Judy and Linda. I was the oldest among them. Every time I visited their house, we had a game of 'Hide and Whistle' instead of 'Hide and Clap'. It was our tradition.

As usual we were playing our little game. Aunt Helen was about to leave with my parents for Christmas shopping and she insisted that I was the one blindfolded as the others were small and could get their feet caught in the carpet and trip. We began. Judy gave me 5 rounds and all the kids ran off giggling. I came out of the room and called out, "First whistle!" And I heard three faint giggles and whistles. The loudest one came from the attic, so I fumbled inside and called out again, "Second whistle!" I heard a clear giggle and whistle which came from the far wall where an old closet was. I fumbled around towards the sound of the giggles and opened the closet. I stood in front of it in a way so that whoever was in it couldn't make a run for it. I heard a giggle. It sounded boyish so I thought it was Mike.

I said slowly, "Third whistle Mike!" No sound. "I can hear you breathing. Caught you Mike!" I said again. I heard a giggle. I could hear him breathing heavily. I grabbed hold of him. Mike felt a little different. He felt skinny. I wondered why chubby Mike felt so skinny all of a sudden. I let go of the boy and took the blindfold off. I made sure that I was standing in a position that would not let the boy escape while I took the blindfold off. When I opened my eyes I couldn't believe it! There was no one in the closet. I was standing like a wall in front of the closet and no one could come in or out of it. So where did he go? Then Judy, Linda and MIKE came in the room. Judy said, "You took your blindfold off! Which means we win!" I asked Mike, "Were you in this closet?" Linda answered, "We were all downstairs. We don't hide in this dusty closet. Mom doesn't let us." I was so shocked. I left the attic. Who was I holding? Who was that skinny boy? If all of the kids were downstairs, then who giggled from the attic?

I didn't go to the attic again. We spent a good Christmas and came home. But I kept thinking about that skinny boy, his giggle, his whistle. I had such an eerie feeling when I heard the boy's heavy breathing.

So that's it for this incident. Thank you all for reading. Please comment down below if you have any questions or an explanation for what I experienced.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AUSTRIA, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

AUSTRIA (4 stories) (36 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-01)
[at] RACHNESS Thanks! And IKR! You can imagine the deja-vu moment I had when I saw the movie!
AUSTRIA (4 stories) (36 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-01)
[at] hazeleyes I specifically wrote,"I let go of the boy and took my blindfold off." I stood in a position that would ensure that he couldn't escape. I was blocking his path but I couldn't hold him and take the blindfold off at the same time now could I?
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-20)
I swear this sounds like something out of The Conjuring. Sorry, I don't mean it in a mean way. This story is super creepy!
hazeleyes (1 stories) (34 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-27)
You said you were holding on to the boy when you took off your blindfold. So did you still feel him in your grip when you took it off to see that there was nothing there? Just curious.
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-27)
I'm inclined to believe that ghost children are as playful as living children and probably he just wanted to join in the game... This, however, hardly negates the fact that entire experience is creepy as hell... There's a similar story in the archives of this site that I recall reading (author was Casper the Ghost or something like that...) ... Similar in that he caught hold of some bodies woollen sleeve and when he opened his eyes there wasn't anyone... All the kids he was playing blind mans bluff with, hadn't even been in the room. Well... Totally wrongtown heaps creepy game to play then, innit? Anything blindfolded... Hahaha
AUSTRIA (4 stories) (36 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-26)
elnoraemily The house is 80 years old. Before that the land was owned by a family next door. They had a small store room and a tree house on that property. It was all removed when the house was built.
Calthrow (10 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-26)
That is a cool story thanks for sharing and it is bleaved that ghost will come to play games like hide and seek you got to have that he was wanting a friend:-D that's all
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Do you have any idea how old the house is?

Thanks for the clarifications, they are very helpful.
AUSTRIA (4 stories) (36 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
To answer your question notjustme and BadJuuJuu, Aunt Helen's attic has a small staircase with a few steps and as I remember it the staircase was clear (without any boxes and stuff) so I didn't have many difficulties climbing up. And of course that doesn't mean I didn't trip or anything but it wasn't difficult enough to mention in the story. Plus we had played Hide and Whistle lots of times before so I was used to climbing up and down stairs and stuff.

Elnoraemily,as I thought I'd caught Mike already, I just went to what I thought what his hiding place to catch him. I didn't whistle or anything else after that. I guess my cousins waited for me to whistle or come down but when I never did I they came to look for me together.

Khili180 and notjustme to answer your question the boy didn't feel cold or anything. He felt normal. What was creepy about him was how skinny he was. I could feel his bones. He felt like skin on bones. And his breath was hot and wet, and it was so close to me.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
Oh my goddddd! This is soooo scary! It reminded me of conjuring a little bit, except you actually held it:-o and heard it more clearly! This story has gone to my favourites... It's cute though! To imagine a kiddie ghost wanting to play too! What did he feel like? I mean skinny yes but was it cold and chilly?
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
I had an attic that was a little door on the second story, but it was so low that you had to crawl into it (which probably makes it less of an attic and more of a sloped roof extra space room, but oh well).

If the kids were hiding around the house, why would they all walk into the room together is my question. That sounds sort of odd to me.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
BJJ - *thumbs up* I did catch that but somehow forgot to mention it, maybe the story was too good I even dismissed it. While writing my comment all I could think of was a skinny bluish kid. Yes AUSTRIA, can you please explain for us to understand? 😲
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
That's so cool! He just probably wanted to play with you guys, I mean I would too. It sounds fun!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
You managed to climb into the attic blindfolded? Impressive.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
ahhhhh...I can't handle things like that. I over feel everything. If I'm happy, I'm super happy, if I feel guilt I feel super awful. For this, I probably would have started shaking and screamed for them to come up and get me because I'd be certain my legs wouldn't be able to move. LOL... Chinese elders say when we play hide and seek, spirits always join in too. 😕...in your case, they did. Have you ever asked anyone in that house if they have seen or heard things? And did the boy feel cold?...so scary! Thanks for sharing.
mayathelion (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-24)
Thats creepy... Lol. I wonder what happens if you open your blind-folded while youre holding that skinny boy, maybe we will never know your story. Lol. Interesting story.

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