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Ghat Wali Mausi


My ancestral house in Shivala is just 15 minutes away from the ghats of river Ganga. I use to fetch fresh water fishes from the fishermen pretty early in the morning. Let me give you a trivia about the nomenclature of ghats of Varanasi, every mohallas (a kind of a subdivision) colonies which are adjacent to ghats or temples, the ghats are named either on those mohallas/colonies or any famous temples situated near it. In my example, it is named on my mohalla Shivala which is an adjacent mohalls to that ghat so the ghat is named upon the mohalla and is famously known as the Shivala ghat.

Coming back, whenever I reach to take fresh fishes, I quite often see a woman sitting in a corner silently. Her physical condition too did not looked well. She might have been rejected by her family or she might be amongst those pilgrims who lost their way or had been deliberately leaved behind by her family members.

I am sorry to write that this is one of the darkest facts associated with this city. Nobody cares about them although there are NGOs who are working in this area but they too show their activeness in those cases which are only highlighted by media and from where they could get some traction of people and government bodies so that they could raise some easy money.

She did not talk to anybody and she was totally on the mercy of the peoples who some time gives her food. One such morning, when I get to the ghat to fetch some fishes, I found her lying unconscious. First I thought that she might have been dead, but on asking to my fishermen he told me that she had fainted from hunger. I contacted a NGO that afternoon from my office and I placed my concern about that woman and also requested them that if she could be shifted to a vridha ashram. I also told them I am agreed to bear the initial charges of shifting her. They told me that they would contact me.

But after 2-3 days I didn't get any information from them. So, I took a half day from my office and I physically appeared their and put my request in front of the nodal-officer of that NGO. They started describing me about the technicalities and hurdles behind providing her any sort of asylum. This was enough for me to understand that they do not have any eagerness in helping her. So, I decided to provide her food on regular basis which on earlier, I was doing it on irregular basis.

I gather food that left overnight and ever morning when I reach to the ghat, I gave it to her. I was unable to provide her fresh food since I do not know to make it and also until now I had kept this entire incident in secret from my mother as I thought that she would be angry hearing all this. But one morning, I was caught in the act. My mother asked me that from whom I was carrying all that stuffs with me. Then I told her the entire reason behind carrying food by me. I was surprised when my mother told me that from now onwards she would be managing her.

That morning my mother made some fresh food for her and we went to the place where she used to sit. My mother gave the food to her and asked her name. She did not reply but her eyes were full of tears and unexplainable pain.

Returning home my mother said that we have a small empty room in our ground floor and it would be suitable for her and when she would get out from her mental traumatic condition we would try to hand her over to family. I thank my mother for understanding my feelings and helping her. But when my mother asked her to go with her, she refused. But my mother continues to provide her food and sometimes clothes as well.

This continues for 2 long years. We started calling her ghat wali mausi (mausi means mother's sister). My mother often talked about her and my mother had got success in knowing that from where she was belonged to. Actually, she was from west Bengal and her family had left her alone by drugging in a dharmashala (it is kind of a building devoted to religious or charitable purposes, especially a rest house for travelers) and had ran away. My mother said that she didn't want to go there anymore.

But one afternoon my mother called me when I was in the office that the maid hasn't found her when she had sent her with lunch. I got disturbed hearing that. On returning home, I questioned people about her but nobody gave me a proper answer.

I told my mother that I would go and search in the morning. That night somewhere around 9:00pm, I was sitting at my balcony (it is a platform projecting from the wall of a building, supported by columns or console brackets, and enclosed with a balustrade, usually above the ground floor) and was preparing a report which I had to present in front of the management next day, suddenly, I saw that woman standing in front of our gate. I shouted and told my mother that ghat wali mausi has come and she is standing outside our gate. I reach a bit earlier to the gate as compared to my mother and opened it. I was shocked to see that there was no one. I looked going around but I didn't found anyone.

Next morning, when I asked the local fishermen about that woman I freeze to hear that she had committed suicide by breaking and chewing glasses somewhere around 11:30am.

I came back home slowly and told everything to my mother. She started crying for her. We didn't able to know the reasons behind her death. But I think that she had shown her self up for just to thank my mother.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sushantkar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Taha123 (1 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-14)
Iam also from varanasi. Are u still there in varanasi...
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-18)
Hello Pragya! First of all thanks for reading and commenting on my experience. Thanks for boosting up my moral too.
No, I just helped a needy person and it is not that big thing either. I just did what I had educated for.

Thanks again.

Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-18)
Beautiful and inspiring story. I wish if we all start behaving in this responsible and humane manner world would be very different. I congratulate you for being human the way we are supposed to be and I hope one day I am also able to follow your foot steps. 😁
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-29)
Well AngelStar2000, I am happy to hear that you liked my experience. Thanks for giving you time to read.

Apologize for the delayed reply.

AngelStar2000 (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-24)
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with us... I loved your story 😊
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-09)
ashar123! Thanks for the appreciation. I am quite happy to hear that you liked the story.

ashar123 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-04-06)
Sushantkar, I would say you and your mother are real human beings. I never thought I would read something like that on this site.

A heart winning story. A story which is surely a sort of inspiration for the Indians.

One thing more, first time I saw a story on this site titled in Hindi.

Thanks for sharing 😊 😊 😊
Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-30)
Wow Thankyou sushantkar... Really a great story... I respect yours and your moms emotions... Such a great deed you have done...
God bless! ❤ ❤
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-30)
Hello Aprajita! Thanks for such warm hearted reply & reading my story.

Thanks & Regards
Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-26)
Oh my god! Truly a heartwarming story sushantkar... Really I'm feeling very pity for that lady... Your story isn't just emotional but also a message and inspiration for all of us to help people like them. They really need our help! Truly society needs people like you! Thanks for sharing your experience! My regards to you and your mother!
wickedsunny2009 (4 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
It was absolutely a treat to read your story, feel so sorry about the woman, was she an old woman? I think for 2 years she did wait for them to comeback, it was only after she was totally dejected that she committed suicide, god bless you for showing so much concern for a stranger... Wish you all the best for your life.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-25)
Thanks sheetal for your appreciation.Yes, It is impotent for us to keep helping the neediest peoples according to your strength and also keep an eye on those organizations who are working in this area so that they could not raise easy money unethically without doing any work.

With best regards
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-25)
Hi, Sushant... Lovely story I just want to thanks to your mom and you cause when most of us see such kind of poor people we'll just try to ignore them so hats off to both of you. May Mausi will get mukti soon.

Thanks for sharing. 😁
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-14)
Hi cutiepie11! First of all thanks for reading my experience and also thanks for your appreciation. I too totally agree with the reasons given by you behind her death.

With best regards
cutiepie11 (17 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-14)
Hi sushantkar, first of all thanks a lot for sharing such a heart warming story with us, regarding the death of the poor lady, I think that she could no longer tolerate the sufferings she had to go through everyday so due to this reason, she must have decided to end her life which was miserable and because it was only you and your mother who cared for her, she decided to visit you the last time because I have heard that after the death of a person, the soul comes to visit the person who has been very close to him/her...
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-14)
Hi Khili180! Thanks for you appreciation and reading my experience.

With best regards
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-13)
This is a beautiful story sushantkar... Firstly let me just tell you how lovely I think it is of you and your mother to provide for the needs of that lady. Secondly to call her mausi is also so pleasant and touching. So extremely thoughtful of your mom to make her fresh food and of you to understand her need and look after it daily for years. Yes I think it was her coming to say thanks and goodbye. It's sad though that such a young life was lost. In india there is sadly little concern for human lives, especially those of the financially dependent and female populations...
Anyway awesome story. Thanks for the share!

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