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Ghost Childs


Recently, we had decided to renovate some part of our ancestral house which were quite old and was untouched from previous reconstructions. The reason of renovation was the continuous earthquakes which we all (northen province of my country since my city is not much far from Nepal) are experiencing from last month. The aftershocks are quite spine shivering like an underground train/trains are running continuously from down under the legs.

Due to construction works was under process, we have to park our vehicles to different place. We had a hospital very close by to our residence. So, we contacted the officials there and got the permission to park the vehicles until the construction works finishes. We had been given a separate area so that our car could be identified from the other vehicles in the parking lot to avoid extra charges.

The place which we have permission to park was a bit deserted as compared to the other places of the hospital. It was a shaded place of 40*40 feets and had a wall with one by one 4 windows openings which opens to that shaded area and a small garden nearby. I have noticed during few day of parking that human activities were quite low in that area, even administrative people avoids to go there.

From that place, say a few distances away, there was a two room house separated from the mainframe structure with both the gate and all the windows locked. I don't know what was or what used to be there as there where on sign board from which it could be clear for what purpose it was built for but I always had a significant bad cognition.

During few days I had figured out that house was used to be a rest room/morgue where dead bodies are kept before finally handing it to their relatives. But it was not in use.

Last Saturday evening, dated 13th June 2015, I returned from my office a bit late and parked the vehicle and came out of it, suddenly I heard voices of small kids playing and laughing. I hear those voices very carefully; they were coming from one of the windows, last window, the fourth one. The fourth window was of the administration office in charge's room and it usually closed after half past seven in the evening so it was quite odd.

The window was covered up by iron mosquito net and the window doors were not closed so I tried to look inside. It was quite dark so I light on by torch. I see nothing but an empty room. As I turned back, I heard same noises; this time it was coming out from the second window and the intensity of noises was a bit higher than the previous one. I checked the second window also but as like the fourth, I found nothing inside.

I started feeling uneasy and decide to leave that place as earliest as possible. So, I leaned forward to pick the stuff which I was carrying, when I felt that someone is pulling my trouser. I looked around nervously but I found no one there. By this time I realize that whatever it is, it can't be a human anymore. It must be a disturbing and quenchless spirit. As soon as I raised my stuffs from the ground, my eye stucked on two kids who were standing nearby that morgue and within my sight, both of them entered inside through locked channel gate.

For next few moments, both of us were watching each other and I didn't even blink. I felt like hypnotized. My somnolence broke up when one of them began to scream loudly, the sound was so rough I thought that my eardrum would burst. I was immobilized by fear. Somehow, I gathered some strength and able to escaped from that place. I didn't even tooked my stuffs.

Next morning I came up with my brother, I gather my overnight stuffs which I had left behind in verge of my escape. I explained my brother the entire incident. The same day, we leaved that place and parked our vehicle somewhere else.

Now, I know why activities of peoples at that place were deserted in that place. It was a haunted. As far as seeing those ghost child are concerned, I don't know who they were. Actually, I don't want to know either.

Well, the reason behind is I have recently got rid of a female ghost by applying Rook's methods and I don't want any unwanted guest further intervening my life anymore.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sushantkar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I think there is some problem in the story 'Living Soul' as after clicking the review tab, the written comments are not visible.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-19)
Thanks good-ghosts for all the good wishes. I have fully recovered.

Be safe.

Regards & ❤
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-19)
Hi Sushant,
I have read those stories but I didn't know it was the same ghost you were talking about. Thanks for clearing my doubt.
How is your health now.?
I wish you good health and prosperity. And may you get rid of all the negative phenomenon around you.

With best of wishes and love,
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
Well! Miracles51031 thanks for the kind information.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
sushantkar - we are unable to delete stories; comments, yes but stories no. I searched and all 3 of the stories by that o/p are no longer on our site. I'm going to guess admin took care of that.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
To the Mods- May I ask you one question, did you deleted the story 'Glowing Ghost'?

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
Hello Good-Ghost! Yes I do mentioned it in tow of my posts 'Unknown Phenomenon' and 'Occarance on Friday'. It was a mesterious vesious female ghost who was creating problems.
I got rid of it by applying rooks method and for that I will be great full for his support and guidance.
Thanks for giving your time to read my experience.

good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
CREEPY indeed.
Who was the spirit that you got rid of? If you don't mind me asking. Did you mention it in any of your stories?
Thanks for sharing this story.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
Good noon sheetal! The construction work is still under process. It will be finished by first week of July.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
Thanks for your concern Sushant we are doing good. Have you rebuild your house after earthquake?

Regards, 😁
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-17)
Hello Tweed! When you encounter such entity, their imprint effects your whole body (physical & spiritual) badly. It took me hours and sometimes days to normal. Since these are sudden occarance, your mind and body are not prepared to afford the effect of it. When such powers are around me, no matter how much I tries to ignore them, it dominates over me.
Yes, there is still good around me, my family, that is why I am alive so far otherwise I would had been dead years before.
But I just afraid that what will happen when my mom will not be there in this world, who will save me then? There are so many unknown entities around me, how do I protect myself from them?
These are the questions whose answer I am searching.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-17)
Hi sheetal! Thanks for giving your time to read my experience. I am doing fine now. I was given the wrong place to park the vehicle.
How about yours? Are you enjoying your new life.

Regards & ❤
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-17)
Hi Sushantkar,

Thanks for sharing this. I agree with Val, you're becoming more sensitive to paranormal energies. Not just with the children you encountered but also the overall feeling in that area, which you picked up on before you heard the children. I think without your initial impression of the area you would not have had this experience.

Just a thought about you only experiencing negativity so far, this may only be half true. Keep an eye on your perspective and be open to the possibility that not all seemingly bad experiences are bad at all. Also that when you are faced with a negative energy that there are also positive entities and energies around you. Try to focus on them. I'm not saying that these children were nice (they sound horrible), or the woman you recently got rid of, but there is always good around us, no matter how tough things get.

Take care.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-17)
OMG Sushant... It's really a scary story... Morgue the name itself is enough to scare people. It's good that you are not harmed.

How is heath now?

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-16)
Hello Val! Whether my third eye is opening or not don't know. But I fell that when you experience such energies for a certain time period, your own spiritual energies emanating from your body acts like a magnet which attracts such energies around you.
But, I have only experienced negative. Why? Well I don't know.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-16)
sushantkar, perhaps your third eye is opening? Just remember to do yourself a HUGE favor and keep trying to debunk your own experiences. In my encounters I've found there are far many more benevolent spirits then evil/scary ones, and not everything that appears paranormal is so.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-16)
Hello valkricry! Yes, it was quite frighting. But in the recent two-three years, I have encountered so many spooky incidents which I have never experienced before. The reason I have never figured out why I had so many haunted experience?
Thanks for giving your time for reading my experience.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-16)
sushantkar, that was scary! I've always found morgues to be rather creepy - not because they house the dead but just the general lack of aesthetics of them. I can only imagine an abandoned one would be even creepier.
I wonder why those ghost children stayed there? Guess we'll never know...
Thanks for sharing this.

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