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Dark Silences


It was pouring heavily for the last 2 to 3 hours. Me and my best friend who had recently been selected in state police had been foiled together in a heavy rainfall in midway near Rajdari and Devdari, a famous waterfall situated 85 kms from our city. Both Rajdari and Devdari waterfalls are located in the Chandra Prabha Wildlife Sanctuary . Of these two, the 65-metre-high Rajdari Waterfall is the biggest among a host of waterfalls located in the sanctuary. It is a stepped waterfall and is surrounded by a lush green forest area.

We had been planning for this get-together from quite some time and when we got the opertunity, I especially wanted to latch on to it. However, my friend Nitin (name changed obviously) warned me about the weather conditions but since we were very excited, we wanted to meet and enjoy together before our busy schedule kills everything. We had two days off and also we both were meeting after a long break, we both wanted to enjoy every second of our freedom.

Coming back, we stopped our car in a suitable place as we were both feeling bit uncomfortable driving on slippery hill roads under heavy rainfall and started praying god to slow it down a little bit so that we could reach to our destination. Also we were bit nervous as it was unknown place for us to stop at such unearthly hours as we both had left pretty early in the morning, because first we had to climb the mountain and second we wanted to avoid traffic and crowd and also we wanted to secure best place. But while we were leaving to picnic, it wasn't raining that much, just drizzling. But it got heavier and heavier later on.

While waiting for the rain to slow down, we were talking and joking with each other. Everything was going on in the same way. We were completely submerged in conversation with each other, it was then, when we both felt that someone had pushed the car behind in heavy hands. We hurriedly came out of the vehicle but found nothing. We both thought that it might be due to vibration caused by lighting or it might be due to minor earthquake. At this point we decided to move on as the rain had finally slowed down a little bit as compared to earlier but still it was pouring in fair enough rate. Finally we reached to our destination by 11:30. We fully enjoyed our stay there. While our stay, we both noticed few moments which were bit disturbing up to an extent.

A man, of mid 50s almost naked (looked like homeless or probably a beggar) eating raw flesh of carcass of a dog (looked like at least). He was hiding himself behind some rocks. It actually came into the notice of my friend and it wasn't much easy to watch someone to eat raw meat of a road kill. While we were leaving, we had another moment which can't be forgotten. This time it was me who first saw it. I saw a child, would be at least 6 to 8 years of age, his body was covered with ashes and he was drinking milk of a pig.

I have now come to know that what I was seeing wasn't real and maybe somebody wants to show me all this. I didn't called Nitin. May be I was scared. Probably whatever these entities were, they would have been very powerful and I didn't want to let my friend get trapped between them. Somehow, I gathered some strength and started approaching towards the child. As I have moved about 5 to 10 steps forward, a branch of tree broke and fall ahead of me. This just stunned me. I got anchored for few minutes. I heard my friend and few other people shouting from behind. They ran towards me. Upon approaching, they checked me and they got relief seeing me unharmed. I was still stunned. People were talking to me but my eyes were still at the same place where I saw that child and now they were all gone.

I said Nitin that I am filling bit heavier and thus I won't be driving. We reached home by late night. I took bath. I slept sound that night.

I woke up late in the morning, say around 7:00. While I was brushing my teeth, I saw something coming out of my left ear. I called doctor and asked for an appointment. Upon reaching doctor's clinic, he checked my ears, took sample and sent it for lab test. Although my hearings were proper, but still there was heaviness in my chest and head. After three days my test result came. It was all normal except small infection.

I took my result and visited the doctor again. While we have our discussion, doctor circled some part in the test paper and prescribed some medicines. I took the prescription and went to a medical hall nearby. I came home after taking the medicines.

That night I woke up to fetch some water. As I was drinking water, from my peripheral vision, I saw myself standing near entrance of kitchen. I freaked out completely. As I had slowly place down the glass, my apparition vanishes. I moved out of the kitchen when again I saw myself entering my mom's room. My body was rooted by the sensation of fear and surprise which I cannot explain. I opened the door slowly fully clamored in fear. I watched my apparition standing near my mother. It then raised his hand and pointed towards her and then after me and vanishes in thin air. Leaving me into fear and oddity where perhaps everything seemed to have leaving me behind in a dark silence.

Dark Silences that might someday in some form would come to dig these unsolved secrets or maybe to take me with them. Maybe my time has just stopped where my origin has been. Perhaps the end of these silence would end with the my last breath.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sushantkar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-24)
Hi Sushantkar,

I might be late to comment since its already been 3 months, you might have gotten over this experience during this time.

But I felt very strongly towards the way you seem depressed and moved by your encounter.

Also, I can't be of much help, since the experienced posters have already shared their opinions and suggestions.

I just wanted to wish you, your Mom and rest of the family healthy and safe life. My best wishes to you all.
Stay safe always.

Regards and Love,
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-28)
Val, thank you for your kind asking. I would definitely write to you.
In the current time I am reading some manuscript written by my grandfather (maternal). He was a doctor and a part-time exorsit (of traditional bengali ways)... Actually my mother is reading it for me as I do can't only speak my mother toung.
Hopefully, this might would help me to fight up to an extent.
I truly appreciate your concerns for helping me out of this situation.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)

If you feel exhausted, worn out and not quite yourself it's serious... You were fine before that trip, right? Please seek help, talk to your parents or someone you trust. There must be something they can do, either if it's supernatural in nature or not.

Please take care. ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-07-27)
You do know you can always email me, right? Might not be anything I can do, but listen. My email is listed on my profile.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)
Even if I want to keep myself ahead and try to do anything, I will not even be able to do it. My prethisions won't allow me.
I have sanctified myself time to time but I have also felt that as much as you cleanse yourself, these things/entities are more likely to attract you towards themself.

Tweed, you also take care and be happy.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)
Good Evening Tweed!

You have diagnosed it right. I am completely exhausted both physically and mentally.
No I haven't talk about this with any of my friends not even with my best friend as it is a taboo subject and people may take it in different way.
Meanwhile, I have talked with Nitin. Although we didn't able to talked much, but while our conversation, he looked bit scared and I was getting the feeling that he wanted to discontinue our conversation early.
I have now left everything to God. I just want to see what extent this wants to take me. I now seriously want to check that verge.
Probably sometimes you handover yourself to flow in a fast stream. Perhaps it will leave you somewhere near the shore where you could find new possibilities...or...perhaps just the dark and endless silence is waiting for you to graps. You could only find when you strengthen yourself mentally.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)
Sushantkar, I'm very disturbed by this entire experience. Are you feeling ok? Whatever is going on it seems like it's left you in a very depressive mood. Are you able to talk about this with your friends? Have they noticed anything odd since this happened? I hope you don't feel isolated from them, or afraid to talk about it with them.

I don't wish to cause undue concern but your narrative has me worried for your emotional well being. I hope everything is ok.

I have no idea what you've experienced, but I think you could benefit from a cleansing, and to take it easy for a while. You sound exhausted.

Are you the kind of person who looks after everyone? Maybe you could do with putting yourself first for a while. Sounds like something is draining your energy and screwing up your perspective. Not good. Try to stay positive and do things that make you happy. A small change can make a big difference.

Be well and take care of yourself.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)

Ok, that makes sense. I didn't think a person would or could drink milk directly from a pig. 😜 Well then, that is quite odd too. I appreciate you clearing that up for me.

All the best
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)
Hi Sushantkar,

This experience of yours reminds me of Twilight Zone. Creepy, both the man and the child... I think I'd pass out if I saw something like that!

Take care. ❤
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)
Hello Dee!

The child was drinking milk directly from the pig.
No I don't think that man was an apparition, however whatever it was; it was insanely disturbing.
I think your curiosity has been resolved now.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)
Hi there sushantkar,

Yikes, seeing that man eating roadkill... Yuck! That alone is quite disturbing. Do you think he was an apparition too? I have a question about the little boy you saw; you stated that he was drinking milk of a pig. How did you know this? Does the milk look a certain way?

Great account and very descriptive. I'm just curious about the pig's milk and hope you can clarify that for me. I'm glad that you and your friend enjoyed your excursion regardless. 😊

All the best
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-26)
Good Morning LG!

Since my old ancestral house was very close by to Ghats, Aghories are not new for me. From my childhood I have seen their general rituals. The man that we saw can't be one of them as Aghories can easily be identified through their religious things they wear. Also they always wear black ligaries.
No,I don't think I was hallucinating as the doctor had only prescribed general antibiotic pills and nothing more.
Yes, everything is going alright. Hope you must also doing great 😊.

Thanks for giving your time to read and comment.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-26)
sushantkar - I love the way you describe those waterfalls.
The man and boy sure were a disturbing sight, do you think they could be Aghori monks?


Are you aware if the medicines you were taking produce hallucinations like a side effect?

Hope everything is going well for you now.

Thanks for sharing.

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