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The Restless Spirit


Here I am going to narrate a story which is based on my mother's experience. She had a power of sensing dead persons. My mother has two brothers and three sisters. My mother is the younger one amongst them. My mama (maternal uncle) named Gopla who was also the youngest amongst his brothers and sisters, was pretty close to my mother.

Gopla was a good swimmer and he used to swim across the Ganga river which was almost two km in width every morning. My mother who is too a good swimmer and they used to compete with each other at every morning at Ganga River.

Coming back to the story, one early morning, Gopla awaken a little bit earlier than usual but my mother was still in sleep. Since he and my mother used go together for swim every day, he tried to awake her. But my mother said that she had no interest in going for a swim that day. Hearing all this, he (Gopla) went for a swim alone. After an hour or so, when my mother woke up she noticed that Gopla is not present at home. So, she immediately headed towards the ghat where they used to go for a swim. On reaching their, she didn't found her. She asked every single known person who daily makes a visit on that particular ghat, but she didn't get any satisfactory answer.

After searching for two hours, she rushed to home and told the entire incident to my nana ji (maternal grandfather). He then immediately contacted the nearing police and registered a FIR. Police then reaches to the ghat with some scuba-divers and started a rescue/search operation. The search perimeter was about 4 km in radius; but they found nothing. Then they extended their search radius from 4 to 10 kms and they also brought a motor-boat for fast searching.

Unfortunately, they found Gopla's dead body 8 km away, near to a pillar of a bridge. Actually, his body was stuck in fishing net. My nana ji almost lost his consciousness. Our whole family was in shock. My mother lost her consciousness on seeing her youngest brother's dead body.

Time has the power of healing, every one slowly but simultaneously recovered from that heart breaking incident. Three years later, my mother got married. When my mother settled in her in-law's home, she started filling Gopla's presence. One day, when she was cooking, she saw Gopla entered from kitchen's door, passed her and existed from the open window. At that time maid was too present in the kitchen. She ran away shouting and my mother fainted. My grandfather along with my father and grandmother organized a blessing and cleansing worship.

One afternoon, my grandmother was drying some papads (it is a thin, crisp disc-shaped Indian food typically based on seasoned dough made from black gram) in the terrace. As soon as she turns back, she saw a teenager boy sitting on the shade hanging both of his legs down, staring and smiling at her. My grandmother started cantering name of goddess. Few seconds later he vanishes. Again the same blessing and cleansing worship repeated.

After that he didn't appear for several years. But in the past week, my mother again seen him when she was preparing food for me as I have a cardiac arrest and I was hospitalize for a week.

I don't know why after several years, he didn't get salvation from his ghost stage and why he is showing himself up? Had he harmed anyone yet? I would say no. But every time he appears, the whole surrounding fills with a strong smell of tuberose.

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Psychicsenses (1 stories) (12 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-19)
Hey sushant,
I feel his appearance is due to the reason that the day he died, he went alone for swimming. His spirit feels that if your mom would have accompanied him, this unfortunate incident would not have happened.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-18)
Hi Pragya! I don't recall that... May be it is the time which you have said 😕.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-18)
Hi sushant isn't this the same time when your other relatives who have passed away made their appearance to your family members.?
Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-11)
Hi sushantkar! Thankyou for your reply and yeah thanks for remembering me too. I'm nowadays busy due to my studies.
But whenever I get time I use to visit this site and ESPECIALLY read your stories as they are really interesting and connective!
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-10)
Hello Aprajita! Where have you been! Your appearance was almost deserted. Hope you are doing fine.
Well sorry for the delayed reply. I am happy you liked the experience and yes ofcourse it was the eternal love which was forcing him to meet with my mother.

Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-02)
Oh my God! Seriously heart breaking.
Maybe he's appearing again and again because in his last time his beloved sister wasn't with him. And as you mentioned he was close to your mother.
But again... A very nice and interesting story
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-29)
Hi saher! Yes it is the strong bounding between them which has let him attached with my mother even after his death.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-29)
Hello AngelStar2000! No, my mother didn't tried to communicate with him as communication will attract him towards this world and would not let him get salvation. Although she had performed special worship/prayers to guide his souls towards right direction.

saher (4 stories) (52 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-28)
I guess your mama ji had an attachment towards your mom so he always wants to be with her & protect her. May he be at peace.:)
AngelStar2000 (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-24)
Hi... Sushantkar... Sorry for your Mama ji's death... Your mother is lucky beause your luved one tries to give her signs of his presence... Does she (your mom) ever tried to communicate with his brother (your mama ji)? May be that's why he is showing signs of his presence
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-20)
Hello omgovind! Thanks for your kind suggestion and reading my mom's experience.
Yes, you are right that may be it is the attraction that had created a bond even after death.

omgovind (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-17)
Hi Sushant, really feeling sad for your Mamaji, But yes, I do agree with Gayatrishiva there, As the soul does not intend to fear anyone in your family. But since it was an accidental death, He should have got re-birth by now. May be because of the strong attachment, He is still there. Some Geeta-path may free the soul I believe!
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-06)
Hi Gayatrishiva! First of all sorry for the delayed reply. My condolence for your brother. Yes you may be right. May be he was trying to show that he is still with my mother so that she don't blame herself for all that.
Thanks for reading the experience of my mother.

Gayatrishiva (3 stories) (121 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-17)
Hi sushant I differ from others and I feel your mama is not wandering around as ghost but his spirit is showing up when just to make you all feel good. Its just showing it cares. When my brother passed away I was devastated but I feel feel his presence through to dream etc when I need him or when I am low I feel he is around to just to hey I am here to care. So don't be scared and all he is just showing his love and care.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Hi sheetal! I too feel sorry after hearing this incident from my mother. Yes, I was too planning to cleanse by house again but current I am going through some serious health issues which is creating hurdles in it. I am hopping that I would recover soon from it.
Sorry for the delayed reply though.

Regards 😢
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Hello TinAA! Thanks for reading the story. I am happy that you liked it and thanks for the suggestion.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
Hey sushant... Nice to see another story of yours... I am feeling very sorry for your mama's death. His died because some careless greedy humans are there who carelessly left their aids and this happens. 😠 😠

As I suggest you in your story previous you should contact some strong priest for cleansing.

God Bless you.
TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
Hi Sushant, very nice story. But feel very sorry for your mama for his painful and sudden death. I guess he is showing up because he was very much attached to your mom or may be an unfulfilled wish. I suggest you to pray for his soul grant peace. It will surely help.
Thanks for sharing

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