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Real Ghost Stories

Reality Or Nightmare


Our company had expanded its operational areas so I got chance to visit new places which brings different experiences. Bitter and sweet both.

In the expansion process, I along with my colleague Samar (name changed) were sent to Siwan, a district in the state of Bihar (a province in east India) to examine the progress made in setting up our company's branch office.

Siwan is a small city with not much development. Since Bihar is affected with Maoist and naxal activities from a long time, its negative impact could be clearly seen. Start with richest of natural resources but despite of that slow development, poverty, lack of proper education infrastructure and improper medical facilities had gripped it badly.

Coming to the motive, we reached Siwan on Saturday late evening. We had rooms per booked in the hotel so we don't have to bother for that. After arriving to the hotel, we decided to explore the local market. As I have forth putted that it was a small city and we arrived late in the evening, so we could not roam there for much. Most of the stores were already closed. We decided not to take our dinner from the hotel perhaps we both wanted to have a bite of local road side delicacies from the stalls nearby.

After reaching to our satisfaction, we moved to our respective rooms. It would had been almost half past midnight when I heard that depressed scream. It wasn't that loud but it was still audible to drag my attention towards it. I got up and decided to investigate the matter. But as soon as I got up from my bed, I heard a hard knock on my door. When I opened the door and snooped out, to my surprise, there was no one! The corridor was quite long so it would be definitely hard for a person to play any sort of prank. As I was about to turn and locked the door, I felt a light cold rustle on my neck and the room was filled with stench. From my past experiences, it did not take long for me to understand that it was an act of ghost. So I went to my bed without getting disturbed, took out 'Hanuman Chalisa' (a Hindu devotional hymn addressed to lord Hanuman (It is said that if you keep Hanuman Chalisa it would ward off bad energies)) and putted it under my pillow and I went to sleep. I sleep sound that night.

Next morning I, along with my colleague Samar, met in the dining hall for breakfast. While taking our breakfast, Samar asked me whether I had noticed something weird last night. Till now I haven't said anything about what I had experienced the previous night. I replied him being normal that I haven't. He said that someone had knocked his door the previous night and when he snooped out, he found nothing. But as soon as he closed the door and turned back he found the windows wide open which were locked earlier. He continued and said that despite turning off the A.C., he spent whole night shivering in cold. He said that he was not feeling well.

Since this was my third consecutive tour with Samar, I interpreted the event to him and said that he might be tired off with the long tours and since he was shivering last night with cold he might have fever. I told him that we would visit a doctor this afternoon.

We spent our first half (i.e. 9:30 am to 1:30 pm) monitoring in the ongoing work at our new branch office and provide our expertise and amenities where it was required. In the afternoon, we visited a local doctor who, after examine, gave some pathology tests. After giving the required biological samples to the pathology, we spent four more hours at the new branch office and after that I called it off for the day.

We reached to the hotel by almost 9:15 pm. We took our dinner and reached to our respected rooms. I decided to sleep early that night so I prepared myself, prayed to god and went to sleep. Soon I dozed off. While asleep, I saw a dream. A dream which seems like very real... Like everything was happening in front of me.

In the dream, I saw a white chariot which was decorated with white tuberose. The fragrance of flower had spread all across the surrounding. In the center of that chariot there was laid a dead body of a man covered with white silk cloth. The chariot was escorted with men's who also had wearied white cloths from torso to the trunk (the lower half of the body). The whole surrounding was glossed with bright day light. The men escorting the chariot were mourning but despite of their mourning there was pin a drop silence and they have no expressions in their faces at all. I didn't able to see the face of that dead man. One of them who was leading the cavalcade had hold a clay urn in his hand which was filled with water on which some rose pedals were floating.

Seeing all these, I got disturbed and got awaked immediately completely poured in sweat. I started thinking why I had seen that dream and what is the connection of it with me. This was the second consecutive night when I had experienced something unnatural in that room. I checked the watch, to my surprise the time was 12:33 am! Almost the same time when I had heard that scream. At this point I decided to leave that room. I contacted in reception and inquire whether if there is any room available. To my bad luck, there was no room available so I had to stay for rest of the night there. So, I turned on the TV and somehow tried to sleep on the couch.

I would had slept for three or a half hours when my phone ranged. I was called by Samar. He had a scary voice as if he had seen a ghost. I quickly went to his room and saw that he was really quite scared. I said what had happened to him. He replied that when he came out of the bathroom he saw someone laying on his bed facing back to him and when he questioned him that who are you and how you entered in the room that person within a second dissolved in the thin air like a mist.

I asked him to wrap up his belongings as earliest as we are leaving the hotel right now. I went to my room gathered all my stuffs but when I was rechecking that whether I have taken all my belongings or not, from my left corner I saw a creature with scarlet-eye. The figure of that creature could be compared with a large quadrupedal animal. It was something which I had never seen before. It was beyond anyone's imagination and was extremely horrific.

We checked out from the hotel pretty early in the morning and booked another which was 5kms away from the previous hotel. My colleague Samar webbed off from the middle of the tour due to illness or because he was too scared... I am leaving it to your sense of judgment.

I supervised the residual work in setting up our new branch office in the remaining next two days and nothing extraordinary happened. Samar's lab test results were normal and I wasn't surprised because I knew what had happened with him.

But still few things remained unexplained for me, the dream and that creature. It is extremely hard for anyone to guess what is hidden inside the womb of the paranormal world.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sushantkar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Chiku (1 stories) (21 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-23)
Hello, It was very scary indeed to have such kind of spooky experience.
What that quadrupedal looks like?
Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-06)
Happy holi sir (be lated) thanks for replying:) I kind of agree with you but you know sometimes the curiosity gets better of us and so I just wanted to know the reason of those Hauntings. Anyway you're right.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-02)
Hello Aparajita! The reason of not asking anyone was because I don't wanted to know and I wanted to kick out the entire incidents out of my mind. Or maybe I was scared... Also sometimes, these things clinched on your back and follows.
Thanks for commenting and wishing you and your family a colourful Holi!

Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-25)
That was really creepy. God bless you and your colleague. Why didn't you inquired anything about it from the reception or any local, I mean that could've helped a bit in interpretation of whatsoever had happened with you. Anyway great story as always:)
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-08)
Hello Rook, Thank you very much pal for extracting time for replying and providing solution. I am trying all possible methods for getting rid from all these stuff. I shall let you know when anything unusual is reported.

Thank you very much again.

2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
I don't have any where near the level of experience that rook has, but I will totally back that last comment. When I had my last situation, I applied a visualisation technique that tweed recommended and found it very effective. I found tweeds way of expressing the concept to be the best advice I have ever received in the counter paranormal space: "it all boils down to intent".
And the related inference that visualisation is a means of focusing intent.

There are numerous ideas about how to go about seeing off non corporeal presences, many of these ideas are fairly ritual intensive. But the more I read on this subject, the more I lean towards the position that the content and mechanics of the procedure or ritual is not so important, it serves as a way of focussing energy on an intention.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-28)

It's been my experience that things either stay the same, energy levels do not change and the activity continues at the level it has been at or the 'spiral' continues, negative energy continues to build and the 'haunting' grows in strength.

That being said the 'key' to my Cleansing is visualization... If you can picture the ENTIRE home in your minds eye you can direct your thoughts and 'via' them positive energy into the home from wherever you are. This is not as effective as being in the Home but over time it can help change, or at least 'keep in check' the 'energy type and level' within the household.

Hope that answers your question. If not, ask away. ๐Ÿ˜‰


rynne (70 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-27)
Rook, what are the consequences if you can't or are unable to repeat the Cleansing? What are the alternatives of you do not have access to all of the space or house? (Also, have sent you a message). Thank you,
Regards, rynne
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-27)
So we have visual, audio, tactile and olfactory sensory engagement plus of course the dream.

Two apparitions, both very different. Two observers. Wonder if it was the same thing but interpreted differently by the senses of the two observers?

All very strange.

Anyone know if the funeral scene described reconciles with the norms for any particular area and if so at roughly what time periods? Wondering if the dream was more literal reconstruction or more symbolic?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-27)

Any Cleansing method has the potential to upset spirits and make them more active. The negitive ones will try to push back because they do not want to leave and the positive ones because they do not understand what is happening.

Take a moment and explain to any positive spirits that what you are doing will not effect them but that your actions are to remove negitive energies, spirits/entities. Once you do this the positive spirits should settle down and the more often you conduct the Cleansing the more the energy will change within your household... As it changes and becomes more positive... The negitive spirits will depart because the enviroment no longer has enough negitive energy to support them.

Hope this helps. Please keep us updated.


sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-26)
Hello Rook,well...I would ask for pardon for writing my problems like this but from last few months have been quite depressing for my family.

We have recently sold our ancestral house say in November 2015 and moved in a rented apartment. First month or so was quite peaceful for us but from March 2016, we are experiencing something which is quite bizarre.

I along with my mother are frequently seeing dead bodies wrapped in a white cloth, we are also seeing an archaic archer whose only one hands and left trunk are visible holding a bow (only visible half but no arrow. Could say tormented body or looked like it).

We requested our land lord for cleansing the apartment but he directly refuses.

After that I tried your certified process of cleansing from which I had got success in warding off that spirit in the past but things have now got even worse.

Now these entities are appearing more clearly and are visible even in broad day light. I request you to help us so that these objects could be ward off from my family.

I am eternally grateful to you and will in this regards.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-23)
Hello BGP, Yes, we were on the seperate floors. But I have still not figured out why I have that dream and just after that saw the creature.
Just don't able to join the thread between them.
Hopefully may be Mr. Rook could put a light on these incidences. He has been very kind and I have got help from him when I required it the most. I shall always be very thankful for his kind deeds.

babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-22)

This was like Tweed said, wow just wow! Were the two rooms next to each other or separated? I think your dream may have something to do with all of this. It may be giving you some kind of insight but you have to find the clues in it.
Whether it does or not, it was a very interesting account. Thanks for sharing.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-19)
Hello Mr Septic, Good to see you after a long time. How are you. I don't think that I should openly write the name of the hotel and I won't. But since you live close by to Siwan then I don't think that you would have to find the hotel starting from the alphabet 'M' as there are not much hotel there at babunia road. I hope that you would have got it.

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-19)
Hi Sushant!
Damn creepy experience pal ๐Ÿ˜• You were cool though, hats off๐Ÿ˜Š
I live pretty close by to Siwan. Would it be very impossible to let me know the name of THE Hotel?๐Ÿ˜ณ


Hi Holmes and Tweed!
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-19)
Good morning Val! Yes it might be the case of the rooms being haunted. Residual or not don't know but still not able to reveal any connection between the dream I have and the creature I saw.
Hope that I would get some help from here.

Thanks for comenting in my experience.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-06-19)
Hi sush,
Quite the creepy experience you had there. The holy pictures makes me wonder if those rooms had a history of being haunted. Very strange...
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-17)
Good evening Tweed! Yes the whole experience was quite disturbing. Now when I recall the event last night, one thing which I forget to add in my experience was that the room which I and Samar were given had holy pictures (in my room it was lord Shiva and in the Samar's rooms it was Goddess Durga photo) were afixed on the top of the doors. No other rooms were have such thing as weres.
I would like to thank you for reading and comenting on my experience as your thoughts and suggestions hold value for me a lot.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-17)
Sushantkar, wow just wow! Wish I had a slither of insight for you but I have none. I'm adding this to my faves because it's so gosh darn peculiar. I really love how you handled this and your attitude toward what happened. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thanks for sharing!

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